


Sex Rx电子书

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作       者:Streicher, Lauren

出  版  社:Dey Street Books


字       数:60.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Are you missing a vibrant, exciting sex life?Do you avoid sex because it is uncomfortableOr even painful?Are you coping with diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or another illness that makes sex more challenging?Have you lost interest in sex altogether?Yes, anyone can love sex again, or love sex more, with Sex Rx.For millions of women in America, sex isn't always pleasurable or even possible. Instead, sex has become a low priority as they navigate marriage, motherhood, and work . . . not to mention cope with chronic stress and lack of sleep. Throw in the natural fluctuations in hormone levels that all women experience throughout their lives and it's not surprising that sex can become, well, a little less sexy. Additionally, common gynecological problems can make sex uncomfortable, and medical issues can cause it to be downright painful. Dr. Lauren Streicher, a leading women's sexual health expert, offers women the courage, vocabulary, and knowledge to identify and solve problems in the bedroom, for a wide range of issues—from flagging libido, vaginal dryness, and sex after menopause, to hormone supplements and the effects of medication. Sex Rx offers a wealth of knowledge along with a good dose of humor and plenty of encouragement, so that women of all ages can make having great sex a part of their lives forever.




PART ONE SexAbility: A View from My Side of the Stirrups

1 Taboo Topics: Let’s Talk

2 The Science of SexAbility

3 An Up-Close View of Your Genitals

4 When Your Vagina Is in a Phunk

PART TWO SexAbilitators: Essentials to Fix What’s Broken

5 Slip-Sliding Away: Lubricants and Moisturizers

6 Kegels with a Kick

7 Say Yes to Drugs

PART THREE SexAbility Saboteurs

8 It Hurts!

9 A Real Pain in the Pelvis

10 Lost My Mojo

11 Nothing’s Happening

PART FOUR Hormone Havoc

12 I Am Woman—Hear Me ROAR

13 Hormone Hell

14 The Cold Truth About Hot Flashes

PART FIVE You’re Special

15 Medical Conditions

16 I’m Glad to Be Alive but ...

PART SIX Other People

17 Finding a Clinician Who Will Actually Listen

18 Dating Dangers

PART SEVEN Taking Your New SexAbility to the Next Level

19 Vaginal Vanity

20 Toys You Don’t Want to Share with Your Children



Also by Lauren Streicher, MD



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