


Aging Backwards电子书

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作       者:Esmonde-White, Miranda

出  版  社:Harper Wave


字       数:29.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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"Every day, we have a very clear choice: We can grow older or we can grow younger."In recent years the field of aging research has exploded with new clinical findings. Many widely accepted ideas about aging—including those about the inevitability of our declining metabolism, our dying brain cells, and our deteriorating muscles and bones—have been debunked. Today we know that the physical signs of aging are far more a product of lifestyle choices than of calendar years. Aging Backwards offers an exciting and comprehensive plan for actively slowing down and even reversing the aging process through gentle exercise that develops strong, flexible muscles.Why focus on strengthening musclesBecause as Miranda Esmonde-White, PBS fitness personality and creator of the Essentrics technique, explains, our muscle cells are the keys to our longevity. The powerhouses of our cells, the mitochondria, keep us looking and feeling young—and muscle cells contain more mitochondria than any other part of our body. If we can keep our mitochondrian fires burning, our muscles—not to mention our bones, hearts, lungs, and skin—can all experience the vitality of youth. And the best news of all is that it takes just thirty minutes a day of gentle exercise to keep muscles strong. With eight basic age-reversing workouts that build core strength, lengthen and tone muscle, increase flexibility, and speed weight loss, Aging Backwards offers the information and tools to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.


Introduction The Myth of Aging

Part I: How and Why We Age

Chapter 1 What Is Aging?

Chapter 2 The Building Blocks of Life and Our Inner Fountain of Youth

Chapter 3 “Why Do I Suddenly Feel So Old?” How Your Body Responds to the Big 4-0

Chapter 4 Meet Your Muscles, Ligaments, and Joints

Part II: How We Stay Young and Healthy

Chapter 5 Stretch It Out: Flexibility Is the Fountain of Youth

Chapter 6 Maximize Muscle Power: Boosting Strength and Endurance

Chapter 7 Get Moving: The Connection Between Fitness and Disease Prevention

Chapter 8 Prevent and Heal After Injury

Part II: The Eight Age-Reversing Workouts

Chapter 9 How to Do the Workouts

Chapter 10 Straighten Your Posture

Chapter 11 Speed Your Weight Loss

Chapter 12 Soothe Your Joints

Chapter 13 Increase Your Energy

Chapter 14 Relieve Your Pain

Chapter 15 Enhance Your Balance

Chapter 16 Improve Your Mobility

Chapter 17 Protect Your Bones

Afterword The Power of Life




About the Author


About the Publisher

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