


HarperCollins e-books电子书

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作       者:Graber, Geoff

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:29.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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All In: Poker Night Lessons for Winning Big at Your Career goes beyond any of the other bestselling poker books on the market and at last tells you how to put your poker playing skills to use in the business world. What if the rules and strategies of poker were the same as those More...you use in your real lifeWhat if your real life were an exciting game filled with challenging opponents and chances to win bigWhat if your job was as much fun as your weekly poker gameWell, it can be - and All in will show you how. With this book you'll learn how to: know the rules and know your opponent; define your playing style and leave your emotions at the door; make the most out of a great hand and minimize your mistakes; know when and how to bluff, and know when you're beat; and always keep them guessing, and know when to go all in! The modern-day world of corporate politics is very similar to poker. It's a game where anticipating your opponent's next move and making educated guesses at the cards they hold in their hand is just as important as knowing how to play your own hand and having a strategy for how you want to be perceived by others. All you have to know are the basic rules of the game to benefit from this book. Its theories and ideas can be applied to all facets of the business world. From the student to the CEO, anyone who is looking for a way to take control of their career and have fun while doing it will benefit from this book.


Title Page



Rule 1: Know the Rules-Dead Money

Rule 2: Know Your Opponent-Reading ’Em Blind

Rule 3: Define Your Playing Style-The Stranger

Rule 4: Leave Your Emotions at the Door-Going on Tilt

Rule 5: Make the Most out of a Great Hand-Slow-Playing

Rule 6: Treat Your Career as a Tournament-The Final Table

Rule 7: Know When and How to Bluff-The Art of Bluffing and Semibluffing

Rule 8: Know When You’re Beat-The Tragedy of Pairing

Rule 9: Always Keep Them Guessing-Small Suited Connectors

Rule 10: Know When to Put All Your Chips into the Pot-Going All In



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