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How This Book Works
Chest, Triceps & Biceps #1: Bodyweight Hit & Split Routine
Chest, Triceps & Biceps #2: Dumbbell Routine
Chest, Triceps & Biceps #3: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Routine I
Chest, Triceps & Biceps #4: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Routine II
Chest, Triceps & Biceps #5: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Routine III
Chest & Biceps #1: Bodyweight Routine
Chest & Biceps #2: Dumbbell Hit & Split Routine
Chest & Biceps #3: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Hit & Split Routine
Triceps & Biceps #1: Bodyweight Routine
Triceps & Biceps #2: Dumbbell Hit & Split Routine
Triceps & Biceps #3: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Routine
Chest #1: Bodyweight Routine
Chest #2: Dumbbell Routine
Chest #3: Hybrid Bodyweight & Dumbbell Routine
Triceps #1: Bodyweight Routine
Triceps #2: Dumbbell Routine
Triceps #3: Hybrid Bodyweight & Dumbbell Routine
Biceps #1: Bodyweight Routine
Biceps #2: Dumbbell Routine
Biceps #3: Hybrid Bodyweight & Dumbbell Routine
Glossary of Exercises
Chest Exercises: Bench Push-Up
DB Lying Fly
DB Lying Press
DB Lying Pullover
Declined Push-Up
Hindu Push-Up
Inclined Push-Up
Pike Push-Up
Push-Up Planks
Push-Up - Staggered
Triceps Exercises: Close Grip Push-Up
DB Bent Kickback
DB Lying Press - Close Grip
DB Overhead Extension
Declined Push-Up - Close Grip
Hindu Push-Up - Close Grip
Pike Push-Up - Close Grip
Biceps Exercises: Close Grip Inverted Row
Close Grip Pull-Up
DB Curl
DB Curl & Press
DB Squatted Concentration Curl
DB Zottman Curl
Mixed Grip Pull-Up
Underhand Inverted Row
Underhand Pull-Up
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