


The Chest and Arms Workout Plan:Firm, Tone, and Tighten Your Upper Body电子书

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作       者:Dale L. Roberts

出  版  社:One Jacked Monkey LLC


字       数:3.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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The Ultimate Chest and Arms Exercise & Fitness Program - Discover How You Can Build A Solid Upper Body Faster TODAY! If you hate working out and having to exercise; if you feel like your workouts and exercises are long and boring; or if you feel like your workouts and exercises aren't doing anything for you... Then, The Chest and Arms Workout Plan is just for you! This book shows you how to firm, tone and tighten your upper body including how to: -Start losing weight without working out as hard -Begin burning all that stubborn fat, especially chest and arm fat -Say goodbye to jiggly arms and other problematic areas in your upper body -Say goodbye to long, dull, boring workouts and exercises -Get excited about having to exercise and workout - EVERY TIME! The Chest and Arms Workout Plan is chock full of exercises, instructions, full-color pictures and over 20 workout programs to keep your exercise routine fun, exciting and successful. Get Your Copy Today!


How This Book Works

Chest, Triceps & Biceps #1: Bodyweight Hit & Split Routine

Chest, Triceps & Biceps #2: Dumbbell Routine

Chest, Triceps & Biceps #3: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Routine I

Chest, Triceps & Biceps #4: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Routine II

Chest, Triceps & Biceps #5: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Routine III

Chest & Biceps #1: Bodyweight Routine

Chest & Biceps #2: Dumbbell Hit & Split Routine

Chest & Biceps #3: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Hit & Split Routine

Triceps & Biceps #1: Bodyweight Routine

Triceps & Biceps #2: Dumbbell Hit & Split Routine

Triceps & Biceps #3: Hybrid Dumbbell & Bodyweight Routine

Chest #1: Bodyweight Routine

Chest #2: Dumbbell Routine

Chest #3: Hybrid Bodyweight & Dumbbell Routine

Triceps #1: Bodyweight Routine

Triceps #2: Dumbbell Routine

Triceps #3: Hybrid Bodyweight & Dumbbell Routine

Biceps #1: Bodyweight Routine

Biceps #2: Dumbbell Routine

Biceps #3: Hybrid Bodyweight & Dumbbell Routine

Glossary of Exercises

Chest Exercises: Bench Push-Up

DB Lying Fly

DB Lying Press

DB Lying Pullover

Declined Push-Up


Hindu Push-Up

Inclined Push-Up

Pike Push-Up


Push-Up Planks

Push-Up - Staggered

Triceps Exercises: Close Grip Push-Up

DB Bent Kickback

DB Lying Press - Close Grip

DB Overhead Extension

Declined Push-Up - Close Grip

Hindu Push-Up - Close Grip

Pike Push-Up - Close Grip

Biceps Exercises: Close Grip Inverted Row

Close Grip Pull-Up

DB Curl

DB Curl & Press

DB Squatted Concentration Curl

DB Zottman Curl

Mixed Grip Pull-Up

Underhand Inverted Row

Underhand Pull-Up


Thank You

About the Author

An Exclusive Bonus

More by Dale L. Roberts

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