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作       者:全国妇联

出  版  社:中国妇女出版社


字       数:32.9万

所属分类: 生活 > 亲子/家教 > 家教理论与方法



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Stories of Women Shaking Off Poverty

The Thriving Power of Knowledge

Liang Hongxiao, Tianyu Professional Cooperative of Fruit Seedlings in Pingshan County, Hebei Province

Chicken-Raising for Prosperity

Guo Rongrong, Shipantou Village, Yangping Town, Kelan County, Shanxi Province

Prosperity Through Folk Tourism of China’s “Hometown of Reindeer”

Bu Dongxia, Aoluguya Ewenki Town, Genhe City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Dreams Come True with Village Taobao

Wang Xue, Fushan Village, Yanhe Town, Yanshou County, Heilongjiang Province

Shaking Off Poverty Through Wisdom and Showing Women’s Spirit

Zhao Xiaofeng, Lizhuang Village, Huankou Town, Feng County, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province

A Leader in the First Line of Poverty Alleviation

Fang Chengxia, Gaoshan Village, Longqiao Town, Lujiang County, Anhui Province

Standing on Her Own in Youth and Never Giving Up

Yang Chunxiao, Wenzhuang Village, Gaiyang Town, Mingxi County, Fujian Province

After Reaching Prosperity, Forget Not Your Fellow Villagers

Zhang Danying, Hejia Village, Yangxi Town, Yujiang County, Jiangxi Province

Sewing Together Golden Days

Li Jinmei, Maguantun Village, Leiji Town, Xiajin County, Shandong Province

Embracing Happiness in the Darkness

Zheng Yurong, Luanshipan Village, Xiatang Town, Lushan County, Henan Province

A Red Lotus Blooming on the Way out of Poverty

Xia Cuihong, Dawan Village, Huanggaihu Town, Chibi City, Hubei Province

Helping a Poor Mother Hold Up the Sky

Liu Xiaomeng, Dacun Village, Jingpo Town, Rucheng County, Hunan Province

From Poor Housewife to Cattle Rancher

Zhou Hongfen, Ximen Village, Guizi Town, Xinyi City, Guangdong Province

Charity Leading to Prosperity

Xie Guirong, Dapo Village, Huangzhu Town, Ding’an County, Hainan Province

Painting Birds to Fly Free from Poverty

Yang Erlang, Yangwu Town, Danzhai County, Guizhou Province

Holding Up the Great Blue Sky on Small Shoulders

He Zhangfen, Xinjie Domestic Service Department, Malong County, Yunnan Province

Poverty Is to Be Conquered, Not Feared

Qun Zong, Chabala Village, Qushui County, Tibet Autonomous Region

Blazing the Trail to Shaking Off Poverty and Finding Prosperity

Wang Xiling, Wujia Village, Zhaogong Town, Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province

Rebirth in Adversity

Yang Yingtong, Xinglong Town, Xihe County, Longnan City, Gansu Province

The Capable Woman Who Shook Off Poverty

Chu Weilan, Dongshan Village, Xitan Town, Menyuan County, Qinghai Province

Weaving a Beautiful Road to Prosperity

Li Qiumei, Qingxia Female Handicraft Weaving Co., Ltd., Qingtongxia City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

A Disabled Mother’s Skillful Hands

Li Yuhui, Caikannuo’er Town, Bohu County, Bayingol Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Mountain of Prosperity

Ghunchqem Tohti, 15th Company, 4th Regiment, 1st Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

Always Engage in Poverty Alleviation Wholeheartedly

Chen Yuancai, Tianjin Yuancai Culture and Creative Co., Ltd.

Stories of Women Officials in the Poverty Alleviation Campaign

Poverty Alleviation, from a “Novice”to a “Veteran”

Huang Wenxiu, Publicity Department of the CPC Baise Municipal Committee, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

A Spark of Hope Illuminating Her and Warming Others

Zhang Hui, Women’s Federation of Xingtai City, Hebei Province

Helpful Solutions for a Poor Village

Liu Xiaoyan, Women’s Federation of Lvliang City, Shanxi Province

Bosom Friend of the People in Hahaigou Village

Zhou Yuefei, Women’s Federation of Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Devotion to the People: Poverty Alleviation

Cheng Wei, Women’s Federation of Beipiao City, Liaoning Province

Like a Family Member to the Villagers

Yan Xiujuan, Women’s Federation of Tongyu County, Jilin Province

A Leader for a Poor Village

Shen Miao, Women’s Federation of Nenjiang County, Heilongjiang Province

The Woman Secretary on the Front Line of Poverty Alleviation

Zhu Fang, Women’s Federation of Zhangguan Town, Linquan County, Anhui Province

Wonderful Tactics and Practical Results

Cai Jie, Women’s Federation of Taiping Town, Zhao’an County, Fujian Province

A Beautiful Secretary’s Work in Poverty Alleviation

Zhong Cuijuan, Qiaoshan Town Government, Ju County, Rizhao City, Shandong Province

A Labor of Love to Bring Hope to a Village

Wang Jing, Development and Reform Commission of Jiaozuo City, Henan Province

A Capable Woman Who Led the Villagers out of Poverty and into a Well-off Society

Tang Ying, Qingliba Village, Gaoping Town, Jianshi County, Hubei Province

The Bittersweet Road to Poverty Alleviation

Hunan Women’s Federation Village Poverty Alleviation Team

Eight Years of Poverty Alleviation

Liu Xiaolin, Women’s Federation of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

A Female Official in Poverty Alleviation Who Sings a Different Tune

Lu Dongxiang, Women’s Federation of Qiaoma Village, Wucun Town, Tianyang County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Serving the Poor with a Heart of Gold

Wang Yanyan, Bureau of Work Safety of Ding’an County, Hainan Province

A Considerate Official Helping Women Shake Off Poverty

Zhang Xia, Women’s Federation of Yunyang County, Chongqing

Encouraging Women’s Aspirations and Tamping the Way out of Poverty

Pan Xiang, Women’s Federation of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province

The Lead Goose

Huang Ruxiu, Guyang Women’s Federation, Changshun County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province

The Good Life of “Serving the People”

Zhang Weimei, Women’s Federation of Yaoguan Town, Shidian County, Yunnan Province

Helping Those in Poverty Through Sincerity

Ouzhu Quncuo, Jiama Town, Mozhugongka County, Lhasa City, Tibet Autonomous Region

Treating Villagers as Relatives and Lifting Them out of Poverty

Wang Qingfang, Shaanxi Women’s Federation

Helping the Poverty Stricken and Promoting Women’s Achievement

Chen Jing, Women’s Federation of Liuhu Town, Yumen City, Gansu Province

A Mission to Transform

Yao Yang, Qinghai Women’s Federation

Warming the Heart Through Poverty Alleviation

Patime, Jinghe County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Raising Sails in the Winds of Women’s Lives

Wang Zhenhui, 29th Regiment, 2nd Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

Dedication and Commitment Without Complaint or Regret

Gao Hongliang, Organization Department of the All-China Women’s Federation

Postscript from the Translation Team


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