


The Green Smoothie and Juicing Bundle电子书

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作       者:Dale L. Roberts

出  版  社:One Jacked Monkey LLC


字       数:6.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 饮食/健康



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Over 60 Delicious Green Smoothie & Juicing Recipes to Destroy Fat!? Learn How Green Smoothies & Juicing are the Best Kept Secrets to Losing Weight! Have you struggled to shake off that unwanted fat? Or, do you drop the weight only to have it come back time and again? Then, The Green Smoothie & Juicing Bundle?has exactly what you've needed all along! The Green Smoothie & Juicing Bundle includes: ·Over 30 different, green smoothie recipes·Over 30 different juicer recipes for fruit and vegetable blends·How to get all of the USDA's recommended daily intake for vegetables and fruits·What food is ideal to make the best beverage·How to thicken a smoothie to your preference·How to prepare the vegetables and fruits·What amounts of food makes the best beverage·An understanding of why green smoothies & juicing is so effective for weight loss·How to get the most from every glass for losing weight·Tips to alter flavors to your taste·Advice on how to save money when juicing·Recipes that will suit all dietary lifestyles - vegans, and vegetarians·And, much more!· Included in this book is a glossary of ingredients that explains the benefits and how to utilize each recipe best. This glossary of ingredients gives a better understanding of why each fruit or vegetable is ideal for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Get Your Copy TODAY!


The Best Green Smoothies for Weight Loss

Instructions for Green Smoothies

Preparation for Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies Recipes: Super Green Blends

Kale & Spinach Blends

Super Green Blend II

Spinach/Kale Tropical Mix

Kale/Spinach Blend

Spinach/Kale Blend

Kale Blends

Sweet Potato Orange Green

Kale & Hemp

Kale Blueberries Banana

Kale Lemon Banana

Kale Banana Pumpkin

Kale & Cranberry

Kale Mango

Kale & Kiwi

Spinach Blends

Spinach Lime Banana

Spinach Banana Berry

Tropical Spinach Blend

Glowing Green

Spinach Mango

Spinach Berries Chia

Spinach Peach Orange

Spinach Cilantro Banana

Spinach Apple Peach

Spinach Cucumber Carrot

Spinach Grape Banana

The Lean Green Blend

Spinach Pistachio

Spinach Papaya

Spinach & Pear

Spinach & Berries

Red Velvet Gone Green

Fake Shamrock Shake

Raspberry Shortcake

Spinach & Strawberry

Spinach, Grapefruit, Watermelon & Banana

Green Ingredients Glossary

Miscellaneous Ingredients Glossary

Green Smoothies Conclusion

The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

Juicing Equipment Needed & Directions

Juicing Recipes

Juicing Ingredients Glossary: Fruit Facts

Fruit Glossary

Vegetable Facts

Vegetable Glossary

Thank You

About The Author

My Other Work

Special Thanks

An Exclusive Bonus



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