本书系统整理了中医药有关免疫病的文献, 并结合临床实际应用编撰而成。本书在总体论述免疫性疾病辨证治疗思路的基础上, 归纳了免疫性疾病的常用中药与方剂, 并分别从感染免疫病、风湿免疫病、变态反应病、肿瘤免疫病、移植免疫病、免疫缺陷病、儿童与老年免疫病、各临床专科免疫病(呼吸系统、心血管系统、消化系统、内分泌系统、血液系统、泌尿系统、神经系统、皮肤、生殖系统、五官) 等方面比较系统地介绍了中医药辨证论治的理法方药以及研究的思路和方法。
The Joyce Maynard Collection
From New York Times bestselling author Joyce Maynard comes three poignant and unforgettable novels.Labor Day—The story of a mother and son forever changed during a long summer weekend when a mysterious man comes into their lives. Labor Day is a beautiful, poignant tale of love, sex, adolescence, and devastating treachery as seen through the eyes of a young teenager—and the man he later becomes.The Good Daughters—A spellbinding novel about friendship, family secrets, and the strange, unexpected twists of fate that shape our lives. The story of two women born the same day in the same hospital, but raised in vastly different emotional environments, The Good Daughters is another high note in Maynard's already distinguished writing career.After Her—Loosely inspired by the Trailside Killer case, After Her is part thriller, part love story—a suspenseful and painfully real family saga that traces a young girl's first sexual explorations, the loss of innocence, the bond shared by sisters, and the tender but damaged relationship between a girl and her father that endures even beyond the grave.
人气作家东奔西顾浪漫甜蜜六部曲,深情浪漫的爱情经典,带你重拾青春的心动感觉! 《回眸一笑》内容简介:你回眸一笑,我记得好多年。清冷矜贵萧子渊VS温婉大方随忆,某人,我要你在我身边猖狂一辈子。回眸一笑倾城起,恋卿已是十四年;花飞花谢无所顾,相思已是不曾闲。 《君子有九思》内容简介:顾九思吐槽顶头上司陈慕白“五行缺德,命中带贱,是个珍藏级的‘贱男春’”时,从未想过这话会原封不动传到陈慕白耳中。更没想到这个人中翘楚会骄傲地当面宣称:“将此评语作为座右铭,身体力行、执行到底,生命不息、奋斗不止。” 老天果然待自己不薄。 顾九思也从未想过,有朝一日,这个风流*的傲娇鬼居然是自己亲自来接盘。 当然也没有想过,他会那么早就动了心,会那么不顾一切保护自己,会那么温柔深情地携手白头…… 君子有九思,情思在慕白。 《以你为名的小时光》内容简介:乔乐曦没想到有朝一日,自己去江家见长辈竟然也会紧张不安。两家世交、比邻而居,她在江家蹭的饭比在自己家吃的还多,得到的宠爱也比江家小四多得多。 每次都是风风火火地来,江圣卓逃课被抓,她来圆谎;江小四买了骚气的跑车被骂,她来救场;江蝴蝶闹绯闻被催婚,她来扮演乖乖女哄老人家高兴……这一次却不同,再美的媳妇儿也怕见公婆呀! 从小到大,从今往后,我的生命我的时光,都以你为名。 《只想和你好好的》内容简介:那年夏天,知了声声,在学生会的面试上,纪思璇狡黠地看着乔裕,笑语盈盈地当众宣布:“你以后就是我的人了。” 六年后,再度重逢,能让乔裕微笑的事,清晨柔和的日光、午后轻徐的微风、和晚上温柔的那句晚安,永远都只是因为纪思璇。 建筑系妖女VS温润儒雅学长,那天的天很蓝,微风吹起你的长发和衣角。你在画风景,而我在画你。 《云深清浅时》内容简介:萧云醒是令全校女生崇拜心动的风云校草和学霸少年,只可远观不可亵玩,唯独对转学过来的“小青梅”陈清欢绽放笑颜,百般宠溺;陈清欢是骄矜霸道又天真呆萌的数学天才,数学是天赋,而爱他是她的理想,永远跟在他的身旁。 他们一个等,一个追,双双保送理想大学。毕业后,学霸骄矜少女“小奶欢”继承其父在金融圈叱咤风云,成为行业精英“小陈总”,而运筹帷幄的学神少年萧云醒没有子承父志,却在航天研究院里为国贡献,笃定、坚守…… 我心上的那个人,她对我的喜欢,用尽所有力气。我想告诉她,一往无前,此情可待。 《你是我的小确幸》内容简介:【甜宠+久别重逢+双向暗恋+医生文】邢菲、唐晓天主演《我的小确幸》原著小说,清冷律政俏佳人vs温润腹黑男医生,超人气作家东奔西顾甜宠力作!原来,你是我想留住的微小的、确定的幸福。 温少卿,坐诊时谈笑风生,手术台上气定神闲。他从未想过,这个世界上会有一个女人对他说,她会在她的领域里横刀立马、护他周全。 丛容,凭借三寸不烂之舌在律师圈叱咤风云。她从未想过,竟然有人能堵得她哑口无言,却心里生花。 国外求学归来,丛容成为一家律所的合伙人,原以为生活就会这样运转下去,却没料想她暗恋多年的人搬到了她的对门,两人成了邻居。 电梯里,温少卿饶有兴致地盯着丛容:“听说……” “你跟别人说你喜欢我?” 丛容不知道的是,恰好医生也喜欢律师。 余生相陪,确幸的不只是他,你之深情,我之确幸。
南非曾是一片种族隔离和种族压迫*为深重的土地,是一个“黑白分明”的世界,黑人与白人之间堆叠了数百年的压迫、仇恨和冤冤相报的杀戮。幸运的是,南非不仅有曼德拉这样的伟人,还有改变了南非甚至也改变了世界的“南非真相与和解委员会”。作为真相与和解委员会的主席,德斯蒙德·图图大主教以他的深邃智慧和无畏的精神,向世界解答了南非在社会转型的关键时刻,何以在“纽伦堡审判”和“全民遗忘”之外,选择了第三条道路,即以赦免换取罪恶真相的完全披露,实现加害者与受害者的和解,走出以血还血的漩涡,走出撕裂的历史。书中有诸多怵目惊心的悲惨故事,以及因种族隔离制度造成的无处不在的不平等,但在揭露加害者的邪恶、凶残、麻木的同时,也展现了震撼人心的人性的闪光。 修复未来,南非的创举,为全世界提供了一个解决历史遗留问题的新思维。无论国家或是个人,勇于揭历史的疮疤,挤出淤积其中的脓血,才能真正康复,真正迎全新的未来。 书中另配有14幅精选的图片。
日本名家作品合集(石田衣良、片山恭一、夏目漱石等 共12册)
Best of Fiona Harper (Mills & Boon e-Book Collections)
Ten warm, funny, and fantastic stories from Fiona Harper, author of Make My Wish Come True. From a vintage weekend to a whirlwind Vegas romance to a daring surprise proposal, these are the perfect romantic reads to curl up with.
Secret Trust of Aspasia Cruvellier Mirault
Throughout the seven-year journey of researching and writing this book, I have been the fortunate beneficiary of much guidance, support, and encouragement.Institutional support came in the way of a year-long sabbatical from my teaching and administrative duties at Clark Atlanta University.That sabbatical period, occurring early in the life of this project, gave me the time to conceptualize my ideas about Aspasia Mirault and her nineteenth-century world and to construct a first draft of the manu*.I am grateful also for two awards received in my current role as a faculty member at Huston-Tillotson University.A Sam Taylor Fellowship Award from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church provided funding for two visits to archival repositories at the final stages of this project.For the past two Decembers, I received UNCF-Mellon Book/Research Awards from the UNCFMellon Programs.These awards were used to purchase photographs and to defray duplicating costs.
We Wanna Boogie: The Rockabilly Roots of Sonny Burgess and the Pacers
Rock and roll pioneer and Newport native Sonny Burgess is a member of the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. In this book full of personal interviews and remembrances, Burgess and his band tell of their original recordings for Sun Records in the 1950s; their shows with greats such as Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis; and their success in the contemporary rockabilly revival. This also is the history of a once prominent and spirited Delta community of extensive agricultural wealth. Newport was home to numerous music clubs that hosted national artists as well as illicit backroom gambling. Burgess is a product of this history, and his vivacious music is shaped by his hometown and the dramatic transformation of southern rural life it witnessed.
2019年,哪些行业小趋势值得把握——商业周刊精选系列(全25册) (商业周刊/中文版)
套装包含:《商业周刊/中文版:The Year Ahead 展望2019(上下)》、《商业周刊/中文版:测试与突破:人工智能与大数据》、《商业周刊/中文版:企鹅帝国3000亿》、《商业周刊/中文版:数字货币:世界为我疯狂》、《商业周刊/中文版:智能无形》、《商业周刊/中文版:消费电子 - 极客与商人》、《商业周刊/中文版:消费电子 - 日常不寻常》、《商业周刊/中文版:金融家总是对的么(下)》、《商业周刊/中文版:危机与收益:全球保险行业》、《商业周刊/中文版:科技与竞技——体育世界的演进之路》、《商业周刊/中文版:燃情与放飞——世界杯激活商业》等。。。。。。
当代摄影,无论从器材还是技法,已然可以捕捉到空气中细微的尘埃。 然而只有在通透、澄净、清朗的空气中,各种光影变幻之下,大自然所呈现出的纯美色彩才能得以真实、自然地还原和再现。换句话说,只有在一个纯净的世界中,才可以得见为纯净的光线和色彩。
GB/T 50770-2013 石油化工安全仪表系统设计规范 (英文版)
住房城乡建设部关于发布《石油化工工程防渗技术规范》等7项工程建设标准英文版的公告 现在批准《石油化工工程防渗技术规范》(GB/T 50934-2013),《石油化工安全仪表系统设计规范》(GB/T 50770-2013),《石油化工钢制低温储罐激素和规范》(GB/T 50938-2013),《石油化工装置设计文件编制标准》(GB/T 50933-2013),《石油化工用机泵工程设计规范》(GB/T 51007-2014),《石油化工建(构)筑物荷载规范》(GB51006-2014)英文版,工程建设标准英文版与中文版出现异议时,以中文版为准。该7项工程建设标准英文版由住房城乡建设部组织中国出版社出版发行。 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部 2018年9月4日
GB/T 50934-2013 石油化工工程防渗技术规范 (英文版)
住房城乡建设部关于发布《石油化工工程防渗技术规范》等7项工程建设标准英文版的公告 现在批准《石油化工工程防渗技术规范》(GB/T 50934-2013),《石油化工安全仪表系统设计规范》(GB/T 50770-2013),《石油化工钢制低温储罐激素和规范》(GB/T 50938-2013),《石油化工装置设计文件编制标准》(GB/T 50933-2013),《石油化工用机泵工程设计规范》(GB/T 51007-2014),《石油化工建(构)筑物荷载规范》(GB51006-2014)英文版,工程建设标准英文版与中文版出现异议时,以中文版为准。该7项工程建设标准英文版由住房城乡建设部组织中国出版社出版发行。 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部 2018年9月4日
GB 50169-2016 电气装置安装工程 接地装置施工及验收规范 (英文版)
Finding the Lost Year
This book would not have been written without the advice and generous kindness of friends, colleagues, and those who were once strangers. Because the research for this book began over thirteen years ago, citing each individual who helped me along the way is impossible, but to each of you I am grateful. For the many Lost Year participants who granted me interviews, thank you for allowing me to tell your story. For all those at the University of Arkansas Special Collections, the University of Central Arkansas Archives, and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Archives, I am appreciative of your responses to my many requests for help. A number of institutions provided funding for the research for this book, as well as the research and production of the sixty-minute documentary entitled The Lost Year: the Arkansas Council for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Fred Darragh Foundation, and the President's Fund at the University of Central Arkansas. Funding for the Web site www.thelostyear.com came from the Bridge Fund at the Arkansas Community Foundation.
The Civilization Of Ancient Egypt
A leading historian and bestselling author re-creates the growth, decline, and legacy of 3,000 Years of Egyptian civilization with an authoritative text splendidly illustrated with 150 illustrations in full color.Ancient Egypt, with its legacy of pyramids, pharaohs and sphinxes, is a land of power and mystery to the modern world. In The Civilization of Ancient Egypt Paul Johnson explores the growth and decline of a culture that survived for 3,000 years and maintained a purity of style that rivals all others. Johnson's study looks in detail at the state, religion, culture and geographical setting and how they combined in this unusually enduring civilization. From the beginning of Egyptian culture to the rediscovery of the pharaohs, the book covers the totalitarian theocracy, the empire of the Nile, the structure of dynastic Egypt, the dynastic way of death, hieroglyphs, the anatomy of perspective art and, finally, the decline and fall of the pharaohs, Johnson seeks, through an exciting combination of images and analysis, to discover the causes behind the collapse of this, great civilization while celebrating the extra-ordinary legacy it has left behind.Paul Johnson on Ancient Egypt and the Egyptians"Egypt was not only the first state, it was the first country.... The durability of the state which thus evolved was ensured by the overwhelming simplicity and power of its central institution, the theocratic monarchy." "The Egyptians did not share the Babylonian passion for astrology, but they used the stars as one of many guides to behavior. No Egyptian believed in a free exercise of will in important decisions: he always looked for an omen or a prophecy or an oracle." "The development of hieroglyphics mirrors and epitomizes the history of Egyptian civilization. . . . No one outside Egypt understood it and even within Egypt it was the exclusive working tool of the ruling and priestly classes. The great mass of Egyptians were condemned to illiteracy by the complexities (and also the beauties) of the Egyptian written language.""The affection the Egyptians were not. ashamed to display towards their children was related to the high status women enjoyed in Egyptian society.""If we can understand Egyptian art we can go a long way towards grasping the very spirit and outlook on life, of this gifted people, so remote in time. The dynamic of their civilization seems to have been a passionate love of order (maat to them), by which they sought to give to human activities and creations the same regularity as their landscape, their great river, their sun-cycle and their immutable seasons."
The Looks of Love
Hal Rubenstein, author of the bestselling 100 Unforgettable Dresses, explores the union of love and fashion in fifty fully illustrated, entertaining stories highlighting landmark moments in style.This gorgeous anthology examines the marriage of love and style in fashion, film and television, music, politics and royalty, and advertising in contemporary culture. From extraordinary runway shows like Alexander McQueen's stunning dance-marathon presentation inspired by the film They Shoot Horses, Don't Theyto shoulder-pad-clad Krystle and Alexis Carrington's jealous catfights on Dynasty, from all eight of Elizabeth Taylor's wedding ensembles to the gleaming, entwined nude bodies in Calvin Klein's first ad campaign for Obsession, every entry addresses the concept and entertaining backstory of each significant stop along our cultural timeline, elaborating on its influences and design details as well as its contribution to fashion and sway in popular culture. Rubenstein also includes stories and quotations from more than a dozen world-class designers and commercial artisans interviewed especially for the book. Travel to Paris to experience some of the greatest fashion shows in history, including Marc Jacobs's Louis Vuitton Express and John Galliano's extravaganza for Christian Dior at the Palais Garnier. Discover the secrets about the making of director Baz Luhrmann's $30 million short film for Chanel No 5, starring Nicole Kidman. Go behind the scenes in Vera Wang's studio to learn the real story of the unforgettable yellow gown Michelle Williams wore to the Academy Awards, when she and Heath Ledger were Hollywood's "It" couple. Examine the world's ongoing romance with James Dean and his black motorcycle jacket, how Doris Day's sex comedies made her a pioneer of women's liberation, and why Woodstock lives on in bohemian style.With its delightful anecdotes, captivating facts, insider's perspective on fashion, and lots of pop-culture dish, The Looks of Love is an informative, entertaining read for anyone who loves fashion, film and music, celebrity, and a tug or two at the heart.With 225 full-color and black-and-white photographs
Match Prints
Match Prints is a visual and editorial dialogue between two important photographers and longtime friends. Over the course of their twenty-year friendship, Jim Marshall and Timothy White discovered that their work often shared striking similarities despite time differences of as much as three decades. Sometimes the similarity presented itself in the form of a common pose or expression, a common prop or situation. Sometimes the photographers' subject was the same, the images taken decades apart. Marshall and White have collaborated in selecting more than fifty stunning pairings for publication for the first time in Match Prints. An introduction by renowned music writer Anthony DeCurtis compares the work of the two photographers and provides firsthand behind-the-scenes anecdotes an entertaining, informative read that sheds light on the photographers' approach to their work and captures the essence of their enduring friendship. Also included throughout the book are first-person anecdotes from the subjects themselves on the images and their creation.Whether poignant, dramatic, hilarious, or shocking, these are powerful visual pairings by two masters of photography.