

《大脑传》内容简介:我们的感觉和身体活动的指令来自何方,情绪、意识、学习与记忆等认知活动的居所又在哪里?自有文字记载起,人类对这些问题就从未停止过好奇。漫漫几千年来,我们对这些问题的认识从朴素、粗浅的心灵中心观,走到了精细、深入的脑中心观。脑,这个“已知宇宙中*复杂的物体”,吸引了人类历史上很多聪颖的头脑去破解它的秘密。 在认识脑工作机制的过程中,人类一直在使用各种隐喻,这些隐喻无一不受技术、时代以及人类当时对脑认知水平的限制,在完成自己的历史使命后会被新的隐喻所取代。在《大脑传》中,作者马修·科布以脑的隐喻为切入点,介绍了人类脑的认识史上一个又一个里程碑,以及那些做出伟大发现的科学家。从心智源自心脏的观点到把脑视作机器的机械观,从电与神经活动的关系到神经系统的神经元学说,从神经信号如何表征信息到脑功能的局域化定位与分散式分布之争,从把脑看作一成不变的电路到把脑视作一个具有可塑性的网络,作者历数了人类对脑认识的曲折演进历程,讲述了脑科学研究对计算机、人工智能等领域的诞生和发展产生的深远影响,勾勒出了一部群星闪耀、波澜壮阔的科学史诗。 《逆龄大脑:保持大脑年轻敏锐的新科学》内容简介:我们都会变老,大脑也一样,大脑的生长在24岁这个年轻得令人惊讶的年龄开始减速,但这并不意味着它会失去敏锐度,而且不同的认知技能可以在不同的年龄达到顶 峰。在你的一生中,不论你的年龄或获取资源的途径如何,大脑都可以持续不断地得到加强。 经外科医生古普塔通过几十年的临床医学和持续研究指出,我们在任何年龄都可以改善并拥有一个更好的大脑。作者依据脑科学、神经学、病理学近30年的研究,揭示了大脑衰老和认知能力下降的原因。通过对比全球脑健康理事会近百名专家的 神研究报告数据库中的方法,提出从运动、营养、休息、社交联系、提高大脑可塑性几个方向来科学优化大脑。当你把大脑放在第 一位时,其他关乎健康方面的东西也就迎刃而解了。没有健康的大脑,你甚至无法做出健康的决定。 生活习惯比你的基因更能影响你大脑的命运。患痴呆的人正在逐渐年轻化。大脑衰退是可以预防和进行早期干预的,本书为读者提供了一个可立即实践的12周大脑强化计划,在日常生活中启动你的“敏锐大脑”程序,用简单且科学的方法修复大脑,提升脑力。健康的大脑不仅会带来健康的身体、体重、心脏等,还会带来更强的自信、更坚实的财务未来。 《我们如何看见,又如何思考》内容简介:这是一本从视觉神经生物学角度介绍人类视觉认知的科普读物,讨论的主题是我们无比重要的眼睛,以及我们的视觉。作者为领域内具有开创性研究的专家,现就职于哈佛大学医学院。 我们为何总是说“眼见为实”,背后有什么科学原理吗?我们每一天睁开眼就在接收来自外界的信息,那我们的眼睛究竟是如何承载这个世界的信息的,又是如何传递到我们的大脑的?人人都说眼睛是心灵和灵魂的窗户,这又是为什么? 在人群中要找一张熟悉的脸是再简单不过的事,我们习以为常。但是人类是怎么办到这件事的,这是科学界的重要谜题。我们大脑的运作有三分之一与视觉相关。基本上科学家要讲清处人类是如何看见感知人事物,背后牵连到人类独有的认知本能。 哈佛大学医学院特聘教授、眼科学家及脑神经科学家理查德·马斯兰在本书中试图以科学的角度来解释人类如何透过双眼与大脑去感知、学习与记忆。这本书涵盖的主题很广,从光线射到视网膜,到脑部的神经网络如何把光线承载的讯息转化成人脑可以辨识与运用的知识,到计算机计算法要具有什么样的功能我们才能称为“人工智能”,以及我们在回忆过去时为什么会呈现出一种第三人视角……在这本书里都有了专业的学术解答。 《大脑修复术》内容简介:无法长时间集中注意力; 感觉无缘由地坐立不安; 以前*喜欢的事现在提不起兴趣; 记忆力越来越差; 明知道该出门社交,却找各种借口宅在家里; 长时间玩游戏或刷手机; 外出期间总担心家门没锁、炉火未关; 凌晨两点,却辗转反侧,毫无睡意; …… 缺乏专注力、焦虑、抑郁、记性变差、社交恐惧、成瘾、强迫症、失眠……现代社会中几乎每个人都会受到各种各样心理和精神问题的困扰。如何识别自己的心理和精神问题,如何应对快节奏生活带来的压力和成长中必经的心理困境,如何在适应社会的过程中保持心理健康,并拥有满意的学习和工作表现,本书作者——耶鲁大学精神医学博士后姚乃琳——给出了答案。 这本书将帮助你了解焦虑、抑郁、强迫症、拖延、社交恐惧、失眠等困扰你的精神症状,页将让你了解专注力、记忆力、创造力等大脑认知功能的底层规律。通过深度阅读本书,你将知道如何正确应对生活中的压力、情绪和认知方面的困扰,如何通过掌握正确的思维和生活习惯来提升学习和工作表现。这本书可以让你学会如何随时地修复大脑,从而拥有更具“免疫力”的强壮大脑,游刃有余地应对人生中层出不穷的挑战。 《创新大脑》内容简介:新的想法、概念和技能是如何产生的? 社会和文化的变迁会如何影响我们的认知方式? 数字革命将如何催生伟大的创意文化? 人工智能、虚拟现实技术的发展和聚变革命,会在哪些方面改变我们的大脑处理信息的方式? 了解人脑处理新奇事物的机制以及培养创新型大脑的方法,成为当前对我们每个人来讲都很重要的问题。 作者基于大量的新研究成果,提出了自己对“创造力”的看法:创造力是一个衍生性概念,不应该被理解为一种单一的属性,也不是与某一组狭隘的神经结构直接相关,它虽然在一 定程度上跟前额也皮质和右半脑有关,但它总体上是由一系列神经过程决定的,而且,它不能用简单的生物学术语来定义,而是和人类整体的历史和文化息息相关,和集体创作、知识积累息息相关。 尤其作者提出的“创造性火花”的产生机制,对广大读者具有重要的参考意义。 《大脑帝国》内容简介:我们为什么会有不同的人格? 学习和记忆的方式有何不同? 男人和女人的方向感为何不同? 喜怒哀乐与大脑有什么关系? 听莫扎特的音乐就能变聪明吗? 你的大脑让你成为你自己。是大脑让你得以与其他人沟通,从简单的寒暄交流,到理解别人说的是“反话”或“话里有话”,都靠它。大脑也赋予你不同的感受和个性。大脑会记得童年发生的事,会学习,会恋爱,也会解读复杂的模式。然而大脑也可能会诱使你做出错误的选择,还会对依赖成瘾给出奖励。了解大脑的运作方式将为你提供**可能。 喜怒哀乐、学习、考试、天才、智力、记忆、感性、理性、情感、恋爱、自我、人格、方位感、个性、情绪、失忆、自恋、抑郁、人格障碍、精神疾病、癫痫、被洗脑、GPS依赖症、拖延症、压力、焦虑、恐惧、失恋、失眠、头型、头围、大脑与AI、一心多用、多任务处理、胎教、音乐对大脑的魔力、品尝味道、饮食与大脑、盐糖脂肪与大脑、健脑食品、上瘾、咖啡对大脑的作用、香烟与大脑、酒精与大脑、大麻上瘾、气味与大脑、现实与感知、声音与大脑、视觉与大脑…….360°*透视大脑,揭开人格、记忆、情绪、智商等的奥秘;从日常生活习惯入手,轻松挖掘大脑潜能,充分释放大脑价值。 《健康基因的开关》内容简介:每个人体内都有一种古老的机制,它可以消除有害物质,启动脂肪燃烧,并保护我们的细胞免于功能失调或癌变—它被称为“自噬”。当自噬开启时,一系列复杂的操作不仅可以帮我们延缓衰老过程,还可以从整体上优化生物功能,使我们远离各种疾病,拥有健康与长寿。这是身体中生命终 极开关。 我们如何才能积极激活这个开关呢? 我们应该多久禁食一次,每次禁食多久? 哪些食物会促进自噬,哪些食物会降低自噬? 多少运动量和什么类型的运动是合适的? 间歇性禁食、蛋白质循环和生酮饮食之间的* 佳平衡点是什么? 这本书基于大量科学研究解答了上述问题,内容既专业又浅显易懂,有助于我们掌握身心健康之道。 《记忆的革命》内容简介:《记忆的革命》一书,揭示了在学习和记忆过程中,大脑接受和处理声音、文字、图像三种信息时形成学习链,但唯有图像记忆才是高 效学习和记忆的秘密。 学习的本质是透过文字把握图像,我们的大脑在储存记忆时青睐的就是图像。记忆效率高、容易形成长期有效的记忆,且能摆脱“艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线”规律的记忆方式就是尽可能地把信息资料构建为图像。而这种构建的能力可以通过一系列科学有效的方法来练习和得到:画图记忆法、联想记忆法、定桩法、左右脑针对性训练等。读完本书,就可以系统地了解记忆力提升的方法,并有效地运用到学习和工作之中去。 《脑机革命:引领未来的新科技新产业》内容简介:畅想一下,如果你能用大脑来控制电脑……比如在电脑屏上打字,或者是用意识操控机械臂完成各种动作……这些电影大片描绘的科幻场景,现在看来已经是基于“脑机接口”的合理设想。 那么,脑机接口是什么?目前进展如何?实践中有哪些应用?它如何革新我们的思考、工作和生活方式?屡获大奖的发明家谭乐在书中讲述了脑机结合领域令人兴奋的新兴技术,包括无创性手术工具、大脑探测工具、大脑增强工具、可供医疗工作者使用的工具,以及消费者可用的工具。书中也分享了一些令人难以置信的真实故事,一些人的生活因为这些先进技术的发明而发生了改变。 这本书激情而不失科学地讲解了大脑增强技术可能给人类带来的影响和变革,还不失客观和冷静地提出了其可能带来的技术可及性、数据隐私、数据使用权、法律和伦理道德等一系列社会问题,有助于我们进一步了解大脑的运作方式,预见未来的无限可能性。 《管理敏感》内容简介:精神科医生超过一万次咨询访谈的观察总结 脑科学和精神医学在敏感与创伤心理治疗上的深层应用 敏感的人摆脱焦虑,调整精力值,理清人际关系的实用方法 很多人都被自己的敏感性格深深困扰,它让我们情绪大起大落,内心戏十/足,畏惧社交,缺乏自信,容易有罪恶感,过度内耗,总是讨好迎合他人,察言观色,但又经常不被理解,被人认为“想太多”“玻璃心”“矫情多疑”,严重的还会发展成抑郁。 《管理敏感》这本开创性的书,通过完整严谨的脑科学和精神医学理论体系告诉我们,敏感是可以管理的。一个人性格敏感,说明他的精力没有用在恰当的地方,而且消耗速度比普通人快。敏感还和过去的某些心理创伤有关,需要我们勇敢正视。 在这本书中,全教授通过特别挑选的40个案例和16条法则,告诉我们如何管理敏感,善用敏感。书中所附诊断表和图表,如“抑郁症筛查对照表”“忧虑清单”“人际关系列表”“压力量表”等,帮助读者检查自己的状态,对生活中的多余之人,无益之事做个清理,及时断舍离,以避免继续耗损精力。同时作者还针对敏感之人的典型症状,给出了个性化、差异化、有针对性的心理处/方。 我是一名大学附属医院精神科的医生,在诊疗室里接待了上万名病人,倾听他们的故事,所有故事的中心都有一个内核——一颗高度敏感的心。 我还遇到过一些人,他们并非我的病人,在各自领域取得了卓越的成就,我惊讶地发现他们当中绝大部分也是高敏感的人,饱受敏感之苦。如果说他们和那些病人有区别,那就是他们已经掌握了管理自己敏感情绪的方法。 ——全弘镇(本书作者) 《认识脑电波》内容简介:思维的边界在哪里 你真的了解自己吗? 这是一本揭开人类思想之谜的书。 大脑是产生人类思想的器官,20世纪初期,对脑电波的检测是神经科学史上的重要进展之一。然而,人们对脑电波的意义甚至脑科学都知之甚少。那些位于神经科学领域的塔尖的科学家都在做什么?R?道格拉斯?菲尔茨博士的这本书带你一探究竟。我们随着博士的视角深入人体精密和高级的装置——大脑,了解思想的产生;深入梦境,了解记忆和遗忘的机制;去看看我们是如何学习的;以及在现代医学中,脑科学如何应用在疾病治疗中…… 疯狂的企业家将人机互动提上议事日程,在这本书中,我们将看到这些实验室的理论如何走进市场,那些曾经出现在科幻电影里的场景究竟离我们还有多远。 《决策大脑》内容简介:要想提升判断力、预测力、领导力,从哪里下手? 主导人类行为的动机、意图、计划、远见、人格等从何而来? 就像企业、*、管弦乐队一样,大脑同样有自己的领导者,这个角色属于额叶。额叶在整个大脑内执行极其高级、复杂的功能,在所有人类行为的成功与失败中扮演着关键角色。如果大脑的其他部位受损,就可能造成语言、记忆、感知或运动能力的丧失。而一旦额叶受损,患者所丧失的便不只是某种特质,而是整个心智、人格的核心! 该书讨论了与额叶密切相关的几种心理品质,还讨论了一些有趣的问题,如男人与女人的差别、社会责任、注意力、衰老和精神疾病等。 作者完整解析了“人格因素”的大脑机制,并指出,认知训练可以有效地提升脑力,抵抗自然或病态衰老导致的记忆力衰退等。
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Marine Macroecology
Jon D. Witman,Kaustuv Roy
Pioneered in the late 1980s, the concept of macroecology-a framework for studying ecological communities with a focus on patterns and processes-revolutionized the field. Although this approach has been applied mainly to terrestrial ecosystems, there is increasing interest in quantifying macroecological patterns in the sea and understanding the processes that generate them. Taking stock of the current work in the field and advocating a research agenda for the decades ahead, Marine Macroecology draws together insights and approaches from a diverse group of scientists to show how marine ecology can benefit from the adoption of macroecological approaches.Divided into three parts, Marine Macroecology first provides an overview of marine diversity patterns and offers case studies of specific habitats and taxonomic groups. In the second part, contributors focus on process-based explanations for marine ecological patterns. The third part presents new approaches to understanding processes driving the macroecolgical patterns in the sea. Uniting unique insights from different perspectives with the common goal of identifying and understanding large-scale biodiversity patterns, Marine Macroecology will inspire the next wave of marine ecologists to approach their research from a macroecological perspective.
A Book of Britain: The Lore, Landscape and Heritage of a Treasured Countryside
A Book of Britain: The Lore, Landscape and Heritage of a Treasured Countryside
Johnny Scott
In this remarkable, landmark publication, countryman Sir Johnny Scott evokes all that is romantic about the British countryside, its people, customs and traditions. Over its 600 gloriously illustrated pages, Johnny draws on his wisdom and knowledge to reveal a forgotten culture, and encourages us all to rediscover a beautiful Britain. “I always think of nightingales when spring arrives in the south of England and winter is still reluctant to release its grip north of the Border. I heard my first as a very small child while staying with my grandparents on the Ashdown Forest. My sister woke me one night with an excited whisper, 'A nightingale! You must listen to the nightingale sing!' Together we sat on the window seat, gazing across moonlit lawns towards the forest. At that moment, as if nature had not already done enough to impress, the most wonderful sound I had ever heard filled the silence, as the nightingale started to sing. A rapid succession of varied, unconstructed notes, some harsh, some liquid, sung with great exuberance and vigour, changed to a long, slow, pleading song that rose in volume to a sudden piteous crescendo, before reverting to a tune of jollity and mirth. In my mind's eye I saw it erect and glowing, somewhere in the darkness among the oak trees, but no amount of searching that morning produced a single golden feather.” Throughout the pages of A Book of Britain, Johnny Scott celebrates the landscape and people and reveals why, through centuries of careful management, conservation and cultivation, Britain looks as it does. We discover Royal forests and protected oaks; learn animal behaviour and how best to observe wildlife whether on the moors or in your garden; we learn about traditional country sports from familiar hobbies such as fishing and shooting to lesser-known activities such as “swan upping”. Johnny teaches us to look to animals and nature to predict the weather, and reveals many customs and traditions that are in danger of being lost. This book is a gift in every sense – not only in its sheer scope and presence, but in the rich legacy it will leave behind for future generations.
Music in German Philosophy
Music in German Philosophy
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner,Oliver Fürbeth
Though many well-known German philosophers have devoted considerable attention to music and its aesthetics, surprisingly few of their writings on the subject have been translated into English. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, a philosopher, and Oliver Furbeth, a musicologist, here fill this important gap for musical scholars and students alike with this compelling guide to the musical discourse of ten of the most important German philosophers, from Kant to Adorno.Music in German Philosophy includes contributions from a renowned group of ten scholars, including some of today's most prominent German thinkers, all of whom are specialists in the writers they treat. Each chapter consists of a short biographical sketch of the philosopher concerned, a summary of his writings on aesthetics, and finally a detailed exploration of his thoughts on music. The book is prefaced by the editors' original introduction, presenting music philosophy in Germany before and after Kant, as well as a new introduction and foreword to this English-language addition, which places contemplations on music by these German philosophers within a broader intellectual climate.
Victorian Popularizers of Science
Victorian Popularizers of Science
Bernard Lightman
The ideas of Charles Darwin and his fellow Victorian scientists have had an abiding effect on the modern world. But at the time The Origin of Species was published in 1859, the British public looked not to practicing scientists but to a growing group of professional writers and journalists to interpret the larger meaning of scientific theories in terms they could understand and in ways they could appreciate. Victorian Popularizers of Science focuses on this important group of men and women who wrote about science for a general audience in the second half of the nineteenth century.Bernard Lightman examines more than thirty of the most prolific, influential, and interesting popularizers of the day, investigating the dramatic lecturing techniques, vivid illustrations, and accessible literary styles they used to communicate with their audience. By focusing on a forgotten coterie of science writers, their publishers, and their public, Lightman offers new insights into the role of women in scientific inquiry, the market for scientific knowledge, tensions between religion and science, and the complexities of scientific authority in nineteenth-century Britain.
Unity 2017 Game Optimization - Second Edition: Optimize all aspects of Unity per
Unity 2017 Game Optimization - Second Edition: Optimize all aspects of Unity per
Chris Dickinson
Master a series of performance-enhancing coding techniques and methods that help them improve the performance of their Unity3D applications About This Book Discover features and techniques to optimize Unity Engine's CPU cycles, memory usage, and the GPU throughput of any application Explore multiple techniques to solve performance issues with your VR projects Learn the best practices for project organization to save time through an improved workflow Who This Book Is For This book is intended for intermediate and advanced Unity developers who have experience with most of Unity's feature-set, and who want to maximize the performance of their game. Familiarity with the C# language will be needed. What You Will Learn Use the Unity Profiler to find bottlenecks anywhere in your application, and discover how to resolve them Implement best practices for C# scripting to avoid common pitfalls Develop a solid understanding of the rendering pipeline, and maximize its performance by reducing draw calls and avoiding fill rate bottlenecks Enhance shaders in a way that is accessible to most developers, optimizing them through subtle yet effective performance tweaks Keep your scenes as dynamic as possible by making the most of the Physics engine Organize, filter, and compress your art assets to maximize performance while maintaining high quality Discover different kinds of performance problems that are critical for VR projects and how to tackle them Use the Mono Framework and C# to implement low-level enhancements that maximize memory usage and avoid garbage collection Get to know the best practices for project organization to save time through an improved workflow In Detail Unity is an awesome game development engine. Through its massive feature-set and ease-of-use, Unity helps put some of the best processing and rendering technology in the hands of hobbyists and professionals alike. This book shows you how to make your games fly with the recent version of Unity 2017, and demonstrates that high performance does not need to be limited to games with the biggest teams and budgets. Since nothing turns gamers away from a game faster than a poor user-experience, the book starts by explaining how to use the Unity Profiler to detect problems. You will learn how to use stopwatches, timers and logging methods to diagnose the problem. You will then explore techniques to improve performance through better programming practices. Moving on, you will then learn about Unity's built-in batching processes; when they can be used to improve performance, and their limitations. Next, you will import your art assets using minimal space, CPU and memory at runtime, and discover some underused features and approaches for managing asset data. You will also improve graphics, particle system and shader performance with a series of tips and tricks to make the most of GPU parallel processing. You will then delve into the fundamental layers of the Unity3D engine to discuss some issues that may be difficult to understand without a strong knowledge of its inner-workings. The book also introduces you to the critical performance problems for VR projects and how to tackle them. By the end of the book, you will have learned to improve the development workflow by properly organizing assets and ways to instantiate assets as quickly and waste-free as possible via object pooling. Style and approach This practical book will help readers understand the essentials of the Unity3D engine and how to build games while improving the performance of their applications.
All Edge
All Edge
Spinuzzi, Clay
Work is changing. Speed and flexibility are more in demand than ever before thanks to an accelerating knowledge economy and sophisticated communication networks. These changes have forced a mass rethinking of the way we coordinate, collaborate, and communicate. Instead of projects coming to established teams, teams are increasingly converging around projects. These "e;all-edge adhocracies"e; are highly collaborative and mostly temporary, their edge coming from the ability to form links both inside and outside an organization. These nimble groups come together around a specific task, recruiting personnel, assigning roles, and establishing objectives. When the work is done they disband their members and take their skills to the next project.Spinuzzi offers for the first time a comprehensive framework for understanding how these new groups function and thrive. His rigorous analysis tackles both the pros and cons of this evolving workflow and is based in case studies of real all-edge adhocracies at work. His provocative results will challenge our long-held assumptions about how we should be doing work.
Principles of Biology: Animal Systems: A Tutorial Study Guide (box set)
Principles of Biology: Animal Systems: A Tutorial Study Guide (box set)
Nicoladie Tam
Principles of Biology: Animal Systems: A Tutorial Study Guide (box set)
Man Who Flattened the Earth
Man Who Flattened the Earth
Mary Terrall
Self-styled adventurer, literary wit, philosopher, and statesman of science, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) stood at the center of Enlightenment science and culture. Offering an elegant and accessible portrait of this remarkable man, Mary Terrall uses the story of Maupertuis's life, self-fashioning, and scientific works to explore what it meant to do science and to be a man of science in eighteenth-century Europe.Beginning his scientific career as a mathematician in Paris, Maupertuis entered the public eye with a much-discussed expedition to Lapland, which confirmed Newton's calculation that the earth was flattened at the poles. He also made significant, and often intentionally controversial, contributions to physics, life science, navigation, astronomy, and metaphysics. Called to Berlin by Frederick the Great, Maupertuis moved to Prussia to preside over the Academy of Sciences there. Equally at home in salons, cafs, scientific academies, and royal courts, Maupertuis used his social connections and his printed works to enhance a carefully constructed reputation as both a man of letters and a man of science. His social and institutional affiliations, in turn, affected how Maupertuis formulated his ideas, how he presented them to his contemporaries, and the reactions they provoked.Terrall not only illuminates the life and work of a colorful and important Enlightenment figure, but also uses his story to delve into many wider issues, including the development of scientific institutions, the impact of print culture on science, and the interactions of science and government. Smart and highly readable, Maupertuis will appeal to anyone interested in eighteenth-century science and culture.”Terrall's work is scholarship in the best sense. Her explanations of arcane 18th-century French physics, mathematics, astronomy, and biology are among the most lucid available in any language.”-Virginia Dawson, American Historical ReviewWinner of the 2003 Pfizer Award from the History of Science Society
本书为李定忠教授及合作者从事中医经络理论与实践的现代研究60余年的成果汇总。用169条先天性循经皮肤病证实经络存在是由基因决定的,以及观测到数百例皮肤病案与十四条古典经络一致的重要事实。发现“经络环”是体内环形电导通道,激通“经络环”能多病同治,双向调整。通过科研大协作阐明经络实质、运行规律与调整机制等系列科学内涵,并发明了“经络皮部挑治”等,在临床实践中取得突破性展。在微观和宏观方面,阐述了经络、经穴内外的多种效应的区别(如针刺感传、电磁振荡、电阻、声波频率、数种化学元素和大分子浓度等)。 本书配合大量临床实例,图文并茂、深浅出,有较强的实用性、创新性和推广性。本书可供中医和中西医结合相关领(包括科研、预防、医疗、保健、美容、康复)读者使用。全书采用汉英对照形式,既有利于外国学生来华学习,也有利于对外交流或在国外行医时参考。
Hands-On Android UI Development
Hands-On Android UI Development
Jason Morris
Master the art of creating impressive and reactive UIs for mobile applications on the latest version of Android Oreo. About This Book A comprehensive guide to designing and developing highly interactive user interfaces for your app. Design responsive and agile applications targeting multiple Android devices (up to Android Oreo) using Android Studio 3.0 Write reactive user interfaces with minimal effort by leveraging the latest Android technologies, such as Architecture components and the Lifecycle API Avoid common design problems and pitfalls with the help of shared UI design patterns and best practices. Who This Book Is For This book is for novice Android and Java developers who have a basic knowledge of Android development and want to start developing stunning user interfaces. What You Will Learn Create effective and efficient user interfaces that allow users to carry out tasks smoothly Understand the fundamentals of Android UI design, and take a look at the basic layouts, Inputs, and controls Learn about various UI components provided by Android, which include structured layout objects and UI controls that allow you to build the graphical user interface for your app Explore various styles and themes that allow you to customize the look and feel of your app Leverage the animation and graphics APIs to improve user experience and draw custom 2D graphics In Detail A great user interface (UI) can spell the difference between success and failure for any new application. This book will show you not just how to code great UIs, but how to design them as well. It will take novice Android developers on a journey, showing them how to leverage the Android platform to produce stunning Android applications. Begin with the basics of creating Android applications and then move on to topics such as screen and layout design. Next, learn about techniques that will help improve performance for your application. Also, explore how to create reactive applications that are fast, animated, and guide the user toward their goals with minimal distraction. Understand Android architecture components and learn how to build your application to automatically respond to changes made by the user. Great platforms are not always enough, so this book also focuses on creating custom components, layout managers, and 2D graphics. Also, explore many tips and best practices to ease your UI development process. By the end, you'll be able to design and build not only amazing UIs, but also systems that provide the best possible user experience. Style and approach This book takes an easy tutorial approach to help you learn how to create consistent and efficient user interfaces for your apps. The book first takes you through the basics of user interfaces such as basic layouts, inputs, and controls, and also covers animations and graphics. By the end of the book, you will have learned best practices and will be able to develop inspired interfaces that look good and also work subtly in the background.
Learning Disability Nursing Practice
Learning Disability Nursing Practice
Jukes, Mark
This text encapsulates not only the origins of nursing in the learning disability field but also contemporary perspectives and areas for specialist nursing practice. The book is divided into four sections: origins, perspectives, practice, and further perspectives. Section one (origins) describes Great Barr Colony and explores the conceptions of practice of actual attendants and nurses who worked there. It gives readers an in-depth focus on aspects of work and practice not accounted for in the literature to date. Section two (perspectives) explores social policy perspectives from the past eras of the workhouse, the colony and the hospital, through to the present age of citizenship. Research in learning disability nursing practice is identifi ed through scoping exercises to identify its current status. The section questions the research and practice developments that have come of age and that constitute a challenge within an evidence-based health and social care world. Section three (practice) identifi es a wide range of specialist areas of nursing practice, including community learning disability nursing, epilepsy, forensics, health facilitation, autism, mental health, challenging behaviour, children s services and working with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Section four (further perspectives) addresses areas of contemporary and future concern, namely, educational curricula for nurses and the importance of inter-professional education and practice development.
Making Marie Curie
Making Marie Curie
Wirten, Eva Hemmungs
In many ways, Marie Curie represents modern science. Her considerable lifetime achievements-the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize, the only woman to be awarded the Prize in two fields, and the only person to be awarded Nobel Prizes in multiple sciences-are studied by schoolchildren across the world. When, in 2009, the New Scientist carried out a poll for the "e;Most Inspirational Female Scientist of All Time,"e; the result was a foregone conclusion: Marie Curie trounced her closest runner-up, Rosalind Franklin, winning double the number of Franklin's votes. She is a role model to women embarking on a career in science, the pride of two nations-Poland and France-and, not least of all, a European Union brand for excellence in science.Making Marie Curie explores what went into the creation of this icon of science. It is not a traditional biography, or one that attempts to uncover the "e;real"e; Marie Curie. Rather, Eva Hemmungs Wirtn, by tracing a career that spans two centuries and a world war, provides an innovative and historically grounded account of how modern science emerges in tandem with celebrity culture under the influence of intellectual property in a dawning age of information. She explores the emergence of the Curie persona, the information culture of the period that shaped its development, and the strategies Curie used to manage and exploit her intellectual property. How did one create and maintain for oneself the persona of scientist at the beginning of the twentieth centuryWhat special conditions bore upon scientific women, and on married women in particularHow was French identity claimed, established, and subvertedHow, and with what consequences, was a scientific reputation secured?In its exploration of these questions and many more, Making Marie Curie provides a composite picture not only of the making of Marie Curie, but the making of modern science itself.
Analyzing Animal Societies
Analyzing Animal Societies
Hal Whitehead
Animals lead rich social lives. They care for one another, compete for resources, and mate. Within a society, social relationships may be simple or complex and usually vary considerably, both between different groups of individuals and over time. These social systems are fundamental to biological organization, and animal societies are central to studies of behavioral and evolutionary biology.?But how do we study animal societies How do we take observations of animals fighting, grooming, or forming groups and produce a realistic de*ion or model of their societies?Analyzing AnimalSocieties presents a conceptual framework for analyzing social behavior and demonstrates how to put this framework into practice by collecting suitable data on the interactions and associations of individuals so that relationships can be described, and, from these, models can be derived.In addition to presenting the tools, Hal Whitehead illustrates their applicability using a wide range of real data on a variety of animal species-from bats and chimps to dolphins and birds. The techniques that Whitehead describes will be profitably adopted by scientists working with primates, cetaceans, birds, and ungulates, but the tools can be used to study societies of invertebrates, amphibians, and even humans.?Analyzing AnimalSocieties will become a standard reference for those studying vertebrate social behavior and will give to these studies the kind of quality standard already in use in other areas of the life sciences.
Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions
Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions
Victor Rico-Gray
Ants are probably the most dominant insect group on Earth, representing ten to fifteen percent of animal biomass in terrestrial ecosystems. Flowering plants, meanwhile, owe their evolutionary success to an array of interspecific interactions-such as pollination, seed dispersal, and herbivory-that have helped to shape their great diversity. The Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions brings together findings from the scientific literature on the coevolution of ants and plants to provide a better understanding of the unparalleled success of these two remarkable groups, of interspecific interactions in general, and ultimately of terrestrial biological communities.The Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions synthesizes the dynamics of ant-plant interactions, including the sources of variation in their outcomes. Victor Rico-Gray and Paulo S. Oliveira capture both the emerging appreciation of the importance of these interactions within ecosystems and the developing approaches that place studies of these interactions into a broader ecological and evolutionary context. The collaboration of two internationally renowned scientists, The Ecology and Evolution of Ant-Plant Interactions will become a standard reference for understanding the complex interactions between these two taxa.
Richard Owen
Richard Owen
Rupke, Nicolaas A.
In the mid-1850s, no scientist in the British Empire was more visible than Richard Owen. Mentioned in the same breath as Isaac Newton and championed as Britain's answer to France's Georges Cuvier and Germany's Alexander von Humboldt, Owen was, as the Times declared in 1856, the most "e;distinguished man of science in the country."e; But, a century and a half later, Owen remains largely obscured by the shadow of the most famous Victorian naturalist of all, Charles Darwin. Publicly marginalized by his contemporaries for his critique of natural selection, Owen suffered personal attacks that undermined his credibility long after his name faded from history.With this innovative biography, Nicolaas A. Rupke resuscitates Owen's reputation. Arguing that Owen should no longer be judged by the evolution dispute that figured inonly a minor part of his work, Rupke stresses context, emphasizing the importance of places and practices in the production and reception of scientific knowledge. Dovetailing with the recent resurgence of interest in Owen's life and work, Rupke's book brings the forgotten naturalist back into the canon of the history of science and demonstrates how much biology existed with, and without, Darwin
Cancer on Trial
Cancer on Trial
Keating, Peter
Until the early 1960s, cancer treatment consisted primarily of surgery and radiation therapy. Most practitioners then viewed the treatment of terminally ill cancer patients with heroic courses of chemotherapy as highly questionable. The randomized clinical trials that today sustain modern oncology were relatively rare and prompted stiff opposition from physicians, who were loath to assign patients randomly to competing treatments. Yet today these trials form the basis of medical oncology. How did such a spectacular change occurHow did medical oncology pivot from a nonentity and, in some regards, a reviled practice to the central position it now occupies in modern medicineIn Cancer on Trial Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio explore how practitioners established a new style of practice, at the center of which lies the cancer clinical trial. Far from mere testing devices, these trials have become full-fledged experiments that have redefined the practices of clinicians, statisticians, and biologists. Keating and Cambrosio investigate these trials and how they have changed since the 1960s, all the while demonstrating their significant impact on the progression of oncology. A novel look at the institution of clinical cancer research and therapy, this book will be warmly welcomed by historians, sociologists, and anthropologists of science and medicine, as well as clinicians and researchers in the cancer field.
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