前 言
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of English Language Educology
1. Introduction to English language educology
2. The study of education and its relation to language educology
3. Language acquisition/learning theories
4. A brief survey of English teaching models
Chapter 2 Survey of the History of English Teaching
1. Main schools of English teaching in history
2. Development of English teaching in China
3. Current trends in English teaching
4. A study on task-based language teaching
Chapter 3 English Syllabus Evaluation and Design
1. Definition of syllabus
2. Importance of syllabus
3. Different types of syllabi
4. Guidelines to syllabus choice/design
5. Evolution of English syllabi in China
Chapter 4 Teaching of Different Language Skills
1. teaching of listening
2. Teaching of speaking
3. Teaching of reading
4. Teaching of writing
5. Teaching of grammar and vocabulary
Chapter 5 Learners' Variables in English Teaching
1. Personal differences
2. Affective domain
3. Cognitive styles
4. Learning strategies
5. Learning motivation
Chapter 6 Cultural Awareness and English Language Teaching
1. Relationship between culture and language
2. Culture in foreign language teaching
3. Instructional strategies for teaching culture
4. Problems faced by Chinese learners in English culture learning and recommendations
Chapter 7 Classroom Practice
1. Lesson plan
2. Classroom management
3. Reflection and evaluation
Chapter 8 English Testing
1. Ways of assessing students
2. Testing systems
3. Relationship between language teaching and testing
4. Suggestions on testing
5. Web-based language testing
Chapter 9 Teacher Training in English Language Teaching
1. Good teachers and good teaching
2. Teacher training approaches