

German Shepherd Training: The Beginner's Guide to Training Your German Shepherd
German Shepherd Training: The Beginner's Guide to Training Your German Shepherd
Brittany Boykin
Are you tired of your German Shepherd puppy leaving “messes” all over the house? What about the biting and chewing? Does your German Shepherd drag you down the street when you try and take him/her for a walk? Do you want to teach your new puppy how to sit, stay, or play fetch??This short, simple, no-fluff beginner's training guide can help you with it all! Here Is A Preview of What You'll Learn... - Is a German Shepherd Right For You? - How Much Is Enough Exercise? - How To Speak Your Dog’s Language - Effective Discipline - How to Potty Train Your German Shepherd - Basic Obedience Training Such As: Sit, Drop, Come, Fetch, Stay, and Wait - Leash Training Your German Shepherd Puppy - Socialization Training - How to Stop the Biting and Chewing - and Advanced Training Techniques This is a must-have guide for all beginner German Shepherd puppy owners and individuals who are thinking of getting a German Shepherd puppy. Don’t wait any longer! Scroll up and click the ‘Buy Now’ button to turn your little fluff ball into the perfect puppy!
Entrenamiento de Labrador Retriever
Entrenamiento de Labrador Retriever
Brittany Boykin
Miras con asombro al perrito Labrador Retriever que está en el parque para perros, escuchando y siguiendo las órdenes de su dueo mientras tu perrito te está causando estragos o arrastrándote por todo el parque Estás harto de que tu adorable y pequeo Labrador Retriever mastique todo lo que está a su paso Estás cansado de que tu cachorro deje "sorpresas" por toda la casa Quieres ensearle a tu nuevo cachorro a sentarse, quedarse quieto o caminar a tu lado Su cachorro gime o aúlla incontrolablemente cuando sales de la casaEsta excelente guía de entrenamiento de perros Labrador Retriever puede ayudarte con todo eso! Aquí está todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el entrenamiento del Labrador Retriever y la obediencia básica. Este libro responderá todas las preguntas que tengas sobre el entrenamiento de tu nuevo Labrador Retriever y es imprescindible para cualquiera que esté pensando en adquirir un cachorro de Labrador Retriever. **Este es un adelanto de lo que aprenderás** Un Labrador Retriever es apto para ti Cuánto es suficiente ejercicio Cómo hablar el idioma de tu perro Disciplina efectiva Cómo entrenar a tu perro Labrador Retriever para que vaya al bao Entrenamiento básico de obediencia: aprender a sentarse, soltar, venir, buscar, quedarse quieto y esperar Entrenamiento con correa en cachorros de Labrador Retriever Entrenamiento en socialización Como detener las mordeduras y la masticacióny técnicas avanzadas de entrenamiento Esta es la guía COMPLETA para todos los dueos de cachorros de Labrador Retriever, incluso para las personas que estén pensando en adquirir un cachorro de Labrador Retriever. Adquiere hoy tu copia de esta increíble guía de entrenamiento y estarás más cerca de tener el perro perfecto con el que siempre habías soado!
Traveler's Paradise - Central, Eastern & Western Thailand
Traveler's Paradise - Central, Eastern & Western Thailand
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler's Paradise - Central, Eastern & Western Thailand
Traveler's Paradise - Paris: Paris France Shopping & Travel Guide
Traveler's Paradise - Paris: Paris France Shopping & Travel Guide
Juha Öörni
Traveler's Paradise - Paris: Paris France Shopping & Travel Guide
The Cotswolds
The Cotswolds
Nicholas Reardon
These glorious hills, rightly described as an area of outstanding natural beauty, contain a treasure trove of spectacular views, along with flowers and wildlife just asking to be photographed. In the following pages I take you through the seasons, offering just a taste of what can be seen, in the hope that it will tempt you to explore this wonderful countryside for yourselves. From hidden gems like the stone crocodile head on a fresh water spring in Compton Abdale, and fearsome gargoyles staring down at you from ancient churches, to the grandeur of castles and the splendour of stately homes, I hope to bring the Cotswolds alive for you with the help of my camera. So as not to spoil the images with excess wording I have let the pictures speak for theirselves but at the back of the book you will find a page-by-page explanation of the photographs, along with the locations. This book was made possible by the help and kindness shown to me by the various attractions, allowing me to roam freely over their properties in search of interesting views, fascinating artefacts and plentiful wildlife
Japanese Gardens Revealed and Explained
Japanese Gardens Revealed and Explained
Russ Chard
Japanese Gardens - Revealed and Explained is comprehensive and thorough in its coverage of the subject of Japanese gardens and provides the reader with a journey through their history, meaning and eye catching beauty. All aspects of Japanese gardens and gardening are covered from design to ingredients and it even covers subjects like pruning techniques as well as numerous suggestions of what to plant in a Japanese garden courtesy of Master gardener L.H. Bailey. Discover Zen gardens (sometimes known as Japanese Rock gardens) and the deliberate ease of their appearance on the eye,meaning and design.This book is suitable for beginners right the way through to more experienced enthusiasts of Japanese gardens. Lovingly put together by the author and editor Russ Chard - a Japanese garden enthusiast and writer for over 10 years.Weblinks are included to Youtube videos to see how the author built a small space Japanese Zen garden at his home. This book is not plumped up with photographs, just 70 pages of pure Japanese garden information. The subject is complicated but Japanese gardens - Revealed and Explained is in plain English and simplified and explained for ease of learning. Anyone with ambitions to create and build a Japanese garden or Zen garden would find this book a very useful companion to their dream and plans through to the finished garden.
The Dog Training Bible - How to Train Your Dog to be the Angel You’ve Always Dre
The Dog Training Bible - How to Train Your Dog to be the Angel You’ve Always Dre
Brittany Boykin
The Dog Training Bible is the complete dog training manual and guides you through every single thing you need to know about raising a happy, respectful dog and a loyal companion through reward training.?**Here's a preview of what you will learn** How to get off to a good start with your new puppy Socializing your puppy The six basic commands (sit, heel, no, stay, down, off) Leash training your puppy Understanding the "Wolf pack" mentality and how to establish yourself as the pack leader How to curb unwanted behavior and eliminate bad habits Potty training your puppy Crate training your puppy Teaching your dog not to chew It's all here! The is one of the most comprehensive books for dog training on the market and is a must read for anyone thinking of getting a puppy or adopting an older dog. Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start transforming your puppy terror into the loyal, well-behaved companion you've always dreamed about!
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Training
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Training
Brittany Boykin
Are you tired of your Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy leaving “messes” all over the house? What about the biting and chewing? Does your Chesapeake Bay Retriever drag you down the street when you try and take him/her for a walk? Do you want to teach your new puppy how to sit, stay, or play fetch??This short, simple, no-fluff beginner's training guide can help you with it all! Here Is A Preview of What You'll Learn... - Is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever Right For You? - How Much Is Enough Exercise? - How To Speak Your Dog’s Language - Effective Discipline - How to Potty Train Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever - Basic Obedience Training Such As: Sit, Drop, Come, Fetch, Stay, and Wait - Leash Training Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppy - Socialization Training - How to Stop the Biting and Chewing - and Advanced Training Techniques This is a must-have guide for all beginner Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy owners and individuals who are thinking of getting a Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy. Don’t wait any longer! Scroll up and click the ‘Buy Now’ button to turn your little fluff ball into the perfect puppy!
Learn Electricity Skills
Learn Electricity Skills
James Slough Zerbe
Learn Electricity Skills
Learn Carpentry Skills
Learn Carpentry Skills
James Slough Zerbe
Learn Carpentry Skills
Bonsai: la guía para principiantes para cultivar, crecer, dar forma y presumir s
Bonsai: la guía para principiantes para cultivar, crecer, dar forma y presumir s
Masao Hideyoshi
Debo podar o recortar mi Bonsai Debo guardar mi Bonsai dentro o fuera Cómo obtengo esas famosas formas Bonsai Con qué frecuencia debo regar mi BonsaiEste libro responde todas y cada una de tus preguntas sobre los árboles de Bonsai. Desde crecer, modelar, replantar, podar, regar, todo está aquí!Si bien hay algunos aspectos básicos que debe aprender para mantener su Bonsai floreciente, no es tan difícil como la mayoría cree. Este libro le pone en la dirección correcta para que comience y mantenga su Bonsai próspero.El cultivo de árboles de Bonsai es una verdadera forma de arte viviente y este libro es la guía perfecta para principiantes para dominar esta forma de arte. A disfrutar!
RV Living Full Time
RV Living Full Time
Kevin Gise
RV Living Full Time
Traveler's Paradise - State of California, USA
Traveler's Paradise - State of California, USA
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler's Paradise - State of California, USA
Become A Fighter; Throw Away & Declutter!
Become A Fighter; Throw Away & Declutter!
Amazing Home
Become A Fighter; Throw Away & Declutter!
Traveler's Paradise - Bаlеаriс I?lаnd?, Spain: Travel Guide for Majorca, Menorca
Traveler's Paradise - Bаlеаriс I?lаnd?, Spain: Travel Guide for Majorca, Menorca
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler's Paradise - Bаlеаriс I?lаnd?, Spain: Travel Guide for Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza & Formentera
Traveler's Paradise - Southern Asia (India): Travel Guide for Delhi, Jaipur, Agr
Traveler's Paradise - Southern Asia (India): Travel Guide for Delhi, Jaipur, Agr
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler's Paradise - Southern Asia (India): Travel Guide for Delhi, Jaipur, Agra, Mumbai & Goa
Traveler's Paradise - Japan: Travel Guide for Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo &
Traveler's Paradise - Japan: Travel Guide for Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo &
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler's Paradise - Japan: Travel Guide for Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo & Tokyo
Caribbean Vacation Guides
Caribbean Vacation Guides
Caribbean Vacation Guide
Caribbean Vacation Guides
Traveler’s Paradise - Phuket & Krabi: Travel Guide for Southern Thailand (Phuket
Traveler’s Paradise - Phuket & Krabi: Travel Guide for Southern Thailand (Phuket
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler’s Paradise - Phuket & Krabi: Travel Guide for Southern Thailand (Phuket & Krabi)
A Journal from Japan: "A Daily Record of Life as Seen by a Scientist"
A Journal from Japan: "A Daily Record of Life as Seen by a Scientist"
Marie Carmichael Stopes
This daily journal was written primarily because I well knew that time would force the swiftly passing incidents and impressions to blur each other in my memory. Then want of leisure tempted me to send the journal home to friends in place of letters, and the two or three for whom I originally intended it widened the circle by handing it on to many others, until it has, in a way, become public property. Several of those who have read it have asked me to publish it in book form, and although I vowed that I would not add to the al-ready excessive number of books written on Japan, I have decided to publish this just because it was not written with a view to publication. It is this which gives it any claim to attention, and guarantees its veracity. To preserve its character I have stayed my hand where it has often been tempted to change or revise statements which may sometimes seem too hard in the softening light of distance. Days about which there is no entry were filled with work on my fossils at the University. Many evenings were spent with friends at dinners or dances. Reference to these things has been deleted, for neither the solid work nor the social gaiety is likely to interest any one now. Personalities (alas, not always irrelevant!) have been eliminated of necessity, but I have not attempted to give the text any literary form which it did not originally possess. The words are exactly those jotted down at the time and place that they profess to be, and therefore mirror, as no rewritten phrases could, the direct impression that that time and place made on me. Japan is changing swiftly, and I saw things from a point of view that differs somewhat from any recorded, so that perhaps these daily impressions may have an interest for those who cannot visit Japan, and in the future for those who prefer facts to fair sounding generalisations and beautifully elaborated theories. MARIE C. STOPES.Hampstead, July 1909.
Traveler’s Paradise - Copenhagen & Malm?: Travel Guide for ?resund Region (Copen
Traveler’s Paradise - Copenhagen & Malm?: Travel Guide for ?resund Region (Copen
Traveler's Paradise
Traveler’s Paradise - Copenhagen & Malm?: Travel Guide for ?resund Region (Copenhagen & Malm?)
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