
The Infinite Mind: The Mind/Brain Phenomenon
Betty Shine is known worldwide for her powers as a medium and healer. She is the author of a number of bestselling books, including Mind Magic which was a Sunday Times No.1 bestseller. A former opera singer, she has been a therapist for 40 years and a healer and medium for over 20 years. She is a Daily Mail columnist and well-known television and radio personality and has been invited to lecture all over the world.

Compelling Reason
Born in Ireland in 1898, Clives Staples Lewis gained a triple First at Oxford and was Fellow and Tutor at Magdalen College from 1925-54, where among others he was a contemporary of Tolkien. In 1954 he became Professor of Mediaeval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge. C. S. Lewis was for many years an atheist, until his conversion which he memorably described in his autobiography Surprised by Joy: “I gave in, and admitted that God was God … perhaps the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England.” He is also celebrated for his famous series of children’s books, the Narnia Chronicles (which have been filmed and broadcast many times), as well as his literary criticism and science fiction. C. S. Lewis died on 22nd November 1963.

The Great Divorce
A stunning new edition of this timeless allegory of heaven and hell, repackaged and rebranded as part of the C.S. Lewis Signature Classics range. C.S. Lewis’s dazzling allegory about heaven and hell and the chasm fixed between them, is one of his most brilliantly imaginative tales which will appeal to readers of all ages. Lewis communicates deep spiritual truths through the sheer power of the fantastic. In The Great Divorce the writer in a dream boards a bus on a drizzly afternoon and embarks on an incredible voyage through Heaven and Hell. He meets a host of supernatural beings far removed from his expectations and comes to significant realisations about the ultimate consequences of everyday behaviour. This is the starting point for a profound meditation upon good and evil. “If we insist on keeping Hell (or even Earth) we shall not see Heaven: if we accept Heaven we shall not be able to retain even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of Hell.”

Wish You Were Here!
Touching true stories from the heyday of the Butlin’s holiday camps. ‘When I got to the camp I felt as if I’d suddenly walked into Utopia – it was so colourful, so warm, so friendly. There were lights across the roads, there were banners fluttering in the breeze… There seemed to be laughter coming from every building.’ With grey post-WWII skies hanging low over Britain, factories lining the streets and smoke stacks dotting the horizon, there was one way that ordinary families could escape: the ever-cheerful holiday camps of Butlin’s. When Billy Butlin founded his holiday camps in 1936, they were bastions of community spirit and havens of luxury. Here, for one week, wives and mothers were freed from the toil and drudgery of housework, children ran free through the grounds, fathers and husbands hung up their work clothes. Ever-helpful redcoats were on hand all hours of the day, dinner halls ready with plentiful food for old and young alike, bars stocked to quench any level of thirst, ballrooms waiting to be flooded with shiny shoes, rustling dresses and peals of laughter. And, as the sun went down on another exhausting, happy day, a chorus line was ready to sing holidaymakers back to their beds. Rich in period detail and highly evocative, Wish You Were Here! tells the story of seven women who worked as redcoats in Butlin’s Golden Age. It’s all here: Knobbly Knees and Glamourous Grannies, the laughter and tears, hardships and heartbreaks, loves and losses of their lives in and out of the holiday camps, and above all the lifelong friendships they formed with each other and those who also worked or holidayed there. Funny, moving and heartwarming, these are the timeless tales of a community spirit that burned brightly in a much-loved British institution.

The Forgotten Soldier: He wasn’t a soldier, he was just a boy
Bestselling author Charlie Connelly returns with a First World War memoir of his great uncle, Edward Connelly, who was an ordinary boy sent to fight in a war the likes of which the world had never seen. But this is not just his story; it is the story of all the young forgotten soldiers who fought and bravely died for their country The Forgotten Soldier tells the story of Private Edward Connelly, aged 19, killed in the First World War a week before the Armistice and immediately forgotten, even, it seems, by his own family. Edward died on exactly the same day, and as part of the same military offensive, as Wilfred Owen. They died only a few miles apart and yet there cannot be a bigger contrast between their legacies. Edward had been born into poverty in west London on the eve of the twentieth century, had a job washing railway carriages, was con*ed into the army at the age of eighteen and sent to the Western Front from where he would never return. He lies buried miles from home in a small military cemetery on the outskirts of an obscure town close to the French border in western Belgium. No-one has ever visited him. Like thousands of other young boys, Edward’s life and death were forgotten. By delving into and uncovering letters, poems and war diaries to reconstruct his great uncle’s brief life and needless death; Charlie fills in the blanks of Edward’s life with the experiences of similar young men giving a voice to the voiceless. Edward Connelly’s tragic story comes to represent all the young men who went off to the Great War and never came home. This is a book about the unsung heroes, the ordinary men who did their duty with utmost courage, and who deserve to be remembered.

More Than Just a Game: Football v Apartheid
The most important football story ever told. `It is amazing to think that a game that people take for granted all around the world, was the very same game that gave a group of prisoners sanity – and in a way, gave us the resolve to carry on the struggle'. Anthony Suze, Robben Island Prisoner. This is the astonishing story of a unique group of political prisoners and freedom fighters who found a sense of dignity in one of the ugliest hellholes on Earth: South Africa’s infamous Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was famously incarderated. Despite all odds and regular torture, beatings and daily backbreaking hard labour, these extraordinary men turned soccer into an active force in the struggle for freedom. For nearly 20 years, these prisoners found the energy, spirit and resolve to organise a 1400 prisoner-strong, eight club football league which was played with strict adherance to FIFA rules. The prisoners themselves represented a broad array of political beliefs and backgrounds, yet football became an impassioned and unified symbol of resistance against apartheid. They refused to let their own political differences sway their devotion to the sport, which allowed them to organise and maintain leadership right under the noses of their captors. This league not only provided sanctuary and respite from the prisoners’ cruel surroundings, it kept their minds active and many credit it with keeping them alive. More Than Just a Game chronicles their story, the politics of the time, the extraordinary characters, their heroism and the thrilling matches themselves.

A Very British Christmas: Twelve Days of Discomfort and Joy
Rhodri Marsden is a writer and musician based in London. A columnist for The Independent for more than a decade, he writes features, books and opinion pieces about subjects as varied as bad dates, rude place names, USB cables, crumpets, perfume and anxiety. He plays in hardy perennial post-punk band Scritti Politti and Britain’s best-loved TV theme covers band Dream Themes, and he won the under-10 piano category at the 1980 Watford Music Festival with a scintillating performance of a piece called "Silver Trumpets".

Addig se iszik
Mikor a szerzt megismertem, még nagyképen vallotta: Hárman nem írunk: Szókratész, Jézus és én. Aztán megtrt, és írni kezdett, paródiákat, persze – és megállt a kanál a levesben, de úgy, hogy a fal adta másikat. gy vágytunk erre a hangra ebben a karót nyelt, szürke, humordeficites honi literatúrában, mint egy falat kenyérre. Bdcs írásaiban a páratlan irodalmi mveltség találkozik az igazi humorral Karinthy boncasztalán. Apját kérdezték, mit szól, hogy fia már ír is. Addig se iszik – válaszolta a blcs reg, és igaza volt: Tibor írás kzben sose iszik. (Hmm…) Mert ilyen az irodalom: nevel, tanít, szórakoztat – és amíg írunk vagy olvasunk, addig se iszunk. Tisztelet a kivételnek. Fogadják tehát szeretettel az irodalmi paródia Lemmyjét, a magyar humor Billy, a Klykjét, a búcsúszentlászlói Rabelais-t. Tessék mosolyogni! ” Cserna-Szabó András

Az utolsó kívánság
Keacute s?bb azt beszeacute lteacutek, a feacuterfi eacuteszakr oacutel eacute;rkezett, a Koumlt eacutelver?k kapujaacuten keresztuumll. Baacuter nem volt id?s, a haja szinte teljesen feheacute;r volt. Amikor levetette kouml peny eacutet, kideruumllt, hogy a vaacutell aacuten egy sziacutejon kard fuumlgg. Nem volt ebben semmi szokatlan, Vizimaacuteban szinte mindenki fegyverrel jaacutert, de azeacutert senki sem hordott pallost a haacutet aacuten mint valami iacutejat vagy tegezt. A feheacuter hajuacutet a kiraacutelyi felhiacutevaacutes vezette a vaacuterosba a Vizima lakosait gyoumltr? striga visszavaacuteltoztataacutesaacute eacutert jaacute roacute haacute romezer oren jutalom.

Az Arab lánya
Megrendít és fordulatos”Gamal, a szaúdi királyi család tagja, megkapja élete legnagyobb feladatát: fel kell nevelnie magyar szerelmétl született gyermekét, Annát – nem is akárhol: saját hazájában, Szaúd-Arábiában. A család nem nézi jó szemmel a házasságon kívüli kislány érkezését. De ha ez nem lenne elég, a sors még egy megoldhatatlannak tn kihívást küld Gamalnak.Vajon képes egy apa egyenlséget tenni gyermekei kztt, amikor azt a vallási tradíciók szerint nem is volna szabad Lehet boldog egy ilyen zord világban egy ártatlan kislány, akinek már születésekor megpecsételdik a sorsa Mire képes az apai szív Mire képes egy mostohaA hatalmas sikert aratott Az Arab és Az Arab szeretje cím írásokban megismertük egy szívbemarkoló szerelem trténetét.BORSA BROWN legújabb regényében, Az Arab lánya els ktetében a korábbi részek folytatásaként a gyermek Anna élete bontakozik ki, mikzben édesapja, Gamal lelke is új életre kel.A szerzn külnleges, szókimondó, ugyanakkor érzelmes és szenvedélyes, erotikában bvelked írásai az olvasók kedvenceivé váltak. Az írón a már megszokott stílusban folytatja a trténetet, mely ismét érzelmi magasságokba és mélységekbe juttat bennünket.

The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer’s Journey
Being a writer is not just about typing. It’s also about surviving the roller-coaster of the creative journey. Self-doubt, fear of failure, the need for validation, perfectionism, writer’s block, comparisonitis, overwhelm, and much more. When you’re going through these things, it can feel like you’re alone. But actually, they are part of the creative process, and every author goes through them too. This book collects the mindset issues that writers experience, that I have been through myself over the last ten?years and that perhaps you will experience at different times on the creative journey. Each small chapter tackles a possible issue and then offers an antidote, so that you can dip in and out over time. It includes excerpts from my own personal journals as well as quotes from well-known writers. I hope it helps you on the road to becoming a successful author. The book includes: Part 1: Mindset Aspects of Creativity and Writing Self-doubt and imposter syndrome Need for validation Fear of?failure Fear of rejection and criticism Your inner critic Fear of judgment Perfectionism Writer’s block and procrastination “I’m not creative. I don’t have any ideas” “My writing isn’t original” “Why write? There are too many books in the world already” “I don’t have the time or self-discipline to write” “I’m not finding writing much fun. It’s hard work.” “I keep starting things and not finishing them” Dealing with friends, family and writer’s groups “How do I find my voice?” Comparisonitis or “Everyone is better than me” Part 2: Mindset Aspects after Publishing Anti-climax and creative dissatisfaction What is your definition of success? What happens when you tell people that you’re an author? “I’m overwhelmed” Dealing with fans, authenticity and drawing the line Haters gonna hate Ambition, fame and fortune Giving up Part 3: Tips for Success on the Author Journey Know thyself Understand and hone your creative process Develop professional habits Manage professional relationships Take control of your writing career Find your community Keep learning Schedule rest and take time off Think long term. Create a body of work

The Ultimate Keto Diet Guide & 100 Recipes
Do Want to Burn Fat or Store fat? Do you want to use fat to fuel your body? Do you want to stop counting calories forever? You'll learn all this and more, all for the cost of your morning coffee!! 50 Page Complete Guide to the Ketogenic Diet and 100 Delicious Recipes (all with detailed nutritional information). Includes Bonus 7 Day Quick Start Guide Meal Planner The Quick Start Guide and 7 Day Meal Planner means you can start today. Do you want to experience the benefits of the Ketogenic Diet (lose stubborn belly fat, reduced blood sugar levels, increased energy and mental focus) but are not sure where to start? Do you want a step by step Ketogenic Diet plan tailored to you? Would you like to master the Ketogenic Diet and learn how to never count calories again? Do you want a wide range of delicious and easy Ketogenic recipes to choose from? You'll get all this and more in the 'Ketogenic Diet: Low Carb, High Fat Diet Guide and 100 Recipe Cookbook for Beginners for Fast Weight Loss' You'll also learn: Why most diets fail and how to keep on track How you could be eating more carbs than you think and need. What food types to eat and what to avoid Using the 80% Approach, never to have to count calories again! Download now and discover the easy Ketogenic Diet and how it can help YOU with your health goals

Consumatorul de suflete
Am citit manuscrisul, la nceput pe o diagonal, apoi pe alta, i din nou pe prima. Nu din comoditate sau lips de interes, ci de draci... Sunt, cumva, prea aproape de tem. Dar tema mi place, este adnc integrat n epiderma modei care ne bntuie. mi place mintea ascuit brici care ncearc s se elibereze tind n stnga i-n dreapta fr a msura altfel dect cu privirea rece, ngheat de atta contien de sine.“ Florin ChilianExist oameni care nu ateapt s li se dea. Ei doar ntind mna i iau. Iau ntmplri, iau fiine, iau senzaii, sentimente, obiecte, anotimpuri, locuri. Codin Maticiuc e unul dintre oamenii de genul sta. Consumatorul de suflete este felul lui de a da ceva napoi lumii din care ia cu atta nesa. O carte care se citete pe nersuflate, mai ales dup ce renuni s te mai ntrebi dac povestea e ficiune sau realitate.“ Lia BugnarO proporie covritoare a celor care ne viziteaz ara pot depune mrturie c viaa de noapte bucuretean este, cu adevrat, ceva ieit din comun. Am nceput s citesc ce a scris Codin cu mari rezerve. tiam c are o inteligen peste medie. Avem de-a face cu un jurnal insolit. Un breviar de tipologii feminine i triri ale unui mare superficial. Cred n talentul lui literar, i mai ales n modernitatea scriiturii.“ Mihai BendeacSurprinztor de interesant descrierea unui mediu aproape necunoscut omului de rnd. Umorul i autoironia personajului sunt uimitoare. i dau un aer aparte observaiilor fcute de la nlimea meselor pe care troneaz destrblarea sufletelor cumprate, vndute sau nchiriate pentru o noapte.“ Dan ChiuScriu mai mult pe Blackberry (sta fiind i motivul pentru care rezist intrrii iPhone-ului n viaa mea). N-am crezut c rndurile mele vor vedea vreodat tiparul, dar am fost ncurajat de cteva persoane dragi mie i apoi de criticul literar Alex. tefnescu, dup ce, cu un curaj nebunesc, i-am trimis manuscrisul. Stul de exploatarea vampirului de ctre americani, m-am hotrt s-l aduc n patria lui. Sunt convins c meleagurile noastre i priesc mult mai mult dect cele hollywoodiene.“

Magia ordinii. Senza?ionala metod? japonez? de a-?i elibera ?i organiza casa
2 milioane de exemplare v?ndute Transform?-?i locuin?a ?ntr-un spa?iu ordonat ?i permanent curat cu incredibila metod? KonMari, aplic?nd trei principii de baz?: simplific?, organizeaz? ?i depoziteaz?. Pentru a reu?i s?-?i ordonezi locuin?a, trebuie s?-?i organizezi ac?iunile ?ntr-o succesiune corect?, s? p?strezi numai obiectele care-?i sunt cu adev?rat dragi ?i s? faci totul dintr-odat? ?i repede. Dup? aceea, pentru tot restul vie?ii, nu va mai fi nevoie dec?t s? alegi ce s? p?strezi ?i ce s? arunci. Metoda KonMari nu ??i va transforma doar spa?iul de locuit. Dup? ce ai f?cut ordine ?n cas?, vei constata c? ?ntreaga ta via?? se va schimba. Vei c?p?ta mai mult? ?ncredere ?n tine, succesul te va ?nso?i, vei avea mai mult? energie ?i te vei sim?i mai motivat s? duci via?a pe care ?i-o dore?ti. De asemenea, vei dob?ndi curajul s? la?i ?n urm? aspectele negative ale vie?ii tale: vei recunoa?te o rela?ie care-?i face r?u ?i ?i vei pune cap?t; anxietatea te va p?r?si ?i, ?n sf?r?it, vei sc?dea ?n greutate. ?Kondo ne provoac? s? ne ?ntreb?m dac? obiectele care ne ?nconjoar? servesc unui scop. Ne fac s? avans?m ?n via?? sau ne ?in ata?a?i de trecut?“ – USA Today

Sisters, Secrets and Sacrifice
Two sisters. Two special agents. One War. Sisters, Secrets and Sacrifice is the incredible true story of British special agents Eileen and Jacqueline Nearne, two sisters who risked everything to fight for our freedom during the Second World War. The death of an eccentric recluse is rarely an event to be given more than a few lines in a local newspaper. But when, in September 2010, police were called to a tiny, cluttered flat in Torquay and discovered the body of local ‘cat lady’ Eileen Nearne, they also found a small bundle of possessions that told an amazing story. For Eileen Nearne had been an agent for the Special Operations Executive during the Second World War, going undercover in Nazi-occupied France to send wireless messages of crucial importance to the Allies. Astonishingly, Eileen was not the only special agent in the family – her sister Jacqueline had also been an SOE. Rarely had two members of the same family sacrificed so much to such dangerous work. Sisters, Secrets and Sacrifice pays tribute to these fiercely patriotic women with hearts of courage, who fought for freedom at much personal cost. While Jacqueline narrowly avoided capture several times, tirelessly couriering secret documents for the resistance, Eileen was arrested and tortured by the Gestapo before being incarcerated at Ravensbrück concentration camp. She was only 23. This is a true story of triumph and tragedy, of two sisters who sacrificed themselves to defend our freedom, who stood shoulder to shoulder during the darkest of days.

A Foreign Field (Text Only)
This edition does not include illustrations. A wartime romance, survival saga and murder mystery set in rural France during the First World War. From the Number 1 bestselling author of ‘Agent ZigZag’ and ‘Operation Mincemeat’. Four young British soldiers find themselves trapped behind enemy lines at the height of the fighting on the Western Front in August 1914. Unable to get back to their units, they shelter in the tiny French village of Villeret, where they are fed, clothed and protected by the villagers, including the local matriarch Madame Dessenne, the baker and his wife. The self-styled leader of the band of fugitives, Private Robert Digby, falls in love with the 20-year-old daughter of one of his protectors, and in November 1915 she gives birth to a baby girl. The child is just six months old when someone betrays the men to the Germans. They are captured, tried as spies and summarily condemned to death. Using the testimonies of the daughter, the villagers, detailed town hall records and, most movingly, the soldiers’ last letters, Ben Macintyre reconstructs an extraordinary story of love, duplicity and shame – ultimately seeking to discover through decades of village rumour the answer to the question, ‘Who betrayed Private Digby and his men?’ In this new updated edition the mystery is finally solved. This edition does not include illustrations.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide
Owning a dog is a huge responsibility but extremely rewarding. When you decide to welcome a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel into your home, you have to consider not only how he will fit into your lifestyle but also what you can offer him in return. He will need regular exercise, feeding, games and companionship as well as daily care.As a good owner, it is your responsibility to keep your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel fit and healthy. If you follow the basic guidelines in this book and socialize him, feed a nutritious diet, exercise him adequately, groom and play with him, you can prevent many common health problems. However, it is important that you learn to recognize the warning signs of problems and diseases so that you can treat them yourself or seek professional help from your vet before they get worse. Prevention is always preferable to cure, and a healthy, contented dog will become your trusted companion for many years.

The True Story of Andersonville Prison:A Defense of Major Henry Wirz
During the Civil War, James Madison Page was a prisoner in different places in the South. Seven months of that time was spent at Andersonville. While there he became well acquainted with Major Wirz, or Captain Wirz, his rank during Page’s confinement. Page takes the stand that Captain Wirz was unjustly held responsible for the hardship and mortality of Andersonville. It is his belief that the Federal authorities must share the blame for these things with Confederate authorities, since they were well aware of the inability of the Confederacy to meet the reasonable wants of their prisoners of war, as they lacked supplies for their own needs and since the Federal authorities failed to exercise a humane policy in the exchange of those captured in battle.

Happiness on $10 a Day
Money might buy happiness . . . but what if you're on a budget?Forget the $300 therapy bills, the 197 secrets of happy people, the 18 steps to contentment. Happiness on $10 a Day is all you need to rediscover your joie de vivre without breaking the bank. Whether you're into schadenfreude, mooching, or just good old-fashioned fun, this wallet-friendly guidebook offers dozens of contentment-inducing activities. Along the way, handy icons help you find the right activity for your mood and finances.Feeling dramaticTry harassing a telemarketer.Craving cute animalsStalk a puppy.Need a party themeThrow a celebrity sex tape screening.Totally brokeTime for a pub crawl pyramid scheme!Free!Winter or summer, city or country, alone or with friends, you don't need a trust fund to find delight in daily life. If you've got a sense of adventure, a love of mischief, and $10 to buy this book, what are you waiting for?

Our eminent founding father Ben Franklin once famously compared guests to stinking fish. While this assessment may seem a trifle harsh, the truth remains that social intercourse is a most risky endeavor. Who better to address this concern than the inimitable pundit Russell Lynes a man renowned for his unparalleled expertise on the social graces and the many personality types who regularly abuse themIn this classic guide to "guesting," Lynes provides an indispensable overview of the rituals of behavior that make it possible to visit and be visited, and the necessary safeguards that protect us from our friends and our friends from us. It is a book that demands to be read by every potential guest and host, stinker and stinkee alike.

The world's premier authority on religious traditions presents a concise and timely guide to the history, teachings, and practice of Islam.Drawn from his masterful presentation of Islam in the bestselling book The World's Religions (over two million copies sold), Huston Smith offers a revealing look into the heart of a tradition with more than one billion adherents worldwide. Dispelling narrow and distorted notions about the nature of Islam and featuring a new introduction by the author, this book compellingly conveys the profound appeal of Islam, while addressing such timely issues as the true meaning of jihad, the role of women in Islamic societies, and the remarkable growth of Islam in America.