

Broken Heart
Broken Heart
John Ford
John Ford is another of England's famed literary masters. A Playwright and Poet, he was the most important writer of Tragedies during the reign of King Charles I (1625-49). His works are beautifully poetic even whilst tackling subjects from incest to the choice between true love or forced marriage. Ford's work has endured down the centuries although little is known of his life, or, in some cases, even his contributions to his own plays when written with others. As a whole though it is a legacy of classics; powerful persuasions from driven characters and compelling narratives.
Body Of Opinion and other stories
Body Of Opinion and other stories
Scott Overton
Looking for a walk on the dark side? These three suspenseful tales of the future might be best read with all of the lights on. No Walls A man discovers that he has the ability to pass through walls, but finds it’s more of a curse than a gift, only useful for petty crime. Then a secret intelligence organization gets its hooks into him, and his troubles have only begun. (First published in “Neo-opsis” Issue #18, 2009.) ? Lockdown In a future society, criminals on parole don’t even dare to think about committing a crime or their bodies could go into complete lockdown. So how does a guy get revenge on those who’ve wronged him? ? Body Of Opinion For a dying man, a replacement body is a godsend. Unless the body turns out to be a used model with some serious glitches. Can the new “tenant” discover what killed its first owner before it fails completely? Praise for Scott Overton: “A storyteller of boundless skill…a writer to watch.” “A gifted wordsmith.”
Drámák ecetben és olajban
Drámák ecetben és olajban
Frigyes Karinthy
Drámák ecetben és olajban
Kvittek vagyunk
Kvittek vagyunk
Pál Forró
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Henry Rider Haggard
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Együgy? lexikon
Együgy? lexikon
Frigyes Karinthy
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László Cholnoky
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Jules Verne
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A mesterm?
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Émile Zola
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Csak semmi háború!
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Frigyes Karinthy, Miksa Bródy, Kornél Tábori
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D. H. Lawrence
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Az élet
Az élet
István Petelei
Az élet
Régi ismer?s
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László Cholnoky
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A titokzatos vár
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Donászy Ferenc
A titokzatos vár
Tengereken innen, tengereken túl
Tengereken innen, tengereken túl
Ferenc Donászy
Tengereken innen, tengereken túl