

Bianca 238. (A szomszéd fiú)
Bianca 238. (A szomszéd fiú)
Janis Reams Hudson
Bianca 238. (A szomszéd fiú)
Bianca 242. (Apák napja)
Bianca 242. (Apák napja)
Jessica Steele
Bianca 242. (Apák napja)
Bianca 239. (?t?tt az óra)
Bianca 239. (?t?tt az óra)
Janis Reams Hudson
Bianca 239. (?t?tt az óra)
Júlia 483. (Becsület kérdése)
Júlia 483. (Becsület kérdése)
Lynne Graham
Júlia 483. (Becsület kérdése)
Romana 473. (?r?k?s harc)
Romana 473. (?r?k?s harc)
Lucy Gordon
Romana 473. (?r?k?s harc)
Szívhang 417. (Szívek háborúja)
Szívhang 417. (Szívek háborúja)
Jennifer Taylor
Szívhang 417. (Szívek háborúja)
Just a Boy: An Inspiring and Heartwarming Short Story
Just a Boy: An Inspiring and Heartwarming Short Story
Casey Watson
A heartwarming short story from bestselling author and foster carer Casey Watson. A digital-exclusive short story from Casey Watson, plus a sneak peek chapter from Casey’s highly anticipated next title, Breaking the Silence, and sample chapters from each of Casey’s five moving and inspirational titles. Although he isn’t with them for long, Cameron immediately touches the hearts of Casey’s whole family. A sweet boy with a great sense of humour, he seems different from the other children she’s cared for. But after a disastrous and embarrassing family trip, Cameron disappears. Casey fears the worst. Will her fears be realised?
Mamac broj 1
Mamac broj 1
Ivana Maksić
asopis za kulturu i drutvena pitanja, bavi se socijalno angaovanim temama. Izlazi kvartalno. Prvi broj posveen je Oskaru Daviu
The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Ben Johnson
Of all the myths which have come down to us from the East, and of all the creations of Western fancy and belief, the Personality of Evil has had the strongest attraction for the mind of man. The Devil is the greatest enigma that has ever con-fronted the human intelligence. So large a place has Satan taken in our imagination, and we might also say in our heart, that his expulsion therefrom, no matter what philosophy may teach us, must for ever remain an impossibility. As a character in imagi-native literature Lucifer has not his equal in heaven above or on the earth beneath. In contrast to the idea of Good, which is the more exalted in proportion to its freedom from anthropomor-phism, the idea of Evil owes to the presence of this element its chief value as a poetic theme. The discrowned archangel may have been inferior to St. Michael in military tactics, but he cer-tainly is his superior in matters literary. The fair angels—all frankness and goodness—are beyond our comprehension, but the fallen angels, with all their faults and sufferings, are kin to us. There is a legend that the Devil has always had literary aspi-rations. The German theosophist Jacob B?hme relates that when Satan was asked to explain the cause of God’s enmity to him and his consequent downfall, he replied: “I wanted to be an author.” Whether or not the Devil has ever written anything over his own signature, he has certainly helped others compose their greatest works. It is a significant fact that the greatest im-aginations have discerned an attraction in Diabolus. What would the world’s literature be if from it we eliminated Dante’s Divine Comedy, Calderón’s Marvellous Magician, Milton’s Paradise Lost, Goethe’s Faust, Byron’s Cain, Vigny’s Eloa, and Lermon-tov’s Demon? Sorry indeed would have been the plight of litera-ture without a judicious admixture of the Diabolical. Without the Devil there would simply be no literature, because without his intervention there would be no plot, and without a plot the story of the world would lose its interest. Even now, when the belief in the Devil has gone out of fashion, and when the very mention of his name, far from causing men to cross themselves, brings a smile to their faces, Satan has continued to be a puissant personage in the realm of letters. As a matter of fact, Beelzebub has perhaps received his greatest elaboration at the hands of writers who believed in him just as little as Shake-speare did in the ghost of Hamlet’s father.
Tiffany 235. (?jra libben a szoknya)
Tiffany 235. (?jra libben a szoknya)
Heather Macallister
Tiffany 235. (?jra libben a szoknya)
Bianca 246. (K?zszolgálati boszorkány)
Bianca 246. (K?zszolgálati boszorkány)
Kristin Hardy
Bianca 246. (K?zszolgálati boszorkány)
Mostantól mindhalálig
Mostantól mindhalálig
Margaret Way
Mostantól mindhalálig
Tiffany 243. (Megszólal a riasztó)
Tiffany 243. (Megszólal a riasztó)
Jeanie London
Tiffany 243. (Megszólal a riasztó)
Romana 442. (Elcserélt boldogság)
Romana 442. (Elcserélt boldogság)
Elisabeth Power
Romana 442. (Elcserélt boldogság)
Romana 431. (Kényére-kedvére)
Romana 431. (Kényére-kedvére)
Melanie Milburne
Romana 431. (Kényére-kedvére)
Júlia 435. (Kiadó a szívem)
Júlia 435. (Kiadó a szívem)
Emma Darcy
Júlia 435. (Kiadó a szívem)
Szívhang 368. (Kis léptékben)
Szívhang 368. (Kis léptékben)
Melanie Milburne
Szívhang 368. (Kis léptékben)
Tiffany 234. (Bels? munkatárs)
Tiffany 234. (Bels? munkatárs)
Dawn Atkins
Tiffany 234. (Bels? munkatárs)
Júlia 433. (Kétféle gyémánt)
Júlia 433. (Kétféle gyémánt)
Lee Wilkinson
Júlia 433. (Kétféle gyémánt)
Tiffany 232. (Esküv? másodkézb?l)
Tiffany 232. (Esküv? másodkézb?l)
Jule McBride
Tiffany 232. (Esküv? másodkézb?l)
Romana 422. (Hirdetés útján)
Romana 422. (Hirdetés útján)
Margaret Way
Romana 422. (Hirdetés útján)