
Szívhang 479. (?t perc nem elég)
Szívhang 479. (?t perc nem elég)

Szívhang 477. (Varázsló a kórházban)
Szívhang 477. (Varázsló a kórházban)

G?l Hikayeleri: Gahbe Gen?lik
Bu ?yküler okuru yüz y?l ?ncesine ta??yarak toplumun hangi evrilmelerden ge?ti?ine ???k tutuyor. Ayn? zamanda 1953’de ba?lay?p 68’lerde sonu?lanan a?alar?n doymak bilmeyen toprak h?rs? yüzünden y?redeki Elmal? Avlan, S??üt ve G?lhisar G?llerinin kurutulup topra??n?n payla??lmas?ndaki e?itsizlikler ve bu durum kar??s?nda y?re insan?n?n duru?u tüm y?nleriyle ele al?n?rken, güncelli?ini yitirmeyen ?evre y?k?mlar?n? g?zler ?nüne serer. Ayr?ca u?runa türküler yak?lan, ?lümüne ya?anan a?k ?yküleri, yüz y?ld?r susmayan türkülerin ?yküsü Gahbe Gen?lik anlat?l?r. Bu y?nüyle halk ?ykücülü?üne yak?n yal?n bir dil kullan?lm??. Co?rafya insanlar? ?ekillendirirken, insanlar da üzerinde ya?ad??? co?rafyaya anlam kazand?r?r. Toplumlar diliyle, ya?ad?klar?yla co?rafyalar?nda ?nemli izler b?rak?r. Bu y?nüyle istedim ki yazd?klar?m co?rafyan?n bir belle?i olsun. Bu ?yküler okuru yüz y?l ?ncesine ta??yarak toplumun hangi evrilmelerden ge?ti?ine ???k tutuyor. Ayn? zamanda 1953’de ba?lay?p 68’lerde sonu?lanan a?alar?n doymak bilmeyen toprak h?rs? yüzünden y?redeki Elmal? Avdan, S??üt ve G?lhisar G?llerinin kurutulup topra??n?n payla??lmas?ndaki e?itsizlikler ve bu durum kar??s?nda y?re insan?n?n duru?u tüm y?nleriyle ele al?n?rken, güncelli?ini yitirmeyen ?evre y?k?mlar?n? g?zler ?nüne sermeye ?al??t?m. Ayr?ca u?runa türküler yak?lan, ?lümüne ya?anan a?k ?yküleri ve yüz y?ld?r susmayan türkülerin ?ykülerini yazd?m. Bu y?nüyle halk ?ykücülü?üne yak?n yal?n bir dille anlatmaya ?al??t?m. “G?l Hikayeleri / Gahbe Gen?lik” size ge?mi?in izlerinde sessiz, sakin ama derin, bir gezinti yapt?raca??n? dü?ünüyorum. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? HAL?L ERDEM 1961 Dirmil-Burdur do?umlu. Gazi ?niversitesi E?itim Fakültesi S?n?f ??retmenli?ini bitirdi. Türk?e B?lümünde lisans tamamlad?. Kar Ayd?nl??????????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Dirmil ?mürcüsü (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar?2006- 2014 Goca Meryem????? (Roman)?????? Fam Yay?nlar? 2014 Tokat?????????????????????? (?ocuk Roman?) Kendi Yay?n? 2013 Teke Y?resi Halk ?nan?lar? (Ara?t?rma - inceleme) Kendi Yay?n? 2008 Karacao?lan Gelene?inde Dirmil Güzellemeleri ve ?yküler (Ara?t?rma inceleme) 2011 Alter Yay. Gece Mavisinde A?k???? (?iir)?????? Kendi Yay?n? 1998 Ve Al???ld? ?lüme?????????? (?iir )????? Temmuz Yay?nlar? 1990 Kardan Adam??????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n? 1998 I??k Avc?lar???????????? (?ocuk ?iirleri) Kendi Yay?n?) 2013 ??pten ??rendi?im Hayat?? ?ocuk Kitab?????????????? 2015 G?l Hikayeleri?????????? (?ykü)???????????????????????????????????? 2015 ? ?iir ve yaz?lar?n? Bah?e, Mavi Umut, Bahar, ?al?, ??retmen Dünyas?, Dirmil, Noktam, Bezuvar, süje, Kar dergilerinde yay?nlad?. Beykonak E?itim ve Kültür Vakf? Yirce ?iir Yar??mas?nda. Ne-Var Yok ?iiriyle Birincilik ald?.(2004) Resim ?al??malar?n? da yürüten Halil ERDEM 3 ki?isel, 25 karma resim sergi etkinli?inde bulundu.

Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son
Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son

Dickens: History in an Hour
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour. Charles Dickens remains – 200 years after his birth – arguably Britain’s most successful writer. Works such as Great Expectations and Oliver Twist have amused and inspired readers in all languages since their original publication in the nineteenth century, and have been adapted countless times for the stage and screen. Dickens: History in an Hour covers all the major facts and events surrounding Dickens’s life; the poverty of his childhood, his experience in Warren’s Blacking Factory, the evolution of his novels, his tours around America and Europe and his sometimes scandalous private life. Dickens: History in an Hour tells you everything you need to know about Charles Dickens in just one hour. Know your stuff: read about Dickens in just one hour.

The Medieval Anarchy:History in an Hour
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour. Nicknamed ‘The Anarchy' for its unprecedented levels of chaos and disorder, the succession crisis that followed the death of King Henry I in 1135 resulted in England's first civil war. ‘The Medieval Anarchy: History in an Hour’ neatly covers all the major facts and events giving you a clear and straightforward overview of the plots and violence that ensued during the the nineteen-year conflict. ‘The Medieval Anarchy: History in an Hour’ is engagingly written and accessible for all history lovers. This, in an hour, is the story of ‘The Medieval Anarchy’ through the personalities, context, events and aftermath of England's first, and often forgotten, civil war. Love your history? Find out about the world with History in an Hour…

Торты нашего детства. Мамочкина вкуснятина!
Книга объединяет два главных прижизненных издания основателя и ярчайшего представителя поэзии абсурда. Эдвард Лир (1812-1888) – прославленный английский поэт и художник, отец литературного лимерика, жанра, оказавшего заметное влияние на литературу конца XIX и всего XX века. Лимерики (216 забавных пятистиший) приведены на языке оригинала с параллельными переводами, выполненными лучшим российским интерпретатором поэзии нонсенса Борисом Архипцевым, и сопровождаются авторскими иллюстрациями. Переводчик посвятил работе более 20 лет жизни, добившись уникального результата, невиданной прежде полноты раскрытия авторского замысла в сочетании с красотой и естественностью звучания русского стиха. ?…Архипцев переводит Эдварда Лира, как благочестивый толковник – Писание: он передает и смысл, и звук. Точен – часто до мельчайших деталей. Звучен – до самой лихой эквилибристики…??Н. Горбаневская. Книга погружает читателя в атмосферу тонкого английского юмора, превосходно переданного переводчиком, в мир абсурда, делая его близким и понятным человеку любого возраста – от младшего школьного до старшего пенсионного. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Будь дивом: 50 урок?в, щоб зробити неможливе можливим
Книжка ?Прода?ться все. Джефф Безос та ера Amazon? — не лише ?стор?я усп?ху найб?льш ?нновац?йно? св?тово? компан??, а й свого роду пос?бник, ?нструкц?я для тих, хто хоче створити св?й б?знес. ??Автор книжки, Бред Стоун, майстерно пише про зародження та розвиток Amazon — в?д моменту створення компан?? на Волл-Стр?т на початку 1990-х ? дотепер. Ця компан?я одн??ю з перших побачила необмежен? можливост? ?нтернету та назавжди зм?нила те, як ми купу?мо ? чита?мо.??Також автор розкрива? та?мниц? тр?умфу засновника Amazon Джеффа Безоса, одного ?з найвидатн?ших кер?вник?в, невтомного генератора ?дей. Стоун розпов?да?, як Безос дисципл?новано ? подекуди педантично вт?лю? новаторськ? ?де? у життя, як лама? стереотипи, не визна? загальноприйнятих правил, а запроваджу? сво?.??

Энциклопедия разумного огородника
Нельсон Мандела — п?вденноафриканський правозахисник, юрист, пол?тик, президент П?вденно-Африкансько? Республ?ки (1994 –??1999 рр.). Мандела був першим президентом ПАР, обраним на демократичних, не сфальсиф?кованих виборах. У сво?й трет?й книз? Нельсон Мандела в?дверто опису? ?н?ц?ац?ю африканських хлопчик?в, побут ? злидн? свого дитинства, навчання й одруження, народження ? смерть сво?х д?тей, жах самотност? в’язня на остров? Роббен ? вистраждану Свободу. Житт?вий досв?д та погляди Нельсона Мандели як н?коли актуальн? в контекст? нин?шн?х укра?нських реал?й, бо ?правда поляга? в тому, що ми ще не в?льн?, ми просто здобули свободу бути в?льними, право не бути пригноблюваними…справжн? випробування нашо? в?дданост? свобод? лише почина?ться?.??

Сочные блюда из курицы. Мамочкина вкуснятина!
Доля ж?нки в Пакистан? визначена наперед: бути пок?рною дружиною, догоджати чолов?ков? й виховувати д?тей. Але 1997 року народилася ??накша? д?вчинка. Вона хот?ла ходити в школу, носити яскравий одяг ? не ховати обличчя. В цей час владу в ?? р?дних краях, в долин? Сват, захопив ?Тал?бан?. За найменшу провину перед ?законом? терористи карали людей побоями ? нав?ть смертю. Геро?ня ? авторка ц??? книжки розум?ла важлив?сть осв?ти ? боронила права ж?нок, за що й отримала кулю в голову... ?? звуть Малала. ? це т?льки початок ?? ?стор??...

Spanish Student
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on February 27th, 1807 in Portland, Maine. As a young boy, it was obvious that he was very studious and he quickly became fluent in Latin. He published his first poem, "e;The Battle of Lovell's Pond"e;, in the Portland Gazette on November 17th, 1820. He was already thinking of a career in literature and, in his senior year, wrote to his father: "e;I will not disguise it in the least... the fact is, I most eagerly aspire after future eminence in literature, my whole soul burns most ardently after it, and every earthly thought centers in it...."e; After graduation travels in Europe occupied the next three years and he seemed to easily absorb any language he set himself to learn. On September 14th, 1831, Longfellow married Mary Storer Potter. They settled in Brunswick. His first published book was in 1833, a translation of poems by the Spanish poet Jorge Manrique. He also published a travel book, Outre-Mer: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. During a trip to Europe Mary became pregnant. Sadly, in October 1835, she miscarried at some six months. After weeks of illness she died, at the age of 22 on November 29th, 1835. Longfellow wrote "e;One thought occupies me night and day... She is dead - She is dead! All day I am weary and sad"e;. In late 1839, Longfellow published Hyperion, a book in prose inspired by his trips abroad. Ballads and Other Poems was published in 1841 and included "e;The Village Blacksmith"e; and "e;The Wreck of the Hesperus"e;. His reputation as a poet, and a commercial one at that, was set. On May 10th, 1843, after seven years in pursuit of a chance for new love, Longfellow received word from Fanny Appleton that she agreed to marry him. On November 1st, 1847, the epic poem Evangeline was published. In 1854, Longfellow retired from Harvard, to devote himself entirely to writing. The Song of Haiwatha, perhaps his best known and enjoyed work was published in 1855. On July 10th, 1861, after suffering horrific burns the previous day. In his attempts to save her Longfellow had also been badly burned and was unable to attend her funeral. He spent several years translating Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. It was published in 1867. Longfellow was also part of a group who became known as The Fireside Poets which also included William Cullen Bryant, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russell Lowell, and Oliver Wendell Holmes Snr. Longfellow was the most popular poet of his day. As a friend once wrote to him, "e;no other poet was so fully recognized in his lifetime"e;. Some of his works including "e;Paul Revere's Ride"e; and "e;The Song of Haiwatha"e; may have rewritten the facts but became essential parts of the American psyche and culture. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow died, surrounded by family, on Friday, March 24th, 1882. He had been suffering from peritonitis.

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish his comedy from 1611 'The Tempest'.

Much Ado About Nothing
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish his comedy from 1598 'Much Ado About Nothing'.

Julius Caesar
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish his tragedy from 1599 'Julius Caesar'.

King Lear
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish his tragedy from 1605 'King Lear'.

Comedy Of Errors
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish from 1589 the classic 'The Comedy Of Errors'.

Midummer Nights Dream
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish his comedy from 1595 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

Taming of The Shrew
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish his comedy from 1593 'The Taming of the Shrew'.

One Day More - Art is long and life is short, and success is very far off.
Born in 1857 in Poland, Joseph Conrad became a British citizen just before he turned 30. In the intervening years he lost both parents, becoming an orphan at 11, being thereafter raised by an uncle, who let the boy go to Marseille at age 16, where he began to work on merchant ships - which at times included stints of gun running and the intrigue of political conspiracy. At age 36 his life turned from one of ships to one of literary pursuit. Conrad brought to English literature both a fresh layer of style and a deeper examination of the human psyche in a wealth of works. He wrote many novels, which are correctly regarded today as some of the finest in English literature. Among their canon are Lord Jim, Nostromo, The Shadow Line, and of course Heart of Darkness.

King John
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish his historical play from 1596 'King John'.

Twelfth Night
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in late April 1565 and baptised there on 26th April. He was one of eight children. Little is known about his life but what is evident is the enormous contribution he has made to world literature. His writing was progressive, magnificent in scope and breathtaking in execution. His plays and sonnets helped enable the English language to speak with a voice unmatched by any other. William Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616, survived by his wife and two daughters. He was buried two days after his death in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. The epitaph on the slab which covers his grave includes the following passage, Good friend, for Jesus's sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed me the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. Here we publish his comedy from 1599 'Twelfth Night'.