Conseguir Emprego
Conseguir Emprego

Scrappy Rough Draft: Use science to strategically motivate yourself & finish wri
The canonical Gospels stand very differently, as respects origin, character and reception, with the Gospels, Acts and Apocalpyses known as ‘Apocryphal.’ These apocryphal writings began to be produced (so far as known) in the second century, mostly in Ebionitic and Gnostic circles, and, with few exceptions, were repudiated and condemned by the Church. Only later, and in modified and expurgated forms, did their stories pass into the general Catholic tradition. The second century seems to have been a perfect hot-bed for the production of this class of writings. The heretical Gospel of the Egyptians is already quoted in 2 Clement (circa a.d. 140). Iren?us speaks of the sect of the Marcosians as adducing ‘an unspeakable number of apocryphal and spurious writings, which they themselves had forged, to bewilder the minds of the foolish,’ and instances the story, found in the Gospel of Thomas, of Jesus confounding the schoolmaster who sought to teach Him His letters (Adv. Haer. i. 20). Later tradition attributed the composition of many of the apocryphal writings (Pseudo-Matthew, Acts of Apostles) to a mythical Leucius, a disciple of the Apostles (cp. art. ‘Leucius,’ Dict. of Christ. Biog.). Eusebius gives a list of spurious and disputed books: ‘That we may have it in our power to know both these books (the canonical) and those that are adduced by the heretics under the name of the Apostles, such, viz., as compose the Gospels of Peter, of Thomas, and of Matthew, and certain others beside these, or such as contain the Acts of Andrew and John, and of the other Apostles, of which no one of those writers in the ecclesiastical succession has condescended to make any mention in his works; and, indeed, the character of the style itself is very different from that of the Apostles, and the sentiments, and the purport of those things that are advanced in them, deviating as far as possible from sound orthodoxy, evidently proves they are the fictions of heretical men; whence they are not only to be ranked among the spurious writings, but are to be rejected as altogether absurd and impious’ (H. E. iii. 25). Only a small part of this extensive literature remains to us, and in no case in its original form, but solely in later, and often much-altered recensions. CrossReach Publications

Burhan Bey
Mevsim, k?? ortas?yd?! Günlerce ya?murla ?slanm??t? ?stanbul! Bütün hafta f?rt?nayla, karla, so?ukla insanlar?n can?n ??kar. Sonra da insanlara ?ektirdi?ine pi?man olmu? gibi bir sevimlili?e büründü. ?stanbul bu, bir bakm??s?n?z f?rt?na dinmi?, güne? a?m??, bir bakm??s?n?z aniden kar ya?m??. ?stanbul b?yledir i?te… Parlayan güne?i f?rsat bilen binlerce insan sokaklara d?külür. Kimi bo?azda, kimi k?prüde, kimi deniz k?y?s?nda oltas?yla bal?k tutuyor, kimileri vapurla adalara gidiyor, kimi Emin?nü’ne, kimi al?? veri? merkezlerine, ya da kar?n tad?n? ??karmak i?in Belgrat ormanlar?na gidiyor… Bu gün hava karl?yd? ve tipik ?stanbul hali i?te! Zalim bir ?ehirdir ?u ?stanbul! Tehlike ?ok ama, bir o kadar da güzeldir. Sana hep ihanet eder ve sen yine onu sevmeye devam edersin. “?stanbul’u sevmeyen g?nül, a?k? ne anlar!” demi?ler ?airler ve bu s?zü bo?una s?ylememi?ler! Bir bakm??s?n?z güzel bir gün ge?irirken onu bozacak birisi mutlaka ??kar. Sanki ?stanbul’un de?i?mez bir kurald?r bu! Onu o kadar iyi tan?m?? durumday?m ki, hakk?nda ciltler dolusu kitap bile yazabilirim... ? ? ? Halit Fuat Be?ik kimdir? 1952 y?l?nda Fatsa'da do?du. ?lk ve orta ??renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite ??renimini ise ?stanbul'da tamamlad?. Kapal? ?ar??da ticaret hayat?na at?ld?. Bu arada dünyan?n pek ?ok ülkesini gezme f?rsat? buldu. ?nceleri rezaletten ka?mayan ve "Hep ben" mant???yla maceral? bir hayat ya?ad?. Okumay? ve not almay? ?ok sevdi?i i?in pek ?ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir… Yazar?n ?al??malar?; "TALAN MEVS?M?NDE ADAM G?B? YA?AMAK", "SOKRATES’?N ?SYANI", "HA?LILAR ?ANAKKALEDE", "Y?Z ELL? YA?INDAK? ADAM", "TEVRATIN ?OCUKLARI VE KURAN", "AR?F’?N ?L?M?", "???RLE A?LAMAK", "K???K MAHMUT ?LE KOCA BAYRAM", "VEN?S GEZEGEN?NDE ?SYAN", "ADEME MEKTUPLAR" gibi Kur-an ahlak?na dayal?, ama daha cüretk?r ve farkl? konuda yaz?lm?? kitaplard?r. ?Yazmak konusuna otuz y?ll?k bir emek vermesine ra?men, bu konuda daha pek ?ok ?ey yapmas? gerekti?ine inan?yor. “Talan Mevsiminde Adam gibi ya?amak”, “Sokrates’in ?syan?”, “Ha?l?lar ?anakkale’de”, “Tevrat’?n ?ocuklar? ve Kur-an”, “Yüz Elli Ya??ndaki Adam”, “?iirle A?lamak”, “Kü?ük Mahmut ile Koca Bayram”, “Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan” ve “Adem’e Mektuplar” isimli kitaplar? yay?nlanm??t?r. ?nan?, Adalet, ?nsan sevgisi ve Kuran ahlak?na dayal? o muhte?em denge i?inde eserler vermeye ?al???yor. Ger?ek eserlerini bundan sonra size sunaca??na inan?yor... ?imdilik, ya??yor i?te…

Arif'in ?lümü
Ardma baktmda, yaadm hibir nemli eyi unutmadm grüyorum! Bakyorum da, gerek duygularm yaayacak kadar oyuncu olmuum. Ama olsun! Gemii bu güne tamakla, ondan dersler alp temiz bir gelecek yaratabiliriz... Ben, tanmadklar insanlar ldüren ve yok eden, onlar kahraman sayan dünyada dodum ama, iimden byle bir dünyada yaamak istemiyorum. Yaradln hakikatini grmek istiyorum ve bakalarnn dayattna gre yaamak istemiyorum.... Yeter artk bu kadar hayalperestlik! Alk, yoksulluk, savalar, tecavüz, terr, hayvan katli, doa tahribat grmek istemiyorum… Nefes almak istiyorum… Karamsarlk kaplyor iimi bütünüyle… Karanln, fkenin, nefretin ve lümlerin iinde yaamak istemiyorum… Gerek kahramanlk can almak deil, can vermektir! Sen kimsin de, Allah’n verdii can alyorsun Senin kendi cann bile alma lüksün yok… Yaam sahnesi tek kiilik olmadna gre, en azndan yaananlardan ders alp kendimizi insanlk konusunda gelitirmek zorundayz. nsanlk sadece var olmak, yaamak, nefes alp vermek deil, paylamaktr. Kendi yaam alanmz korurken, bakalarnn yaam alann ihlal etmemektir… Yazar Hakknda Halit Fuat Beik: 1952 ylnda Fatsa'da dodu. lk ve orta renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite renimini ise stanbul'da tamamlad. Kapal arda ticaret hayatna atld. Bu arada dünyann pek ok ülkesini gezme frsat buldu. nceleri rezaletten kamayan ve "Hep ben" mantyla maceral bir hayat yaad. Okumay ve not almay ok sevdii iin pek ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir. Yazmak konusuna otuz yllk bir emek vermesine ramen, bu konuda daha pek ok ey yapmas gerektiine inanyor. 2003 ylnda "Talan MevsimindeAdam gibi yaamak.” 2010 ylnda, ”Sokrates’in syan., Hallar anakkale’de, Yüz Elli Yandaki Adam, Tevrat’n ocuklar ve Kur-an” adl kitaplar yaynlanmtr. nan, Adalet, nsan sevgisi ve Kur-an ahlakna dayal o muhteem denge iinde eserler vermeye alyor.u anda sizler iin deiik konularda pek ok kitaplar daha hazrlamaktadr. Gerek eserlerini bundan sonra size sunacana inanyor...

Jocurile Daniei
Cartea de fa surprinde momente de libertate, arcuiri de libertate, zvcniri libere, explozii spre frumos, notate n fragmente lirice. n esen ei ncape i mulumirea pentru aceste momente, pentru minunea coninut n ele. Iar bucuriei acestei liberti i dau o orientare n sus i spre rsrit, c mrturisire i c recunotina pentru putin de a o fi trit-o.Din punct de vedere muzical, poeziile se acordeaz i cu muzica pe care o interpretez i studiez – muzica psaltic – prelund multe din elementele ntlnite n acest gen muzical. sub aspectul formei, n multe situaii am pstrat varianta cea mai brut, considernd c pstreaz cel mai bine culoarea momentului poeziei.“ –Cristian Boro

Tales of a Tiller Girl Part 1 of 3
A heart-warming nostalgia memoir from a member of the world famous dance troupe, The Tiller Girls. Based in London in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, Irene’s story will transport readers back to a more innocent, simple way of life. This is the story of a little girl who loved to dance. Growing up in London in the 1930s, dancing was so much more to Irene than just a hobby. It was her escape and it took her off into another world away from the harsh realities of life. A fairytale world away from the horrors of WW2, from the grief of losing her father and missing her mother who she didn’t see for three years while she was drafted to help with the war effort. And far away from her cold-hearted grandparents who treated her like an inconvenience. Finally it led to her winning a place as a Tiller Girl; the world’s most famous dance troupe known for their 32-and-a-half high kicks a minute and precise, symmetrical routines. For four years she opened and closed the show at the prestigious London Palladium and performed on stage alongside huge stars such as Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Judy Garland. It was a strange mixture of glamour and bloody hard work but it was certainly never dull. And being a Tiller Girl also gave Irene the opportunity to see firsthand the devastating effects of WW2, both here and abroad. Heart-warming, enlightening and wonderfully uplifting, Irene’s evocative story will transport readers back to a time when every town and holiday resort had several theatres and when dance troupes like The Tiller Girls were the epitome of glitz and glamour.

《十六国春秋》一百卷,北魏崔鸿撰,记录了从西晋末年至北魏统一北方之前,一百五十余年间十六国政权的兴衰更迭。由于其后十六国相关史料相继散佚,此书遂逐渐成为完整记载十六国史的史书,是唐修《晋书》中《载记》部分重要的史源。本书在两宋之际亡佚,清代学者汤球辑成《十六国春秋辑补》百卷。是清代史部典籍辑佚的代表作,也是关于魏晋南北朝重要的基本史料之一。 《十六国春秋辑补》100卷,包括《前赵录》10卷、《后赵录》12卷、《前燕录》8卷、《前秦录》11卷、《后燕录》7卷、《后秦录》9卷、《南燕录》6卷、《夏录》3卷、《前凉录》9卷、《蜀录》5卷、《后凉录》4卷、《西秦录》4卷、《南凉录》3卷、《西凉录》3卷、《北凉录》3卷、《北燕录》3卷。附《年表》一卷。 此次整理以光绪二十一年广雅书局刊本为底本,以校核史源为工作重心,参考《十六国春秋纂录》《晋书·载记》以及《太平御览》等诸书中的《十六国春秋》佚文,逐条复核、逐层考辨,厘清史源,指出错漏,为读者提供一个学术价值高且便于阅读利用的版本。


《乡土中国》是费孝通先生研究传统中国乡村社会的一部名著。作者基于自己田野调查的丰富积累,对中国传统社会结构进行了充分的思考和分析,尝试回答“作为中国基层社会的乡土社会究竟是个什么样的社会”这个问题。作为社会学本土化的重要论著,《乡土中国》对研究中国乡土社会的传统文化、社会结构具有开创性意义。 今天,读懂《乡土中国》对于理解中国的社会形态和社会状况仍十分必要。中国人民大学社会与人口学院岳永逸教授,从学术研究与时代需求等多方面入手,撰写两万余字导读,带领读者了解费孝通先生的知识谱系、学术实践、精神世界和家国情怀,进而条分缕析、抓住核心概念,把握知识体系,拓展阅读思路,挖掘当下阅读本书的价值与意义。




Lovey: Part 1 of 3
Lovey can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3. You can read Part 1 three weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. This deeply moving memoir tells the story of Hannah: a child who has been beaten and abused; a girl full of loneliness and rage; a student no one but learning disabilities teacher Mary MacCracken could reach. Mary had reservations about eight-year-old Hannah joining her class. The three emotionally disturbed boys she was currently looking after had been making steady progress, and Hannah, who had a reputation for being a withdrawn and incredibly troubled child, would only be a disruptive influence. For the first fortnight Hannah retired to a cupboard and refused to come out. Howling almost non-stop she was displaying the worst symptoms that Mary had ever seen. How could Mary help a child who had been shut up in closets and treated like an animal? What could she say to a child who had been locked out of her own home, and beaten by both her brother and her father? How could she reach this lost girl? This is the remarkable story of Hannah and Mary’s journey together. Deep within Hannah, Mary recognises an amazing strength. And with love, skill and patience, she gradually starts to make a difference. It’s a long road to recovery, but Mary never gives up. As this moving true story unfolds, we feel Mary’s joy, we share her hope and, in time, her faith that Hannah will be okay.

Sour: My Story - Part 1 of 3
Sour can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3. They call me Sour. The opposite of sweet. Shanking, stabbing, steaming, robbing, I did it all, rolling with the Man Dem. I did it because I was bad. I did it because I had heart. And the reason I reckon I got away with it for so long? Because I was a girl. SOUR is the true story of a former Brixton gang girl, drug dealer and full-time criminal. A member of the Younger 28s, a notorious gang that terrorised the postcodes around Brixton in the 90s, Sour escapes a troubled family life to immerse herself in the street life of likking and linking. She never leaves her house without a knife. At the age of fifteen, she stabs an innocent man in the street, earning her unrivalled respect and ‘Top-Dog’ status amongst her crew. She believes she is invincible. But the consequences of her actions are soon to catch up with her. Waking for the second time in two weeks in a hospital bed, to the news that she is pregnant, she realises it’s time to turn her life around. Motherhood will be a rude awakening, but it may also be her saving grace. Told with raw emotions and ferocious honesty, this is the real, on-the-record, story of one woman’s descent down the rabbit hole of gangland, and her efforts, as a daughter, mother and girlfriend, to claw herself out.

The New Arrival: Part 1 of 3
The New Arrival can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3 (Chapters 1-9 of 30). You can read Part 1 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. 17-year-old Sarah Hill leaves behind her home in Wales and enrols at Hackney General Hospital, where she is due to start her training. Looking up at the rows and rows of little windows, there was no way Sarah could have guessed just what she was getting herself into… More than just a hospital, Hackney General was part of the community, just as much as the Adam & Eve pub the staff frequent. A place where the poorly children of Hackney were nursed to health, a place where young nurses would discover just want they wanted from life, fall in love with shy photographers and grow into women. But it’s not all smooth sailing in Hackney: for every baby that goes home to its loving family another is abandoned, unloved, or never gets to go home at all. Funny, warm and deeply moving, Sarah Beeson’s poignant memoir captures both the heartache and happiness of hospital life and 1970s London through the eyes of a gentle but determined young nurse.

Our Vinnie - Part 1 of 3
Our Vinnie can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3. You can read Part 1 three weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. The infamous Canterbury Estate in Bradford, a hotbed of crime, drink and drugs, was a law unto itself in the ’70s. So when one of their own was wronged in any way, the community always had its own way of dealing with it. The first title in a series of gritty family sagas, Our Vinnie accounts the dramatic true story of a brother’s determination to avenge his younger sister’s rape. Josie was just 11 when her Vinnie, then 14, was taken away to a detention centre. Distraught by his absence and left alone with indifferent parents, when she escapes from one of their rows she naively enters the house of a neighbour, Melvin, who – horrifically – leads her upstairs and overpowers her. Convinced by her friend Carol, Josie tells her sister Lyndsey about the rape but, with Vinnie out of the picture, Lyndsey uses the information for her own ends. When Vinnie returns, hardened by years inside the system, his outrage on discovering the truth is severe. And with new abuses continually coming to light, a cataclysmic series of violent events begins to spiral out of control… Dramatic and shocking, Our Vinnie is an unbelievable page-turner, documenting a community forsaken by society, and one brother’s unrelenting determination to take justice into his own hands.

Betrayed: Part 1 of 3
Betrayed can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3. You can read Part 1 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. In the much-anticipated follow-up to Sunday Times bestseller Trapped, foster carer Rosie Lewis tells the heartbreaking true story of 13-year-old Zadie. When the young teenage girl runs away and is discovered hiding on the city streets by the police, it is clear that all is not as it should be. Taught to believe that Westerners should not be trusted, when Zadie is initially delivered into the experienced hands of foster carer Rosie she is polite and well-behaved, but understandably suspicious of the family around her. Through Rosie’s support and understanding, gradually Zadie begins to settle into her new surroundings, but loyalty to her relatives, and fear of bringing shame on those around her, prevents her from confessing the horrifying truth about her troubled past. When the shocking truth finally emerges, Rosie and her family can hardly believe that Zadie had managed to keep the shocking secrets to herself for so long.

Nowhere to Go: Part 1 of 3
Bestselling author and foster carer Casey Watson shares the shocking true story of Tyler, an abused eleven-year-old who, after stabbing his step-mother, had nowhere else to go. Knowing a little of Tyler’s past – his biological mother, a heroin addict, died of an overdose when he was three – Casey feels bound to do her best for him. It isn’t easy; Tyler continuously lashes out, even trying to attack Casey herself. Investigation into his earlier childhood reveals why: forced to watch his mother die he was found emaciated and traumatised two days later, then delivered to a father who didn’t want him and a step-mother who beat him. With the horrific events of his past now vividly affecting the course of his present, Casey and her husband Mike are determined to veer him away from the violence and drugs they fear he will come to depend on. Heartbreaking and profoundly moving, Nowhere to Go tells the story of a child forsaken by his family but fought for by his foster carers.


