Buying Property in France
Straightforward, practical and independent advice on a broad range of subjects related to French property, based on my own personal experience. This includes choices about buying and renting, the costs and intricacies of the legal processes, and how to avoid some of the pitfalls.

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Tako da

罗琳(J. K. Rowling)的“哈利·波特”系列自1997年问世以来,透过小说和电影,这部饶富魔法趣味的作品已经成功引了全球数百万读者,各地的粉丝与罗琳的作品也一起成长,无论是当代的优秀作家或学者,都从中汲取过灵感。 这本书的作者从英国的神话和传奇角度出发,解读了罗琳的“哈利·波特”系列。本书广涉英国历史与斯堪地纳维亚中古文学等领域,带领读者追踪哈利·波特中隐藏的历史谱系,诸如纯血统巫师是否为诺曼人的反映、伏地魔是否为寻求恢复的专制君主、邓布利多是否为前凯尔特人德鲁伊哲学家、霍格沃茨魔法学校的各种象征的涵义等问题。作者认为,神话和传奇在某种程度上启发了人们的想象力和文学创作的欲望,因此在研究和理解人类文明史中占有一席之地。古欧洲的传说、中世纪文学、古典文学和近现代文学都是藉由集体想象力的渗透作用,C.S.刘易斯、J.R.R.托尔金、J.K.罗琳等作为现当代英国幻想文学的代表,其作品中体现的文明精神内核不容忽视。

La fel ca ?i precedentele romane ale lui Emil Ra?iu – reactualiz?ri ale marilor noastre mituri – romanul Turnul col?ei... are o tem? major?, anume existen?a problematic? a omului ca fiin?? situat? ?ntre timp ?i eternitate, ?ntre clip? ?i ve?nicie. Dilema major? a vie?ii este ?ndoita fa?? a realit??ii, perceput? prin sim?uri ca etern? trecere ?i fragmentare ?n lucruri, ?n timp ce prin cuget – prin filosofia eleat? a lui Parmenide, Pitagora, Platon ?i a altora – ea este unitate ve?nic? a Fiin?ei, trecerea fiind doar o iluzie a sim?urilor noastre. Omul este prins la mijloc, ?ntre vreme ?i ve?nicie, o soart? pu?in de invidiat...Aceast? existen?? a omului ?ntre clip? ?i ve?nicie, ?n permanent? confruntare cu eternitatea, este nodul central al ontologiei, reflectat? ?n romanul de fa?? prin eroii acestuia, ?ncep?nd cu dasc?lul de la Academia de la Sf?ntul Sava, Mihai Ciubo?el, cu ipostazele sale, adev?rate avataruri, care sintetizeaz? contrariile, ajung?nd p?n? ?n timpurile noastre (secolul XXI), definite ale neo-fanariotismului ?i ale supu?eniei servile la noi centre de putere.Romanul str?bate prin eroii s?i trei sute de ani de istorie, de la Sf?ntul Martir Constantin Br?ncoveanu la Eminescu p?n? ?n vremurile noastre, ?ncheindu-se cu optimism ?i m?rturisind, ?n ciuda tuturor greut??ilor, credin?a ?n victoria final? a luminii ?i adev?rului neamului rom?nesc.


O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul X. Puterea z?mbetului
Volumul Sublimul tr?d?rii reprezint? o incursiune ?n lumea ?multidimensional?“ a crea?iei teatrale. Convins de existen?a unor straturi rarefiate ale spiritului, ?n care reprezenta?ia a fost h?r?zit? s? existe, autorul se ?ndep?rteaz? de orice interpretare ?vulgar?“, la prima m?n?, a artei scenice. F?c?ndu-se apel la teorii ale esteticii teatrale, dar ?i ale filosofiei, psihanalizei, exegezei ?i criticii literare, ne este relevat un univers artistic complicat, complex, predispus unei analize profunde. Astfel, locul care ?i este destinat spectatorului nu mai este acela de privitor pasiv, ci de partener al actorilor.?Oper?nd alegerea de sine“, spectatorul iese din plasa esteticului nu pentru a-i desfide rostul, ci pentru a se proiecta ?n centrul ac?iunii scenice, ?ntr-un loc ?n care ??i poate afirma prezen?a. Actul ?lecturii“ teatrului implic? ?ndatoriri egale cu cele din spa?iul public, for??ndu-l pe insul aflat ?n sala de spectacol s? faca o eschiva printre imperativele vie?ii, consider?nd interpretarea ca circumscriere concret? ?n ?legea universal?“ a eticului. Doar ?n acest fel, spectatorul poate accepta responsabilit??i legate de ceea ce i se ?nt?mpl?, atent la (?i preocupat de) via?a sa superioar?, spiritual?.“

Dic?ionar de vise. Cartea de vise ?i destine
O analiz? metodic? ?i patima?? a cumplitei dictaturi ro?ii de care a avut parte Rom?nia. Atitudinea elitelor fa?? de tiran ?i fa?? de clica sa. ?n ce masur? suntem vinova?i? La?itatea este oare una dintre caracteristicile definitorii ale c?rturarului rom?n? La aceste ?i multe alte ?ntreb?ri r?spunde profesorul de filosofie, Ion Iano?i – un veritabil model european. Cartea e destinat? studen?ilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.

Gr?dina lui Eros
Cititorul va g?si ?n cartea mea un Bucure?ti al scriitorilor, un Bucure?ti al oamenilor politici ?i al gazetarilor, un Bucure?ti al dueli?tilor de ocazie ?i al fan?ilor de salon, al boierilor risipitori ?i sibari?i, al briganzilor de felul unor Tunsu, Grozea sau Iancu Jianu, al domnitorilor cu sau f?r? noroc, al pasiunilor amoroase, al dramelor ?i comediilor vie?ii, o adev?rat? surs? de subiecte pentru scenari?tii care vor s?-?i ?ncerce norocul ?n produc?ia unor seriale TV, ca s? nu spun ?telenovele“. Exist? oameni care merit? aminti?i cu p?r?ile lor bune ?i rele, domnitori ca Mircea Ciobanul, Matei Basarab, Br?ncoveanu, Mavrocorda?ii, Nicolae Mavrogheni, Ioan Gheorghe Caragea, Gheoghe Bibescu, Barbu ?tirbei, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Carol I sau boieri ca Mihai Cantacuzino, Kre?ule?tii, V?c?re?tii, logof?tul Dudescu, Ion C?mpineanu, Ion Ghica, Nicolae B?lcescu, arhitec?i ca Alexandru Or?scu ?i al?ii. Am pornit ?n scrierea acestei c?r?i av?nd ?n fata ochilor r?ndurile scriitorului Mircea Constantinescu, foarte inspirat atunci c?nd afirma ?n romanul sau documentar ?C?nd toca la Radu Voda“ ca ?Bucure?tii nasc pove?ti de amor ca o mam? eroin?“.

The Unauthorized History of Trek
Star Trek. These two simple words bring forth a vast web of mental associations to millions of people. For more than twenty-five years, a remarkable and widely varied group of characters has seemingly taken over a sizable portion of our collective consciousness and made it its own. Perhaps the late science fiction visionary Philip K. Dick saw this when he had a character in his novel A Scanner Darkly refer to the latest entertainment extravaganza as a “captainkirk.”

The Unauthorized Trekkers’ Guide to the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine
“Like Spain’s Francisco Franco, Star Trek has been fatally dead for a long time. Now and then the mortuary shoots an electric current through the corpse, and the resultant spasm releases yet another manual or quiz or convention or novel or book of fan fiction or whathaveyou, but after nearly a decade there’s little life left in the old cadaver.”

Idle Worship (Text Only Edition)
SO I’VE JUST GOT UP THE STAIRS with my piping hot fish and chips and the phone’s ringing. I put my fish and chips on top of the stove, which hasn’t worked for eighteen months, and think: this better be quick. ‘Yeah?’ I snarl with all the hostility I can muster.

Ini?iere ?n fericire, dragoste, bog??ie ?i vis
Cartea de fa?? r?spunde unor ?ntreb?ri majore: ce este omul? Cine este omul? De ce este omul?Cartea cuprinde teme subiective de medita?ie, filosofie diletant? ?i analiz? psihologic?, ?n genul unor confesiuni, fiind structurat? pe trei p?r?i. Cuvintele abuzive reprezint? o g?ndire fraged?, haotic?, pueril?, prima descoperire a propriului g?nd ?n contradic?ie cu g?ndirea lumii ?i cu g?ndirea proprie ?n alt? faz? a ei, necesitatea dubl?rii g?ndirii ?n dezacordurile ei.Dialogurile sunt descoperirea min?ii personajului ?n proprie minte, descoperirea personajelor vie?ii ?i amintiri fugare ale unor ?nt?mpl?ri obi?nuite care primesc subiectivism paranoic.A treia parte prime?te obiectivitatea, a?a zis? universal?, a unui anumit Narator, care reinterpreteaz? ?i reintegreaz? g?ndurile unui anumit om, ales la ?nt?mplare, dar decis totu?i de circumstan?ele c?r?ii. Dovedirea c? omul ?i ?nsumeaz? pe to?i, lumea.

Vigyázz, mit kívánsz!
RUINS OF ANCIENT CITIES, WITH GENERAL AND PARTICULAR ACCOUNTS OF THEIR RISE, FALL, AND PRESENT CONDITION. - BY CHARLES BUCKE This Volume contain these cities; Abydos, Abydus, ?gesta, ?ina, Agrigentum, Alba Longa, Alcantara, Alexandria, Amisus, Antioch, Argos, Ariammene, Arsinoe, Artaxata, Artemita, Athens, Babylon, Balbec, Byzantium, Cairo (Old), Cann?, Capua, Carthage, Catanea, Chalcedon, Ch?ronea, Corduba, Corcyra (Corfu), Corinth, Ctesiphon, Delphos, Ecbatana, Eleusis, Elis, Ephesus, Gerasa (Djerash), Granada, Gnidos, Heliopolis, Herculaneum, Hierapolis, Isfahan, Italica, Jerusalem, Laced?mon, Or Sparta, Laodicea, Leuctra, Magnesia, Mantinea, Marathon, Megalopolis, Megara, Memphis. Of chance or change, oh! let not man complain;Else shall he never, never, cease to wail;For from the imperial dome, to where the swainRears his lone cottage in the silent dale,All feel the assault of fortune's fickle gale.Art, empire, earth itself, to change are doom'd;Earthquakes have raised to heaven the humble vale;And gulfs the mountains' mighty mass entomb'd;And where the Atlantic rolls wide continents have bloom'd. {BEATTIE.} The reader is requested to observe, that, though the plan of this work is entirely his own, the compiler of it does not put it forth as in any way original in respect to language or description. It is, in fact, a much better book, than if it had been what is strictly called original, (which, indeed, must have involved an utter impossibility:) for it is a selection of some of the best materials the British Museum could furnish; sometimes worked up in his own language; and sometimes—and, indeed, very frequently—in that of others: the compiler having, at an humble distance and with unequal steps, followed the plan which M. Rollin proposed to himself, when he composed his celebrated history of ancient times.—"To adorn and enrich my own," says that celebrated writer, "I will be so ingenuous as to confess, that I do not scruple, nor am ashamed, to rifle whereever I come; and that I often do not cite the authors from whom I transcribe, because of the liberty I take to make some slight alterations. I have made the best use in my power of the solid reflections that occur in the Bishop of Meaux's Universal History, which is one of the most beautiful and most useful books in our language. I have also received great assistance from the learned Dean Prideaux's 'Connexion of the Old and New Testament,' in which he has traced and cleared up, in an admirable manner, the particulars relating to ancient history. I shall take the same liberty with whatever comes in my way, that may suit my design, and contribute to its perfection. I am very sensible, that it is not so much for a person's reputation to make use of other men's labours, and that it is in a manner renouncing the name and quality of author. But I am not over-fond of that title, and shall be extremely well pleased, and think myself very happy, if I can but deserve the name of a good compiler; and supply my readers with a tolerable history, who will not be over-solicitous to inquire what hand it comes from, provided they are but pleased with it."

About Writing and How to Publish
Drawing on years of experience, and thousands of readers comments and reviews of her writing, Cathy Glass provides a clear and concise, practical guide on writing and the best ways to get published. Bestselling author Cathy Glass has written and published 18 books, sold over 1.5 million copies worldwide, and had no 1 bestsellers in both the UK and the US. In that time she has received thousands of emails from readers asking for her help and advice on writing and being published. This book details how to achieve both. Divided into four sections, Cathy guides you through the entire process, from composing your first paragraph to seeing your book in print. Topics include: ? Making the time to write ? Planning, revising and editing your writing ? Different types of writing and genres ? Finding an agent and publisher ? How to self-publish ? Promoting your work so it is a success Clear, concise and packed full of practical tips, About Writing is an invaluable guide for all aspiring writers.

Deadly Seven is a combination of monologues and ‘light’ script engagement of a psychologist with her seven clients, who each represent a deadly sin. Once the psychologist realises she lacks control over each of her clients’ lives, she decides to put an end to their madness. All characters represent an obsession which ultimately destroys them; leading to their deaths.

Collins Taak of the Toon: How to Speak Geordie
Gain an insight into the English language via one of the UK’s richest dialects: Geordie. From George Stephenson to The Animals to Viz, the North East has long had a successful creative culture, developing alongside its industrial history. Newcastle in particular has successfully reinvented itself as a centre of the arts, while still maintaining its own regional identity. This book is the definitive guide to the most distinctive element of that identity: the Geordie dialect. This book is a must for anyone with even a passing interest in the language of the North East, and also provides a thorough examination of the general state of English, from the traditional wit and wisdom of the Geordie perspective.

Scottish Dance: A celebration of Scottish dancing (Collins Little Books)
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (Charity No. SC 016085; Company No. SC480530), is dedicated to promoting Scottish Country Dance. The Society exists to promote and develop Scottish country dancing worldwide for the benefit of present and future generations. It has a world-wide network of Branches and Affiliated Groups, with a small administrative team at its central office in Edinburgh.

Oils (Collins You Can Paint)
Linda Birch paints in oils, watercolour and pastels and has taught amateurs for many years. She writes regularly for the Leisure Painter magazine and is author of The Indoor Artist. She has also illustrated many children’s books.

Grammar Secrets (Collins Little Books)
Let’s admit it, we all struggle with Grammar. There, they’re or their? Who’s or whose? Me or I? Fewer or less? Inside this little book one of Britain’s top Grammar Gurus reveals all you need to know about Grammar but were afraid to ask. Worry no more, Caroline is here to take the grind out of grammar in easy bite-sized chunks. With insights into hyphens and the dreaded apostrophe, comparatives and superlatives and whether England is singular or plural, she offers clear but light-hearted advice on getting things right when it matters – and relaxing just a little when it doesn’t. Beautifully produced, this little book is a treasure in itself and makes a perfect gift. Be careful who you give it to though; you never know who is going to start picking you up on your misplaced modifiers.

I Love You
Bestselling artist Edward Monkton's profound and funny musings on LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS are both funny and profound, making this collection the perfect gift for lovers everywhere. You are a Chocolate Button of LOVELINESS on the great Caramel Pudding of LIFE Following the phenomenal success of such stylish and original books as The Lady and the Chocolate, The Pig of Happiness, The Shoes of Salvation, Love and The Penguin of Death, Edward Monkton now assembles his funny, sometimes surreal and suprisingly philisophical drawings and thoughts on love. Edward Monkton’s surprisingly philosophical take on all aspects of love, life and happiness have made Monkton’s drawings cherished collectors’ items and a mark of good taste year in, year out.

A Homemade Christmas
Making something with your own hands—whether it's a plate of just-baked cookies, a handcrafted stocking, a homemade wreath, or a hand-folded origami ornament—is a great way to connect with the true meaning of Christmas. From holiday decorating to gift giving, A Homemade Christmas is chock-full of projects, recipes, tips, and helpful hints that are guaranteed to add a homemade touch to your holiday season. Open this charming volume to any page and discover a wealth of practical and easy-to-accomplish ideas for a homemade holiday: - create personal, distinctive holiday greetings - deck the halls with festive, handmade trimmings - cook simple but memorable homemade dishes - make unique, handcrafted gifts - share the joy of the season with friends and family Packed with inspiration and how-tos for ideas that are family-friendly and eco-conscious, festive and meaningful, A Homemade Christmas will put homemade back into your holidays!