
Conquering the Seven Summits of Sales
Two experts who have summited the tallest mountain on each of the seven continents and scaled the highest peaks in corporate sales and business examine what it takes to achieve success.In making the grueling journey to the top of Mount Everest, Susan Ershler and John Waechter joined the elite group of climbers who had conquered the Seven Summits the tallest mountains on each of the seven continents. This same determination has made them star performers in corporate sales and established them as business leaders. And both of them cherish the deep sense of satisfaction that comes from attaining a seemingly impossible goal through focus and persistence.In this unique guide, Susan and John draw on concrete experience to inspire sales professionals as well as all team members to overcome limitations and reach new heights of success, illustrating how anyone can achieve peak performance. They will show you how to define your goals clearly, commit to a vision, "choose the right sherpa" (build the right team), "travel light" (manage time), and "measure the mountain" (track progress).Weaving together stories from harrowing climbs and lessons of indomitable perseverance with actual tested methods for high achievement in sales, business, and life, Conquering the Seven Summits of Sales proves that anyone can overcome limitations and accomplish something real and meaningful in business and in life.

The Zone
For years experts have been telling Americans what to eat and what not to eat. Fat, they told us, was the enemy. Then it was salt, then sugar, then cholesterol... and on it goes. Americans listened and they lost -- but not their excess fat. What they lost was their health and waistlines. Americans are the fattest people on earth... and whyMainly because of the food they eat. In this scientific and revolutionary book, based on Nobel Prize-winning research, medical visionary and former Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Dr. Barry Sears makes peak physical and mental performance, as well as permanent fat loss, simple for you to understand and achieve. With lists of good and bad carbohydrates, easy-to-follow food blocks and delicious recipes, The Zone provides all you need to begin your journey toward permanent fat loss, great health and all-round peak performance. In balance, your body will not only burn fat, but you'll fight heart disease, diabetes, PMS, chronic fatigue, depression and cancer, as well as alleviate the painful symptoms of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and HIV. This Zone state of exceptional health is well-known to champion athletes. Your own journey toward it can begin with your next meal. You will no longer think of food as merely an item of pleasure or a means to appease hunger. Food is your medicine and your ticket to that state of ultimate body balance, strength and great health: the Zone.

The Southerner's Handbook
Whether you live below the Mason Dixon Line or just wish you did, The Southerner’s Handbook is your guide to living the good life. Curated by the editors of the award-winning Garden & Gun magazine, this compilation of more than 100 instructional and narrative essays offers a comprehensive tutorial to modern-day life in the South. From Food and Drink to Sporting & Adventure; Home & Garden to Style, Arts & Culture, you'll discover essential skills and unique insight from some of the South’s finest writers, chefs, and craftsmen—including the secret to perfect biscuits, how to wear seersucker, and to the right way to fall off of a horse. You'll also find: Roy Blount Jr. on telling a great story; Julia Reed on the secrets of throwing a great party; Jonathan Miles on drinking like a Southerner; Jack Hitt on the beauty of cooking a whole hog; John T Edge on why Southern food matters; and much more. As flavorful, authentic, and irresistible as the land and the people who inspire it, The Southerner's Handbook is the ultimate guide to being a Southerner (no matter where you live).

《刑法学讲义》 全网爆红的“法律男神”罗翔教授为每一位普通读者写的刑法普及讲义。 刑法与每个人的生活都密不可分,家庭、校园、职场、人际关系、经济活动处处都有违法犯罪行为,相应地,每个人都需要学习刑法。 罗翔让本来枯燥专业的刑法课变得“津津有味”,读者直呼上头,“根本停不下来”。刑法常识结合法理精神,兼具法律与人文的力量。本书为读者提供了相对完整的刑法学习体系,涵盖刑法演变、犯罪论、刑罚论,以及具体罪名的定罪量刑。全书通过分析真实刑法案件、张三的犯罪行为,激发读者用独立、睿智的法学思维去看待生活,提高法律感知能力。后,每一位读者都能带着法学思维回归到工作、生活中去。 《刑罚的历史》 中国政法大学罗翔教授,历数古代酷刑,讲述刑罚从残酷走向人道的过程。 中国古代的法律以刑法为基础,其主要的法律后果就是刑罚。成文刑法自产生以来,一直试图约束刑罚权。但是人治传统决定这一目的不可能真正实现“法有限,而情无穷”的刑罚思想导致酷刑泛滥,法外之刑五花八门。直到20世纪初,罪刑法定原则的出现,才将曾经无限膨胀的刑罚权,束缚在法律的轨道之内。 刑罚的历史并不单纯是对旧闻掌故的叙述。从奴隶制五刑到封建制五刑,直至近现代五刑,中国法律的发展历程漫长而艰难,折射出人类从野蛮到文明的嬗变,也让法治背景下的自由价值显得尤为珍贵。 《刑法中的同意制度》 中国政法大学教授罗翔,法律文化研究著作,全面审视性同意标准,以及包裹在“性”周围的权力、道德和文化。 有的男性认为女性穿着暴露、与男性单独共处一室、在男性面前喝醉酒、双方有亲密肢体接触等等行为就是女性暗示与男性发生性行为。但这些“我以为”真的意味着“她同意”吗? 同意问题是性侵犯罪的核心,对“性同意”的讨论,不止于性行为发生需要得到许可,还包括围绕着“性”的性别、权力、道德和文化的重新审视,性同意年龄、厌女情节、社会风俗、完美受害者、亲密关系、婚内强奸…… 清楚认知法律中的同意制度,对男女双方都是纠偏的过程。正确表达不同意,是每位女性自我保护的关键;尊重她人的“不”,也是每位男性行为自由的边界。 世界并不完美,但法律可以持守正义,坚守善道,让人心在浊世中有对良善的信心与盼望。


《清王朝的后十年:拉里贝的实景记录》是作者在法国公使馆内负责安全保卫工作期间拍摄的摄影集,拍摄地主要在北京及周边地区,这些照片记录了1900年到1910年之间清末中国的各种人物、家具、服饰、戏剧、建筑、街道、佛像、石刻等。透过这些不可多得的珍贵历史资料,我们可以看到一个百年前真实存在过的中国。这些照片不仅是19世纪末中国的面貌,也是更长的时间跨度内、甚至在某些方面数千年都鲜有改变的中国的侧写。 《晚清中国的光与影:杜德维的影像记忆(1876-1895)》是作者在中国任职期间拍摄的摄影集,记录了1876-1895年间北京、福建、江浙沪、广州、香港、澳门等地的人物、风光、建筑、物什及作者家人和朋友,这230多幅照片记录下了作者眼中落后腐朽与求变图强并存的中国,是晚清重要的实景资料。这些照片不仅是19世纪末中国的面貌,也是更长的时间跨度内、甚至在某些方面数千年都鲜有改变的中国的侧写。透过西方人探寻的目光,我们看到了一个近150年前真实存在过的中国,也看到了今天的中国从哪里走来。 《街头巷尾:十九世纪中国人的市井生活》整理自一组绘于19世纪的中国外销画,作者已不可考。书选择了一百四十多幅描绘当时社会生活场景及各行业人物的图画,全书分为“玩物杂耍”“民风民俗”“行业生计”三个部分,以鲜活生动、真实质朴的画面和简单易懂的文字说明再现了十九世纪中国人的日常市井生活状态。随着时代的变迁,这些原本是向西方世界介绍古老中国社会风情与文化的重要媒介,对于当代国人了解和传承传统文化同样有着重要意义、独特的史料和文化价值。 《万国来朝:<职贡图>里的古代中国与世界》以现藏于法国国家图书馆、清乾隆时期描绘海外诸国及国内各民族的画册《职贡图》为基础,解读画册中各使者形象背后的国名、方位、山川道里、风土人情等,展示了二百年前清王朝与周边地区及国家的政治、经济、文化关系及往来情形。惟妙惟肖的彩绘图为今天的人们了解当时世界各国的服饰、风俗、特产及生活状态等留下了珍贵资料。 《辫子与小脚:清都风物志》精选自由法国人(佚名)绘制的一组清国京城市井人物水粉彩画,绘制时间应在1800年前后。本书中的人物涉及王公贵胄、公主命妇、满汉官员、兵弁杂役、官员车马、社交礼仪、民间交通、佛僧道士、外藩异族、四时服装、街尾巷头的把式艺人、走街串巷的游商小贩。全书共235帧彩绘,参照原法文注释,由文博研究馆员韩炜炜为每帧图绘做了凝练的注解。

《春节》:沉浸式体验一个中国人从腊月初八到正月十五的完整过年历程,在时间的终极仪式中体会春节蕴含的感情与愿望、伦理和信仰。 《清明》:在适宜之时呼唤春耕,也在明媚的春光中提醒人们勿忘逝者;在寒往暑来之际昭示生机,又在生生不息中将死和生并置。 《端午》:以史时间和地域两个维度,讲述端午的起源、节俗、文化、流变……追忆过往先贤,在即将到来的炎炎夏日里,保留一丝内心的清明。 《中秋》:以时间为脉络、地域为框架、节俗为肌理,深度剖析中秋的起源与内涵、历时两千多年的流变,打捞时光里独属于中秋的自在和诗性、浪漫与狂放。 《重阳》:以风俗活动、历史典故、民间传说为引,以信史文献、严谨考据为核,挖掘传统文化中蕴藏的至数之理,展示自然造化终极的壮观。

三国时代风云变幻,英雄辈出。关于这一时期的正史记录、野史传说、演义小说层出不穷,是非真假难以辨别,三国的真面目也逐渐被读者忽视。本书是《大唐兴亡三百年》(原《血腥的盛唐》)作者王觉仁全新力作,力求解历史事件的背后之谜,还原从东汉末年到吴国灭亡这一百年的真实三国历史。 刘关张桃园结义是个美好的虚构故事 《三国演义》:刘备、关羽、张飞三人意气相投,在桃园里结拜为兄弟。那句“不求同年同月同日生,只愿同年同月同日死”不知感动了多少后人,也写尽了中国人特有的“忠”与“义”。 《三国不演义》:史料中并没有出现过这个热血的故事,它只是罗贯中的艺术虚构。但不论是否结义,历史上的刘、关、张的确亲如兄弟。《三国志·关羽传》就称三人“寝则同床,恩若兄弟”,寥寥数语,道尽三人深厚的感情。 陈宫之所以背叛曹操,与曹操杀吕伯奢一家无关 《三国演义》:曹操杀吕伯奢一家后毫无悔意,对身旁的陈宫说:“宁教我负天下人,休教天下人负我”。陈宫无法容忍曹操的残忍,恨他是“狼心之徒”,终选择背叛离。 《三国不演义》:陈宫之所以背叛曹操,是因为一个叫边让的人。曹操诛杀了多次讥讽自己的边让一家,这件事激起了陈宫的愤怒。再加上陈宫本人性格正直刚烈,他担心自己迟早会得罪曹操,便与其他同样看不惯曹操的人一拍即合,共同推吕布上位。 关羽的“千里走单骑”“过五关斩六将”纯属虚构 《三国演义》:白马之战取胜之后,关羽拒绝了曹操的所有赏赐,决定北上寻找刘备。离曹营后,关羽跨越“千里”,上演了一段“过五关斩六将”的经典情节。 《三国不演义》:得知关羽离后,曹操只是叹了口气说“勿追也”,并未派兵追赶。此外,当时的袁绍大军与曹营所在的官渡,距离也就一百多里。关羽要去找刘备何须“千里走单骑”?还要“过五关斩六将”那么辛苦? 翻本书,还原历史上真实的曹操、刘备、诸葛亮……

在“互联网+”时代,企业应该怎样做电商?如何组建一支优良的电商团队?电商企业如何才能更好地管理员工?本书将针对这些问题进行详细的讲解。 《电商团队管理:组织构建、人员培训与流程优化一册通》是一本全面解读电商团队管理的工具书。全书共分为九章,分别介绍了团队管理、人才笼络、团队建设、培训体系、游戏化、阿米巴模式、去中心化、激励体系和流程化等内容,具体内容包括电商团队的组织架构、电商团队组织的特点、什么是阿米巴模式、电商工作中各个环节的流程设计、游戏化管理要素有哪些等。书中提供了大量的经典案例,内容通俗易懂,旨在帮助广大电商企业打造一支优良的电商团队。 《电商团队管理:组织构建、人员培训与流程优化一册通》适合广大电商创业者及相关从业者阅读,也可作为高等院校相关专业师生的参考用书。

本书收录了近2000个近年来新发和新上市的药物或中间体的合成方法,并且按照反应类型行分类编排,对所合成的每一个化合物,都有分子式、分子量、英文名称、物理常数、具体的合成操作步骤、产品收率等内容,并列出了其在药物合成中的具体用途。每个反应都列出了相应的参考文献。为利于读者查阅目录中列出合成的化合物中文名称,书后编排了相应的英文名称索引。 本书适合药物合成及相关领域技术人员、相关专业师生参考使用。

Mistletoe Magic: Claiming His Christmas Bride / Christmas on the Children's Ward
We all need a little mistletoe magic! Lose yourself in this wonderful selection of six sensational seasonal reads! Claiming His Christmas Bride by Carole Mortimer When Gideon Webber first met Molly Barton, he wanted her more than anything. But it appeared that Molly was already another man's mistress– his brother’s! Three years later, they meet again. And this time Gideon's determined to claim Molly once and for all—as his Yuletide bride! Christmas on the Children’s Ward by Carol Marinelli Consultant Nick Watson and Nurse Eden Hadley were old friends–until Nick lost his fiancée and the two grew apart. But when all a little orphaned boy on the children’s ward wants is one real family Christmas, can a little Christmas magic bring this trio together? A Surprise Christmas Proposal by Liz Fielding Sophie Harrington is very much a damsel in distress when rugged bachelor Gabriel York comes to her rescue. Gabriel ends up taking her in as a temporary lodger in his exclusive London home. But before long he realises Sophie isn't just for Christmas–but for life! Her Christmas Wedding Wish by Judy Christenberry Workaholic attorney Richard Anderson's life was turned upside down when he became guardian to his orphaned nephew. He left it up to Molly Soderling, the boy's beautiful nurse, to make this a very special Christmas—until a kiss under the mistletoe changed everything! The Italian’s Christmas Miracle by Lucy Gordon Drago di Luca and Alysa Dennis are brought together by a shared betrayal – their partners have been having an affair! But against all the odds they strike an unlikely friendship…As the attraction builds between them, could Christmas ring in the promise of a new start? A Bride by Christmas by Joan Elliott Pickart Marriage was not in wedding planner Maggie Jenkins’s future – until wealthy businessman Luke St. John hires her to plan a family wedding. His potent sexiness makes her forget her own name—but can he convince her to say ‘I do’?

God in the Dock is one of the best known of C.S. Lewis's collections of essays and includes Myth Become Fact, The Grand Miracle, Priestesses in the Church and, of course, God in the Dock.

《七个天才团队的故事》的内容简介: 《七个天才团队的故事》研究了美国历史上七个具有持久影响力的团队:迪士尼电影公司;施乐公司的帕洛阿尔托研究中心的伟大团队;苹果公司团队;克林顿竞选团队;“臭鼬计划”与隐性飞机团队;黑山学院;“曼哈顿计划”团队,总结出了伟大团队的15 条经验。对于天才团队的介绍,一部分是团队的历史,一部分是团队建设的工作方法,还有一部分是关于为何某些团队能够成就卓越,而大部分团队却仍旧在困境中苦苦挣扎的思考,对于从事颠覆式技术创新的创业团队尤有启发。 《七个天才团队的故事》描述的重点是:以各种方式组织一群天才,让他们既能创造伟大的成就,又能体验成就所带来的愉悦与个人的改变。这并不代表不再需要领导者,而是必须承认一种新模式:伟大的领导者不再单独存在,而是与伟大团队共存。领导者通过团队展现“伟大”,并协助团队成员展现“伟大”。 《领导者》的内容简介]: 《领导者》论及的是“领导者是什么人”。本尼斯团队耗时两年采访了90 位领导者,其中60 位是成功的CEO,另有30 位则是公共服务领域的杰出领导者。从这90位领导者身上识别出成功领导者所共有的四大主题策略:策略一,通过愿景唤起专注;策略二,通过沟通赋予意义;策略三,通过定位赢得信任;策略四,通过自重实现自我成长。以及“ 领导”与“管理”的本质区别和联系:它们是两个不同但互补的概念,“管理者是把事做对的人,领导者是做对的事的人”,“ 管理”意味着“带动、实现、负责、指挥”;而“领导”是“影响、指引方向、过程、行动、提出意见”,领导意味着有效的愿景和决断,管理意味着熟练的日常业务运营。 《成为领导者》的内容简介: 《成为领导者》是本尼斯重要的一部著作,以宏大的美国历史画卷探讨了领导力的作用、形成与挑战,通过对数十位领导者的深入访谈与研究,讨论了领导力的方法论:人们怎样成为领导者,他们怎样领导,以及组织是怎样鼓励或者限制有潜力的领导者,并从中识别出领导的六个基本要素和领导者的七项重要品质。 《成为领导者》是基于这样一个假定:领导者是那些能够充分表现自我的人。他们知道自己是什么人,知道自己的优点和缺点是什么,知道该怎样去充分利用自己的优点、弥补自己的缺点。他们还知道自己想要的是什么、为什么有这样的目标,以及如何通过有效的沟通共同的目标赢得他人的合作与支持。他们知道该怎样去实现目标。充分表现自我的关键是了解自我和外在的世界,而了解的关键是学习——从自己的人生和经历中学习。 《经营梦想》的内容简介: 《经营梦想》是本尼斯30 年研究精选,汇集了他全部领导力论著的精华,书中的每一页都闪耀着他的才华和智慧。他认为,通过拥抱和“经营”一个真实的梦想,领导者就真正地肩负起塑造未来的责任。 本书重点探讨的就是领导者与其梦想的关系,以及他的组织与其梦想的关系。深入探讨领导者如何推动领导和管理变革。 本书第三部分着重叙述了品格和道德对一个领导者的影响。对那些留下了真正遗产的领导者们来说,品格和道德是宝贵的优点。每一个组织都怂恿其领导者专注于眼前的当务之急,而代价就是忽视那些决定我们所有人生活质量的大问题。 事实上,领导者就是那个未来梦想的化身。一个梦想就是一张路线图。它告诉我们怎样前往与命运碰头的约会地点;梦想就是一系列富有想象力的假设,摸索着走向存在于我们意识深处的栩栩如生的理想境界。同时,领导者经营梦想,他们联合所有的资源和努力将自己的梦想转变为现实,希望这本《经营梦想》助你用心经营自己的梦想并将它转变为现实,助你成为优秀的领导者以及好的自己。

任何人都可能变得愤怒——这很容易。但要按正确的程度,在正确的时间,为了正确的目的,以正确的方式,对正确的人愤怒,这并不容易。 ——亚里士多德 这是一本助力职场成功和提升个人卓越品质的测试书。 在当今竞争激烈的工作环境和起伏不定的经济环境中,我们每个人都在寻找有效的工具,帮助我们管理情绪、适应人际环境并能脱颖而出。 眼下,情商的重要性已无需赘述——众所周知,情商对我们的成功至关重要。但是了解什么是情商并知道怎样利用它来改善生活则是另外一码事。 本书准备了循序渐的计划,通过四个核心情商技能--自我意识、自我管理、社会意识和关系管理来提高您的情商,从而超越既定人生目标,发挥自己的成功潜力。 本书志在推陈出新。特拉维斯˙布拉德伯利和吉恩·格里夫斯推出了TalentSmart的革命性项目,以帮助人们识别自己的情商技能,将这些技能转化为优势,并在追求重要人生目标的过程中永葆正能量。 十年磨一剑。本书的精确情商测评体系和提升情商策略早已经过岁月砥砺,其崇高价值得到了全球商业公司高管的信任。


「誰是金庸小說中武功天下?」 「金庸小說的武學高手一代不如一代?」 「獨孤九劍與重劍劍理,何者較為高明?」 「你知道武林絕頂高手一掌可打多遠、一躍可跳多高、一奔能有多快、一拳能擊出多少斤嗎?」 「掃地神僧、獨孤求敗和東方不敗,哪位武藝更深?郭靖、楊過、張無忌,誰人武功更強?」 這是每位金庸小說讀者都曾思考過的問題。有說武俠小說「寧可無武,不可無俠」,但對許多讀者來說,看武林高手馳騁江湖,以神奇強大的武功行俠仗義,爭鳴競勝,藉此欣賞作者的創意和文筆,才是閱讀武俠小說的趣味所在。本書旨在說明金庸小說中的武功設定,透過仔細閱讀小說原文,詳盡比較各部金庸作品,為各位讀者澄清誤解、鑒定排名、評判高低。此乃「金庸武功學」之趣味矣。

Python: Deeper Insights into Machine Learning
Leverage benefits of machine learning techniques using Python About This Book Improve and optimise machine learning systems using effective strategies. Develop a strategy to deal with a large amount of data. Use of Python code for implementing a range of machine learning algorithms and techniques. Who This Book Is For This title is for data scientist and researchers who are already into the field of data science and want to see machine learning in action and explore its real-world application. Prior knowledge of Python programming and mathematics is must with basic knowledge of machine learning concepts. What You Will Learn Learn to write clean and elegant Python code that will optimize the strength of your algorithms Uncover hidden patterns and structures in data with clustering Improve accuracy and consistency of results using powerful feature engineering techniques Gain practical and theoretical understanding of cutting-edge deep learning algorithms Solve unique tasks by building models Get grips on the machine learning design process In Detail Machine learning and predictive analytics are becoming one of the key strategies for unlocking growth in a challenging contemporary marketplace. It is one of the fastest growing trends in modern computing, and everyone wants to get into the field of machine learning. In order to obtain sufficient recognition in this field, one must be able to understand and design a machine learning system that serves the needs of a project. The idea is to prepare a learning path that will help you to tackle the real-world complexities of modern machine learning with innovative and cutting-edge techniques. Also, it will give you a solid foundation in the machine learning design process, and enable you to build customized machine learning models to solve unique problems. The course begins with getting your Python fundamentals nailed down. It focuses on answering the right questions that cove a wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn Theano and Keras.After getting familiar with Python core concepts, it’s time to dive into the field of data science. You will further gain a solid foundation on the machine learning design and also learn to customize models for solving problems. At a later stage, you will get a grip on more advanced techniques and acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection and feature engineering. Style and approach This course includes all the resources that will help you jump into the data science field with Python. The aim is to walk through the elements of Python covering powerful machine learning libraries. This course will explain important machine learning models in a step-by-step manner. Each topic is well explained with real-world applications with detailed guidance.Through this comprehensive guide, you will be able to explore machine learning techniques.

Python: Real World Machine Learning
Learn to solve challenging data science problems by building powerful machine learning models using Python About This Book Understand which algorithms to use in a given context with the help of this exciting recipe-based guide This practical tutorial tackles real-world computing problems through a rigorous and effective approach Build state-of-the-art models and develop personalized recommendations to perform machine learning at scale Who This Book Is For This Learning Path is for Python programmers who are looking to use machine learning algorithms to create real-world applications. It is ideal for Python professionals who want to work with large and complex datasets and Python developers and analysts or data scientists who are looking to add to their existing skills by accessing some of the most powerful recent trends in data science. Experience with Python, Jupyter Notebooks, and command-line execution together with a good level of mathematical knowledge to understand the concepts is expected. Machine learning basic knowledge is also expected. What You Will Learn Use predictive modeling and apply it to real-world problems Understand how to perform market segmentation using unsupervised learning Apply your new-found skills to solve real problems, through clearly-explained code for every technique and test Compete with top data scientists by gaining a practical and theoretical understanding of cutting-edge deep learning algorithms Increase predictive accuracy with deep learning and scalable data-handling techniques Work with modern state-of-the-art large-scale machine learning techniques Learn to use Python code to implement a range of machine learning algorithms and techniques In Detail Machine learning is increasingly spreading in the modern data-driven world. It is used extensively across many fields such as search engines, robotics, self-driving cars, and more. Machine learning is transforming the way we understand and interact with the world around us. In the first module, Python Machine Learning Cookbook, you will learn how to perform various machine learning tasks using a wide variety of machine learning algorithms to solve real-world problems and use Python to implement these algorithms. The second module, Advanced Machine Learning with Python, is designed to take you on a guided tour of the most relevant and powerful machine learning techniques and you’ll acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection and feature engineering. The third module in this learning path, Large Scale Machine Learning with Python, dives into scalable machine learning and the three forms of scalability. It covers the most effective machine learning techniques on a map reduce framework in Hadoop and Spark in Python. This Learning Path will teach you Python machine learning for the real world. The machine learning techniques covered in this Learning Path are at the forefront of commercial practice. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: Python Machine Learning Cookbook by Prateek Joshi Advanced Machine Learning with Python by John Hearty Large Scale Machine Learning with Python by Bastiaan Sjardin, Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron Style and approach This course is a smooth learning path that will teach you how to get started with Python machine learning for the real world, and develop solutions to real-world problems. Through this comprehensive course, you’ll learn to create the most effective machine learning techniques from scratch and more!

OpenStack: Building a Cloud Environment
Learn how you can put the features of OpenStack to work in the real world in this comprehensive path About This Book Harness the abilities of experienced OpenStack administrators and architects, and run your own private cloud successfully Learn how to install, configure, and manage all of the OpenStack core projects including topics on Object Storage, Block Storage, and Neutron Networking services such as LBaaS and FWaaS Get better equipped to troubleshoot and solve common problems in performance, availability, and automation that confront production-ready OpenStack environments Who This Book Is For This course is for those who are new to OpenStack who want to learn the cloud networking fundamentals and get started with OpenStack networking. Basic understanding of Linux Operating System, Virtualization, and Networking, and Storage principles will come in handy. What You Will Learn Get an introduction to OpenStack and its components Store and retrieve data and images using storage components, such as Cinder, Swift, and Glance Install and configure Swift, the OpenStack Object Storage service, including configuring Container Replication between datacenters Gain hands on experience and familiarity with Horizon, the OpenStack Dashboard user interface Learn how to automate OpenStack installations using Ansible and Foreman Follow practical advice and examples for running OpenStack in production Fix common issues with images served through Glance and master the art of troubleshooting Neutron networking In Detail OpenStack is a collection of software projects that work together to provide a cloud fabric. Learning OpenStack Cloud Computing course is an exquisite guide that you will need to build cloud environments proficiently. This course will help you gain a clearer understanding of OpenStack’s components and their interaction with each other to build a cloud environment. The first module, Learning OpenStack, starts with a brief look into the need for authentication and authorization, the different aspects of dashboards, cloud computing fabric controllers, along with 'Networking as a Service' and 'Software defined Networking'. Then, you will focus on installing, configuring, and troubleshooting different architectures such as Keystone, Horizon, Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Swift, and Glance. After getting familiar with the fundamentals and application of OpenStack, let's move deeper into the realm of OpenStack. In the second module, OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, preview how to build and operate OpenStack cloud computing, storage, networking, and automation. Dive into Neutron, the OpenStack Networking service, and get your hands dirty with configuring ML2, networks, routers, and distributed virtual routers. Further, you'll learn practical examples of Block Storage, LBaaS, and FBaaS. The final module, Troubleshooting OpenStack, will help you quickly diagnose, troubleshoot, and correct problems in your OpenStack. We will diagnose and remediate issues in Keystone, Glance, Neutron networking, Nova, Cinder block storage, Swift object storage, and issues caused by Heat orchestration. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: Learning OpenStack by Alok Shrivastwa, Sunil Sarat OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook - Third Edition by Kevin Jackson , Cody Bunch, Egle Sigler Troubleshooting OpenStack by Tony Campbell Style and approach This course aims to create a smooth learning path that will teach you how to get started with setting up private and public clouds using a free and open source cloud computing platform—OpenStack. Through this comprehensive course, you'll learn OpenStack Cloud computing from scratch to finish and more!"

R: Recipes for Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning
Get savvy with R language and actualize projects aimed at analysis, visualization and machine learning About This Book Proficiently analyze data and apply machine learning techniques Generate visualizations, develop interactive visualizations and applications to understand various data exploratory functions in R Construct a predictive model by using a variety of machine learning packages Who This Book Is For This Learning Path is ideal for those who have been exposed to R, but have not used it extensively yet. It covers the basics of using R and is written for new and intermediate R users interested in learning. This Learning Path also provides in-depth insights into professional techniques for analysis, visualization, and machine learning with R – it will help you increase your R expertise, regardless of your level of experience. What You Will Learn Get data into your R environment and prepare it for analysis Perform exploratory data analyses and generate meaningful visualizations of the data Generate various plots in R using the basic R plotting techniques Create presentations and learn the basics of creating apps in R for your audience Create and inspect the transaction dataset, performing association analysis with the Apriori algorithm Visualize associations in various graph formats and find frequent itemset using the ECLAT algorithm Build, tune, and evaluate predictive models with different machine learning packages Incorporate R and Hadoop to solve machine learning problems on big data In Detail The R language is a powerful, open source, functional programming language. At its core, R is a statistical programming language that provides impressive tools to analyze data and create high-level graphics. This Learning Path is chock-full of recipes. Literally! It aims to excite you with awesome projects focused on analysis, visualization, and machine learning. We’ll start off with data analysis – this will show you ways to use R to generate professional analysis reports. We’ll then move on to visualizing our data – this provides you with all the guidance needed to get comfortable with data visualization with R. Finally, we’ll move into the world of machine learning – this introduces you to data classification, regression, clustering, association rule mining, and dimension reduction. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: R Data Analysis Cookbook by Viswa Viswanathan and Shanthi Viswanathan R Data Visualization Cookbook by Atmajitsinh Gohil Machine Learning with R Cookbook by Yu-Wei, Chiu (David Chiu) Style and approach This course creates a smooth learning path that will teach you how to analyze data and create stunning visualizations. The step-by-step instructions provided for each recipe in this comprehensive Learning Path will show you how to create machine learning projects with R.

Swift: Developing iOS Applications
Unleash the power of Swift and discover the skills required to build incredible robust iOS applications About This Book Write expressive, understandable, and maintainable Swift 2 code with this hands-on course Unveil the complex underpinnings of Swift to turn your app ideas into reality Specialize in developing real iOS apps, and 2D and 3D video games using Swift and Cocoapods Dive deep into protocol extensions, learn new error handling model and use featured Swift design patterns to write more efficient code Who This Book Is For This course would be for app developers who are new to developing for iOS or OSX and are trying to get grips with Swift for the first time. What You Will Learn From a solid understanding of the Swift 2 language Get to know the practical aspects of how a computer program actually works Understand the paradigms used by Apple’s frameworks, so you are not intimidated by them Create a server in Swift to deliver JSON data to an iOS app Take advantage of Cocoapods to use third-party libraries Build games with SpriteKit and SceneKit Develop an app running on the cloud to act as an API server for your client’s apps Dive into the core components of Swift 2 including operators, collections, control flow, and functions Create and use classes, structures, and enums including object-oriented topics such as inheritance, protocols, and extensions Develop a practical understanding of sub*s, optionals, and closures Master Objective-C interoperability with mix and match Access network resources using Swift Implement various standard design patterns in the Swift language In Detail The Swift––Developing iOS Applications course will take you on a journey to become an efficient iOS and OS X developer, with the latest trending topic in town. Right from the basics to the advanced level topics, this course would cover everything in detail. We’ll embark our journey by dividing the learning path into four modules. Each of these modules are a mini course in their own right; and as you complete each one, you’ll gain key skills and be ready for the material in the next module. The first module is like a step-by-step guide to programming in Swift 2. Each topic is separated into compressible sections that are full of practical examples and easy-to-understand explanations. Each section builds on the previous topics, so you can develop a proficient and comprehensive understanding of app development in Swift 2. By the end of this module, you’ll have a basic understanding of Swift 2 and its functionalities. The second module will be the an easy-to-follow guide filled with tutorials to show you how to build real-world apps. The difficulty and complexity level increases chapter by chapter. Each chapter is dedicated to build a new app, beginning from a basic and unstyled app through to a full 3D game. The last two chapters show you how to build a complete client-server e-commerce app right from scratch. You’ll be able to build well-designed apps, effectively use AutoLayout, develop videogames, and build server apps. The third and the last module of our course will take an example-based approach where each concept covered is supported by example code to not only give you a good understanding of the concept, but also to demonstrate how to properly implement it. Style and approach This course includes all the resources that will help you jump into the app development .This course covers all the important aspects Swift application development and is divided into individual modules so that you develop your skill after the completion of a module and get ready for the next. Through this comprehensive course, you'll learn how to use Swift programming with hands-on examples from scratch to finish!