

Meanings of Michael Oakeshott's Conservatism
Meanings of Michael Oakeshott's Conservatism
Abel, Corey
This collection of recent scholarship on the thought of Michael Oakeshott includes essays by both distinguished and established authors as well as a fresh crop of younger talent. Together, they address the meanings of Oakeshott's conservatism through the lenses of his ideas on religion, history, and tradition, and explore his relationships to philosophers ranging from Hume to Ryle, Cavell, and others. The collection assigns no single or final meaning to Oakeshott's conservatism, but finds in him a number of possibilities for thinking fruitfully about what conservatism might mean, when it is no longer considered as a doctrine, but as a habit or a turn of mind.
Yearful of Assemblies
Yearful of Assemblies
Jones, Eileen
This is an exciting book on Assemblies throughout the Year that meets the needs of today's teachers and children.The book suggests ways to use modern resources, such as an Interactive Whiteboard and the Internet; yet it retains the basic need to engage children's interest and provides a spiritual dimension broad enough to be inclusive.It recognises the cultural diversity of modern primary schools by taking a global approach to subjects and making use of modern themes and concerns.It helps teachers buisier today, who need to take assembly regularly and want a supply of relevant material.- Suitable for KS1- With plans for Assemblies
Ranulph Galnville and How to Live the Cybernetics of Unknowing
Ranulph Galnville and How to Live the Cybernetics of Unknowing
Brier, Soren
A festschrift issue of Cybernetics and Human Knowing focusing on the work of Ranulph Glanville, cybernetician, design researcher, theorist, educator and multi-platform artist/designer/performer.
Anatomy Examinations for the FRCR Part 1
Anatomy Examinations for the FRCR Part 1
Shelmerdine, Susan
Anatomy Examinations for the FRCR Part 1 is a comprehensive revision aid for the junior radiology trainee who wants to succeed in their Anatomy FRCR part 1 examination. It is written in the style of the new examination and comprises of 14 mock anatomy tests to emulate the real examination not only in format but also in the difficulty level. Two bonus chapters addressing ultrasound anatomy and normal anatomical variants are also included. There is no other book on the market with as many mock questions or images and no other similar revision book available in electronic format to take your revision with you anywhere, anytime, on the go!
Wager Disaster
Wager Disaster
Layman, C.H.
This is the astounding story of HMS Wager, driven ashore in foul weather onto the inhospitable coast of Patagonian Chile in 1741. Shipwreck was followed by murder, starvation, mutiny, and the fearful ordeal of 36 survivors out of about 140 men. Some were enslaved, some defected; many drowned. The captain shot one of his officers. There was an epic open-boat voyage of 2500 nautical miles through the world's most hostile seas, probably the greatest castaway voyage in the annals of the sea, and the least known. Midshipman Byron, the grandfather of the poet, was prominent among the survivors. The story is placed in its historical context, using eye-witness accounts where possible, with some previously unpublished material. It finishes with the finding of the wreck by a British expedition in 2006. Foreword written by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.
Professionalism and Ethics
Professionalism and Ethics
Stuart-Wilson, Fiona
This book contains guidance for all dental care professionals, especially dental nurses. It also provides explanations of the implications of General Dental Council guidance on the Standards for Dental Care professionals, case study examples and checklists and self-assured responses to case study questions.
Communication Skills for Nurses
Communication Skills for Nurses
Edwards, Marilyn
Over a third of all consultations in general practice are now conducted by nurses. The consultation is the key element of primary care, with patients being more satisfied with the care given by clinicians who have good communication skills. Poor communication or dissatisfaction with a consultation is reported to be one reason why patients decide not to attend or do not take a prescribed treatment. Patients need to be satisfied with the consultation, understand their condition and understand the reasons for their treatment or management plan. This book has been written to reinforce good consultation and communication skills and highlights areas where readers might wish to to review and improve their own consultation techniques. This is done though case studies and scenarios that are likely to be common in many practices. Although the text and scenarios relate to practice nurse consultations, the content can be transferred to all primary care nursing settings.
Ghaye, Tony
In this newly updated edition of the bestselling Reflections: Principles and Practice for Healthcare Professionals, the authors reinforce the need to invest in the development of reflective practice, not only for practitioners, but also for healthcare students. The book discusses the need for skilful facilitation, high quality mentoring and the necessity for good support networks. The book describes the 12 principles of reflection and the many ways it can be facilitated. It attempts to support, with evidence, the claims that reflection can be a catalyst for enhancing clinical competence, safe and accountable practice, professional self-confidence, self-regulation and the collective improvement of more considered and appropriate healthcare. Each principle is illustrated with examples from practice and clearly positioned within the professional literature. New chapters on appreciative reflection and the value of reflection for continuing professional development are included making this an essential guide for all healthcare professionals.
Using Stories to Teach Science Ages 9 to 11
Using Stories to Teach Science Ages 9 to 11
Way, Steve
This great new science title contains 12 stories, 2 for each of the six units of study from the Science Scheme of Work.The book also contains background information for the teacher, lesson plans and resources sheets. Planning tools and ideas for differentiation are included.A brilliant way to motivate science investigations!
Before Consciousness
Before Consciousness
Radman, Zdravko
Without consciousness we would not have the experientially flavoured world we have, but without the non-conscious we would not have it at all; for we would not be able to breathe, eat, move, walk, feel, mimic, gesture, laugh, etc., and even see, talk, remember, reason, understand, think, imagine, and make myriad spontaneous decisions as we continuously do in all life situations, from trivial to existential ones. Without consciousness we would not be the kind of creatures we are, but what makes us really unique is our specific non-conscious constellation - a basis from which all mentality germinates and which is irreducible, that is, not representable or in any way simulable.This collection of essays by leading scholars in consciousness aims to show that in order to understand mind as a whole we have to also consider its non-conscious part. Obtaining a more thorough insight into the non-conscious is indispensable for a better understanding of consciousness - the two spheres are to be perceived not as separated but rather as interconnected. The non-conscious is habitually associated with automatized motor behaviour, skills, and habits, but even in their most elementary forms these aspects of mind require a high level of sophistication and cognitive competence. Most complex cognitive tasks, such as perception, memory, decision making, etc. also rely heavily on non-conscious processing, which is not only faster but also proves to be in many respects more fundamental.The investigations included in this volume point to the conclusion that we can behave in a cognitively competent way without recourse to consciousness; that we may act in a reasoned manner even away from awareness; that thinking can be instantiated without engaging the sober conscious reasoner; that our coping in the world is meaningful and fulfilling even when conscious control and volition are dormant. This book aims to integrate the non-conscious as a constitutive dimension of the mind and also to outline how it is indispensable in virtually everything we do.
Art, Morality and Human Nature
Art, Morality and Human Nature
Haldane, John
This collection brings together the text of the monograph Art and Morality by the philosopher Richard Beardsmore along with fourteen other essays (both published and previously unpublished) in which he explores further some of the themes of his seminal book. With the revival of interest among philosophers and others in the relationships between art and morality the publication of this material is especially timely. Beardsmore's original contribution first introduced the principal terminology in which discussions have been expressed and many of the later essays showed the influence of Wittgenstein. The publication of this anthology of his writings on these themes has been welcomed by others writing on the same or related themes.
Representational and the Presentational
Representational and the Presentational
Shanon, Benny
In this wide-ranging book the author presents his critique of the contemporary portrayal of cognition, an analysis of the conceptual foundations of cognitive science and a proposal for a new concept of the mind. Shanon argues that the representational account is seriously lacking and that far from serving as a basis of cognitive activity, representations are the products of such activity. He proposes an alternative view of the mind in which the basic capability of the cognitive system is not the manipulation of symbols but rather action in the world. His book offers a different outlook on the phenomenon of consciousness and presents a new conception of psychological theory and explanation. This revised second edition includes a new Postscript.
Pioneering Theories in Nursing
Pioneering Theories in Nursing
Snowden, Austyn
Pioneering Theories in Nursing traces the origins of nursing theories through their founders. Unlike other nursing theory texts, this book provides the personal story on some of the greatest nursing leaders, clinicians and theorists to date so the reader can understand the context within which the nursing pioneer developed their theory. It will attempt to explain the theories and practice of nursing and provide food for thought for students and practitioners, encouraging reflective thinking. Each section begins with an overview of the chapters and identifies common themes. Designed to be highly user-friendly, each chapter follows a standard structure with a short biography, a summary on their special interests and an outline of their writings before each theory is examined in detail. The chapter then looks at instances of how this theory has been put into practice and what influence this process has had on the wider nursing community. Further links to other theorists are provided as well as key dates in the life of the theorists and a brief profile.
Place of Michael Oakeshott in Contemporary Western and Non-Western Thought
Place of Michael Oakeshott in Contemporary Western and Non-Western Thought
O'Sullivan, Noel
The continuing growth of worldwide interest in Michael Oakeshott's philosophy and political theory has recently (2016) been marked by the publication of two 'Companion to Oakeshott' volumes. This event provides a welcome opportunity to explore the reasons for his influence both within the West and beyond it.Essays by contributors from Britain, Canada, Hong Kong, India, and the USA provide a comprehensive critical assessment of the principal aspects of Oakeshott's thought that account for his contemporary relevance.The unusually multi-national background of the authors aims to give the volume a wide appeal, extending not only to those already familiar with Oakeshott's writings but also to those as yet unfamiliar with them, regardless of their cultural background.All the contributors have attempted to write in a way that makes Oakeshott as accessible as possible.
Propeller Aerodynamics
Propeller Aerodynamics
Hitchens, Frank
Classical aerodynamics is a compulsory study subject for pilots at all levels of experience. Propeller Aerodynamics is a subset of this fascinating subject. Propellers have their unique aerodynamic terminology, forces and handling requirements, knowledge of which all pilots must be aware of to safely handle the aircraft they are flying. Incorrect propeller handling can cause damage to the aircraft and reduce performance efficiency. Most aerodynamic text books only give a brief view of propeller aerodynamics; however this book Propeller Aerodynamics delves more deeply into this subject. The book covers the history and operation of aircraft propellers, prop pitch, thrust, efficiency, aircraft stability, prop forces, constant-speed units and more. This is all essential reading for the pilot progressing to more advanced high-performance aircraft.
General Will in Political Philosophy
General Will in Political Philosophy
Grygienc, Janusz
This book deals with the role and place of the general will in modern and contemporary political thought. This project is carried out at the crossroads of the history of ideas and political philosophy. It extensively develops historical and philosophical themes, showing modifications to the idea of the general will in the writings of thinkers who sometimes represent very distant epochs. The author tracks down the birth and the development of the idea of the general will in ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary times, devoting most of the book to the thoughts of Jean Jacques Rousseau and nineteenth and twentieth century British idealists.
汉元朔六年秋,朝廷官员连遇刺,案情诡异。刺客青芒坠崖失忆,逃亡过程中卷朝廷与墨家之争,同时与郦诺始了一段相爱相杀的虐恋。其间,神秘的“天机图”浮出水面,引发各方势力激烈争夺。青芒在各方势力的夹缝之中,利用四重间谍的特殊身份游走斡旋、纵横捭阖,与强大的对手们斗智斗勇,在破解了自己的身世之谜和天机图的终极秘密之后,青芒发现自己真正的仇人竟然是天子刘彻!为了天下苍生的福祉,为了让朝廷与墨家达成和解,也为了汉人与匈奴人不再互相残杀,青芒会作出如何选择?相爱的人终会在一起吗? 《大汉天机1:墨子密码》 《大汉天机》部。汉元朔六年秋,朝廷官员连遇刺,案情诡异。丞相府头号属官在家中被奇异刺杀,廷尉张汤追查蛛丝马迹,确认凶手乃是一名叫青芒的刺客。而青芒坠崖失忆,阴差阳错成了丞相门尉,一边为了自保周旋,一边追查自己的身份和过往。其间,青芒邂逅了墨家旗主郦诺,卷墨家与朝廷之争;匈奴太子、居次先后出现,并告知他曾是匈奴左都尉,并与天机图有密切联系,这令青芒陷更大的危局——朝廷、墨家、匈奴,他究竟属于何方势力,各方争夺的天机图,究竟隐藏了什么秘密?而与此同时,各方势力内部也暗流涌动,纷争不断。 《大汉天机2:七星龙渊》 《大汉天机》第二部。青芒用计取回天机图献给天子后,又用计顺利通过天子的一系列试探,当上卫尉丞,并被指派调查墨家的案子,破解天机图秘密。随着青芒的调查,他的身世之谜慢慢揭,原来他拥有立场矛盾的“四重”身份,这也令他纠结万分。墨家中,杀害倪右使等人的凶人仍未抓获,田君孺死,仇景逃逸,郦诺陷困境。诸侯蠢蠢欲动,淮南王之女刘陵京,策划了对天子的刺杀行动。而郦诺因救下夷安公主,成了其师傅,随之宫。 《大汉天机3:九嶷谜城》 《大汉天机》第三部。历经九死一生才查清真相的青芒却面临着一个更大的挑战——他发现自己真正的仇人竟然是天子刘彻!面对天子,青芒步步为营,随着谜局的一解,青芒意识到一旦天机图背后的秘密重现于世,必然导致天下大乱和生灵涂炭。为此,青芒陷了前所未有的内心冲突之中,各种相互矛盾的情感和价值观在他心中碰撞和交战。
整套书共收录450多幅清新治愈的漫画,更附送超萌明信片和动物书签~ 在这个脑洞大开的小世界里,有一群暖萌的小动物们:灰熊、兔子、大象、企鹅……它们用机智与幽默治愈你生活中的“丧”送你每天一份好心情,让你每天都真好看!
(日)田中正人 著,(日)斋藤哲也 编
《惊呆了!原来这就是社会学》 ★ 清华大学社会学系副教授严飞、华中师范大学社会学院教授李钧鹏力荐! ★ 个人生活与社会历史之间有着怎样密不可分的联系?这本书画给你看! ★ 奥古斯特·孔德、埃米尔·涂尔干、格奥尔格·齐美尔、马克斯·韦伯……76位重要的社会思想家超萌登场 ★ 炫耀性消费、文化资本、社会失范、风险社会……超过300个重要社会学概念,轻松get! 《惊呆了!哲学这么好》 ★ 一步踏入哲学世界,用看漫画的方式秒懂哲学 ★ 泰勒斯、苏格拉底、柏拉图、笛卡尔、尼采……在哲学家介绍页面,了解每位哲学家的生平、名言、著作 ★ 本原、德性、理型、目的王国、存在主义……在哲学概念解说页面,通过一连串的可爱图画,轻松理解哲人的大智慧 ★ 中文版由中国社会科学院哲学研究所学者特别审定 《我已经没有烦恼了:东方哲学与分析哲学》用600幅可爱漫画,讲解了72位东西方哲学家的生平和思想、190个与人生息息相关的哲学命题,是一本人人都能读懂的哲学入门指南。 本书内容分为中国哲学、日本哲学、欧洲大陆哲学和英美分析哲学四个部分,涵盖了东方哲学中的经典思想和西方现代哲学的新发展。 在东方哲学部分,对心斋坐忘、上善若水、自然无为等我们熟悉的名词有详细解读,*解析诸子百家的思想精髓;在分析哲学部分,弗雷格、罗素、摩尔、维特根斯坦等当代哲学家轮番登场,试图从科学、日常语言中思考哲学。 东方哲学滋养心灵、安排生命; 分析哲学不断追问、磨砺思想。我们生活中遇到的难解困境与烦恼,哲学家们也都会有。面对烦恼,哲学家们会给出怎样的回答呢?
青年小说家双雪涛作品套装(共4册 飞行家+聋哑时代+翅鬼+猎人 理想国出品)
青年小说家双雪涛作品套装(共4册 飞行家+聋哑时代+翅鬼+猎人 理想国出品)
《飞行家》共收录了双雪涛的九篇短篇小说。 缘起——为那些被侮辱被损害的故乡人留下虚构的记录; 沉淀——将历史与人性的复杂张力编织故事的纹理里; 扎根——让爱、梦想、尊严和自由在卑微和绝境里重生。 故事发生的地大多是没落的北方城市。艳粉街、影子湖、光明堂、红旗广场、春风歌舞厅、红星台球社……这里布满破败的街道、废弃的工厂,流窜着形形色色的人。 故事里的角色大多是被遗忘的边缘群体。久藏、小橘子、疯子廖澄湖、“少年犯”柳丁、姑鸟儿、驯养师阮灵、“疯马”马峰、“飞行家”李明奇……他们是被历史的大潮拍在岸边的鱼。 在《飞行家》里,就是由这样一群人,在这样一些地方,让凡人的热血、尊严和自由绽放出火光。
本书是一套适合10岁以下孩子阅读的历史书,选出了自盘古开天辟地到清朝末年,影响中国历史的杰出人物,包括文学家、艺术家、冒险家、发明家、教育家……用说故事的方式讲述这些历史人物的精彩事迹,为孩子构建一个完整清晰的中国历史轮廓。书中配套的有声故事运用声音的力量,在孩子熟悉文字符号之前,让历史提前走进他们的生活。 作者陈卫平曾经编写了《写给儿童的中国历史》《写给儿童的世界历史》,出版后获得巨大的反响,意料之外的是,有更多的家长提出了他们的心声与期望,希望孩子在更小的时候就能开始接触历史。因此,作者策划了《说给儿童的中国历史》这一全新作品,重点考虑了怎样将历史人物和事件通过有效、能吸引孩子的方式传达给他们。在孩子读历史、听历史的过程中,营造出“身临其境”的氛围和“模拟体验”的感受,同时激发孩子对历史的多元化思考。