
本书详尽地叙述了自远古至共和国末期将近1000多年的罗马历史,阐述了罗马从偏于一隅的弹丸小国如何一步步成为地跨欧亚非三洲的国家的过程及其原因,并指出了罗马在日渐强盛中已经蕴含衰亡的种子。本书视野阔,论证严密,在涉及这一古代时期的各个领域都达到了百科全书式的广度。作品文笔洗练,叙事生动,富于戏剧性,人物形象鲜明,达到了历史性和文学性的完美结合。 1902年,蒙森因这部专著获得诺贝尔文学奖,成为迄今为止*位获得这一殊荣的历史学家。本书也成为研究罗马史的权威之作。瑞典学院在颁奖词中评价道:“今世*伟大的纂史巨匠,此于其巨著《罗马史》中表露无疑。”


近年来,产业基础能力得到加强、地位显著提高、支撑能力不断提升、政策体系日趋完善,产业基础从“认知”走到了“共识”。本书系统总结了我国产业基础高级化的展,为好产业基础高级化和产业现代化攻坚战提出了发展路径与建议。全书内容分为4篇,综合篇对我国产业基础发展概况行总结并提出政策建议;国际篇对日本、德国两国产业基础的推行分析;重领域篇围绕节能与新能源汽车、智联网汽车、先轨道交通装备、电力装备、工业母机、机器人、海洋工程装备及高技术船舶、农业机械装备、集成电路及专用设备等重领域,系统介绍“五基”产品和技术展以及国际竞争趋势等;地方篇重分析了宁波市产业基础发展概况和推经验。 本书可供政府部门、制造业企业和研究机构为工业领域的政策制定、管理决策和咨询提供参考,也可供高等院校相关专业师生及其他对工业发展感兴趣的读者阅读。





周金涛先生,中信建投前首席经济学家,中国康波周期理论研究的拓者。作为大师级的策略分析师, 从2008年次贷危机到2016年大宗商品年度反弹, 周金涛先生对于大级别周期运行脉络的把握可谓千古独步, 被人们誉为“周期天王”。本书把周金涛先生的重要报告和研究成果完全按照发表时间的先后排列,以方便读者能够根据当时的社会现实情况把周金涛的预言和研究做一一对应的验证和研究,以更全面更精细地把握周先生独特的思维体系和它的发展历程。书中的内容几乎覆盖了包括股票、商品、美元、黄金以及房地产等在内的所有大类资产类别,他的研究成果使我们社会中每一个微小的个人终于始抬头仰望星空,始首先思考大类资产的战略选择!

Classic Christianity
For the first time, Thomas Oden's Systematic Theology classic series (individually titled The Living God, The Word of Life, and Life in the Spirit) is available in one complete volume. A renowned theologian, Oden provides a consensus view of the Christian faith, delving deeply into ancient Christian tradition and bringing to the contemporary church the best wisdom from its past. In this magisterial work, Oden tackles the central questions of Christian belief and the nature of the trinity. Written for clergy, Christian educators, religious scholars, and lay readers alike, Classic Christianity provides the best synthesis of the whole history of Christian thought. Part one explores the most intriguing questions of the study of God Does God existDoes Jesus reveal GodIs God personal, compassionate, freeand presents answers that reflect the broad consensus culled from the breadth of the church's teachers. It is rooted deeply and deliberately in *ure but confronts the contemporary mind with the vitality of the Christian tradition. Part two addresses the perplexing Christological issues of whether God became flesh, whether God became Christ, and whether Christ is the source of salvation. Oden details the core beliefs concerning Jesus Christ that have been handed down for the last two hundred decades, namely, who he was, what he did, and what that means for us today. Part three examines how the work of God in creation and redemption is being brought to consummation by the Holy Spirit in persons, through communities, and in the fullness of human destiny. Oden's magisterial study not only treats the traditional elements of systematical theology but also highlights the foundational exegetes throughout history. Covering the ecumenical councils and early synods; the great teachers of the Eastern church tradition, including Athanasius and John Chrysostom; and the prominent Western figures such as Augustine, Ambrose, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, and John Calvin, this book offers the reader the fullest understanding of the Christian faith available.

荷马史诗是《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》的统称,是古希腊文学中蕞早的一部史诗,也是欧洲叙事诗的典范。 它极大地影响了从古希腊始的西方文学创造风格,突破了史诗仅限于记史的传统,始关注人物的内心,是诗体小说的山鼻祖。 《伊利亚特》叙述希腊联军围攻特洛伊的故事,以希腊联军主帅阿伽门农与将领阿基琉斯的争吵为核心,集中描写了战争结束前五十天发生的事情。 《奥德赛》叙述奥德修斯在攻陷特洛伊后归国途中十年漂泊、历经艰难终于返乡的故事。

我一直相信任何事情总离不开一个“缘”字。“织绣”是我个人收藏22 个品项中的一项,其中“蓝绸地平金五彩绣九团龙兽皮里龙袍”和“蓝地缂丝立水龙袍”两件,在当年收藏时就费了一番功夫,此两件藏品陪伴我已有20 余载,今日随同 “蓝地妆花罗云龙暗八仙大襟长袍”、“紫地加金妆花绸云龙暗八仙大襟长袍”、“红缎地戗针绣折枝月季侧褶裙”等其他绣品共295 件一并捐赠给北京清华大学,可说是缘分天注定。同时,可让我的这些收藏品觅得良所,也让后学有缘一睹前清时代皇帝、官宦、巨贾及寻常人家的穿着规矩与时尚品味。我以为这些藏品用在教育上,更是无价之宝。


A Series of Unfortunate Events Collection: Books 4-6
A Warning from the Publisher:Imagine you are wearing a bandage that needs to be removed. Are you the sort of person who tears the bandage right off, causing an enormous amount of pain in a short instanceOr do you prefer to spread your pain out over a longer period of time, by slowly unpeeling the bandage from your injury?If you are the first type of person, then this three-book electronic collection might be for you. All of the misery and woe available in three Lemony Snicket volumes—The Miserable Mill, The Austere Academy, and The Ersatz Elevator—have been joined into one compactly miserable package, so readers foolish enough to read about the Baudelaire orphans can be unnerved in a slightly more economical fashion.If you are the second type of person, then volumes 4 through 6 in A Series of Unfortunate Events might be for you. Even if you unwisely choose to read them at a more leisurely pace, you will encounter such atrocities as poorly paid employees, a hypnotist, an evil scheme, a gym teacher, dripping fungus, another evil scheme, a fake accent, three mysterious consonants, a red herring, and at least one more evil scheme.Of course, most people would prefer not to be injured at all. We salute these sensible people, who will doubtless not purchase any books by Lemony Snicket, no matter how conveniently bundled.

本稿是清华大学首批文科资深教授 万俊人的本诗词集。 万俊人受家学熏陶,传统古典文学,尤其是诗词,融在万俊人骨子里;工作之后,机缘巧合,万俊人拜师范曾学习中国古典文学和诗学,开始旧体诗词的创作。 本稿是万俊人多年诗词创作的次结集,共收录诗57首、词42首、对联78副(句)。这些作品,有的是与师友诗酒唱和,有的是作者感时之作,有的是纪游。作者将其哲学情怀、家国情怀,付诸诗意的文字,生动地诠释了传统诗学中“诗以言志”的命题。因胸有丘壑,学贯中西,又得名师指点,故诗格自高,而又法度雅正,情真韵纯。不失为现当代有较高水准的旧体诗词集。

Kim Harrison Bundle #1
Get the first four novels in Kim Harrison's #1 New York Times bestselling Hollows series as one e-book! This bundle includes Dead Witch Walking, The Good, the Bad, and the Undead, Every Which Way But Dead, and A Fistful of Charms. Discover this great series at a special price!Dead Witch WalkingAll the creatures of the night gather in "the Hollows" of Cincinnati, to hide, to prowl, to party ... and to feed.?Vampires rule the darkness in a predator-eat-predator world rife with dangers beyond imagining — and it’s Rachel Morgan'sjob to keep that world civilized.?A bounty hunter and witch with serious sex appeal and an attitude, she'll bring 'em back alive, dead ... or undead.The Good, the Bad, and the UndeadIt's a tough life for witch Rachel Morgan, sexy, independent bounty hunter, prowling the darkest shadows of downtown Cincinnati for criminal creatures of the night.?She can handle the leather-clad vamps and even tangle with a cunning demon or two. But a serial killer who feeds on the experts in the most dangerous kind of black magic is definitely pressing the limits.?Confronting an ancient, implacable evil is more than just child's play — and this time, Rachel will be lucky to escape with her very soul.Every Which Way But DeadRachel Morgan's back! Bestselling author Kim Harrison returns with a new supernatural adventure that fans of Laurell K. Hamilton and Charlaine Harris won't want to miss.?Some days, you just can't win. Witch and former bounty hunter Rachel Morgan's managed to escape her corrupt company, survive living with a vampire, start her own runner service, and face down a vampire master.?But her vampire roommate Ivy is off the wagon, her human boyfriend Nick is out of town indefinitely and doesn't sound like he's coming back while the far-too-seductive vampire Kisten is looking way too tempting, and there's a turf war erupting in Cincinnati's underworld.?And there's a greater evil still. To put the vampire master behind bars and save her family, Rachel made a desperate bargain and now there's hell to pay—literally. For if Rachel cannot stop him, the archdemon Algaliarept will pull her into the sorcerous ever-after to forfeit her soul as his slave. Forever.A Fistful of CharmsThe evil night things that prowl Cincinnati despise witch and bounty hunter Rachel Morgan. Her new reputation for the dark arts is turning human and undead heads alike with the intent to possess, bed, and kill her — not necessarily in that order.?Now a mortal lover who abandoned Rachel has returned, haunted by his secret past. And there are those who covet what Nick possesses — savage beasts willing to destroy the Hollows and everyone in it if necessary.?Forced to keep a low profile or eternally suffer the wrath of a vengeful demon, Rachel must nevertheless act quickly. For the pack is gathering for the first time in millennia to ravage and to rule. And suddenly more than Rachel's soul is at stake.

The Ultimate Forex Trading System: Unbeatable Strategy to Place 92% Winning Trad
The Ultimate Forex Trading System: Unbeatable Strategy to Place 92% Winning Trades

Petru cel Mare. Via?a ?i lumea lui
Cum s? ??i ?mbun?t??e?ti g?ndirea ?i via?a Terapia Cognitiv Comportamental? (TCC) ??i ofer? cele mai eficiente instrumente pentru a ?n?elege mecanismele g?ndirii ?i pentru a ?nv??a cum s? le controlezi. Tr?ie?ti cu convingerea c? via?a ta depinde de ceea ce ?i s-a ?nt?mplat ?n copil?rie sau de hot?r?rile pe care le-au luat al?ii ?n numele t?u? E?ti sigur c? nu po?i s? scapi de temeri, de frustr?ri, de fobii, de impulsivitate? Ascult? vocea ra?iunii tale, aceea care te ajut? s? despar?i g?ndurile de sentimente. ?ncearc? s? ?n?elegi emo?iile care te for?eaz? s? ac?ionezi ?ntr-o anumit? direc?ie. Schimb?-?i comportamentul prin terapie ?i ??i vei ?mbun?t??i ?ntreaga via??! P?n? acum c??iva ani, terapia era asociat? de obicei cu canapele ?i lacrimi, cu t?ceri meditative, cu dezgroparea dureroas? a amintirilor din copil?rie ?i a fanteziilor ascunse. Aceste prejudec??i au ajuns ?ns? la un sf?r?it odat? cu apari?ia terapiei cognitiv-comportamentale, noua tehnic? terapeutic? prin conversa?ie c?reia psihoterapeutul Stephen Briers ?i dedic? cartea de fa??. Cu ajutorul acestui instrument pre?ios, ??i vei con?tientiza problemele ?i vei reu?i, pas cu pas, s? le elimini din via?a ta. Cartea cuprinde: - 11 capitole care te introduc at?t ?n teoria, c?t ?i ?n practica TCC - Liste de referin?e, lecturi ?i site-uri pentru aprofundarea cunoa?terii - 4 anexe utile pentru aplicarea informa?iilor din carte ?n cadrul fiec?rui capitol sunt incluse casetele ?Brilliant“ cu exemple, observa?ii, sfaturi.



世界上有两种游戏,一种是有限游戏,一种是无限游戏。商业游戏就是一场无限的游戏。在这场无限的商业游戏中,没有所谓的时限,没有所谓的终点,更不存在所谓的赢。游戏的首要目标就是让游戏一直玩下去,只有这样,才能成为无线游戏中的头号玩家。 许多领导者总是将“赢”挂在嘴边,沉迷于“赢得竞争”,用有限思维来参与这场游戏。却不知道,在商业无限的游戏中,我们必须停止思考赢,转而思考如何建立一个足够强大、足够健康的组织,让它能够经久不衰,不被游戏淘汰。只有用无限思维来玩商业这场无限游戏,我们才能朝着永远存续的目标前进。 我们不能决定所要参加的游戏是有限的还是无限的,但我们能决定用什么样的思维来参与。只有追求高尚的事业、建立彼此信任的团队、尊重值得较量的对手、拥有攸关存亡的变通性、表现领导的勇气,我们才能长久且持续地繁荣下去,才能始终处在无限游戏的中心。
