

Buying Power
Buying Power
Glickman, Lawrence B.
A definitive history of consumer activism, Buying Power traces the lineage of this political tradition back to our nation's founding, revealing that Americans used purchasing power to support causes and punish enemies long before the word boycott even entered our lexicon. Taking the Boston Tea Party as his starting point, Lawrence Glickman argues that the rejection of British imports by revolutionary patriots inaugurated a continuous series of consumer boycotts, campaigns for safe and ethical consumption, and efforts to make goods more broadly accessible. He explores abolitionist-led efforts to eschew slave-made goods, African American consumer campaigns against Jim Crow, a 1930s refusal of silk from fascist Japan, and emerging contemporary movements like slow food. Uncovering previously unknown episodes and analyzing famous events from a fresh perspective, Glickman illuminates moments when consumer activism intersected with political and civil rights movements. He also sheds new light on activists' relationship with the consumer movement, which gave rise to lobbies like the National Consumers League and Consumers Union as well as ill-fated legislation to create a federal Consumer Protection Agency.
Accidental Diarist
Accidental Diarist
McCarthy, Molly A.
In this era of tweets and blogs, it is easy to assume that the self-obsessive recording of daily minutiae is a recent phenomenon. But Americans have been navel-gazing since nearly the beginning of the republic. The daily planner-variously called the daily diary, commercial diary, and portable account book-first emerged in colonial times as a means of telling time, tracking finances, locating the nearest inn, and even planning for the coming winter. They were carried by everyone from George Washington to the soldiers who fought the Civil War. And by the twentieth century, this document had become ubiquitous in the American home as a way of recording a great deal more than simple accounts.In this appealing history of the daily act of self-reckoning, Molly McCarthy explores just how vital these unassuming and easily overlooked stationery staples are to those who use them. From their origins in almanacs and blank books through the nineteenth century and on to the enduring legacy of written introspection, McCarthy has penned an exquisite biography of an almost ubiquitous document that has borne witness to American lives in all of their complexity and mundanity.
Meet Joe Copper
Meet Joe Copper
Basso, Matthew L.
"e;I realize that I am a soldier of production whose duties are as important in this war as those of the man behind the gun."e; So began the pledge that many home front men took at the outset of World War II when they went to work in the factories, fields, and mines while their compatriots fought in the battlefields of Europe and on the bloody beaches of the Pacific. The male experience of working and living in wartime America is rarely examined, but the story of men like these provides a crucial counter-narrative to the national story of Rosie the Riveter and GI Joe that dominates scholarly and popular discussions of World War II.In Meet Joe Copper, Matthew L. Basso describes the formation of a powerful, white, working-class masculine ideology in the decades prior to the war, and shows how it thrived-on the job, in the community, and through union politics. Basso recalls for us the practices and beliefs of the first- and second-generation immigrant copper workers of Montana while advancing the historical conversation on gender, class, and the formation of a white ethnic racial identity. Meet Joe Copper provides a context for our ideas of postwar masculinity and whiteness and finally returns the men of the home front to our reckoning of the Greatest Generation and the New Deal era.
Political Peoplehood
Political Peoplehood
Smith, Rogers M.
For more than three decades, Rogers M. Smith has been one of the leading scholars of the role of ideas in American politics, policies, and history. Over time, he has developed the concept of "e;political peoples,"e; a category that is much broader and more fluid than legal citizenship, enabling Smith to offer rich new analyses of political communities, governing institutions, public policies, and moral debates.This book gathers Smith's most important writings on peoplehood to build a coherent theoretical and historical account of what peoplehood has meant in American political life, informed by frequent comparisons to other political societies. From the revolutionary-era adoption of individual rights rhetoric to today's battles over the place of immigrants in a rapidly diversifying American society, Smith shows how modern America's growing embrace of overlapping identities is in tension with the providentialism and exceptionalism that continue to make up so much of what many believe it means to be an American.A major work that brings a lifetime of thought to bear on questions that are as urgent now as they have ever been, Political Peoplehood will be essential reading for social scientists, political philosophers, policy analysts, and historians alike.
Planning Matter
Planning Matter
Beauregard, Robert A.
City and regional planners talk constantly about the things of the world-from highway interchanges and retention ponds to zoning documents and conference rooms-yet most seem to have a poor understanding of the materiality of the world in which they're immersed. Too often planners treat built forms, weather patterns, plants, animals, or regulatory technologies as passively awaiting commands rather than actively involved in the workings of cities and regions.In the ambitious and provocative Planning Matter, Robert A. Beauregard sets out to offer a new materialist perspective on planning practice that reveals the many ways in which the nonhuman things of the world mediate what planners say and do. Drawing on actor-network theory and science and technology studies, Beauregard lays out a framework that acknowledges the inevitable insufficiency of our representations of reality while also engaging more holistically with the world in all of its diversity-including human and nonhuman actors alike.
Grasping Hand
Grasping Hand
Somin, Ilya
In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that the city of New London, Connecticut, could condemn fifteen residential properties in order to transfer them to a new private owner. Although the Fifth Amendment only permits the taking of private property for "e;public use,"e; the Court ruled that the transfer of condemned land to private parties for "e;economic development"e; is permitted by the Constitution-even if the government cannot prove that the expected development will ever actually happen. The Court's decision in Kelo v. City of New London empowered the grasping hand of the state at the expense of the invisible hand of the market.In this detailed study of one of the most controversial Supreme Court cases in modern times, Ilya Somin argues that Kelo was a grave error. Economic development and "e;blight"e; condemnations are unconstitutional under both originalist and most "e;living constitution"e; theories of legal interpretation. They also victimize the poor and the politically weak for the benefit of powerful interest groups and often destroy more economic value than they create. Kelo itself exemplifies these patterns. The residents targeted for condemnation lacked the influence needed to combat the formidable government and corporate interests arrayed against them.Moreover, the city's poorly conceived development plan ultimately failed: the condemned land lies empty to this day, occupied only by feral cats. The Supreme Court's unpopular ruling triggered an unprecedented political reaction, with forty-five states passing new laws intended to limit the use of eminent domain. But many of the new laws impose few or no genuine constraints on takings. The Kelo backlash led to significant progress, but not nearly as much as it may have seemed.Despite its outcome, the closely divided 5-4 ruling shattered what many believed to be a consensus that virtually any condemnation qualifies as a public use under the Fifth Amendment. It also showed that there is widespread public opposition to eminent domain abuse. With controversy over takings sure to continue, The Grasping Hand offers the first book-length analysis of Kelo by a legal scholar, alongside a broader history of the dispute over public use and eminent domain and an evaluation of options for reform.?
每满80减40 把思考作为习惯系列套装(10册)(你的思维能力,决定你的人生高度,把思考作为习惯,清醒思考,看破一切套路做自己人生的积极掌控者)
把思考作为习惯 作为一个世界前沿思想的连接者以及助推者,湛庐创始人韩焱在长达20年的职业生涯中,引进了各个领域理论奠基人的重要作品,其中不乏像丹尼尔·卡尼曼这样的诺贝尔奖得主以及库兹韦尔、戴曼迪斯这样的全球知名趋势专家,还包括众多知名认知科学家、心理学家、生物学家等。 在这个过程中,她将这些前沿思想消化、吸收,并内化成了一个系统的、经过实践检验的思维工具箱,也就是——把思考作为习惯。这个思考框架可以帮助我们打破自己的“元无知”状态,锻造自己的“学习力、规划力、决策力、创新力、习惯力”,不断连接他人,掌握多元的思考工具,学会像交响乐团指挥家一样应对复杂系统。只有这样,我们才能在自己的人生之路上不断进阶,成长为一个深度思考者与强大的问题解决者,持续点燃生命之火,实现对自我人生的积极掌控。 影响力(全新升级版) 心理学家罗伯特·西奥迪尼为我们解释了为什么有些人具有说服力,而我们总是容易上当受骗。隐藏在冲动地顺从他人行为背后的6大心理武器,正是这一切的根源。那些劝说高手们,总是熟练地运用它们,让我们就范。经过近7年的潜心研究,西奥迪尼发现了第7种心理武器——联盟,将6种心理武器扩展为7种;书中更新内容多达10万字,包括近10年行为心理学新研究与新发现,近5年上百个商业、管理、科技、个人成长、家庭教育等方面的全新案例。 本书被引述率高居社会心理学之冠,曾获得美国心理学会、美国心理学基金会年度大奖提名。是《财富》杂志推荐的75本商业书;在中国,《影响力》系列书系常年位居各大网络、地面书店管理畅销榜单前10名。 直觉泵和其他思考工具 享誉世界的哲学泰斗丹尼尔·丹尼特,融通计算机科学、心理学、神经科学、语言学、人工智能,倾囊相授他一生至今所搜集的各种好用的思考工具。这本书诞生于大学新生的课堂,力图做到“人人能懂”。 使用大量方便的、辅助性的思考工具,去拓展想象力、保持专注力,让我们妥当、优雅地思考真正的难题。利用各种思考工具,让你拨开各种思想的层层迷雾,你会发现,那么多明摆着的观点其实根本就不是那么 “明摆着”的。 “直觉泵”是很有用的思考工具,作为一种思想实验,一个好的直觉泵比任何一种论证和分析都更为有力。这本书不仅带你去检验不合格的直觉泵,也让你理解好的直觉泵,更教你如何应用和制作直觉泵。 偏差 本书作者奥利维耶·西博尼多年来一直致力于提升决策品质,他曾在麦肯锡咨询公司担任决策顾问长达25年。他发现,很多公司的商业决策乃至战略决策竟然都是错误的。在有大量的“前车之鉴”,且数据证据表明这些决策大概率会导致失败,甚至会带来灾难性后果的情况下,很多决策者依然会重蹈覆辙。认知心理学方面的研究发现,这些决策错误是由认知偏差导致的,会让决策者误入歧途,掉进决策陷阱。 因此,在这本书中,西博尼利用数十个引人入胜的案例,展示了认知偏差如何经常导致我们所有人陷入9个常见的决策陷阱的,甚至包括那些知名商业巨头。并将常见的认知偏差按照逻辑归为5种更容易记住的类别。 系统之美 《系统之美》是一本简明扼要的系统思考入门指南,也是认识复杂动态系统的有力工具,帮助大家提高理解和分析身边系统的能力。小到个人问题,大到全球性复杂挑战,本书都可以为你提供睿智的解答和洞察。 作为一本实用的入门指南,本书不仅讲解了系统动力学的基本概念、列举了常见的系统结构,还详细陈述了复杂系统的3大特征、8大陷阱与对策、12大变革方式以及15大生存法则。作者把系统思考从计算机和方程式的世界中解脱出来,以各种真实的案例,阐述了系统思考如何应用于各种现实问题,向读者展示了如何提升和应用系统思考技能——这一项普遍被认为是21世纪全球领导力的核心技能。 作者认为,系统思考将有助于我们发现问题的根本原因,看到多种可能性,从而让我们更好地管理、适应复杂性挑战,把握新的机会,去打造一个完全不同的自我和一个崭新的世界。 模型思维 斯科特·佩奇是风靡全球的“模型思维课”主讲人,有超过100万各行各业的人反复学习并从中受益。新书《模型思维》讲解了24种模型,从线性回归到随机漫步,从博弈论到合作,涵盖学习、工作、生活等方方面面——这些有趣的模型可以把任何人变成天才。 芒格说:“要想成为一个有智慧的人,你必须拥有多个模型。”这是一个数据爆炸的时代,数据充斥着我们的工作与生活,但仅拥有数据是远远不够的,必须学会让数据说话。模型就是让数据说话的秘诀,模型将帮助我们所有人从掌握信息提升到拥有智慧。 表象与本质 闻名世界的认知科学家侯世达凭借独特的智慧与天赋,联合法国心理学家桑德尔,终于向世人展示了这部极具开创性的著作,一解人类认知之谜。 人类大脑中的每个概念都源于多年来不知不觉中形成的一长串类比,这些类比赋予每个概念生命,我们在一生中不断充实这些概念。大脑无时无刻都在作类比。类比,就是思考之源和思维之火。 《表象与本质》深刻地丰富了我们对心智的理解,引领读者进入语言、思想和记忆的多彩情境,逐步揭示出隐藏的认知机制。而认知的核心就是:我们总是无意识地联系过往经验作类比。《表象与本质》对人类的思考提出了一个彻底且令人震惊的新解释。 多样性红利 《多样性红利》创造性地提出多样性视角、启发式、解释和预测模型四个认知工具箱框架,并得出惊人结论:一个人是否聪明不是由智商决定的,而取决于认知工具的多样性!本书将告诉你如何应用工具箱中的工具,用多样性创造更多的红利。 多样性视角、启发式、解释和预测模型让人们找到了更多更好的解决方案,让人们的预测更有价值。 技术的本质 布莱恩?阿瑟所创建的一套关于技术产生和进化的系统性理论。本书是打开“技术黑箱”的钥匙,它用平实的语言将技术本质的思想娓娓道来。构建了关于技术的理论体系,阐明了技术的本质及其进化机制。技术思想领域的开创性作品。 无限的游戏 世界上有两种游戏,一种是有限游戏,一种是无限游戏。商业游戏就是一场无限的游戏。在这场无限的商业游戏中,没有所谓的时限,没有所谓的终点,更不存在所谓的赢。游戏的首要目标就是让游戏一直玩下去,只有这样,才能成为无线游戏中的头号玩家。 许多领导者总是将“赢”挂在嘴边,沉迷于“赢得竞争”,用有限思维来参与这场游戏。却不知道,在商业无限的游戏中,我们必须停止思考赢,转而思考如何建立一个足够强大、足够健康的组织,让它能够经久不衰,不被游戏淘汰。只有用无限思维来玩商业这场无限游戏,我们才能朝着永远存续的目标前进。
Art of Kubo and the Two Strings
Art of Kubo and the Two Strings
Haynes, Emily
From LAIKA, the Academy Award(R)-nominated studio behind Coraline, ParaNorman, and The Boxtrolls, comes a new adventure set in a mythical ancient Japan. In Kubo and the Two Strings, scruffy, kind-hearted Kubo cares devotedly for his mother while eking out a humble living in their sleepy shoreside village. But when a spirit from the past appears, Kubo suddenly finds himself entwined in a violent struggle against gods and monsters. This fully illustrated book offers a behind-the-scenes view of the amazingly detailed artwork and unique stop-motion animation style involved in the film's creation.
Noble Approach - Maurice Noble and the Zen of Animation Design
Noble Approach - Maurice Noble and the Zen of Animation Design
Polson, Tod
This extraordinary volume examines the life and animation philosophy of Maurice Noble, the noted American animation background artist and layout designer whose contributions to the industry span more than 60 years and include such cartoon classics as Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century, What's Opera, Doc?, and The Road Runner Show. Revered throughout the animation world, his work serves as a foundation and reference point for the current generation of animators, story artists, and designers. Written by Noble's longtime friend and colleague Tod Polson and based on the draft manuscript Noble worked on in the years before his death, this illuminating book passes on his approach to animation design from concept to final frame, illustrated with sketches and stunning original artwork spanning the full breadth of his career.
Art and Making of ParaNorman
Art and Making of ParaNorman
Alger, Jed
From LAIKA, the studio behind the hit film Coraline, comes another marvel of stop-motion animation and creative storytelling. For ParaNorman, LAIKA's team of artists and animators built and brought to life a miniature town, a horde of zombies, and a quirky cast of characters to tell a tale of a boy with spooky talents who must save his hometown from a centuries-old curse. Featuring the amazing and detailed artwork that went into the film's creationfrom character sketches and concept art to puppets, textiles, set dressing, and 3-D printed facial modelsThe Art and Making of ParaNorman goes behind the scenes to explore the exacting, exciting steps that are achieved frame by frame in this newest LAIKA masterpiece.
每满80减40 方剂的配伍方法(英文版)(第3版)
李飞,柴瑞霁 樊巧玲
每满80减40 中国民法典释评·物权编(第二版)
每满80减40 电动汽车工程手册 *卷 纯电动汽车整车设计
电动汽车工程手册 *卷 纯电动汽车整车设计
《电动汽车工程手册 *卷 纯电动汽车整车设计》系统总结纯电动汽车整车正向设计发技术,详细阐述了纯电动汽车整车总体设计、电动化底盘设计、整车网络化控制系统设计、整车电力电子控制系统集成设计、整车热管理系统设计和车身结构及轻量化等关键技术。本手册在写法上注重理论与实践相结合,重强调对工程技术人员在工程实践中的工具参考作用,既有理论,又要实例,图文并茂,所有实例均取材于真实的项目研发和工程实践,具有一定的理论参考价值和较高的工程实践指导意义;本手册不仅囊括了近年国内的*技术成果,还瞄准国际前沿,充分借鉴特斯拉等国外先企业的案例以及国际标准,具有国际视野;此外本手册还将现有的工程实践与未来发展结合起来,阐述了纯电动汽车重关注的轻量化、网联化等前沿技术,并综合整理了行业资深专家的意见,对未来的技术发展趋势行了展望。全书数据翔实,图表、公式丰富,可供从事新能源汽车行业的工程技术人员、管理人员及研究人员参考。
每满80减40 中国民法典释评·物权编
《中国民法典释评·物权编》凝结了作者在物权法及理论上二十余年的积累,作者从民法典制定层面出发,明确了各个条文的内在价值,阐释了各法条的主旨内涵,对法条的变更、增补行了理论溯源与新法解读,对相关概念、原则等行了清晰的区分和界定,并且从司法适用角度,给出了学理解释与应用指引,并辅以疑难问题的案例探讨,兼具了学理阐释与实践操作。 本书读者对象主要为法官、律师以及法律学者等法律职业群体。既有立法的高度,又有学者的深度,同时还有司法适用的广度。对于对法官、律师和学者等法律职业群体而言,是非常难得的一套集学理与适用于一体的民法典图书。
每满80减40 海外中国研究丛书合集——古代篇(十卷本)
【内容简介】 海外中国研究丛书是由学者刘东创办并主编、并由江苏人民出版社出版的丛书,自1988年起开始出版发行,海外中国研究的学术名著190余种,囊括了费正清、魏斐德、史华兹、杜赞奇、谢和耐、宇文所安、易劳逸、韩书瑞、瓦格纳、杜维明、斯波义信、沟口雄三等海外著名学者的代表性著作,为中西文化交流做出了持续的贡献,在学术界、出版界享有盛誉,成为公认的图书品牌。目前每年出版新书十余种,并推出了女性系列、海外学子系列、环境系列等子系列。此套电子书是该丛书首次以合集形式发布。
每满80减40 女性是一种处境,而不只是性别:都市白领情感故事集(共9册)
周宏翔,马曳,阎真,朱宏,秋微,【美】玛丽·麦卡锡;尚晓蕾译,【美】查尔斯·波蒂斯;宋伟译,【比】阿梅丽·诺冬,【比】阿梅丽·诺冬;胡小跃译,【英】戴维·M· 巴尼特;赵莹译
每满80减40 一生的世界文学名著(套装共10册,荟萃名家名译版本,不容错过的超值经典巨著大合集)
茨威格,D· H· 劳伦斯,斯当达,玛格丽特·米切尔等
每满80减40 日本烧脑天花板小说集(套装10册)
每满80减40 真正的领导力,不是“管”出来的(套装共12册)
(美)威廉·安肯三世 等
世界知名企业管理专家威廉·安肯三世倾力奉献的一套时间管理法,让管理者反思自己的战略人生选择,把企业成长建立在员工成长的基础上;让管理者找到时间管理的有效方法;让员工重新规划自己的职业生涯,更加自动自发地提升自己的能力与业务水平。 本书融合了行为科学、心理学理论、学术研究,通过一幅幅职场中真实鲜活的情景,一个个生动有趣的企业管理譬喻,让你跟随作者一起思考:我每天要从别人背上受多少只“猴子”?我如何能把不属于自己的猴子交出去?我怎么能让自己背上的猴子越来越少? 全书共有9章,首先介绍猴子是什么,管理者的时间都去哪里了;着讲为什么管理者的时间会被下属占用;再然后,明确工作中的责任,培养下属自动自发地工作,从而增加自己的可支配时间,减少下属占用的时间,从实干家变为企业的管理者。
Mercedes E Class Petrol Workshop Manual W210 & W211 Series
Mercedes E Class Petrol Workshop Manual W210 & W211 Series
Gordon Lund
This Owners Edition Workshop Manual covers the Mercedes-Benz E Class Diesel W210 & W211 Series from 2000 to 2006, fitted with the 1.8, 2.0, 2.6, 2.8, 3.2, 3.5, 4.3 & 5.0 Litre, 111, 112, 113, 271 & 272, with four, six & eight cylinder petrol engine. It has been specially written for the practical owner who wants to maintain a vehicle in first-class condition and carry out the bulk of his or her own servicing and repairs. Comprehensive step-by-step instructions are provided for service and overhaul operations to guide the reader through what might otherwise be unfamiliar and complicated tasks. Numerous drawings are included to amplify the text. With 190 pages, well illustrated.
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