

African American Writers and Classical Tradition
African American Writers and Classical Tradition
Cook, William W.
Constraints on freedom, education, and individual dignity have always been fundamental in determining who is able to write, when, and where. Considering the singular experience of the African American writer, William W. Cook and James Tatum here argue that African American literature did not develop apart from canonical Western literary traditions but instead grew out of those literatures, even as it adapted and transformed the cultural traditions and religions of Africa and the African diaspora along the way.Tracing the interaction between African American writers and the literatures of ancient Greece and Rome, from the time of slavery and its aftermath to the civil rights era and on into the present, the authors offer a sustained and lively discussion of the life and work of Phillis Wheatley, Frederick Douglass, Ralph Ellison, and Rita Dove, among other highly acclaimed poets, novelists, and scholars. Assembling this brilliant and diverse group of African American writers at a moment when our understanding of classical literature is ripe for change, the authors paint an unforgettable portrait of our own reception of "e;classic"e; writing, especially as it was inflected by American racial politics.
Honest Courtesan
Honest Courtesan
Rosenthal, Margaret F.
The Venetian courtesan has long captured the imagination as a female symbol of sexual license, elegance, beauty, and unruliness. What then to make of the cortigiana onesta-the honest courtesan who recast virtue as intellectual integrity and offered wit and refinement in return for patronage and a place in public lifeVeronica Franco (1546-1591) was such a woman, a writer and citizen of Venice, whose published poems and familiar letters offer rich testimony to the complexity of the honest courtesan's position.Margaret F. Rosenthal draws a compelling portrait of Veronica Franco in her cultural social, and economic world. Rosenthal reveals in Franco's writing a passionate support of defenseless women, strong convictions about inequality, and, in the eroticized language of her epistolary verses, the seductive political nature of all poetic contests. It is Veronica Franco's insight into the power conflicts between men and women-and her awareness of the threat she posed to her male contemporaries-that makes her literary works and her dealings with Venetian intellectuals so pertinent today.Combining the resources of biography, history, literary theory, and cultural criticism, this sophisticated interdisciplinary work presents an eloquent and often moving account of one woman's life as an act of self-creation and as a complex response to social forces and cultural conditions."e;A book . . . pleasurably redolent of Venice in the 16th-century. Rosenthal gives a vivid sense of a world of salons and coteries, of intricate networks of family and patronage, and of literary exchanges both intellectual and erotic."e;-Helen Hackett, Times Higher Education SupplementThe Honest Courtesan is the basis for the film Dangerous Beauty (1998) directed by Marshall Herskovitz. (The film was re-titled The Honest Courtesan for release in the UK and Europe in 1999.)
Fiela's Child
Fiela's Child
Matthee, Dalene
Set in nineteenth-century rural Africa, Fiela's Child tells the gripping story of Fiela Komoetie and a white, three-year old child, Benjamin, whom she finds crying on her doorstep. For nine years Fiela raises Benjamin as one of her own children. But when census takers discover Benjamin, they send him to an illiterate white family of woodcutters who claim him as their son. What follows is Benjamin's search for his identity and the fundamental changes affecting the white and black families who claim him."e;Everything a novel can be: convincing, thought-provoking, upsetting, unforgettable, and timeless."e;-Grace Ingoldby, New Statesman"e;Fiela's Child is a parade that broadens and humanizes our understanding of the conflicts still affecting South Africa today."e;-Francis Levy, New York Times Book Review"e;A powerful creation of time and place with dark threads of destiny and oppression and its roots in the almost Biblical soil of a storyteller's art."e;-Christopher Wordsworth, The Guardian"e;The characters in the novel live and breathe; and the landscape is so brightly painted that the trees, birds, elephants, and rivers of old South Africa are characters themselves. A book not to miss."e;-Kirkus Reviews
Making Gray Gold
Making Gray Gold
Diamond, Timothy
This first hand report on the work of nurses and other caregivers in a nursing home is set powerfully in the context of wider political, economic, and cultural forces that shape and constrain the quality of care for America's elderly. Diamond demonstrates in a compelling way the price that business-as-usual policies extract from the elderly as well as those whose work it is to care for them.In a society in which some two million people live in 16,000 nursing homes, with their numbers escalating daily, this thought-provoking work demands immediate and widespread attention."e;[An] unnerving portrait of what it's like to work and live in a nursing home. . . . By giving voice to so many unheard residents and workers Diamond has performed an important service for us all."e;-Diane Cole, New York Newsday"e;With Making Gray Gold, Timothy Diamond describes the commodification of long-term care in the most vivid representation in a decade of round-the-clock institutional life. . . . A personal addition to the troublingly impersonal national debate over healthcare reform."e;-Madonna Harrington Meyer, Contemporary Sociology
Subject of Murder
Subject of Murder
Downing, Lisa
The subject of murder has always held a particular fascination for us. But, since at least the nineteenth century, we have seen the murderer as different from the ordinary citizen-a special individual, like an artist or a genius, who exists apart from the moral majority, a sovereign self who obeys only the destructive urge, sometimes even commanding cult followings. In contemporary culture, we continue to believe that there is something different and exceptional about killers, but is the murderer such a distinctive typeAre they degenerate beasts or supermen as they have been depicted on the page and the screenOr are murderers something else entirely?In The Subject of Murder, Lisa Downing explores the ways in which the figure of the murderer has been made to signify a specific kind of social subject in Western modernity. Drawing on the work of Foucault in her studies of the lives and crimes of killers in Europe and the United States, Downing interrogates the meanings of media and texts produced about and by murderers. Upending the usual treatment of murderers as isolated figures or exceptional individuals, Downing argues that they are ordinary people, reflections of our society at the intersections of gender, agency, desire, and violence.
Statesmanship and Party Government
Statesmanship and Party Government
Mansfield, Harvey C.
In this incisive look at early modern views of party politics, Harvey C. Mansfield examines the pamphlet war between Edmund Burke and the followers of Henry St. John, First Viscount Bolingbroke during the mid-eighteenth century. In response to works by Bolingbroke published posthumously, Burke created his most eloquent advocacy of the party system. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the material, Mansfield shows that present-day parties must be understood in the light of the history of party government. The complicated organization and the public actions of modern parties are the result, he contends, and not the cause of a great change in opinion about parties.Mansfield points out that while parties have always existed, the party government that we know today is possible only because parties are now considered respectable. In Burke's day, however, they were thought by detractors to be a cancer in a free polity. Even many supporters of the parties viewed them as a dangerous instrument, only to be used cautiously by statesmen in dire times. Burke, however, was an early champion of the party system in Britain and made his arguments with a clear-eyed realism. In Statesmanship and Party Government, Mansfield provides a skillful evaluation of Burke's writings and sheds light present-day party politics through a profound understanding of the historical background of the their inception.
Bengal in Global Concept History
Bengal in Global Concept History
Andrew Sartori
Today people all over the globe invoke the concept of culture to make sense of their world, their social interactions, and themselves. But how did the culture concept become so ubiquitousIn this ambitious study, Andrew Sartori closely examines the history of political and intellectual life in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Bengal to show how the concept can take on a life of its own in different contexts. Sartori weaves the narrative of Bengal's embrace of culturalism into a worldwide history of the concept, from its origins in eighteenth-century Germany, through its adoption in England in the early 1800s, to its appearance in distinct local guises across the non-Western world. The impetus for the concept's dissemination was capitalism, Sartori argues, as its spread across the globe initiated the need to celebrate the local and the communal. Therefore, Sartori concludes, the use of the culture concept in non-Western sites was driven not by slavish imitation of colonizing powers, but by the same problems that repeatedly followed the advance of modern capitalism. This remarkable interdisciplinary study will be of significant interest to historians and anthropologists, as well as scholars of South Asia and colonialism.
Theme of Farewell and After-Poems
Theme of Farewell and After-Poems
De Angelis, Milo
Milo De Angelis, born in 1951, is one of the most important living Italian poets. With this volume, Susan Stewart and?Patrizio Ceccagnoli bring to English readers for the first time a facing-page edition of his most recent work: his book-length elegy,?Theme of Farewell, and the subsequent poems of That Wandering in?the Darkness of Courtyards. These two books form a sequence narrating the illness and premature death, in 2003, of the poet's wife, the writer Giovanna Sicari, a celebrated poet in her own right; they also trace De Angelis's turn from grief, through time, back to the world. Immediate, perceptive, and woven from the fabric of everyday life in contemporary Milan, the poems never depart from universal human emotions of despair and awakening. Throughout his long career, De?Angelis has renewed lyric poetry with the sheer intensity of his forms and insights, and the volumes offered here have won some of the most important Italian literary awards, including the coveted Premio Viareggio.?These inexorable and beautifully crafted translations will be of interest to scholars of contemporary Italian literature, students?of contemporary poetry and literary translation, and those who work in comparative literature. Above all, they are bound to speak to any reader in search of a poet writing at the height of his powers of expression.
Rhetoric of English India
Rhetoric of English India
Suleri Goodyear, Sara
Tracing a genealogy of colonial discourse, Suleri focuses on paradigmatic moments in the multiple stories generated by the British colonization of the Indiansubcontinent. Both the literature of imperialism and its postcolonial aftermath emerge here as a series of guilty transactions between two cultures that are equally evasive and uncertain of their own authority."e;A dense, witty, and richly allusive book . . . an extremely valuable contribution to postcolonial cultural studies as well as to the whole area of literary criticism."e;-Jean Sudrann, Choice
Crescent Obscured
Crescent Obscured
Allison, Robert
From the beginning of the colonial period to the recent conflicts in the Middle East, encounters with the Muslim world have helped Americans define national identity and purpose. Focusing on America's encounter with the Barbary states of North Africa from 1776 to 1815, Robert Allison traces the perceptions and mis-perceptions of Islam in the American mind as the new nation constructed its ideology and system of government."e;A powerful ending that explains how the experience with the Barbary states compelled many Americans to look inward . . . with increasing doubts about the institution of slavery."e; -David W. Lesch, Middle East Journal"e;Allison's incisive and informative account of the fledgling republic's encounter with the Muslim world is a revelation with a special pertinence to today's international scene."e; -Richard W. Bulliet, Journal of Interdisciplinary History"e;This book should be widely read. . . . Allison's study provides a context for understanding more recent developments, such as America's tendency to demonize figures like Iran's Khumaini, Libya's Qaddafi, and Iraq's Saddam."e; -Richard M. Eaton, Eighteenth Century Studies
Competition and Entrepreneurship
Competition and Entrepreneurship
Kirzner, Israel M.
Stressing verbal logic rather than mathematics, Israel M. Kirzner provides at once a thorough critique of contemporary price theory, an essay on the theory of entrepreneurship, and an essay on the theory of competition. Competition and Entrepreneurship offers a new appraisal of quality competition, of selling effort, and of the fundamental weaknesses of contemporary welfare economics.Kirzner's book establishes a theory of the market and the price system which differs from orthodox price theory. He sees orthodox price theory as explaining the configuration of prices and quantities that satisfied the conditions for equilibrium. Mr. Kirzner argues that "e;it is more useful to look to price theory to help understand how the decisions of individual participants in the market interact to generate the market forces which compel changes in prices, outputs, and methods of production and in the allocation of resources."e;Although Competition and Entrepreneurship is primarily concerned with the operation of the market economy, Kirzner's insights can be applied to crucial aspects of centrally planned economic systems as well. In the analysis of these processes, Kirzner clearly shows that the rediscovery of the entrepreneur must emerge as a step of major importance.
Face Value
Face Value
O'Malley, Michael
From colonial history to the present, Americans have passionately, even violently, debated the nature and the character of money. They have painted it and sung songs about it, organized political parties around it, and imprinted it with the name of God-all the while wondering: is money a symbol of the value of human work and creativity, or a symbol of some natural, intrinsic value?In Face Value, Michael O'Malley provides a deep history and a penetrating analysis of American thinking about money and the ways that this ambivalence unexpectedly intertwines with race. Like race, money is bound up in questions of identity and worth, each a kind of shorthand for the different values of two similar things. O'Malley illuminates how these two socially constructed hierarchies are deeply rooted in American anxieties about authenticity and difference.In this compelling work of cultural history, O'Malley interprets a stunning array of historical sources to evaluate the comingling of ideas about monetary value and social distinctions. More than just a history, Face Value offers us a new way of thinking about the present culture of coded racism, gold fetishism, and economic uncertainty.
Wittgenstein's Ladder
Wittgenstein's Ladder
Perloff, Marjorie
Marjorie Perloff, among our foremost critics of twentieth-century poetry, argues that Ludwig Wittgenstein provided writers with a radical new aesthetic, a key to recognizing the inescapable strangeness of ordinary language. Taking seriously Wittgenstein's remark that "e;philosophy ought really to be written only as a form of poetry,"e; Perloff begins by discussing Wittgenstein the "e;poet."e; What we learn is that the poetics of everyday life is anything but banal."e;This book has the lucidity and the intelligence we have come to expect from Marjorie Perloff.-Linda Munk, American Literature"e;[Perloff] has brilliantly adapted Wittgenstein's conception of meaning and use to an analysis of contemporary language poetry."e;-Linda Voris, Boston Review"e;Wittgenstein's Ladder offers significant insights into the current state of poetry, literature, and literary study. Perloff emphasizes the vitality of reading and thinking about poetry, and the absolute necessity of pushing against the boundaries that define and limit our worlds."e;-David Clippinger, Chicago Review"e;Majorie Perloff has done more to illuminate our understanding of twentieth century poetic language than perhaps any other critic. . . . Entertaining, witty, and above all highly original."e;-Willard Bohn, Sub-Stance
Studying Human Behavior
Studying Human Behavior
Longino, Helen E.
In Studying Human Behavior, Helen E. Longino enters into the complexities of human behavioral research, a domain still dominated by the age-old debate of "e;nature versus nurture."e; Rather than supporting one side or another or attempting to replace that dichotomy with a different framework for understanding behavior, Longino focuses on how scientists study it, specifically sexual behavior and aggression, and asks what can be known about human behavior through empirical investigation.?She dissects five approaches to the study of behavior-quantitative behavioral genetics, molecular behavior genetics, developmental psychology, neurophysiology and anatomy, and social/environmental methods-highlighting the underlying assumptions of these disciplines, as well as the different questions and mechanisms each addresses. She also analyzes efforts to integrate different approaches. Longino concludes that there is no single "e;correct"e; approach but that each contributes to our overall understanding of human behavior. In addition, Longino reflects on the reception and transmission of this behavioral research in scientific, social, clinical, and political spheres. A highly significant and innovative study that bears on crucial scientific questions, Studying Human Behavior will be essential reading not only for scientists and philosophers but also for science journalists and anyone interested in the engrossing challenges of understanding human behavior.
Bloodtaking and Peacemaking
Bloodtaking and Peacemaking
Miller, William Ian
Dubbed by the New York Times as "e;one of the most sought-after legal academics in the county,"e; William Ian Miller presents the arcane worlds of the Old Norse studies in a way sure to attract the interest of a wide range of readers. Bloodtaking and Peacemaking delves beneath the chaos and brutality of the Norse world to discover a complex interplay of ordering and disordering impulses. Miller's unique and engaging readings of ancient Iceland's sagas and extensive legal code reconstruct and illuminate the society that produced them.People in the saga world negotiated a maze of violent possibility, with strategies that frequently put life and limb in the balance. But there was a paradox in striking the balance-one could not get even without going one better. Miller shows how blood vengeance, law, and peacemaking were inextricably bound together in the feuding process.This book offers fascinating insights into the politics of a stateless society, its methods of social control, and the role that a uniquely sophisticated and self-conscious law played in the construction of Icelandic society."e;Illuminating."e;-Rory McTurk, Times Literary Supplement"e;An impressive achievement in ethnohistory; it is an amalgam of historical research with legal and anthropological interpretation. What is more, and rarer, is that it is a pleasure to read due to the inclusion of narrative case material from the sagas themselves."e;-Dan Bauer, Journal of Interdisciplinary History
On Creaturely Life
On Creaturely Life
Santner, Eric L.
In his Duino Elegies, Rainer Maria Rilke suggests that animals enjoy direct access to a realm of being-the open-concealed from humans by the workings of consciousness and self-consciousness. In his own reading of Rilke, Martin Heidegger reclaims the open as the proper domain of human existence but suggests that human life remains haunted by vestiges of an animal-like relation to its surroundings. Walter Benjamin, in turn, was to show that such vestiges-what Eric Santner calls the creaturely-have a biopolitical aspect: they are linked to the processes that inscribe life in the realm of power and authority.?Santner traces this theme of creaturely life from its poetic and philosophical beginnings in the first half of the twentieth century to the writings of the enigmatic German novelist W. G. Sebald. Sebald's entire oeuvre, Santner argues, can be seen as an archive of creaturely life. For Sebald, the work on such an archive was inseparable from his understanding of what it means to engage ethically with another person's history and pain, an engagement that transforms us from indifferent individuals into neighbors.?An indispensable book for students of Sebald, On Creaturely Life is also a significant contribution to critical theory.
Common Place of Law
Common Place of Law
Ewick, Patricia
Why do some people not hesitate to call the police to quiet a barking dog in the middle of the night, while others accept the pain and losses associated with defective products, unsuccesful surgery, and discriminationPatricia Ewick and Susan Silbey collected accounts of the law from more than four hundred people of diverse backgrounds in order to explore the different ways that people use and experience it. Their fascinating and original study identifies three common narratives of law that are captured in the stories people tell.One narrative is based on an idea of the law as magisterial and remote. Another views the law as a game with rules that can be manipulated to one's advantage. A third narrative describes the law as an arbitrary power that is actively resisted. Drawing on these extensive case studies, Ewick and Silbey present individual experiences interwoven with an analysis that charts a coherent and compelling theory of legality. A groundbreaking study of law and narrative, The Common Place of Law depicts the institution as it is lived: strange and familiar, imperfect and ordinary, and at the center of daily life.
每满80减40 规程方法与案例启示(套装共11册)
欧阳奇 曾志伟等
每满80减40 曾国藩全集(全12册)精
【曾国藩其人】 曾国藩(1811—1872),初名子城,字伯涵,号涤生,湖南湘乡人。《清史稿·曾国藩传》描述他“为人威重,美须髯,目三角有棱”。道光十八年(1838)考中士,此后历任翰林院侍讲学士、内阁学士、礼部侍郎、吏部侍郎等职,在京城做了十多年的文官。咸丰二年(1852),曾国藩奉旨办理湖南团练,此后以兵部侍郎、兵部尚书、两江总督、钦差大臣等身份督办江南军务,指挥湘军战斗。后因功加太子太保衔,封一等毅勇侯,补武英殿大学士等。同治十一年(1872)死于两江总督任上。朝廷追赠太傅,谥号文正。 曾国藩政治上的功过是非,后人褒贬不一。但作为清末同治中兴D1功臣,中国近代化之先驱,曾国藩在中国近代史上具有深远的影响力。他在做人和学问上,同样备受后人褒扬,钱穆先生就赞誉他“做人学问并重”。曾国藩青年时始研读“二十三史”。在京为官期间,他跟从唐鉴、倭仁等人学习程朱理学,对儒学各派兼收并蓄,吸收诸子百家之长,转益多师,杂糅一体。他和湘军将领一起刊刻了《船山遗书》,将王夫之的思想发扬光大。他编纂了流传广、影响大的古文选本《经史百家杂钞》,同时坚持写日记,笔耕不辍,留下了奏稿、书札、批牍、文集、诗集、读书录等大量文字资料,后人刊刻成《曾文正公全集》。曾国藩克己省身,困知勉行,以“好汉脱牙和血吞”的意志力实现了自我超越,完成了“立德、立功、立言“的三不朽之事业。他知人善任,奖掖后,提拔了一大批对中国历史具有重大影响的人物。他行军仗,实行稳扎稳的作战方式。他处理政务,“持大体,规全势”,表现出一位政治家应有的胸襟和眼光。国势日危之际,他主张置西方轮船机械,并启安庆内军械所,制造出中国D1艘蒸汽轮船。他建议派遣近代中国D1批留学生,倡议翻译了D1批西方书籍,这些泽被后世的举措对中国近代化程意义重大。
A Series of Unfortunate Events Collection: Books 1-3 with Bonus Material
A Series of Unfortunate Events Collection: Books 1-3 with Bonus Material
Snicket, Lemony
Lemony Snicket’s unhappy tale of the unlucky Baudelaire siblings begins with The Bad Beginning. In this short bothersome book alone, the three orphans encounter a greedy and repulsive villain, itchy clothing, a disastrous fire, a plot to steal their fortune, and cold porridge for breakfast.Should you not mind deadly serpents, slippery salamanders, lumpy beds, large brass reading lamps, long knives, and terrible odors, then proceed with caution to the second book in the miserable series, The Reptile Room.Readers unbothered by inclement weather, hungry leeches, and cold cucumber soup will want to continue with the third installment, The Wide Window. Others will not.If you’ve got the stomach to wade through the first three tragic tales in Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, then this troubling collection might be the one for you. Several loathsome extras, including a compilation of unsettling quotations and a very disturbing portrait, await those who successfully complete the wretched journey. You’ve been warned!
A Series of Unfortunate Events Collection: Books 7-9
A Series of Unfortunate Events Collection: Books 7-9
Snicket, Lemony
A Warning from the Publisher:Would you rather sprain your ankle, bruise your hip, and lose a toe to frostbite on the same dayOr would you rather have these accidents happen on three different days?This electronic collection of volumes 7 through 9 in A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket is the e-equivalent of having three ghastly accidents right in a row. Contained here are such unpleasantries as kidnapping, disguise, murder, paperwork, another disguise, heart-shaped balloons, false allegations, stiletto heels, a shattered crystal ball, a cryptic map, an irritating song, and quite a few more disguises, all bundled together into a continuous barrage of horror and dismay.The more sensible approach would be to read The Vile Village, The Hostile Hospital, and The Carnivorous Carnival months or even years apart from one another, so you have time to recuperate from the misery each volume offers—or better yet, to turn your eyes away from Mr. Snicket's work and find an electronic experience that would cause you no distress whatsoever.