

The Prophet of Paradise
The Prophet of Paradise
J. Harris Anderson
The Prophet of Paradise
The Promise of the Tea-Gods
The Promise of the Tea-Gods
H. K. O'Hara
THE PROMISE OF THE TEA-GODS BY H. K. O'HARA: A MEGA-NOVEL INSPIRED BY A TRUE EVENT IN THE AUTHOR'S LIFE Her crime was sending him a birthday card, and Kim Soo-kang—a well-known South Korean ballad singer—didn't think twice about deleting her from his friends list. After all, he didn't really know her, so she didn't really matter—she was just-another-nobody trying to be somebody by way of being a nuisance. Being deleted because of a small gesture of kindness might make a girl cry. But she wasn't a girl, she was a woman with a rare gift—the American poet, K, who always found something beautiful among the sharp stones and dark sounds of that other world. The world where men who live in golden cages often sing the saddest songs. And just when Soo-kang's life hits an unbearably lonely note, she arrives in South Korea, looks into his eyes, smiles, and touches his hand—a touch that makes his soul sing. And then the secrets start to unfold. Big Secrets. Secrets that multiply at the speed of light. ***A TRANSCENDENTAL LOVE STORY, this metaphysical mega-novel sparkles with mystery, empowering messages, a touch of magic, and a romance that spans thousands of lifetimes… "This is a BIG book in so many ways and I loved it. I got to stay and visit with the characters for more than a two-day read and that alone was special. There are so many eye-opening life lessons here and H. K. O'Hara is an incredibly talented writer. This is a gift!" —Barbara (5-star review) "I LOVED reading this book! It is beautifully written and so uplifting and inspiring. I couldn't put it down!" —J. Shields (Facebook review) "AN UPLIFTING LOVE STORY… Beautifully written and touching." —Marilyn (5-star review) "I really enjoyed all the mystical aspects of this book. The descriptions of energies, what's beyond this one life, and how our fates can be tied together really give the reader a lot to think about." —Online Book Club Review "H. K. O'Hara writes with the touch of an artist, the voice of an orator, and the wisdom of a sage." —John Harricharan, Bestselling Author
The Upheaval Series: Books 1-3
The Upheaval Series: Books 1-3
Charley Marsh
Now you can enjoy the full Upheaval Series trilogy at a discounted price. Slow Walk Every journey begins with a need and a single step. SLOW WALK, the first book in the Upheaval series, introduces the reader to a new world where survival often means choosing who deserves to live—and who should die. Edge of Reality Sanity is madness put to good use. George Santayana Book Two of the Upheaval series, EDGE of REALITY takes the reader on an extraordinary and unexpected adventure in a world turned upside down. Solstice Moon Survival can be summed up in three words–Never Give Up. Bear Grylls Book Three of the Upheaval series, SOLSTICE MOON concludes Sydney’s courageous journey, traveling down twisty and challenging paths the reader never imagined.
G?ndirea ?nceat?
G?ndirea ?nceat?
Lazu Ion
Povestiri de p?n? azi adun? ?ntre coper?ile sale povestirile c?rtur?re?ti ?i parabolice, cumva borgesiene, din Semnele timpului, volumul de debut al autorului, cu cele explod?nd ?realist“, infuzate de senzualitate ?i sexualitate, din Check Point Charlie, c?rora se adaug? c?teva nara?iuni inedite, care anun?? – poate prefa?eaz? – romanele cosmopolite cu care Liviu Antonesei ?amenin??“ de mai mul?i ani. Indiferent ?ns? de stil, tematic?, viziune ori inten?ii viitoare, toate au poveste, toate te ?in, p?n? la ultima pagin?, cu sufletul la gur? pe parcursul lecturii. F?r? a fi poli?iste, se citesc ca un thriller de bun? calitate.
Acest cantec neimblanzit
Acest cantec neimblanzit
Victoria Schwab
Greva foamei, trotuare ocupate de protestatari, prim?rii luate cu asalt. Dar ?i un student care o seduce pe amanta profesorului. Pumni ridica?i, manifeste radicale, acuza?ii scandate contra guvernului. Dar ?i o b?tr?n? furi??ndu-se spre ?nt?lnirea cu iubitul ei. Nunta unor mafio?i, un uciga? cu ?ndoieli, un medic criminal. C??iva pui de g?in? ciugulind ni?te ro?ii. Povestirile lui Dumitru Crudu, scriitor pe deplin consacrat, redau ?ntreaga forfot? a vie?ii de azi, ?ntr un limbaj savuros, cu o verv? inegalabil? ?i cu un umor de cea mai bun? calitate.
Second Life
Second Life
S.J. Watson
Totul e repetat p?n? ?n cel mai mic detaliu. Secund? cu secund?. Fiecare mi?care e atent studiat?. Nu va fi niciun martor care s? poat? reproduce exact ce s-a ?nt?mplat. Niciun poli?ist nu va g?si vreo pist? care s? duc? la f?pta?i. Av?nd la baz? o poveste adev?rat?, Made in Sweden e un roman cu o intrig? bine condus? despre o band? de infractori neobi?nui?i. Dar este ?i o poveste despre familie, despre dragostea fr??easc? ?i rela?ia complicat? dintre ta?i ?i fii. Despre Leo, Felix ?i Vincen – nu-i ve?i uita! ?Absolut nebunesc, absolut extravagant ?i absolut fantastic: ?n plus, foarte bine documentat.“ – Nordjyske Stiftstidende ?Extrem de bine scris, palpitant, captivant, vesel, tulbur?tor, emo?ionat, ??i d? fiori ?i-?i ?nghea?? s?ngele ?n vene – pur ?i simplu spectaculos. Made in Sweden e o pies? de categorie grea.“ – Fredericia Dagblad ?Structura e perfect cinematic?: scene bine construite, dialoguri vii ?i ac?iune atent condus?. Tema educa?iei ?i-a ?nsu?irilor cu care ne na?tem e abordat? cu subtilitate. Odat? ce-ai ?nceput s? cite?ti, nu te mai po?i opri!“ – Politiken
Pas?rea Bunului Dumnezeu
Pas?rea Bunului Dumnezeu
James McBride
O emo?ionant? poveste de dragoste despre o fat? care ?nva?? s? tr?iasc? de la un b?iat care vrea s? moar?. Theodore Finch e fascinat de moarte ?i se g?nde?te ne?ncetat la tot felul de modalit??i ?n care ?i-ar putea pune cap?t zilelor.Violet Markey tr?ie?te pentru viitor, num?r?nd zilele r?mase p?n? la absolvire.Cand Finch ar putea evada at?t din micul ei ora? din Indiana, c?t ?i din suferin?a cople?itoare provocat? de recenta moarte a surorii sale.C?nd Finch ?i Violet se ?nt?lnesc pe marginea clopotni?ei de la ?coal?, nu este foarte limpede cine pe cine salveaz?. Iar c?nd devin parteneri ?ntr-un proiect de descoperire a ?minunilor naturale“ din statul lor, am?ndoi fac descoperiri mult mai importante: Finch poate fi el ?nsu?i numai al?turi de Violet. Iar Violet numai al?turi de Finch poate uita de num?r?toarea zilelor ?i poate ?ncepe s? le tr?iasc?. ?ns?, ?n timp ce lumea lui Violet cre?te, a lui Finch ?ncepe s? scad?. O carte impresionant? despre doi liceeni amuzan?i, fragili ?i suferinzi. -- Entertainment Weekly Multe romane pentru adolescen?i trateaz? teme similare, dar pu?ine o fac ?ntr-o manier? memorabil?. -- Kirkus Reviews Ai terminat Sub aceea?i stea? Po?i ?ncepe acest roman emo?ionant despre o fat? care ??i promite sie?i s? tr?iasc? av?nd un rost, dup? o rela?ie cu un b?iat care pl?nuie?te s?-?i ia via?a. -- SELF Magazine ?M? ?nvelesc ?n pilot? c?t de str?ns pot – astfel ?nc?t nu mai pot z?ri nici camera – ?i m? ?ntind pe spate ?n pat, ca o mumie. Este o modalitate de a conserva c?ldura ?i lumina, ca s? nu mai poat? ie?i iar. ?ntind o m?n? prin deschiz?tur? ?i apuc alt? carte, apoi alta. ?i dac? via?a ar fi a?a? F?cut? numai din p?r?i fericite, niciuna ?ngrozitoare, nici m?car nepl?cut?. ?i dac? ne-ar sta ?n putere s? decup?m r?ul, pur ?i simplu, ?i s? p?str?m doar binele? Asta este ceea ce vreau s? fac pentru Violet – s?-i ofer numai binele, s? o ?in departe de r?u, a?a ?nc?t acel bine s? r?m?n? pentru totdeauna ?mprejurul nostru.“
Creatorii de manechine
Creatorii de manechine
Craig Cliff
~~30 de povestiri surprinz?toare Jon McGregor, autor distins cu premiul IMPAC Dublin ?i de dou? ori nominalizat la Man Booker Prize, prezint? un ?ndr?zne? volum de povestiri ?cu ?nceputuri r?u prevestitoare ?i urm?ri care ??i dau fiori” (The New York Times). ?n ?inuturile ml??tinoase din Lincolnshire, un comitat din estul Angliei, pericolul se ascunde ?n detalii. Aici, via?a ??i poate schimba cursul ?n orice clip?, din senin. Accentul cade pe lucrurile m?runte, dar evenimentele minore cap?t? propor?ii colosale ?i schimb? pentru totdeauna existen?a fragil? a personajelor. Naratorii acestor ?nt?mpl?ri delicate ?i uimitoare ne povestesc ceea ce cred ei c? este important, ?n vreme ce adev?rul se refugiaz? tocmai ?n ceea ce r?m?ne nespus. Sunt pove?ti despre ?ncurcatele c?i ale izol?rii ?i descoperirii de sine, despre strania leg?tur? dintre mediul de via?? ?i psihicul uman. O t?n?r? vede moartea cu ochii c?nd o c?p???n? de sfecl? ?i p?trunde prin parbriz ?n ma?in?. Un pu?ti d? foc unui hambar ?i un anume domn Davison p??e?te ceva ce nu vom afla niciodat?. Un tat? este arestat c?nd ?ncearc? s?-?i vad? feti?a la serbarea de Cr?ciun. Un b?rbat ?nfrico?at c? va veni o vreme c?nd ploaia nu se va mai opri construie?te o c?s? ?n copac. Un adolescent ucide ?ntr-un accident un b?rbat ap?rut de nic?ieri ?i ?ngroap? cadavrul. Doi muncitori poart? o conversa?ie pe malul lacului, ?n timp ce avioanele de lupt? zboar? deasupra lor preg?tindu-se de r?zboi. ?ie nu ?i s-ar putea ?nt?mpla a?a ceva. Dar uneori se ?nt?mpl?… ?30 de povestiri electrizante.” - New York Times ?O carte plin? de sev?, inventivitate ?i ?ndr?zneal?, care ne asigur? c? proza scurt? nu a murit – este bine-mersi, ?i poate atinge noi culmi.” - The Guardian ?Proza lui McGregor curge ap?s?tor ca ploaia englezeasc?, ?n cel mai bun sens cu putin??. Amplaste ?n estul Angliei, cele 30 de povestiri se ?es ?n jurul ?nt?mpl?rilor nea?teptate, ?ntr-un peisaj sc?ldat ?n lumina rece ?i umed? a dimine?ii. - Library Journal ?Sunt de-a dreptul captivante, surprinz?toare, povestirile acestui autor nominalizat la Man Booker Prize.” Kirkus Reviews De acela?i autor: P?n? ?i c?inii Initial value.
C. I. Young
This brilliant edition of a timeless story is sure to become the favorite of a generation. Readers young and old will be enchanted by the illustrations of W. H. Thwaite. This is a picture book to treasure.Once upon a time, a rich merchant lived with his daughter. He loved the girl for her beautiful face and her sweet heart. But after his wife died, he decided to marry a second time, and his new wife was selfish and cruel. She had two daughters of her own who were just like her. . . .
Na paraye 'ham: Nem tudom visszafizetni nektek
Na paraye 'ham: Nem tudom visszafizetni nektek
Sivarama Swami
Маг?я Анджея Сапковського — у його вм?нн? з л?ризмом ? сарказмом створити уявний св?т, кожен з мешканц?в якого, кожне м?сце ? кожна под?я наст?льки нагадують нам св?т реальний, сучасний, що в?д?рватися в?д книжок неможливо. Дуже давно, коли людська раса т?льки обживала ворожий св?т, а маги у сво?х вежах займалися лише високою наукою чар?вництва, було створено г?льд?ю в?дьмак?в — рем?сник?в в?д маг??, яких навчали вбивати темн? породження потойб?ччя: в??в ? в?ппер?в, мантикор ? гул?в, грифон?в ? брукс-вамп?риць. Але з часом страшних почвар меншало, меншало й тих, хто мусив захищати в?д них людей, — ? дедал? част?ше в?дьмакам у спину лет?ли з-за паркан?в прокльони та кам?ння. В?д Яруги до Драконячих г?р мандру? один з останн?х в?дьмак?в — ?еральт ?з Р?в??, зустр?чаючи людей та ?стот, як? чимось дуже нагадують персонаж?в в?домих казок, та намагаючись зрозум?ти, чи залишилося у ньому самому хоч щось в?д людини, чи в?н — т?льки додаток до двох сво?х меч?в: звичайного зал?зного та в?дьмачого, з карбованим рук?в’ям та ср?бним клинком, який колись стане для нього мечем призначення… Mag?ja Andzheja Sapkovs'kogo — u jogo vm?nn? z l?rizmom ? sarkazmom stvoriti ujavnij sv?t, kozhen z meshkanc?v jakogo, kozhne m?sce ? kozhna pod?ja nast?l'ki nagadujut' nam sv?t real'nij, suchasnij, shho v?d?rvatisja v?d knizhok nemozhlivo. Duzhe davno, koli ljuds'ka rasa t?l'ki obzhivala vorozhij sv?t, a magi u svo?h vezhah zajmalisja lishe visokoju naukoju char?vnictva, bulo stvoreno g?l'd?ju v?d'mak?v — rem?snik?v v?d mag??, jakih navchali vbivati temn? porodzhennja potojb?chchja: v??v ? v?pper?v, mantikor ? gul?v, grifon?v ? bruks-vamp?ric'. Ale z chasom strashnih pochvar menshalo, menshalo j tih, hto musiv zahishhati v?d nih ljudej, — ? dedal? chast?she v?d'makam u spinu let?li z-za parkan?v prokl'oni ta kam?nnja. V?d Jarugi do Drakonjachih g?r mandru? odin z ostann?h v?d'mak?v — ?eral't ?z R?v??, zustr?chajuchi ljudej ta ?stot, jak? chimos' duzhe nagadujut' personazh?v v?domih kazok, ta namagajuchis' zrozum?ti, chi zalishilosja u n'omu samomu hoch shhos' v?d ljudini, chi v?n — t?l'ki dodatok do dvoh svo?h mech?v: zvichajnogo zal?znogo ta v?d'machogo, z karbovanim ruk?v’jam ta sr?bnim klinkom, jakij kolis' stane dlja n'ogo mechem priznachennja…
Noua cardiologie. Opri?i afec?iunile cardiovasculare cu efecete letale ?nainte
Noua cardiologie. Opri?i afec?iunile cardiovasculare cu efecete letale ?nainte
Sinatra Stephen, Roberts James C., Zucker Martin
Citind romanul lui Cosmin, am intrat automat n rolul unui cenzor paranoid, din ce n ce mai ncruntat, pe msur ce intram n pinea de cuvinte. Mai ncruntat fiindc am nceput s adun ntrebri pentru a pune la punct autorul, pentru a-l convinge c un asemenea text nu trebuie publicat, fiindc este periculos pentru ceteanul de bun credin, este subversiv i cu att mai nociv, cu ct ncearc s se ascund n spatele absurdului. Fiindc nou, cenzorilor, la cursul de cenzur aplicat ni s-a atras atenia de la bun nceput: atenie mare la absurdul cu substrat, la textele aparent schizoide! Acolo se ascunde buba! Iar buba trebuie tratat chirurgical! Cine se ascunde n spatele Cinelui de lemn Cine e Jumtatea de Matrioc Iar antierul e cumva La Canal Adic personajele tale au nnebunit din cauza regimului Nu neleg! Mi biete, ai cam srit calul! Fii atent la mine, textul tu nu poate fi publicat! Sau te apuci de scris normal, pe nelesul omului echilibrat, sau las-te! Auzi la el, CHINUL VENIC I NEOSTOITA SCRNIRE A DINILOR!“ – Micleuanu M. Bi, Pera sta e de belea. N-am mai citit nici un scriitor de sta care s-i frece creierii cum o face el. Dup ce termini cartea te nvri n cerc n mijlocul camerei, ca un tmpit, i nu tii ce-i cu tine, frate, pe bune. Eti praf.“ – Un biat C. Pera pare s fie al treilea frate Strugatski. Umor, suspans, intertextualism, fantasy – acestea sunt ingredientele romanului pe care tocmai l citesc i n care, mai mult ca sigur, i-ai dori i tu s fii personaj, fie i mcar unul secundar. Mie mi-ar plcea s fiu Cinele.“ – V. Leac
Iluzia iubirii. De ce se ?ntoarce femeia maltratat? la agresorul s?u
Iluzia iubirii. De ce se ?ntoarce femeia maltratat? la agresorul s?u
Celani David P.
Hogyan lesz a bácskai f?ldesúr fiából a cigányok bárója, hogyan találja meg az apja által elrejtett mérhetetlen kincsen kívül a boldogságot is egy gy?ny?r? t?r?k lány oldalán? – ezt meséli el Jókai ebben a kisregényében, amelyet a bel?le készült operett tett világhír?vé.
The Charlie Davies Mysteries Books 4-6
The Charlie Davies Mysteries Books 4-6
Clare Kauter
Charlie Davies is back, and now that she’s a licensed PI there’s no stopping her.?Join Charlie on her mystery-solving adventures in this value-packed, binge-worthy box set!Higher Learning:Charlie Davies is about to face her worst nightmare: she's going back to high school. Following the death of a local schoolgirl, Charlie must go undercover to find out who is dealing drugs to students. Not only does this mean heading back to class, but she must also get to know the girl's friends - who happen to be cheerleaders. Time to break out the pom-poms.Santa’s Little Helper:There's a flashing Santa on the loose, jingling his bells at unsuspecting holiday shoppers. Since Charlie is currently on her boss's naughty list, she must go undercover as an elf to try and track this wayward Santa down. This means that at the jolliest time of year, Charlie will be reunited with her greatest enemy: retail.Undetected:All the signs point to Charlie's big bro, Topher, being back in town. The trouble is, Charlie can't find him - and she's not the only one looking. Even for an amazing PI, this is a tricky case, and Charlie's hardly in the 'amazing' category. With the police searching for her brother, convinced that he's a murderer, Charlie's racing against the clock to find him and help him before he's arrested - or worse. A hilarious sleuthing series for anyone who loves to laugh out loud on their crime-solving adventures. If you enjoy chick-lit murder mysteries with romance and a snarky heroine, give Charlie Davies a try!
Always A Soldier: Three Regency Romance Novels
Always A Soldier: Three Regency Romance Novels
Emily Larkin
They fought and bled on the battlefields of Europe. Now they’re back in England and facing the greatest challenge of all. Welcome to Regency England, where a rifleman, a cavalry officer, and a reconnaissance scout are about to be ambushed by the thing they least expect: love.This special collection from award-winning author Emily Larkin includes three sexy and romantic full-length novels —?Lady Isabella’s Ogre,?The Spinster’s Secret, and the USA Today bestselling?Trusting Miss Trentham.If you love page-turning historical romances filled with emotion, secrets, and compelling characters, then this collection is for you!Length:?Three Regency romance novels totalling 230,000 wordsSensuality level:?These books contain love scenes ranging in heat from mild to steamy.In addition to the three novels, this collection also contains the first three chapters of?Primrose and the Dreadful Duke.★ ★ ★ ★ ★“Unique and romantic and emotional and simply amazing.”~ NetGalley reviewer (on?Trusting Miss Trentham)★ ★ ★ ★ ★“Straight up touched my heart. It's been a while since I laughed, cried, despaired, and felt one with a character to this extent.”~ Punya Reviews (on?The Spinster’s Secret)★ ★ ★ ★ ★“Clever, romantic, well-paced, and completely enjoyable. A delightful read!”~ Goodreads reviewer (on?Lady Isabella’s Ogre)
Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. Boxed Set Volume 2
Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. Boxed Set Volume 2
Kevin J. Anderson
Ever since the Big Uneasy, Dan Chambeaux worked as a human private investigator in the Unnatural Quarter. Even being murdered doesn't keep a good detective down, and zombie Dan "Shamble" is back from the dead and back on the case! And what an odd assortment of cases they are. Shamble is faced with the amphibious villain Ah'Chulhu, discrimination against a Medusa in a beauty pageant, and a flock of murderous feral chickens. Shamble teams up with his spectral girlfriend Sheyenne, a human lawyer with a soft spot for monsters named Robin Deyer, and his BHF (Best Human Friend) Officer Toby McGoohan to seek justice for the denizens of the Unnatural Quarter. In these three volumes— Slimy Underbelly, Tastes Like Chicken, and Services Rendered —Dan Shamble puts the P.I. back into R.I.P.
The Fifth Foreign Legion Omnibus: Contains Three Full Novels
The Fifth Foreign Legion Omnibus: Contains Three Full Novels
Andrew Keith, William H. Keith
All three grand military SF adventures featuring the Fifth Foreign Legion—on the front lines in the hottest and strangest conflicts in the galaxy. Contains the complete novels March or Die, Honor and Fidelity, and Cohort of the Damned.
The Delian Cycle: The first Dray Prescot omnibus
The Delian Cycle: The first Dray Prescot omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
The first five books in the Saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen are brought together in this omnibus edition. Together, they make up the Delian Cycle, in which Dray Prescot comes to terms with the alien world of Kregen. Here he tries to make sense of his situation: the Star Lords, the Savanti, the marvelous places, strange beasts and stranger people. And here he pursues his greatest love of two worlds, Delia of the Blue Mountains. Dray Prescot's saga has been aclaimed as the best planetary adventure series since Burroughs stopped writing about Barsoom. This edition contains a map and glossary.
The Balintol Cycle I: The thirteenth Dray Prescot omnibus
The Balintol Cycle I: The thirteenth Dray Prescot omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
Dray Prescot begins an entirely new phase of his adventures on Kregen, that magnificent and terrible world four hundred light years from Earth. Reared in the harsh conditions of Nelson's Navy, Dray Prescot failed to find success on Earth but has succeeded in winning fortune on Kregen. He is called the Emperor of Emperors, the Emperor of Paz, but he himself regards these titles as meaningless. Paz is a vast grouping of continents and islands and is inhabited by innumerable races and nations, so why should they band together under Prescot? The Star Lords themselves have chosen him for this heavy task. Intrigue of Antares In this, the first book of the Balintol cycle, the Star Lords have dispatched Dray Prescot to the town of Amintin in the continent of Balintol. Under the streaming mingled lights of the Suns of Scorpio, Dray Prescot sets forth on new adventures in the subcontinent of Balintol. Gangs of Antares All hell was due to break out in the country of Tolindrin, and the city of Oxonium, as the capital, was likely to receive more than its fair share. Dray Prescot is in the middle of it, and strangeness unlike any that he has previously encountered awaits him... Demons of Antares Dray Prescot's task of uniting the disparate countries so that all Paz can defend itself against the predatory, fish-headed Shanks from the other side of the world is complicated. And the megalomaniac desires of certain princes and nobles who are determined to win the crown of Tolindrin for themselves, and who are willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way, isn't helping. They have hired mercenary armies and allied themselves with the traditional enemies of the country. Prescot must travel to Prebaya, the capital of Caneldrin, and use all his strengths and all his scheming and tricks to achieve his goal with as little bloodshed as possible...
Colonial Tales: The Confines of the Shadow – Volume II
Colonial Tales: The Confines of the Shadow – Volume II
Alessandro Spina
Set in the inter-war period, between the late 1920s, when Italy began solidifying its power in its new Libyan colony, and the end of World War II, when control of the country passed into British hands. Spina's chief subjects in these stories are Italian military officers who idle their time away at their club or exploring the strange lands where they have been posted, always at odds between the jingoistic education they received at home and the lessons they've learned during their time in Libya. These short stories map the transformation of the Libyan city of Benghazi from a sleepy Ottoman backwater in the 1910s to the second capital of an oil-rich kingdom in the 1960s. Employing a cosmopolitan array of characters, ranging from Ottoman functionaries, to Sanussi aristocrats and Italian officers, Spina chronicles Italy's colonial experience from the euphoria of conquest - giving us a front row seat to the rise and subsequent fall of Fascism in the aftermath of World War II - to the country's independence in the 1950s. Spina continues his narrative with the discovery of Libya's vast oil and gas reserves, which triggered the tumultuous changes that led to Muammar Gaddafi's forty-two-year dictatorship.
Naval Warfare 1914–1918: From Coronel to the Atlantic and Zeebrugge
Naval Warfare 1914–1918: From Coronel to the Atlantic and Zeebrugge
Tim Benbow
The struggle for naval supremacy and the naval arms race inspired by HMS Dreadnought may have captured the headlines, but the opening stages of the naval war were dominated by the threat from German cruisers stationed outside European waters, until they were hunted down and sunk by the Royal Navy, notably at the Battle of the Falkland Islands in 1914. Germany switched its focus to the U-boat, seeing it as a weapon capable of winning the war by starving Britain into surrender. Unrestricted submarine warfare led to the sinking of millions of tons of shipping, but it would also force the USA to enter the war on the Allied side in 1917. In the Mediterranean, the French fleet took the lead, while Austria-Hungary supported German actions. The Allied attempt in 1915 to use maritime power to break the strategic deadlock with an amphibious operation in the Dardanelles ultimately failed, although Allied sea power helped sustain the successful campaigns against the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. What would prove to be the decisive naval engagement of the war took place in 1916 at the Battle of Jutland. Whilst the clash itself was inconclusive, the German High Seas Fleet would be all but confined to port for the rest of the war, handing the initiative to the Royal Navy. The resultant command of the seas allowed the Allies to carry fresh American armies and much-needed supplies to Europe in 1917. However, victory for the Allies was ultimately delivered by the naval economic blockade. By preventing the import of war materials and food, the fighting power and morale of the German armed forces was weakened. It was the mutiny of the High Seas Fleet in October 1918 that prompted the German Revolution and the subsequent abdication of the Kaiser. With the aid of over 300 photographs, complemented by full-colour maps, Naval Warfare provides a detailed guide to the background and conduct of World War I naval operations, describing the struggle to win control of the high seas around the globe.
SS-Totenkopf: The History of the 'Death's Head' Division 1940–46
SS-Totenkopf: The History of the 'Death's Head' Division 1940–46
Chris Mann
The divisions of the Waffen-SS were the e?lite of Hitler’s armies in World War II. SS-Totenkopf is an in-depth examination of one of the most famous – or rather, infamous – of these divisions: the ‘Death’s Head’ division. The book explores the background to the unit’s formation from the early concentration camp guards; the men it recruited and the level of brutalisation to which they became accustomed; the key figures involved in its history, such as Theodor Eicke, its founding commanding officer; and the division’s organization. It also looks at the training regimen of the Waffen-SS, and the uniforms and insignia that members of the division wore. SS-Totenkopf also provides a full combat record of the division, which fought on both fronts during World War II, increasingly serving as a ‘fire brigade’ unit as the war turned against Germany, plugging gaps wherever they appeared in the front. The book outlines the unit’s involvement in the invasion of Poland, the fall of France, the invasion of the Soviet Union, the battle of Kharkov, the defence of Warsaw, and the final fruitless attempt to relieve Budapest in the last days of the Reich. Illustrated with rare photographs and written by an acknowledged expert, SS-Totenkopf is a definitive history of one of Germany’s leading fighting units of World War II.