
Sounds of Terror
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Cindy lives in a fancy gated community. Philip lives in a tacky trailer park. Which of them comes from a loving home?

The Accuser
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Ricky is the only family Donyell Mason has left. When Ricky becomes a prime suspect in a terrible crime, Donyell sets about to clear his big brother.

Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Malia MacLeod is part Hawaiian and part Haole, the Hawaiian word for Caucasian. Raised in Los Angeles, she returns to Oahu to teach high school and learn about her family's history.

Das Urteil
Das Urteil

The 75-Cent Son
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Humiliated by his father's constant criticism, a dyslexic young man proves his worth when a fire threatens to sink their ship.

Many Reasons Why Black Women Don’t Wear Their Own Hair
MOST PEOPLE BELIEVED THAT BECAUSE BLACK WOMEN HAIR IS NAPPY, ZIPPY, CURLY, KINKY, TINY, WAVY, AND SHORT; THEY WEAR WIGS, WEAVES, EXTENSIONS, AND BRAIDS TO COVER IT UP. BUT THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN IN BLACK WOMEN SHOES. UNLIKE MOST PEOPLE, I DID MY HOMEWORK AND FOUND OUT IT’S NOT TRUE. Before I started writing this book, my preconceived notions as to why black women did not wear their natural hair, was wide-ranging.Since I had quite a few assumptions (which may or may not be true), I started looking for ways to know the truth about black women and their dislike of their natural hair. I finally came up with an idea to interview a sample of black women and get the facts instead of sticking to my assumptions. After my interactions with many black women from different continents,countries, and cities, I decided to write this book to give an opportunity to other people to read about my findings that reveal a variety of answers to my burning questions. I hope you read it, learn from it, and comprehend the many reasons why black women choose not to wear their hair. This book may not coverall those reasons but all the answers in it were real and from black women themselves.You will be surprised to discover a variety of reasons why they don't wear their natural hair.

Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! A group of kind strangers offer Ellie protection after she witnesses a brutal attack. But these people are very peculiar. Could it be that her protectors are even more dangerous than the attacker himself?

Read My Lips
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! As if being deaf weren't challenge enough, Lupe encounters rampant sexism while working on assignment with the police department. She's almost ready to throw in the towel! Then the cops need her talents as a lip-reader. She earns their respect by cracking a difficult case.

Kula'i Street Knights
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Who are the strangers in Eddie Kahele's Honolulu neighborhood? The old people are calling them heroes. But Eddie suspects there's a lot more to the story.

The Eye of the Hurricane
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Laina, Bobby, and Cesar are trapped in a flooding house with three small children during a terrible hurricane.

Tough Girl
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! To Wesley Chan, Zoe is beautiful in spite of her messy hair, ragtag clothes and smart mouth. His parents disapprove of their relationship.

Ring of Fear
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Jack Mallahan doesn't let his disability get him down. When he uncovers a mysterious and valuable ring on the beach with his metal detector he finds himself in harm's way.

No Exit
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Homeless street kids find refuge in the most unusual place. It's great to have food and a bed- but is it worth their freedom?

Lelkünk üzenete
Elég egy váratlan hajnali telefonhívás és egy rég nem hallott a hang a vonal másik végén, hogy Myron Bolitar, a kemény?kl? játékosügyn?k ismét egy els? ránézésre megoldhatatlan rejtély kell?s k?zepén találja magát. Nyolc éve, hogy utoljára találkozott a gy?ny?r? Terese Collinsszal, aki most arra kéri, utazzon Párizsba. Myron sejti, hogy nem csupán egy romantikus randevú várja a szerelem városában, ám amikor a repül?térre érve rend?r?k fogadják, majd hamarosan kiderül, hogy Terese az els? számú gyanúsítottja egy gyilkosságnak, úgy érzi, zsákutcába került. Nem ismeri sem a nyelvet, sem a szokásokat, így aligha tud bármit is kinyomozni. De miel?tt alaposabban végiggondolhatná a helyzetet, t?rténik valami, ami új megvilágításba helyezi az ügyet... ?Ekkor borítottam rá az asztalt. Amint leült mellém, azonnal végiggondoltam a lehet?ségeket. Már tudtam, mir?l van szó: emberrablás. Ha beszállok a furgonba, nekem l?ttek. Hallották már azt a nagy b?lcsességet, hogy az emberrablásoknál mindig az els? negyvennyolc óra a legkritikusabb? Amit nem szoktak hozzátenni - talán mert annyira nyilvánvaló -, hogy minden másodperccel cs?kken az esélye annak, hogy valaha is megtalálják az áldozatot. Itt ugyanez volt a helyzet. Ha beszállok abba a kocsiba, túlélési esélyeim a minimumra cs?kkennek. Ha felállok, és elindulok a furgon felé, szintén romlanak a kilátásaim. Ráadásul Sebhelyes Fej nem számít korai ellencsapásra. Azt hiszi, szépen begyakorolt kis monológját hallgatom. Nem jelentek fenyegetést. ?gy hát a meglepetés erejére építettem. Egy pillanatra ? is odanézett, hogy meggy?z?dj?n, valóban ott áll-e a kocsi. Ennyi elég is volt. Az asztal peremét már korábban megmarkoltam. Lábizmaim megfeszültek. ?gy pattantam f?l, mintha dobbantóról ugranék. Az asztallap egyenesen az arcába csapódott." Harlan Coben napjaink egyik legnépszer?bb krimiírója. Regényeit a m?faj gy?ngyszemeiként tartják számon, eddig negyven kül?nb?z? nyelvre fordították le, és k?zel 50 millió (!) példányt adtak el bel?lük világszerte.

?vegszilánkon táncolni
Harmati Vera gondolatait a gimi utolsó évében f?ként a szerelem k?ti le, k?lcs?n?sen odáig vannak egymásért Balázzsal. Az ?sszes szabadidejüket együtt t?ltenék, ha… Ha Veronika anyja nem vigyázná továbbra is lánya minden lépését, ha nem lenne a jogsitanfolyam, a k?zelg? érettségi, a pingpongbajnokság, na meg Liza és Laura, akik igyekeznek rémálommá változtatni a lány minden egyes percét. ?m mindez elt?rpül egy véletlenül felfedett, hatalmas titok mellett, aminek mindenképpen a végére kell járni. Vera meg akarja ismerni édesanyja s?tét múltjának minden egyes részletét, még akkor is, ha ezzel ? maga is titkolózásra kényszerül. Balázs és a gimis barátok természetesen segítenek, de Verának így is kihívás a szerelem, a suli? és a nyomozás k?z?tt egyensúlyozni.? A Z?r?s társaság nem pihent sokat, a nagy siker? e-k?nyv után immár nyomtatott k?nyv lapjain kerülnek újabb z?r?s helyzetekbe a fiatalok. Ezúttal viszont Vera már pontosan tudja, hogy mit szeretne, a rossz d?ntésekt?l még a józan ész sem tántoríthatja el. ? ? A Z?r?s hétvége bár tinikr?l szól, mégsem korhatáros regény. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy minden tizenéves olvasó kedvence lesz ez a kis csapat, jó velük együtt nevetni, izgulni, lógni, dolgozatra készülni, bulizni, átélni az els? (második, harmadik) szerelmet. A feln?ttek is nosztalgiázhatnak: az imádott-utált, pokolra kívánt és azóta is visszasírt kamaszkorukat újra átélhetik Tolnai Panka szerepl?it kísérve. Fej?s ?va

The Tyranny Trilogy: The Black Maria, My Brother the Enemy and Anastasia
The Tyranny Trilogy: The Black Maria, My Brother the Enemy and Anastasia

A vér éneke
After the publication of "The Wonderful Wizard of OZ" I began to receive letters from children, telling me of their pleasure in reading the story and asking me to "write something more" about the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. At first I considered these little letters, frank and earnest though they were, in the light of pretty compliments; but the letters continued to come during succeeding months, and even years. Finally I promised one little girl, who made a long journey to see me and prefer her request,—and she is a "Dorothy," by the way—that when a thousand little girls had written me a thousand little letters asking for the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman I would write the book, Either little Dorothy was a fairy in disguise, and waved her magic wand, or the success of the stage production of "The Wizard of OZ" made new friends for the story, For the thousand letters reached their destination long since—and many more followed them. ? ?And now, although pleading guilty to long delay, I have kept my promise in this book. L. FRANK BAUM., Chicago, June, 1904 To those excellent good fellows and comedians David C. Montgomery and Frank A. Stone whose clever personations of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow have delighted thousands of children throughout the land, this book is gratefully dedicated by THE AUTHOR Chapter 1 Tip Manufactures a Pumpkinhead ??In the Country of the Gillikins, which is at the North of the Land of Oz, lived a youth called Tip. There was more to his name than that, for old Mombi often declared that his whole name was Tippetarius; but no one was expected to say such a long word when "Tip" would do just as well. This boy remembered nothing of his parents, for he had been brought when quite young to be reared by the old wom-an known as Mombi, whose reputation, I am sorry to say, was none of the best. For the Gillikin people had reason to suspect her of indulging in magical arts, and therefore hesi-tated to associate with her. Mombi was not exactly a Witch, because the Good Witch who ruled that part of the Land of Oz had forbidden any oth-er Witch to exist in her dominions. So Tip's guardian, how-ever much she might aspire to working magic, realized it was unlawful to be more than a Sorceress, or at most a Wizardess. ? Tip was made to carry wood from the forest, that the old woman might boil her pot. He also worked in the corn-fields, hoeing and husking; and he fed the pigs and milked the four-horned cow that was Mombi's especial pride... ? ABOUT AUTHOR: Lyman Frank Baum (May 15, 1856–May 6, 1919) was an American author, actor, and independent filmmaker best known as the creator, along with illustrator W. W. Denslow, of one of the most popular books ever written in American children's literature, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, better known today as simply The Wizard of Oz. He wrote thirteen sequels, nine other fantasy novels, and a plethora of other works, and made numerous attempts to bring his works to the stage and screen.? Other Books of Author: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1908) American Fairy Tales (1901) The Emerald City of Oz (1910) Ozma of Oz (1907) The Lost Princess of Oz (1917) Glinda of Oz (1920) The Road to Oz (1909) Tik-Tok of Oz (1914)

The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
This revised and expanded edition of Tolkien’s own Hobbit-inspired poetry includes previously unpublished poems and notes, and is beautifully illustrated by Narnia artist Pauline Baynes. ‘Here is something that no devotee of the Hobbit epic can afford to miss, while awaiting a further instalment of the history of these fascinating people – a selection [of verses] offered as an ‘interim report’ to those interested in Hobbit-lore, and to any others who may find amusement in this mixed bag of old confections.’ One of the most intriguing characters in The Lord of the Rings, the amusing and enigmatic Tom Bombadil, also appears in verses said to have been written by Hobbits and preserved in the ‘Red Book’ with stories of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins and their friends. The Adventures of Tom Bombadil collects these and other poems, mainly concerned with legends and jests of the Shire at the end of the Third Age. This special edition has been expanded to include earlier versions of some of Tolkien’s poems, a fragment of a prose story with Tom Bombadil, and comprehensive notes by acclaimed Tolkien scholars Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond.

Sex, money and politics are the driving forces of society in this new novel from bestselling author Alaa al Aswany. A medley of Egyptian and American lives collides on the campus of the University of Illinois Medical Center in a post-9/11 Chicago, and crises of identity abound. Among the players are an atheistic anti-establishment American professor of the sixties generation, whose relationship with a younger African-American woman becomes a moving target for intolerance; a veiled PhD candidate whose conviction in the code of her traditional upbringing is shaken by her exposure to American society; an emigre who has fervently embraced his new American identity, but who cannot escape his Egyptian roots when faced with the issue of his daughter's 'honour'; an Egyptian State Security informant who spouts religious doctrines while hankering after money and power; and a dissident student poet who comes to America with the sole aim of financing his literary aspirations, but whose experience in Chicago turns out to be more than he bargained for. This tightly plotted page-turner is set far from the downtown Cairo of al Aswany's ‘The Yacoubian Building’, but is no less unflinching an examination of contemporary Egyptian lives.

Specimen Days
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of ‘The Hours’ and new novel ‘The Snow Queen’, time, technology and love are the central concerns of a provocative novel that calls to mind David Mitchell’s ‘Cloud Atlas’. Lucas, Catherine, Simon: three characters meet time and again in the three linked narratives that form ‘Specimen Days’. The first, a science fiction of the past, tells of a boy whose brother was ‘devoured’ by the machine he operated. The second is a noirish thriller set in our century, as a police psychologist attempts to track down a group of terrorists. And the third and final strand accompanies two strange beings into the future. A novel of connecting and reconnecting, inspired by the writings of the great visionary poet Walt Whitman, ‘Specimen Days’ is a genre-bending, haunting ode to life itself – a work of surpassing power and beauty by one of the most original and daring writers at work today.

The Complete Short Stories:The 1960s (Part 1)
Following on from the 1950s collection, this is the second collection of Brian Aldiss’ short stories, taken from the 1960s. A must-have for collectors. Part one of four. This collection gathers together, for the very first time, Brian Aldiss’ complete catalogue of short stories from the 1960s, in four parts.