

Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq during World War II
Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq during World War II
United States Army, John A.
"e;American success or failure in Iraq may well depend on whether the Iraqis like American soldiers or not."e;?The U.S. military could certainly have used that bit of wisdom in 2003, as violence began to eclipse the Iraq War's early successes. Ironically, had the Army only looked in its own archives, they would have found it-that piece of advice is from a manual the U.S. War Department handed out to American servicemen posted in Iraq back in 1943.The advice in Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq during World War II,presented here in a new facsimile edition, retains a surprising, even haunting, relevance in light of today's muddled efforts to win Iraqi hearts and minds. Designed to help American soldiers understand and cope with what was at the time an utterly unfamiliar culture-the manual explains how to pronounce the word Iraq, for instance-this brief, accessible handbookmixes do-and-don't-style tips ("e;Always respect the Moslem women."e; "e;Talk Arabic if you can to the people. No matter how badly you do it, they will like it."e;) with general observations on Iraqi history and society. The book's overall message still rings true-dramatically so-more than sixty years later: treat an Iraqi and his family with honor and respect, and you will have a strong ally; treat him with disrespect and you will create an unyielding enemy.With a foreword by Lieutenant Colonel John A. Nagl reflecting on the manual's continuing applicability-and lamenting that it was unknown at the start of the invasion-this new edition of Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq will be essential reading for anyone who cares about the future of Iraq and the fate of the American soldiers serving there.
?coala Nop?ii
?coala Nop?ii
Harkness Deborah
#1 Bestseller New York Times. Roman publicat ?n 15 limbi. Continuarea bestsellerului Cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelorDragostea lor este mai puternic? dec?t orice lege, mai puternic? dec?t timpul ?i dec?t via?a ?ns??i. Porni?i ?ntr-o c?l?torie prin timp la cap?tul c?reia sper? s? g?seasc? nu doar cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelor, ci ?i sursa neobi?nuitelor ei puteri, Diana ?i Matthew ajung ?n Anglia elisabetan?, ?ntr-o lume a spionilor ?i a uneltirilor ?n care primii ghizi le sunt vechii prieteni ai vampirului, straniul grup de personalit??i literare, ?tiin?ifice ?i politice ale epocii cunoscut sub numele de ?coala Nop?ii. Pe m?sur? ce p?nza de minciuni pe care o reprezint? trecutul lui Matthew se str?nge ?n jurul lor, Diana ?i iubitul ei ajung ?n Fran?a, apoi ?n Boemia, la cur?ile celor mai importan?i monarhi ai lumii. Pentru Matthew Clairmont c?l?toria ?n timp nu-i lucru u?or, a?a cum nici Dianei nu-i e simplu s? afle cheia mo?tenirii sale ?i s? elibereze adev?rata for?? ce zace ?n ea.O sinuoas? c?l?torie a cunoa?terii, ?n care alchimia, magia ?i istoria dau na?tere unei profunde pove?ti despre dragoste, pasiune, leg?turi de s?nge ?i ?ncercarea de a ?ndrepta gre?elile trecutului.?... un amestec perfect de fantasy, istorie ?i romance. Dac? ai citit Cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelor, atunci ?coala Nop?ii este lectur? obligatorie. Dac? nu, pune-le pe am?ndou? pe lista ta de lecturi de vacan??, ?i lista va fi complet?.“ – The Miami Herald
Heroes: The Greatest Generation and the Second World War
Heroes: The Greatest Generation and the Second World War
James Holland
‘Heroes’ is the story of an extraordinary generation of young men, mostly British, who came of age in the Second World War. These young men – and women – found themselves facing life-threatening danger and the kind of responsibility few would be prepared to shoulder today. Whether fighting in the jungles of Burma or on the D-Day beaches, as submariners, pilots, spies or prisoners of war, young soldiers in WWII displayed astonishing courage and resilience, united by honour and bound by the fellowship of their comrades. Those who made it home are now a passing generation, and for many this is the last chance for them to tell their stories – men like football legend Tom Finney, who saw action in southern Italy; or James Bond set-designer Ken Adam, a German Jew who flew as a fighter pilot for the RAF; or identical twins Tom and Dee Bowles, who landed together on Easy Red beach on D-Day. Many of these young men never returned home and those who did faced insurmountable challenges assimiliating back into civilian life. ‘Heroes’ is a moving and uplifting tribute to an remarkable generation.
?n ape ad?nci
?n ape ad?nci
Paula Hawkins
Nel Abbott este moart?. E ultima dintr-un lung ?ir de femei ?nghi?ite de apele ?ntunecate ale r?ului.Sora ei, Jules, e m?cinat? de regretul c? i-a ignorat strig?tul de ajutor ?i are certitudinea c? Nel nu s-a sinucis. Fere?te-te de apele lini?tite. Nu ?tii niciodat? ce ascund."Te ?ntrebi dac? ?n ape ad?nci poate fi la fel de bun ca Fata din tren? E ?i mai bun. O capodoper?." - Clare Mackintosh, autoarea bestsellerului Te las s? pleci Paula Hawkins vine cu un thriller alert, provocator, ce analizeaz? caracterul iluzoriu al emo?iei ?i al amintirii, precum ?i modul tulbur?tor ?n care trecutul se poate insinua ?n prezent.Fiindc? a?a ?ncepe: cu ?notul vr?jitoarelor – proba de ap?. Acolo, la bulboana mea, ?n acel lini?tit col? de paradis aflat la mai pu?in de o mil? de unde sunt ?n clipa asta, aici le aduceau, le legau ?i le aruncau ?n r?u, ca s? se scufunde sau s? ?noate.Se spune c? femeile au l?sat ceva din ele ?n ap?, se spune c? apa p?streaz? ceva din puterile lor, fiindc? de atunci, le-a atras spre ??rmurile sale pe cele f?r? noroc, pe cele disperate, pe nefericite, pe r?t?cite. Vin aici ca s? ?noate cu surorile lor."?
Povestea noului nume. Al doilea volum din tetralogia napolitan?
Povestea noului nume. Al doilea volum din tetralogia napolitan?
Elena Ferrante
Al doilea volum din Tetralogia Napolitan??Indiferent cine se ascunde ?n spatele numelui Elena Ferrante, misteriosul pseudonim folosit de autoarea romanelor napolitane, dou? lucruri sunt certe: e femeie ?i ?tie s? descrie ora?ul Napoli mai bine ca oricine. Stilul ei are fine?ea unei p?nze de p?ianjen, dar totodat? o for?? a expresiei ?i o magie aparte, cu care creeaz? o ?ntreag? lume.“ Huffington Post Povestea celor dou? prietene, Lila ?i Elena, continu?. Acum sunt dou? tinere ale c?ror drumuri se despart dramatic.Pe c?nd Elena prefer? s?-?i continue studiile, Lila se m?rit?, ob?in?nd astfel o condi?ie social? ?i financiar? superioar? originilor sale modeste, dar r?m?n?nd prizonier? ?ntr-o c?snicie nefericit?.?n ciuda c?ilor diferite pe care au luat-o vie?ile lor, leg?tura dintre Lila ?i Elena r?m?ne complex? ?i intens?, iar sentimentele fiec?reia oscileaz?, pe r?nd, ?ntre nep?sare, dispre? ?i iubire reciproc? profund?.?Elena ?i Lila. Fiecare este pentru cealalt? prietena genial?: o poten?ialitate neexprimat?, un imbold ?i un repro?, un obiect al invidiei ?i un orizont al dorin?ei.“L’indice dei libri?Ferrante descrie dialogul interior feminin cu o fervoare ?ocant de sincer?, tulbur?tor de direct?.“ Booklist?O carte ce se revars? ca o erup?ie a vulcanului Vezuviu.“ La Repubblica
Emerson’s Story: (Creepy Hollow Books 7, 8 & 9)
Emerson’s Story: (Creepy Hollow Books 7, 8 & 9)
Rachel Morgan
Nearly eighteen years after the events of A Faerie’s Curse, a thrilling new adventure begins ... Emerson Clarke: Sarcastic. Independent. Possibly losing her mind Because that’s the only explanation for why she occasionally sees things that aren’t there, right? But one night, an impossible power erupts from her, and Em realizes the truth is crazier than she ever thought: she isn’t losing her mind she’s magical. Thrown into an entirely new world of faeries, enchantments—and the annoying guy from down the road who, it turns out, isn’t human either—Em barely has time to learn even the most basic of magic before another startling truth reveals itself: she has a Griffin Ability. A special kind of magic feared by fae. Now she’s at the top of everyone’s most-wanted list—including the mysterious glass faerie carrying out random attacks on fae. In this magical and terrifying world that she’s entirely unprepared for, Em must try to figure out who she really is, whom to trust, and how to stay alive long enough to get back to her normal life. Meet a new heroine and catch up with old favorite characters in this thrilling adventure packed with enchanting magic, unexpected twists, and a dash of romance. Includes the following THREE Creepy Hollow books: Rebel Faerie THE COMPLETE CREEPY HOLLOW SERIES CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING BOOKS: Violet's Story The Faerie Guardian The Faerie Prince The Faerie War Calla's Story A Faerie's Secret A Faerie's Revenge A Faerie's Curse Emerson's Story Glass Faerie Shadow Faerie Rebel Faerie
Fericirea mea e?ti tu
Fericirea mea e?ti tu
McGuire Jamie
Continuarea mult a?teptat? a bestsellerului Fericirea ?ncepe aziAfl? ce este ?n mintea b?rba?ilor!Travis Maddox a ?nv??at dou? lucruri de la mama sa ?nainte ca aceasta s? moar?: Iube?te mult. Lupt? ?i mai mult pentru iubirea ta.?n Fericirea mea e?ti tu, via?a lui Travis e plin? de femei care vin ?i pleac?, de jocuri de noroc ilicite ?i de violen??. ?ns? tocmai c?nd Travis se consider? invincibil, Abby Abernathy ?l pune la p?m?nt.Fiecare poveste are dou? versiuni. ?n Fericirea ?ncepe azi, Abby vorbe?te ?n numele ei. Acum e timpul s? citim povestea prin ochii lui Travis.?Travis e un tip impulsiv. ?ncerc?nd s? scriu din punctul lui de vedere, am ?tiut c? nu puteam s? spun povestea din nou, pur ?i simplu. Mi-am ?ndreptat aten?ia asupra perioadei c?nd Abby ?i Travis nu erau ?mpreun?, pentru ca romanul s? aduc? lucruri noi ?i am sentimentul c? am reu?it s? fac ce mi-am propus.“ – Jamie Mcguire?Fericirea mea e?ti tu are avantajul c? vine dup? o poveste emo?ionant?, pe care o completeaz?, ?i c? are un epilog ingenios, ce surprinde un instantaneu din via?a lui Travis ?i a lui Abby ?n viitor.“ – Reading, Eating Dreaming?Travis Maddox continu? s? lupte pentru ceea ce iube?te. Ce ?i-ai putea dori mai mult de la un b?rbat?“ – Bookwhisperer Reviews?Am f?cut o adev?rat? pasiune pentru personajele acestui roman.“ – The Daily Quirk
Out of the Fog Moving from Confusion to Clarity After Narcissistic Abuse
Out of the Fog Moving from Confusion to Clarity After Narcissistic Abuse
Dana Morningstar
Lying. Cheating. Manipulating.?Will they ever change??What will it take to get through to them??They apologized, but will this time be different...or will they just get better at hiding what they are up to??This book will help you get out of the fog of confusion and into the clarity that you are looking for.?FOG is an acronym that stands for "Fear, Obligation, and Guilt." These three emotions are often at the core of manipulation, and are often how narcissists, sociopaths, and other types of emotional manipulators go about controlling their targets.?However, this type of destructive manipulation isn't just limited to narcissists and sociopaths.?There is no shortage of people with well-intended bad advice out there who unintentionally fall into the FOG as well, and push targets of abuse into keeping the relationship going.?The FOG is one of the main reasons that people stay "stuck" in abusive relationships for so long, why they continue to get involved with abusive people, why they feel that they are the problem, and why they tend to feel that the abuse is somehow their fault.?When a person is being manipulated they have a hard time figuring out who has the problem, what is normal, what is problematic, and if their wants, needs, and feelings are valid. The disasterous effects of being lost in the FOG are confusion, crazymaking, people pleasing, and an erosion of boundaries.?What makes this well-intended bad advice so damaging is that, on the surface, it seems like good advice--especially if it's coming from people who seem to have our best interests in mind, such as friends, family, church members, support group members, or a therapist.?Some examples of this well-intended bad advice that comes from other people is:?"Who are you to judge?" "No one is perfect." "You need to forgive them." "She's your mother, you need to have a relationship with her...she's not getting any younger you know." "Commitment is forever."?What can be so crazymaking for targets is that they are often getting two very different messages. On one hand, they are told that they need to work towards a solution, and on the other, they are told that need to leave a partner who lies, cheats, steals, hits, yells, or belittles them.?This book compares and contrasts of these concepts so that targets of any type of manipulation and abuse can make a more empowered decision.?Some of the concepts covered are:?Who are You to Judge vs. Being DiscerningNo One is Perfect vs. Tolerating AbuseYou Need to Forgive Them vs. Keeping Yourself SafeA Parent vs. A PredatorCommitment vs. CodependencySelf-love vs. SelfishnessA Person Acting the Part vs. A Person Actually ChangingGut Instincts vs. HypervigilanceA Friend vs. Someone Being FriendlyCaring vs. CaretakingBeing in Love With Them vs. Being in Love With Who They Pretended to BeWorkable Behavior vs. Deal BreakersAcceptance vs. AllowanceGoing Through So Much Together vs. Being Put Through So Much By ThemSincerity vs. IntensityHealthy Bonding vs. Trauma BondingInsincere Remorse vs. Sincere RemorseReacting vs. Responding...and many more.
ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English
ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English
Dejan Kosutic
In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced information security consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on ISO 27001 security controls. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book teaches you everything you need to know about security controls. ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English is written primarily for beginners to ISO 27001, and for people with moderate knowledge about Annex A of the standard and the 114 security controls that are found in the Annex. It is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about information security can quickly understand what they are all about; however, if you do have experience with ISO 27001, but feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book very helpful. Kosutic uses plain English to explain everything you need to know about security controls in ISO 27001, as well as the differences between the controls in Annex A of ISO 27001 and in ISO 27002. Also, you will learn everything about the crucial link between risk management and security controls, and get a complete overview of Annex A controls starting from the introduction, structuring of the documentation, and instructions on how to write detailed information security policies, all the way to the requirements for compliance. Written in simple language and avoiding the technical jargon, ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English is the right book to start learning about the subject.
ISO Internal Audit – A Plain English Guide
ISO Internal Audit – A Plain English Guide
Dejan Kosutic
Let’s be realistic – it is human to make mistakes, so it’s impossible to have a system with no errors; it is, however, possible to have a system that improves itself and learns from its mistakes. Internal audits are a crucial part of such a system. In this book, Dejan Kosutic, an author, and experienced ISO consultant is giving away his practical know-how on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, AS9100 and IATF 16949 internal audits. This book is written primarily for beginners in internal auditing and for people with moderate knowledge about internal audits. On the other hand, if you do have experience with internal audits, but you feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book helpful. So, no matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to learn and more about internal audits. Inside you will find not just basic information about the internal audit and ISO 19011 but also information on how to create the internal audit checklist, how to write the internal audit report, what are the best technics for finding evidence during the audit, how to perform interviewing during the audit and much more. Kosutic uses real-life examples and plain English in order to explain everything that is necessary to completely understand how to perform an internal audit for all ISO management standards.
ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English
ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English
Dejan Kosutic
“Risk management is the central idea of ISO 27001. And, the way ISO 27001 tells you to achieve this tailor-made suit is to perform risk assessment and risk treatment.” This book, ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English, is a quick read for people who are focused solely on risk management. It has one aim in mind: to give you the knowledge and practical step-by-step process you need to successfully implement ISO 27001 risk assessment and treatment – without struggle, stress, or headaches. ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English is written primarily for beginners in this field and for people with moderate knowledge about risk assessment and treatment. It is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about information security can quickly understand what it is all about, and how to implement the whole risk management project. However, if you do have experience with ISO 27001, but feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book very helpful. This book will give you a complete overview of risk management according to ISO 27001. It will also explain the differences between risk management in ISO 27001 and other risk-oriented standards, such as ISO 27005 and ISO 31000. You will learn the five main steps in the risk management process, the purpose of risk assessment, and how to perform it. “In my experience, the employees (and the organization as a whole) are usually aware of only 25 to 40% of risks,” says author Dejan Kosutic. “Therefore, a thorough and systematic process needs to be carried out to find out everything that could endanger the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information.” This book will serve as your complete guide to ISO 27001 risk management. From the simple explanation of requirements, steps in risk management, development of methodology, and which documents are required for risk management – you will quickly see that this is the only book you’ll ever need on the subject.
Calla's Story:(Creepy Hollow Books 4, 5 & 6)
Calla's Story:(Creepy Hollow Books 4, 5 & 6)
Rachel Morgan
The magic, mystery & adventure continue, ten years later ... When Calla Larkenwood is given the opportunity to realize her dream of becoming a guardian, she enters a world far more dangerous than she could ever have imagined. One foe is intent on bringing the Guild down for good, while another prepares for a horrifying prophesied spell that will forever change both the magic and non-magic realms. In a world where everyone keeps secrets and the line between good and bad has become blurred, how will Calla figure out whom to trust? Join beloved Creepy Hollow characters and new heroes in this thrill ride of heart-pounding action, startling revelations, and dangerous magic, beginning ten years after the events of The Faerie War. Includes the following THREE Creepy Hollow books: A Faerie’s Secret A Faerie’s Revenge A Faerie’s Curse THE COMPLETE CREEPY HOLLOW SERIES CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING BOOKS: Violet's Story 1. The Faerie Guardian 2. The Faerie Prince 3. The Faerie War Calla's Story 4. A Faerie's Secret 5. A Faerie's Revenge 6. A Faerie's Curse Emerson's Story 7. Glass Faerie 8. Shadow Faerie 9. Rebel Faerie
Business For Authors:How to be an Author Entrepreneur
Business For Authors:How to be an Author Entrepreneur
Joanna Penn
Are you ready to take the next step in your author journey? Art for the sake of art is important. Writing for the love of it, or to create something beautiful on the page, is absolutely worthwhile and critical to expand the sum of human expression. But I’m not here to talk about creativity or the craft of writing in this book. My aim is to take the result of your creativity into the realm of actually paying the bills. To take you from being an author to running a business as an author.I was a business consultant for 13 years before I gave up my job in September 2011 to become a full-time author-entrepreneur. I worked for large corporates and small businesses, implementing financial systems across Europe and Asia Pacific. I’ve also started a number of my own businesses ”" a scuba dive charter boat in New Zealand, a customized travel website, a property investment portfolio in Australia as well as my freelance consultancy. I’ve failed a lot and learned many lessons in my entrepreneurial life and I share them all in this book. In the last six years of being an author, through tempestuous changes in the publishing world, I've learned the business side of being a writer and I now earn a good living as an author-entrepreneur. I’m an author because it's my passion and my joy but also because it's a viable business in this age of global and digital opportunity. In the book, you will learn: Part 1: From Author To Entrepreneur The arc of the author’s journey, definition of an author-entrepreneur, deciding on your definition of success. Plus/ should you start a company? Part 2: Products and Services How you can turn one manuscript into multiple streams of income by exploiting all the different rights, various business models for authors and how to evaluate them, information on contracts, copyright and piracy. Plus/ putting together a production plan. Part 3: Employees, Suppliers and Contractors The team you need to run your business. Your role as author and what you’re committing to, as well as co-writing. Editors, agents and publishers, translators, book designers and formatters, audiobook narrators, book-keeping and accounting, virtual assistants. Plus/ how to manage your team. Part 4: Customers In-depth questions to help you understand who your customers are and what they want, as well as customer service options for authors. Part 5: Sales and Distribution How to sell through distributors and your options, plus all the information you need to sell direct. ISBNs and publishing imprints ”" do you need them? Plus/ your options for pricing. Part 6: Marketing Key overarching marketing concepts. Book-based marketing including cover, back copy and sales pages on the distributors. Author-based marketing around building your platform, and customer-based marketing around your niche audience and targeted media. Part 7: Financials Revenues of the author business and how to increase that revenue. Costs of the author business and funding your startup. Banking, PayPal, accounting, reporting, tax and estate planning. Part 8: Strategy and Planning Developing your strategy and business plan. Managing your time and developing professional habits. The long-term view and the process for becoming a full-time author. Plus/ looking after yourself. Part 9: Next StepsQuestions from the book to help you work out everything to do with your business, plus encouragement for your next steps.Appendices, Workbook and Bonus Downloads including a workbook and business plan template.If you want to go from being an author to running a business as an author, download a sample or buy now.
Povestea fetitei pierdute
Povestea fetitei pierdute
Elena Ferrante
Una dintre cele mai mari romanciere contemporane" -The New York Times Book Review Odat cu acest ultim volum remarcabil alTetralogiei Napolitane, Elena Ferrante transform povestea despre Lila i Elena ntr-o epopee extraordinar care se ntinde de-a lungul a ase decenii i se constituie ntr-un portret al unui cartier, al unui ora n tranziie i al unei ri ce-i croiete drum cu greu prin prima jumtate a secolului XX. -The New York Times nPovestea fetiei pierdute, Elena Lila au ajuns acum la vrsta maturitii; amndou au avut parte att de mpliniri, ct i de eecuri. Dincolo de toate, prietenia lor a rmas punctul n jurul cruia le graviteaz vieile.Au luptat s scape de cartierul srccios din Napoli n care au crescut. Elena s-a cstorit, s-a mutat la Florena i a publicat cteva cri bine primite. n acest ultim volum al tetralogiei, asistnd neputincioas la disoluia lumii pe care i-a creat-o, decide s se ntoarc la Napoli. Lila, de pe alt parte, n-a reuit niciodat s se ndeprteze de oraul copilriei. A nceput o afacere de succes, dar asta a adus-o mai aproape de conflictele violente din snul comunitii mcinate de ur, ovinism i agresivitate.Cele dou eroine se atrag, se resping, se influeneaz reciproc, se ndeprteaz i apoi se regsesc, se invidiaz i se admir la nesfrit. Viaa le supune la noi provocri, dar Lila i Elena descoper, fiecare n ea nsi, dar i n cealalt, fora necesar pentru a merge mai departe.Pe fundalul unui Napoli pe ct de seductor, pe att de periculos i al unei lumi aflate ntr-o transformare radical, povestea prieteniei de o via dintre cele dou protagoniste este spus cu un talent i o sinceritate inegalabile. Cele patru volume constituie o saga impresionant la care simi nevoia s te ntorci i care i aduce noi revelaii de fiecare dat.Acest remarcabil ultim volum confirm faptul cTetralogia Napolitaneste capodopera Elenei Ferrante. -Publishers Weekly RomaneleTetralogiei Napolitanesunt construite pe mai multe planuri, iar Ferrante mbin perfect felul de a povesti cu efectele stilistice cu totul speciale. -The Independent Elena Ferrante este pseudonimul unei romanciere italiene. A publicat ase cri, printre careL’amore molesto (dup care Mario Martone a fcut un film omonim) iZilele regsirii mele, descris ca rvitoare" deNew York Timesi ecranizat de Roberto Faenza.La Pandora M au aprut primele dou romane ale Tetralogiei Napolitane:Prietena mea genialiPovestea noului nume.Toat lumea ar trebui s citeasc orice poart semntura Elenei Ferrante.The Boston GlobePersonajele feminine ale Elenei Ferrante sunt autentice opere de art.El País
Climate Change and Disaster Management
Climate Change and Disaster Management
Ross Prizzia
This book makes the case that many climate related scientists have provided data that confirm that burning fossil fuels has increased greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which has had a major impact on climate change. Each of the six chapters provides many references and questions for review. The first chapter emphasizes worldwide awareness of the relationship between climate change and disasters in the Asia Pacific region. The following chapters cover such topics as climate change mitigation measures by government and the relationship between climate change and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, the role of EPA and FEMA, actions taken by the Asian Bank and the probable future impact of climate change on mass migrations in the future.
Secrets:A Story of Addiction, Grief & Healing:A Story of Addiction, Grief & Heal
Secrets:A Story of Addiction, Grief & Healing:A Story of Addiction, Grief & Heal
Ann P. Bennett, Ann P. Bennett-Cookson
Introduction to Secrets: A Story of Addiction, Grief & Healing ? Highly educated individuals with doctorates publish papers full of information, facts, and figures, explaining reasons for addiction. It is often good information extensively researched and properly cited. I do not have a Ph.D. or a doctorate. I am simply one who loves to teach, write, and more importantly, a mom who loves her family. I majored in motherhood. I minored in English. ? Sadly, I lost something most dear to my heart, my daughter’s voice. I only hear her voice as echoes in my mind, and as I read her journals. Her journals are full of her—her voice, worries, goals, sadness, hopes, desires, disappointments, happiness and love. Her writing identified her feelings, but they do not clearly define her as a person because her life was so much more. How to define, articulate her essence, her multi-dimensional personality? ??????????? In writing this story, I used words and prose that allow the reader to peer into the looking glass, perhaps to see beyond themselves to what lurks in the background of the human soul. How special each of us really is. We all deserve to be loved and to be recognized for the good we do, for the difference we make by just being. ? The writing of this story has been incredibly difficult. I was told that I was terribly hard on myself. Well, the truth is not always pretty. But accepting the truth as a means to better understand one’s environment and to move forward can be healing. It is not easy. Healing takes time. It can be painful. It is often long and arduous. Sometimes, the nearly healed wound is reinjured, the scab is torn loose, exposing the tender flesh beneath. It may ooze again for a time, but then the healing begins again. Grief can be like that. A year has passed; a year of grief, healing, learning, better understanding addiction. ? The road leading to addiction and the reasons one succumbs to substance use disorder is long and winding. Addiction is complex and those who struggle with it usually face other mental health challenges too. They struggle with loss, loneliness, pain, and emptiness. They long for fulfillment. They feel misunderstood, misjudged, stigmatized, unloved. These voids must be filled. The human spirit demands it. ? Society is quick to formulate judgments toward those struggling with addiction. However, is addiction a choice? Is mental illness a choice? Everyone’s story is different. I can only share mine. The effects of addiction ripple out, washing over everyone in some manner or form. Like many, I originally thought substance use was a choice, a deficit in one’s moral code, a weakness that one should be able to control. Why must tragedy occur to inspire illumination? ? As I began to write, my inner eye became focused, intent on rediscovering Sarah. The Sarah I knew as a child had long ago morphed into an adult I did not recognize or understand. I blamed myself. Where did I go wrong? In how many ways did we fail her as her parents? I wanted to understand. Will sharing my story allow others to more easily identify the symptoms of addiction and to recognize addiction as a disease? I hope so. That is why I am breaking the silence, using Sarah’s voice, as well as my own with a clear objective: To de-stigmatize addiction. ? Can we work towards removing the fear and the terrifying stigmatization attached to addiction and try something different? Let us direct positive energies toward these struggling souls. Rather than projecting fear and judgment, what would happen if society projected understanding, empathy, compassion, and acceptance? Acceptance that they have an illness, not just addiction, but often, buried beneath the surface, acute sadness, and unresolved conflict. ? As society begins to remove the stigma of addiction, boundaries to seeking recovery will lessen, improving the odds of recovery, decreasing the risk of death by overdose. Sarah’s death must not be an ending—let it be a beginning towards understanding, acceptance, and empathy.
Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens (Text Only)
Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens (Text Only)
James Davidson
James Davidson lectures in ancient history and the classical languages at the University of Warwick. He was previously a Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford.
The Ocean Railway
The Ocean Railway
Stephen Fox
An epic social history of steamship travel from the 19th-century to the ‘Lusitania’, the ‘Mauretania’ and the ‘Titanic’. The great transatlantic steamships became emblems of an age, of a Victorian audacity of spirit-cathedrals to man's harnessing of new technology. Through the innovations and designs of key engineers and shipping magnates – Samuel Cunard, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Edward Knights Collins – ‘the largest movable objects in human history' were created. To the wealthy, steamships represented glamorous travel, but to most they offered cheap passage out of Europe to the New World. At their peak, steamships delivered one million new Americans each year, transforming the world’s oceans from barriers into highways. In this fascinating history, Stephen Fox chronicles the tragedies that marked the evolution of the ocean liner, including the 1852 sinking of the ‘Arctic’, with the loss of three hundred and twenty-two lives, and the early 20th-century losses of the ‘Lusitania’ and the ‘Titanic’. Using contemporary records, diaries and writing, he penetrates the experience of transatlantic passage and examines the societies created on the vast floating cities, ‘a kind of third human environment, neither land nor sea but partaking of each, and bridging them in unprecedented ways’.
Death or Victory: The Battle for Quebec and the Birth of Empire
Death or Victory: The Battle for Quebec and the Birth of Empire
Dan Snow
An epic history of the battle of Quebec, the death of General James Wolfe and the beginnings of Britain’s empire in North America. Military history at its best. Perched on top of a tall promontory, surrounded on three sides by the treacherous St Lawrence River, Quebec – in 1759 France’s capital city in Canada – forms an almost impregnable natural fortress. That year, with the Seven Years’ War raging around the globe, a force of 49 ships and nearly 9,000 men commanded by the irascible General James Wolfe, navigated the river, scaled the cliffs and laid siege to the town in an audacious attempt to expel the French from North America forever. In this magisterial first solus book, tying into the 250th anniversary of the battle, Dan Snow tells the story of this famous campaign which was to have far-reaching consequences for Britain’s rise to global hegemony, and the world at large. Snow brilliantly sets the battle within its global context and tells a gripping tale of brutal war quite unlike any fought in Europe, where terrain, weather and native Canadian tribes were as fearsome as any enemy. ‘I never served so disagreeable a campaign as this,’ grumbled one British commander, ‘it is war of the worst shape.’ 1759 was, without question, a year in which the decisions of men changed the world forever. Based on original research and told from all perspectives, this is history – military, political, human – on an epic scale.
The Concussion Repair Manual: A Practical Guide to Recovering from Traumatic Bra
The Concussion Repair Manual: A Practical Guide to Recovering from Traumatic Bra
Dr. Dan Engle
Concussion -- the biggest name in today's high-impact sports. As more and more high profile athletes come forward to share their stories of invisible suffering after head injuries, we as a culture are finally acknowledging this silent epidemic. The Concussion Repair Manual is written as a user’s guide for those suffering after head traumas and those that support them. ?It is one-part “textbook,” packed with the leading research on medical technologies for healing the injured brain, and one-part “workbook,” offering a step-by-step method for making and tracking a personalized recovery regimen. Dr. Dan Engle's background and passion for concussion repair stem from a three-decade investigation into the many modalities for healing his own traumas. ?When the usual medical treatments didn’t help, he explored what was possible, found what worked and put them into this manual - "the best of the best" in the medical arena for recovering from sports related head injury. Reviews "A game changer. This book is the most useful piece of literature I have ever read on concussion." - Matt Cook, MDFounder, BioReset Medical "(This) book can also be used as a simple tool to get smarter and think better, even if you haven't had a concussion. Whether you are a physician, a patient or simply an optimal health seeker, this book is a must-have for your personal health library." - Ben Greenfield, Human Performance Consultant, BenGreenfieldFitness.com "Dan's CRM is required reading for concussion patients, their caregivers, and all allied healthcare practitioners who care for these patients. There is a better way and this is it. "- Scott Sherr MD, Founder, Integrative HBOT, Head of Protocol and Innovation at Hyperbaric Medical Solutions, @hmsHBOT About the Author Dr. Dan Engle is Board Certified in Psychiatry and Neurology, with a clinical practice that combines functional medicine, integrative psychiatry, neuro-cognitive restoration and peak performance methods. He lectures and consults globally and is the medical advisor to Onnit Labs, the True Rest Float Centers and several international treatment centers using indigenous plant medicines for healing and recovery.
Sovereignty:The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men
Sovereignty:The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men
Ryan Michler
Every man is born with just one thing: his sovereignty - his power to respond to his environment and his circumstances. Unfortunately, most men have spent much of their lives giving away that sovereignty. Every time a man passes blame or shirks his responsibility, every time he makes excuses for his performance, and every time he trades his unlimited potential for a little perceived safety and security, he willingly submits himself to the mercy of others. Is it any wonder that men, in general, seem to have lost their way? You don’t have to look very far to recognize that men don’t seem to possess the same amount of vigor and purpose they once did. Take one sobering statistic—the rate of suicide in men—and you begin to see how damaging the effects of the voluntary subjugation of men to their families, their businesses, and their governments can be. It’s not hard to understand why we give up control to others—it’s easy and we’re expected to. Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men?is a call for men to once again rise up and establish themselves as they once were—a revolution if you will. Inside the pages of this book, we’ll uncover the battle each man will inevitably engage in, the external forces fighting against the call to masculinity, and the internal struggle all men must overcome. But make no mistake, this revolution is not a call for men to go their own way and rally against society.?It’s a call for men to become fully the men they are meant to be so they may more adequately take care of themselves and those they are responsible for. Men have always been expected to protect, provide, and preside over themselves, their families, their businesses, and their communities. By embodying the thirteen Sovereign Virtues we detail inside, every man will be more capable of fulfilling his masculine duties and responsibilities. The words in this book go well beyond principle and theory, however, as we build the framework for establishing a battle plan to combat the external and internal threats to our masculine power and give every man the tools, resources, guidance, direction, and ability to reclaim what has always been his: his sovereignty.