

The Billionaire Escape Plan: A Billionaire Friends to Lovers Romance
The Billionaire Escape Plan: A Billionaire Friends to Lovers Romance
Ember Casey
A sweet and sizzling standalone romance from?USA Today?bestselling author Ember Casey.Most girls dream of marrying a billionaire.Me? I’d rather make fun of one. Especially if the billionaire in question is Alexander Grant.Excuse me—Xander?Grant. That’s right—the mega-hot entrepreneur who seems to top every magazine’s “Rich Eligible Bachelors” list these days.To me, he’ll always be Alex—my childhood best friend. The guy who joined me on all sorts of wild teenage misadventures. The only person in our small town who understood me.It’s been four years since I’ve seen Alex. But suddenly he’s back in our town at the exact same time my life is imploding around me.We’ve both changed so much—I mean, the guy used to live in ripped jeans, and now he wears nothing but designer suits—but when I need it most, he offers me exactly the escape I need. A chance to run away from my life, if only for a few days.I only hope my heart is prepared.
Legacy of the Land
Legacy of the Land
Kari Kilgore
Elenda Murphy needs change like she needs oxygen.Constant motion.Extreme adventure.Anything but standing still.Her heart always as restless as her mind.Then a shattered leg sends Elenda back to the bedrock of family.An enchanting tale of destiny and free will.
The Becalmed
The Becalmed
Kari Kilgore
Bitan, the most valuable substance in the human universe, makes communication across vast distances possible.? Bitan only comes from one planet.? And that planet has a problem. The TransGalactic Corporation sends Luis Ahmad on a desperate mission to help the human colony on Bitanthra. Can Luis save the colony and stop the collapse of communications throughout the galaxy?
DNA Never Lies
DNA Never Lies
Kari Kilgore
Betty Falconen: the most overqualified low-rent geneticist in Atlanta. Overwhelmed by old insecurities and struggles to pay the rent. Her dreams of cutting-edge research withering on life-support. Betty wanted more from life and work. Will a stranger in a coffee shop bring the change she craves? Or prove her fears right after all? An excerpt from DNA Never Lies: An offer too good to refuse, but at what cost? One last surprise waited for Betty: an application to qualify as a contractor for the Baron County Police Department. Specifically, to re-examine evidence from recent crime scenes. A background check, a confidentiality agreement, and…an offer of payment. “Wow,” Betty whispered, shaking her head. Payment equal to what she’d earned over the last six months of work her lab assistants could do in their sleep. Turning Detective Willa Belladeux down cold didn’t seem nearly as easy as it had the night before, but not because of the money. Well, not only because of the money. The feeling of being in demand, of being appreciated, carried a lot more weight and influence. The idea of getting to work in the field she’d wanted. Yes, what she’d trained for. What her talents and skills were best suited for. All of that together got Betty up and dialing the number on the business card clipped to the application before she could change her mind.
The Cryptocurrency - Blockchain Connection
The Cryptocurrency - Blockchain Connection
Wayne Walker
This special book is a real world combination of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. You begin with a precise blueprint of how to assemble a winning crypto portfolio. Then you continue on to expand your knowledge by entering the world of?blockchains beyond cryptocurrencies.? The official book of the 2018 Nordic Trading Competition at the Nasdaq OMX Exchange The book includes the following and much more! - Intensive and rapid guide to understanding the connection between cryptos and the blockchain - How to assemble and execute a crypto portfolio like a pro - Using crypto exchanges insider info to your advantage - Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading tactics - How blockchain can be applied in your world - Smart contracts - ICOs This is a?combination of: The Next Level Of Cryptocurrency Investing and Blockchain: Real-World Applications And Understanding
Fantastic Shorts: Volume 1: A Fantasy Short Story Collection
Fantastic Shorts: Volume 1: A Fantasy Short Story Collection
Kari Kilgore
Facing fear of your own dreams coming true.Longing to hold on to a beloved best friend.Wishing to repair a life gone off the tracks.A lifelong feeling that you never belong.The secret life of a gorgeous black cat. Functioning as signposts along the rich and often twisted road of Kari Kilgore’s imagination, each story in this collection explores a different area of fantasy fiction. Ranging from Appalachia to Atlanta, from love to loss, they all touch on emotions or experiences readers recognize. The (mostly) women in Fantastic Shorts: Volume 1 may start out in familiar territory. But in the hands of this talented storyteller, readers quickly learn to always expect the strange. Included in this collection: IntentionsAngela Garcia builds websites to help make other people’s dreams come true. Now one of her childhood dreams waits, ready to come to life. Sometimes your intentions make all the difference. ReflectionsA beloved family home, abandoned and broken. A so-called adult life, not much better off. Jessica’s hopes of finding her joy fade as soon as she steps through the door. Can facing her fears, and her memories, make Jessica’s life right at last? The Seeds of LoveVirginia Evans and her best friend Maggie grew up together. From shy girl and wriggly puppy to confident woman and gentle old soul. A touching tale of woman’s best friend. TerminaliaWhen you live a double life, you never take anything for granted. Kelly Webb finally feels safe. Until nighttime, when all but Kelly’s name changes. An enchanting tale of the crossroads between science and magic. Wicked BonePashmina knows which humans to trust. She shows her trust like all cats. With offerings from her hunts. And like all cats, Pashmina keeps her secrets to herself. Find out what happens when Katie learns Pashmina’s favorite secret.
A szigetek szám?z?ttje
A szigetek szám?z?ttje
Joseph Conrad
A szigetek szám?z?ttje
Alma Johanna Koenig
Franz Werfel
A párizsi regény
A párizsi regény
Szomory Dezső
A párizsi regény
Egyszer mindenért fizetni kell
Egyszer mindenért fizetni kell
Charles G. Norris
Egyszer mindenért fizetni kell
Dráma a tengeren: Moby Dick
Dráma a tengeren: Moby Dick
Herman Melville
Dráma a tengeren: Moby Dick
Szerelem, diplomácia és faházak
Szerelem, diplomácia és faházak
Elisabeth von Heyking
Szerelem, diplomácia és faházak
Rabindranath Tagore
Franz Werfel
Kerkhoven harmadik élete
Kerkhoven harmadik élete
Jakob Wassermann
Kerkhoven harmadik élete
Mi lesz veled, emberke?
Mi lesz veled, emberke?
Hans Fallada
Mi lesz veled, emberke?
Békefi Dorka
A Dublinban nevelkedett John Kavanagh vékony dongájú k?ly?k volt, akit az iskolában rendszeresen kínoztak és vertek a társai. Miután tinédzserként egyszer ?sszeverték az utcán, mert próbált egy járókel? védelmére kelni, úgy d?nt?tt, megtanulja megvédeni magát. Nem sokkal kés?bb már sportolókat edzett egy apró pajtában, és megszervezte ?rország els? kevert harcm?vészeti rendezvényeit. Aztán egy napon egy pimasz k?ly?k sétált be az edz?termébe. Conor McGregornak hívták. Az ír fiú a semmib?l érkezett, és néhány év alatt a világ egyik legismertebb sportolója lett… Két súlycsoportban is világbajnoki címet szerzett… Ma már egymilliárd forintért száll ketrecbe, és felkerült a világ legjobban keres? sportolóinak százas listájára… Szórakoztató stílusával, hipszter külsejével igazi médiasztár lett, és arra készül, hogy meccseivel futballstadionokat t?lt meg…Ebben a k?nyvben John Kavanagh két leny?g?z? élett?rténetet mesél el: a sajátját és McGregorét, mik?zben végigk?veti az MMA robbanásszer? elterjedését az egész világon. Kavanagh a ?Gy?zz vagy tanulj!” mottót a zászlajára t?zve már nemcsak a világ egyik legelismertebb trénere, hanem képvisel?je egy eszmének, amelynek lényege a kitartás, és a pozitív világszemlélet. Mert mik?zben ott állt az egész világ csodálatát kivívó McGregor mellett a legnehezebb pillanatokban és legnagyobb diadalok perceiben is, megtanulta, mit jelent a becsvágy, a fegyelem, a csalódás – mit jelent beteljesíteni valakinek az álmait. "Mindenkinek, aki tudni szeretné, hogyan k?vesse az álmait – egészen a célig." – Tony Parsons"Vannak emberek, akik képesek a feje tetejére állítani a világot. John Kavanagh és Conor McGregor ilyenek." – S. Kovács ?dám A szerz?r?lJohn Kavanagh, a Straight Blast Gym ?rország vezet?je, a világ egyik leghíresebb kevert harcm?vészeti edz?je. Versenyz?i k?z?tt találjuk a UFC pehely- és k?nny?súlyú bajnokát, Conor McGregort.
Jamaica rum
Jamaica rum
Andor Endre Gelléri
Jamaica rum
Szoliman ben-Darja
Szoliman ben-Darja
Lajos Königsegg
Szoliman ben-Darja
A k?nny?vér?ek
A k?nny?vér?ek
Georges Ohnet
A k?nny?vér?ek