

Jászai Mari emlékiratai
Jászai Mari emlékiratai
Mari Jászai
Jászai Mari emlékiratai
Az árnyékvonal
Az árnyékvonal
Joseph Conrad
Az árnyékvonal
A szirén
A szirén
Georges Ohnet
A szirén
Knock out
Knock out
Herman C. McNeile
Knock out
A hajózás t?rténete
A hajózás t?rténete
Hendrik Van Loon
A hajózás t?rténete
Ispirescu Petre
Existen?a diafana, care continu? volumele de autor Cercul de gra?ie (2003) ?i O carte pe s?pt?m?n? (2007), reprezint? o foarte echilibrat? ?i competent? radiografiere a simptomatologiei editoriale rom?ne?ti din anii 2000-2010, ?tefan Borbely unind ?ntre coper?ile aceluia?i volum at?t texte dedicate unor nume consacrate ale literaturii rom?ne (Marin Sorescu, Mircea Zaciu, Nicolae Breban, Marin Mincu, Livius Cioc?rlie, Adrian Marino, Horia-Roman Patapievici, Mircea C?rt?rescu, Paul Cornea, Dan C. Mih?ilescu), c?t ?i analize ale unor autori tineri, care s-au f?cut cunoscu?i ?n ultimii ani (Adrian Dohotaru, C?t?lin ?i Roxana Ghi??, Adriana Teodorescu, Florina Codreanu, Ioana Macrea-Toma, Constantina Raveca Buleu), cu c?r?i preponderent din domeniul istoriei ?i sintaxei mentalit??ilor ?i cel al studiilor culturale. Fire analitic?, scrut?toare, dotat? cu o bun? deschidere teoretic? ?i cu o impecabil? precizie a conceptelor, ?tefan Borbely este interesat cu prec?dere de idei ?i de simptomatologii culturale, textele dedicate jurnalului lui Adrian Marino (Via?a unui om singur), experimentalismului lui Marin Mincu sau modernit??ii ?n lectura lui Paul Cornea (toate prezente ?n carte) fiind dintre cele mai bune care s-au scris ?n domeniu. Pornind de la cazuri particulare ?i de la volume care au, f?r? excep?ie, o deschidere ideatic? vast?, incitant?, cartea profesorului Borbely reprezint? un foarte suplu efort de sintez? critic?, realizat? cu har, competen?a ?i profesionalism.
Cuore. Inim? de copil
Cuore. Inim? de copil
Amicis Edmondo de
Un roman textualist, un roman-experiment propus de o scriitoare care are un stil aparte, abrupt, dens, av?nd for?a de a recurge la mari desf??ur?ri epice, situate ?n siajul textuali?tilor europeni. ?Hidrapulper este o metafor? terifiant?, o bolgie ?n care se f?r?m?, se topesc deopotriv? destine, cuvinte, c?r?i, momente istorice, natura ?ns??i... toate trec?nd ?ntr-o past? inform?. Un roman "negru", unic, al adev?ratei atmosfere de “fabric?““. (Christian Cr?ciun)Cartea este destinat? unui public larg, iubitorilor de romane ce fac parte din onorabila tradi?ie a romanelor de citit ?n tren.
Micul print
Micul print
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Demersul exegetic al lui Constantin Cuble?an vine ?ntr-o perioad? ?n care scriitorii nu sunt trata?i a?a cum se cuvine ?n societatea actuala. Cartea include eseuri docte, ample, axate pe crea?ia unor importan?i scriitori ca, bun?oara, Valeriu Anania, Ioan Alexandru, Ion Barbu, Ana Blandiana, Nicolae Breban, Emil Brumaru, Augustin Buzura s.a. Un fragment important, sugestiv, din peisajul literaturii de dup? 1989. ?i nu numai.
Szerelem a palackban
Szerelem a palackban
Antal Szerb
Szerelem a palackban
Egyedül mindenkivel
Egyedül mindenkivel
Béla Révész
Egyedül mindenkivel
Ferenc Vághidi
Up, Up, and Away!
Up, Up, and Away!
Handley, P.
P Handley was evacuated from Portsmouth to Melton Mowbray at the beginning of the Second World War, and much of her poetry is a celebration of the town and the surrounding countryside. Her memories of Melton Mowbray span almost seventy-five years, and here she recalls in verse the local landmarks, unforgettable characters and vanished way of life of another era. With the same affection and humour, her poems cover subjects as diverse as a balloon flight on a glorious summer's evening, the temptations of full-cream milk and sugary treats, the pleasures of chatting, and watching the passage of the seasons from her window.
Poems of Love, Life and Laughter
Poems of Love, Life and Laughter
Bythell, Marian
Following on from the successful publication of her two holiday journals, Marian Bythell has now turned her passionate pen to poetry. Concentrating on the essential three Ls - Love, Life and Laughter - she has produced a considered collection of rhyming verse.
Evidently Yours
Evidently Yours
Clemow, Dominic
Ever get the feeling of that constant thought of someone on your mind? You've liked her a long time and she's all you ever think about. Everything about her that you know is perfect and her smile is always in your mind, but her smile is also the only thing that cheers you up. You wonder if she wants you and if she does you're the happiest guy on earth, but if she doesn't you know there's no one else you could ever want so much. I'm a fool in love with you and I can't quite explain why; you make me feel great every time that I see you and you are the only one in this world that matters. You're everything from nothing I've never ever truly known and you're the smile in my dreams. All the time I feel alone. This is my love poetry... at its finest - Dominic Clemow.
The Complete Confessions of a GP (The Confessions Series)
The Complete Confessions of a GP (The Confessions Series)
Benjamin Daniels
Confessions of a GP and Further Confessions of a GP together in one volume. Benjamin Daniels is angry. He is frustrated, confused, baffled and, quite frequently, very funny. He is also a GP. These are his confessions.
Confessions of a Ghostwriter (The Confessions Series)
Confessions of a Ghostwriter (The Confessions Series)
Andrew Crofts
HE’S WRITTEN MORE THAN 80 BOOKS. HE’S SOLD MILLIONS OF COPIES ACROSS THE WORLD. HE IS THE MAN BEHIND A DOZEN SUNDAY TIMES TOP 10 HITS, SPENDING OVER 120 WEEKS IN THE BESTSELLER CHARTS. BUT YOU PROBABLY HAVEN’T HEARD OF HIM. Andrew Crofts is a ghostwriter, an author for hire, employed to write other people’s stories – everyone from film stars to footballers, hitmen to hookers, world leaders to abused children. Ghostwriters are confidantes to the most famous people on earth, and they help give a voice to some of the most vulnerable and inspiring. They dip their toes into every corner of life, and inhabit worlds that are both shadowy and glamorous. They are the ones who write the books that top the bestseller charts. Andrew is one of the world’s most sought-after ghosts. In this book he confesses the truth about ghosting; how it feels to be an invisible author, to be given first class tickets to travel anywhere and permission to ask whatever questions you like. Confessions of a Ghostwriter gives an unrivalled peek into private worlds that few others gain admission to.
The Lesson of the Master
The Lesson of the Master
Norman Thomas di Giovanni
A collection of essays on Jorge Luis Borges by his long-time friend and collaborator. Jorge Luis Borges - Argentine poet, essayist, and short-story writer - is widely considered one of the giants of 20th-century world literature. Norman Thomas di Giovanni worked alongside Borges for a number of years creating English translations of his work, the only translations personally overseen by Borges himself. In The Lesson of the Master, a memoir and essays, he writes about his time with Borges but also offers us a unique insight on the man and his work. It is an indispensable volume for Borges readers and his growing legion of students and scholars.
Bath Times and Nursery Rhymes:The memoirs of a nursery nurse in the 1960s
Bath Times and Nursery Rhymes:The memoirs of a nursery nurse in the 1960s
Pam Weaver
A heart-warming memoir about life as a nursery nurse and nanny in the 1960s, for fans of Call the Midwife. In 1961, sixteen year-old Pam Weaver began her training as a nursery nurse. Drawn to this profession by her caring nature and a desire to earn her own living, Pam had no idea of the road she was about to start down. At the government-run nursery, she found early mornings, endless floors to scrub, overbearing matrons, heartbreaking stories of abandonment, true friends and life lessons that would stay with her for decades. Bath Times and Nursery Rhymes is Pam’s memoir about her time in state nurseries and as a Hyde Park private nanny. It will recount the highs and lows of that time with engaging and uplifting honesty.
Confessions of a School Nurse (The Confessions Series)
Confessions of a School Nurse (The Confessions Series)
Michael Alexander
From the people who brought you the bestselling Confessions of a GP. After sixteen years of high-pressure nursing, Michael Alexander has traded in his hospital uniform for the fresh air, comfort and routine of an International private school in the French Alps. Bliss! But it’s not long before he discovers that school nursing is not all permission slips, sniffles and gift baskets. Disastrous school trips; after hours dorm sleepovers; awkward sex education classes; culture clashes; swine flu panic; and kids with six-figure bank balances and a taste for bribery. This is nursing as you’ve never seen it before. What goes on behind the gates of one of the world’s most elite boarding schools? What happens when kids from all over the world – Russia, Africa, America, Saudi Arabia – live, learn and grow under one roof? What happens when it’s left to school staff to teach children the facts of life, and lust? Following on from the hugely successful Confessions of a Male Nurse, Michael Alexander is back with more touching, shocking and often laugh-out-loud funny tales of nursing. In Confessions of a School Nurse, Alexander tells all on boarding school life – as a nurse, parent, and Average Joe, he offers a unique perspective on this strange world.
Confessions of a British Doctor (The Confessions Series)
Confessions of a British Doctor (The Confessions Series)
Benjamin Daniels
THE UK’S BESTSELLING EBOOK OF 2011. Benjamin Daniels is angry. He is frustrated, confused, baffled and, quite frequently, very funny. He is also a GP. These are his confessions.
Confessions of a Barrister (The Confessions Series)
Confessions of a Barrister (The Confessions Series)
Russell Winnock
From the people who brought you the bestselling Confessions of a GP. Russell is a young criminal Barrister. It’s his job to defend the people who have found themselves on the wrong side of the law – Petty thieves, career criminals, drug dealers and murderers… The scary son of a famous footballer, whose violent behaviour has got him in trouble so many times he almost knows the law better than Russell. The thief of a marital aid, who has a rather unusual defence. The 27 year old drug addict accused of stealing a push-bike, a chainsaw, a bag full of washing and a small fridge – all at the same time. And Russell’s first murder case – a young woman accused of murdering her violent boyfriend. This fascinating insight takes us behind the closed doors of the British legal world. With plenty of drama inside – and outside – of the courtroom, you’ll find out how CCTV can make or break a case, how your Facebook page could land you in jail and why on earth they wear those funny wigs!