Chimney The Poetic Story Of A Family Cat
Chimney is a much loved family cat who has chosen to tell her own story in poetic form as only a cat can. She charts her life from mischievous kittenhood to thoughtful maturity in the company of two glorious IRISH SETTERS. Cat lovers and owners everywhere will recognise many of her ways and cat philosophy and those, who do not know cats well, will be surprised at their observational skills!
Ben Diary of A Heroin Addict
As a young man from a loving, middle class family living in a small English village, Ben Rogers appeared to have it all….but then he found drugs. As his life descended into chaos and despair, Ben began to chronicle his daily struggles with the aid of a video camera. He was hopeful that one day his experiences could be used to educate others. Ben lost his battle against addiction and died when he was 34 as a result of medical withdrawal. His family decided to release the tapes in the hope that other families could benefit. The result was the highly acclaimed, award winning SKY documentary, ‘Ben, Diary of a Heroin Addict’ which was shown on national television 27 times and ultimately across the world. Ben’s mother, Anne, received hundreds of letters and messages, not only from addicts but also from families saying that the documentary had helped them realise that they weren’t alone. The film took Ben’s mum to the Home Office, with interviews on national television, radio and the press. She has spoken with many young offenders desperate to educate other youngsters about addiction and to honour her son’s wishes. The book includes writings and drawings by Ben which give a unique insight into the chaos surrounding drug addiction. His brother and sisters contribute too to the story of a family living on the edge. ‘Ben, Diary of a Heroin Addict – A Mother’s Fight’ is both an attack against the government’s tolerance of addiction and a powerful and moving depiction of one family’s love.
The Ultimate Burnout Cure: Re Ignite Your Passions In Life And Work!
The Ultimate Burnout Cure: Re Ignite Your Passions In Life And Work!
Conflicting Views: Professionally Handle All Conflicts Within The Organization
Conflicting Views: Professionally Handle All Conflicts Within The Organization
Develop Irresistible Skills Of Persuasion
Develop Irresistible Skills Of Persuasion
Marketing Your eBook: The Simple Guide for Self-Publishing Authors
Marketing Your eBook: The Simple Guide for Self-Publishing Authors
The Quickest Copywriting Crash Course : Learn to Write Effective Copy in Minutes
The Quickest Copywriting Crash Course : Learn to Write Effective Copy in Minutes!
Backwards Book Publishing: Save Time, Earn More, Work Less
Backwards Book Publishing: Save Time, Earn More, Work Less
And Then the Murders Began: Classic Literature Bestsellers' Opening Lines ReImag
And Then the Murders Began: Classic Literature Bestsellers' Opening Lines ReImagined Darkly
The Pilgrim's Progress
The Pilgrim's Progress
The Ultimate Guide On How to Be Naturally Persuasive
The Ultimate Guide On How to Be Naturally Persuasive
God the Known and God the Unknown
God the Known and God the Unknown
Radio ?n z?pad?
uneori moartea vinedac? lumea arde multe lum?n?ri,dar muribunda astanu pricepe,nu vrea ca inima s?-i crape ?nc? ?ise tot pune pe partea st?ng?ca s-o lini?teasc?,?i url? c?t poate:?sunt vie! de ce pleca?i?“
Genera?ia mea
...A ine jurnal, a nu fi singur sub canonad. A duce n crc trupul cu multe rni al unui camarad, toate sngernde... El mai tria n momentul cnd l-ai aburcat n spate, dar nu mai prea n simiri. naintezi prin viscolul de gloane i schije, dintre care unele adorm scurt n carnea lui dens. Cel puin aa crezi, cel puin aa ndjduieti – c loviturile nu s-au oprit n tine. Dar poi fi sigur Prin canonad nainte, sau cine mai tie ncotro, snge a curs i se mai prelinge nc din trupul prietenului, sau i dintr-al tu Greutatea lui te deznoad, i simi cldura... Mai triete oare ntrebarea nu are nevoie de rspuns, oricum n-ai s te debarasezi de strvul lui: te-a aprat i o s te mai apere de lovitura mortal. (El, camaradul, el, jurnalul.) i de vzut cine dintre noi mai supravieuiete, vom vedea la urm, i spui.“ – Ion Lazu
101 poeme
Prin u?ile l?sate vrai?teDe cei ce nu se mai ?ntorcPrin pere?ii pe care i?i zg?riar?ViseleD? buzna glasul mul?imiiCare se zbateDeja prins? ?ntre fireleIscusitei urzeli a paianjenilorPoliticiThrough the wide-open doorsBy those who never returnThrough the walls on which they’d scratchedTheir dreamsThe voice barges through from a crowdWhich is strugglingAlreadz trappedIn the skillfullz/woven webOf the spiders of politics
Funeral of hearts
Nebunul indian este al treilea volum semnat de Ovidiu Raul Vasiliu ?i marcheaz? maturitatea liric? a t?n?rului poet ie?ean. Cartea con?ine peste 60 de poeme scrise ?n ultima perioad?, autorul exers?nd cu succes diverse registre stilistice ?i prozodice, ?n versuri ?sub a c?ror dexteritate formal? se ?ntrez?re?te ceea ce niciodat? nu poate fi exprimat p?n? la cap?t“ (Daniel Cristea-Enache).
lumin?, ?ncet
C?t?lin Ghi?? este unul dintre cei mai serio?i, mai informa?i ?i mai inspira?i cercet?tori care se afirm? ?n comparatistica literar? ?i cultural? de la noi. Neotematismul s?u este unul atent la diferen?e – ?i ?n primul r?nd la diferen?a estetic? –, reticent fa?? de exploatarea ideologizant? a literaturii. Cartea de fa?? ??i acoper? tema cu mare grij?, cu acribie filologic? ?i teoretic?, dar o ?i dep??e?te uneori prin implica?ii nea?teptate ?i prin considera?ii de ansamblu. ?mi place ?n mod deosebit luciditatea autocritic? a autorului, ?n care v?d reflexul moral al modestiei ?i, ?n acela?i timp, orgoliul justificat al competen?ei profesionale“. – Mircea Martin
O precizie cu adev?rat ?nsp?im?nt?toare
Nu cred c trebuie s interpretm altfel referirile lui Clinescu la vechimea poporului romn dect ca o proiecie mitic a unor date istorice i, mai ales, a unor intuiii i ambiii personale. Dar chiar i aa, aceste idei meritau s fie formulate i ncarnate n imagini, aceste pagini meritau s fie scrise, fie i numai pentru clipele de reverie istoric i de mobilizare afectiv pe care ni le produc, pentru ficiunile verosimile pe care ni le propun cu atta trie i n care suntem liberi s credem cu propria noastr trie ca ntr-un alt posibil destin.“ – Mircea Martin
B?iatul care a furat calul lui Attila
Volumul de fa?? din seria Eminescu, poem cu poem ne dezva?? de toate vechile obiceiuri de interpretare care au prezentat ?n limbaj de lemn poeziile eminesciene. Alex. ?tef?nescu ne face din nou cuno?tin??, de data aceasta ?n cuvinte simple ?i idei proaspete, cu unele dintre cele mai cunoscute poezii din literatura rom?n?. Analiza sa cuprinde observa?ii fresh ?i referin?e culturale pe gustul elevilor, tinerilor ?i iubitorilor de literatur? care (re)descoper? ast?zi crea?ia eminescian?.
Simona and Her Magic Racket
Chronicling the landmark events in Beethoven's life, this book enhances understanding of the composer's character, inspiring a deeper appreciation for his work.?George Alexander Fischer illuminates the composer’s difficult childhood, his struggle to maintain friendships and romances, his ungovernable temper, his obsessive efforts to control his nephew’s life, and the excruciating decline of his hearing. This absorbing narrative provides a comprehensive account of a momentous life, as it takes the reader on a journey from the composer’s birth in Bonn to his death in Vienna.
A History of Freedom of Thought
A History of Freedom of Thought