

Being the Action-Man in Business: How to start making things happen today!
Being the Action-Man in Business: How to start making things happen today!
Damon Lundqvist
Being the Action-Man in Business: How to start making things happen today!
John Clare
John Clare
R.S Attack
John Clare (1793-1864) was born at a time of great social upheaval, just months after the beheading of Louis XVI and the outbreak of war with France which was to last till the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. He also lived through the upheavals of the land enclosure movement and agricultural revolution which changed the face of the countryside and the way of life in rural England. His father was a farm worker who managed to pay for his son’s schooling, though this was cut short as conditions worsened, but at least Clare had by then learnt to read and write so he could continue his own education, reading whatever books he could lay his hands on. At the age of sixteen he witnessed the social dislocation caused by the local enclosure Act and observed how the landscape was gradually transformed. Drawing on Clare’s writing, this extensively researched study gives the modern reader an appreciation of the divisive effects of these policies. Structured chronologically, this exploration of John Clare’s life highlights the socio-economic and environmental aspects of his observations and includes his reports on an insidious revolution taking place in the English countryside. Parliament, dominated by landowners, authorised the enclosure of large tracts of common land by private acts without considering the effect on those who had enjoyed rights of use and pasturage for centuries. Land enclosures, and the improved agricultural techniques which this permitted, was important in increasing food production at a time when the population of England was growing rapidly. While additional work was initially provided for agricultural labourers in the fencing and walling needed, this was temporary. The introduction of new, labour-saving machinery further reduced the opportunities for work. Insufficient attention, the author argues, has been given to the consequences. Those driven out of their homes in the country were left with no option but to migrate to the towns and sell their labour to whoever would pay for it. In effect, land enclosure created a market in land; landlessness created a market in labour. These are the foundations of our modern market economy. The author asserts that the harshness of the early years of the industrial revolution were the product of land enclosure which the welfare state has to some extent mitigated, although at the cost of creating a dependency culture in contrast to the sturdy independence of Clare’s parents’ generation of farm workers.
Sketches Sartorial, Tonsorial and the Like
Sketches Sartorial, Tonsorial and the Like
St Claire Bullock
St Claire Bullock - a Professor of Philosophy, no less - in the intervals between pondering the great questions of life, turned his hand to penning light verse in the manner of Hilaire Belloc, Ogden Nash and Edward Lear. In rhyming couplets these wry and witty poems ponder the foibles and vanities of mortals. Some of these are captured in pen and ink drawings which caricature the subject of the poems. Each character is given an amusing name, beginning with Master Cecil Abercorn, through Clarence Castle, Serena Huff, The Marchioness of Mal de Mer, Major Houghton Reid and Thomas Tinkham Tattersall to Roland Washburn White. There are 70 poems in all of which 10 are illustrated. The illustration on the front cover relates to Rupert Ashe: 'The greatest pride of Rupert Ashe was his luxuriant moustache. He took great care to keep it groomed, And even, with restraint, perfumed. He brushed it upward every day, and it made such a grand display, that people who were not the wiser, imagined that he was the Kaiser.'
Ben Diary of A Heroin Addict
Ben Diary of A Heroin Addict
Anne Rogers
As a young man from a loving, middle class family living in a small English village, Ben Rogers appeared to have it all….but then he found drugs. As his life descended into chaos and despair, Ben began to chronicle his daily struggles with the aid of a video camera. He was hopeful that one day his experiences could be used to educate others. Ben lost his battle against addiction and died when he was 34 as a result of medical withdrawal. His family decided to release the tapes in the hope that other families could benefit. The result was the highly acclaimed, award winning SKY documentary, ‘Ben, Diary of a Heroin Addict’ which was shown on national television 27 times and ultimately across the world. Ben’s mother, Anne, received hundreds of letters and messages, not only from addicts but also from families saying that the documentary had helped them realise that they weren’t alone. The film took Ben’s mum to the Home Office, with interviews on national television, radio and the press. She has spoken with many young offenders desperate to educate other youngsters about addiction and to honour her son’s wishes. The book includes writings and drawings by Ben which give a unique insight into the chaos surrounding drug addiction. His brother and sisters contribute too to the story of a family living on the edge. ‘Ben, Diary of a Heroin Addict – A Mother’s Fight’ is both an attack against the government’s tolerance of addiction and a powerful and moving depiction of one family’s love.
Chimney The Poetic Story Of  A Family Cat
Chimney The Poetic Story Of A Family Cat
Pamela Douglas
Chimney is a much loved family cat who has chosen to tell her own story in poetic form as only a cat can. She charts her life from mischievous kittenhood to thoughtful maturity in the company of two glorious IRISH SETTERS. Cat lovers and owners everywhere will recognise many of her ways and cat philosophy and those, who do not know cats well, will be surprised at their observational skills!
Неизвестный Линкольн
Неизвестный Линкольн
Дейл Карнеги
Неизвестный Линкольн
Rabindranath Tagore's Selected Stories
Rabindranath Tagore's Selected Stories
Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore's Selected Stories
Marketing Your eBook: The Simple Guide for Self-Publishing Authors
Marketing Your eBook: The Simple Guide for Self-Publishing Authors
Gabriel Dica
Marketing Your eBook: The Simple Guide for Self-Publishing Authors
The Quickest Copywriting Crash Course : Learn to Write Effective Copy in Minutes
The Quickest Copywriting Crash Course : Learn to Write Effective Copy in Minutes
John Bester
The Quickest Copywriting Crash Course : Learn to Write Effective Copy in Minutes!
Backwards Book Publishing: Save Time, Earn More, Work Less
Backwards Book Publishing: Save Time, Earn More, Work Less
Robert C. Worstell
Backwards Book Publishing: Save Time, Earn More, Work Less
The Ultimate Guide On How to Be Naturally Persuasive
The Ultimate Guide On How to Be Naturally Persuasive
Aiden Sisko
The Ultimate Guide On How to Be Naturally Persuasive
The Ultimate Burnout Cure: Re Ignite Your Passions In Life And Work!
The Ultimate Burnout Cure: Re Ignite Your Passions In Life And Work!
Aiden Sisko
The Ultimate Burnout Cure: Re Ignite Your Passions In Life And Work!
Conflicting Views: Professionally Handle All Conflicts Within The Organization
Conflicting Views: Professionally Handle All Conflicts Within The Organization
Damon Lundqvist
Conflicting Views: Professionally Handle All Conflicts Within The Organization
Daughters of the Puritans: A Group of Brief Biographies
Daughters of the Puritans: A Group of Brief Biographies
Seth Curtis Beach
Daughters of the Puritans: A Group of Brief Biographies
Zach Williams
And Then the Murders Began: Classic Literature Bestsellers' Opening Lines ReImag
And Then the Murders Began: Classic Literature Bestsellers' Opening Lines ReImag
Richard Saunders
And Then the Murders Began: Classic Literature Bestsellers' Opening Lines ReImagined Darkly
Tales from the Riverside
Tales from the Riverside
Larry Landgraf
Tales from the Riverside tells true and unique stories about one man’s struggle with alligators, snakes, killer bees, and hordes of nasty critters on a daily basis in his swamp. Experience the danger without the need for professional medical services. Life in a swamp is not for everyone.
O precizie cu adev?rat ?nsp?im?nt?toare
O precizie cu adev?rat ?nsp?im?nt?toare
Virgil Mazilescu
Nu cred c trebuie s interpretm altfel referirile lui Clinescu la vechimea poporului romn dect ca o proiecie mitic a unor date istorice i, mai ales, a unor intuiii i ambiii personale. Dar chiar i aa, aceste idei meritau s fie formulate i ncarnate n imagini, aceste pagini meritau s fie scrise, fie i numai pentru clipele de reverie istoric i de mobilizare afectiv pe care ni le produc, pentru ficiunile verosimile pe care ni le propun cu atta trie i n care suntem liberi s credem cu propria noastr trie ca ntr-un alt posibil destin.“ – Mircea Martin
Radio ?n z?pad?
Radio ?n z?pad?
Adrian G. Romila
uneori moartea vinedac? lumea arde multe lum?n?ri,dar muribunda astanu pricepe,nu vrea ca inima s?-i crape ?nc? ?ise tot pune pe partea st?ng?ca s-o lini?teasc?,?i url? c?t poate:?sunt vie! de ce pleca?i?“
Funeral of hearts
Funeral of hearts
Negulici Edith
Nebunul indian este al treilea volum semnat de Ovidiu Raul Vasiliu ?i marcheaz? maturitatea liric? a t?n?rului poet ie?ean. Cartea con?ine peste 60 de poeme scrise ?n ultima perioad?, autorul exers?nd cu succes diverse registre stilistice ?i prozodice, ?n versuri ?sub a c?ror dexteritate formal? se ?ntrez?re?te ceea ce niciodat? nu poate fi exprimat p?n? la cap?t“ (Daniel Cristea-Enache).
Simona and Her Magic Racket
Simona and Her Magic Racket
Nana Pitz
Chronicling the landmark events in Beethoven's life, this book enhances understanding of the composer's character, inspiring a deeper appreciation for his work.?George Alexander Fischer illuminates the composer’s difficult childhood, his struggle to maintain friendships and romances, his ungovernable temper, his obsessive efforts to control his nephew’s life, and the excruciating decline of his hearing. This absorbing narrative provides a comprehensive account of a momentous life, as it takes the reader on a journey from the composer’s birth in Bonn to his death in Vienna.