

Playboy Of The Western World
Playboy Of The Western World
JM Synge
In 1896 JM Synge met W. B. Yeats, who encouraged Synge to live for a while in the Aran Islands and then return to Dublin and devote himself to creative work. In 1897 Synge suffered his first attack of Hodgkin's disease, a form of untreatable cancer at the time, and also had an enlarged gland removed from his neck. In 1898, he spent his first summer on the Aran Islands and then continued for the next five collecting stories and folklore and perfecting his Irish but continued to live in Paris for the rest of the year. During this period, Synge wrote his first play, When The Moon Has Set. In 1903, Synge left Paris and moved to London. He had written two one-act plays, Riders to the Sea and The Shadow of the Glen the previous year. The Shadow of the Glen was performed at the Molesworth Hall in October 1903. Riders to the Sea was performed at the same venue in February the following year. The play widely regarded as his masterpiece, The Playboy of the Western World, was first performed in the Abbey on 26 January 1907. The comedy attracted a hostile reaction from the Irish public and thereafter a riot ensued. Described as "e;an unmitigated, protracted libel upon Irish peasant men, and worse still upon Irish girlhood"e;. Yeats returned from Scotland to address the crowd on the second night, and decided to call in the police. Press opinion soon turned against the rioters and the protests petered out. Synge died of Hodgkin's disease just weeks short of his 38th birthday on March 24th 1909 trying to complete his last play, Deirdre Of The Sorrows. He was buried in Mount Jerome Graveyard, Dublin.
Nobody’s Son: Part 3 of 3: All Alex ever wanted was a family of his own
Nobody’s Son: Part 3 of 3: All Alex ever wanted was a family of his own
Cathy Glass
Born in a prison and removed from his drug-dependent mother, rejection is all that 7-year-old Alex knows. When Cathy is asked to foster little Alex, aged 7, her immediate reaction is: Why can’t he stay with his present carers for the last month? He’s already had many moves since coming into care as a toddler and he’ll only be with her a short while before he goes to live with his permanent adoptive family. But the present carers are expecting a baby and the foster mother isn’t coping, so Alex goes to live with Cathy. He settles easily and is very much looking forward to having a forever family of his own. The introductions and move to his adoptive family go well. But Alex is only with them for a week when problems begin. What happens next is both shocking and upsetting, and calls into question the whole adoption process.
Nobody’s Son: Part 2 of 3: All Alex ever wanted was a family of his own
Nobody’s Son: Part 2 of 3: All Alex ever wanted was a family of his own
Cathy Glass
Born in a prison and removed from his drug-dependent mother, rejection is all that 7-year-old Alex knows. When Cathy is asked to foster little Alex, aged 7, her immediate reaction is: Why can’t he stay with his present carers for the last month? He’s already had many moves since coming into care as a toddler and he’ll only be with her a short while before he goes to live with his permanent adoptive family. But the present carers are expecting a baby and the foster mother isn’t coping, so Alex goes to live with Cathy. He settles easily and is very much looking forward to having a forever family of his own. The introductions and move to his adoptive family go well. But Alex is only with them for a week when problems begin. What happens next is both shocking and upsetting, and calls into question the whole adoption process.
Barbadosi koktél
Barbadosi koktél
Jennifer Hayward
Barbadosi koktél
Rabszolgám leszel!
Rabszolgám leszel!
Caitlin Crews
Rabszolgám leszel!
A tengerszem? lány
A tengerszem? lány
Barbara Wallace
A tengerszem? lány
Nyer? ajánlat
Nyer? ajánlat
Joss Wood
Nyer? ajánlat
Feketén, két cukorral
Feketén, két cukorral
Cathy Williams
Feketén, két cukorral
A lány, aki nem akart feleség lenni
A lány, aki nem akart feleség lenni
Cathy Williams
A lány, aki nem akart feleség lenni
?rzéki angyal
?rzéki angyal
Sharon Kendrick
rzéki angyal
Kártyán nyert szerelem
Kártyán nyert szerelem
Jennie Lucas
Kártyán nyert szerelem
Nem sz?khetsz meg el?lem
Nem sz?khetsz meg el?lem
Helen Bianchin
Nem sz?khetsz meg el?lem
?s a mese valósággá válik…
?s a mese valósággá válik…
Abby Green
s a mese valósággá válik…
Tigris vagy medúza?
Tigris vagy medúza?
Fiona Harper
Tigris vagy medúza?
Az én hercegem: (Monte Calanetti varázsa 7.)
Az én hercegem: (Monte Calanetti varázsa 7.)
Rebecca Winters
Az én hercegem: (Monte Calanetti varázsa 7.)
Kaland a Riviérán
Kaland a Riviérán
Dani Collins
Kaland a Riviérán
Po?ta?ul nocturn. Ночной Почтальон
Po?ta?ul nocturn. Ночной Почтальон
Veaceslav Samoskin
Edi?ie bilingv? Veaceslav Samo?kin este rus, corespondent de pres? la Bucure?ti, dar ?n primul r?nd, poet. Universul lui poetic penduleaz? ?ntre tragismul ?nsingur?rii ?i nevoia de confesiune. Elegiac? ?i intimist?, lirica din volumul Po?ta?ul nocturn este strig?tul de am?r?ciune al intelectualului lucid ?n fa?a vicisitudinilor unei istorii contorsionate ?i, totodat?, supapa prin care se revars? preaplinul propriilor drame existen?iale. Poet prin excelen?? citadin, Veaceslav Samo?kin ??i aminte?te cu nostalgie de ora?ul natal ?cu nume bol?evic“, care ?i-a pus amprenta asupra ?ntregii lui vie?i – ?Arhitectura sufletului meu/ e-a str?zilor lui prelungire“–, descrie cu delicate?e ner?bdarea de a ?nt?lni fata drag? –  ?ochii mei ?nverzesc semaforul“ –, identific? ?n triste?ea unei toamne destinul unei iubiri trecute –  ?era acea toamn?/ nu un anotimp, ci/ soarta noastr? doamn?“–, sufer? al?turi de femeile care pl?ng noaptea, cu hohote ?n?bu?ite, ?vie?ile nen?scute ori ucise/ ?n disperate p?ntece de mam?“... Tr?itor de c?teva decenii ?n ?ara noastr?, Veaceslav Samo?kin s-a integrat perfect ?n peisajul d?mbovi?ean: ?l putem ?nt?lni pe str?zile ora?ului sau ?i putem asculta, ?ntr-o cafenea, considera?iile generoase asupra literaturii ?i artei, politicii sau vie?ii, ?n general. C?ci cel pe care prietenii ?l apeleaz? cu diminutivul Slava nu este doar un intelectual de stirpe aleas?, impresionant prin erudi?ie, ci ?i un om de o fermec?toare ?i bl?nd? colocvialitate. ?n c?teva din versurile sale, poetul pentru care Rom?nia a devenit a doua patrie zugr?ve?te imaginea Bucure?tiului sub ar?i?a necru??toare a verii, anotimp ?nscris ?ntr-un ineluctabil ciclu universal. (Dinu Moraru)
Haz de hazard
Haz de hazard
Ana Ionesei
ntunericul (noaptea i nebunia), abisul (mormntul) i focul (sngele) se ntreptrund, cele trei constituind treptat o adncire n infern, trei bolgii care se continu la nesfrit. Poetul i, odat cu el, cititorul, este obligat s le parcurg pe toate trei. Din infernul lui Bolea nu exist scpare… (Cristina Nemerovschi) Tocmai excesul de recuzit transform poemele din volum ntr-o parodie a reportajului mizerabilist cultivat de poeii promoiei 2000, lsnd n cele din urm sentimentul mistificrii, al farsei enorme, n timp ce poetul pare a da n permanen cu tifla unui cititor tot mai derutat, care nu mai tie dac autorul glumete sau vorbete serios, dac are de-a face cu un nihilist autentic sau cu un parodist care demonteaz mecanismele liricii autenticiste, i-i caricaturizeaz cu verv locurile comune. (Octavian Soviany) Rzboi civil mi amintete de black metal i de nordul fioros i ngheat. (iQ 666) Poemele lui tefan Bolea sunt o oglind n care se reflect luciul mizeriei contemporane, sunt un colaj de ridicol i neimportant”, de beie i metafizic, de sublim i grotesc, de ncruntare i de (ne)linite. Poate de aceea versurile lui au prospeimea (edenic) a celui care spune lucrurilor pe nume.(Petrior Militaru) Rzboi civil este, cu siguran, cartea resureciei, à rebours. Prin atitudinea ironic-demolatoare, debutul lui Stefan Bolea este unul ct se poate de interesant, l aeaz pe autor, n mod meritat, n rndurile din fa ale noii generaii. (Silviu Gongonea) Ghidul turistic, care este tefan Bolea, st la malul existenei noastre i ne ndeamn s intrm i noi, de fapt, s deschidem ochii i s vedem c suntem deja acolo, unii pn la glezne, alii pn la genunchi, unii mai norocoi pn la nas, unde mirosul aburind al noroiului se mperecheaz cu suflul nostru vital, contaminndu-se reciproc. (Drago Fabian) Pentru c nici un poet nu poate exista fr o poezie-manifest, care s-i defineasc crezul literar, Bolea are ca art poetic: Imn pentru generaia 2000+. Bolea devine un postmodernist extrem sau neo-avangardist n acest moment. (Marcela Iuga) Referindu-ne la concepia postmodern de chirurgie cosmetic, Bolea folosete aceast metod ntr-un mod manierist, efectund operaii cosmetice asupra textelor sale, jucndu-se constant cu dimensiunile i perspectiva, cu deformarea i hiperbola… (Eva Theodora)
Mexikói románc
Mexikói románc
Barbara Wallace
Mexikói románc
Varázslatos gyémántok
Varázslatos gyémántok
Maya Blake
Varázslatos gyémántok
Nyaralás, fl?rt, szerelem: Júlia 651.
Nyaralás, fl?rt, szerelem: Júlia 651.
Michelle Douglas
Nyaralás, fl?rt, szerelem: Júlia 651.