

The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
Adam Sisman
The first book to explore the extraordinary story of the legendary friendship – and quarrel – between Wordsworth and Coleridge, two giants of English Romanticism. Wordsworth and Coleridge’s passionate intimacy, shared ambition and subsequent estrangement contribute to a tragic tale. But Sisman’s biography of this most remarkable friendship – the first to devote itself wholly to exploring the impact of their relationship on each other – seeks to re-examine the orthodox assumption that these two poets flourished as a result of it. Instead, Sisman argues that it was a meeting that may well have been disastrous for both: for it was Wordsworth’s rejection of Coleridge, and not primarily his opium addiction, that destroyed the latter as a poet, and that Coleridge’s impossible ambitions for Wordsworth pushed the latter towards failure and disappointment. Underlying the poignancy of the tale is the intriguing subject of the influence one writer can have on another. Sisman seeks to answer fundamental questions about this relationship: why was Wordsworth so reliant on Coleridge, and why was he so easily swayed in the most critical decision of his career? Was it in Coleridge’s nature to play second fiddle? Would it, in fact, have been better for both men if they had never met?
Puterea nev?zut?
Puterea nev?zut?
Breban Nicolae
Aproxima?ii o carte de critic? literar? ?n care autorul a ?nregistrat cele mai importante apari?ii din literatura rom?n? a ultimilor ani, ?n studii critice, cronici literare ?i eseuri care comenteaz? c?r?i, scriitori sau tendin?e ale momentului actual. Structurat? ?n trei cicluri, cartea lui Iulian Boldea se remarc? prin precizia formul?rilor, obiectivitatea enun?urilor ?i prin metodele critice adecvate valorificate. Tototdata, ea con?ine numeroase puncte de vedere, perspective ?i ipoteze critice meritorii, dup? cum v?de?te o extrem? aten?ie la nuan?ele textului, la relieful s?u subliminal. Demersul critic al autorului se caracterizeaz?, ?nainte de toate, prin rigoarea aser?iunilor ?i relevan?a demonstra?iei. ?ntre autorii comenta?i ?n aceast? carte, pot fi aminti?i Virgil Nemoianu, Al. Paleologu, Nicolae Manolescu, Gabriel Liiceanu, Adrian Marino, Ion Vartic, Marta Petreu, Mircea Muthu, Dan Culcer, ?tefan Borbély, Horia B?descu, Vasile Dan, Eugen Dorcescu, Ion Zuba?cu s.a.
Csernobili ima
Csernobili ima
Szvetlana Alekszijevics
Csernobili ima
Educ?-m? cu viziune
Educ?-m? cu viziune
Aurelia Grosu
Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works' is an elegant edition boasting the entire Poe catalog. It features works from the famous gothic American writer. His works span the years from 1827 to his death in 1849.?This treasure book collects all of Poe's poetry in a single volume, some of the most evocative poetry in the English language.
Montalbano: Egy hónap a felügyel?vel
Montalbano: Egy hónap a felügyel?vel
Andrea Camilleri
Montalbano: Egy hónap a felügyel?vel
Joe Hill
A Viszkis
A Viszkis
Julian Rubinstein
A Viszkis
Saga dinastiei de Habsburg. De la Sf?ntul Imperiu la Uniunea European?
Saga dinastiei de Habsburg. De la Sf?ntul Imperiu la Uniunea European?
Jean des Cars
Romanele Aurei Christi, ample construc?ii epice, abordeaz?, cu un curaj ?i maturitate rar?, modelul ?i aria expresiv? ?i ideatic? a romanului de reflexivitate ?i problematic? grav?, uman?, de la M. Proust ?i Th. Mann, sub tutela impresionant?, infinit? ?i enorm expresiv? a lui F.M. Dostoievski. Acela?i, Dostoievski, de data asta al?turat lui Friedrich Nietzsche, face obiectul unor ample studii eseistice, pe care Aura Christi le-a conceput ?i publicat ?n ultimii ani, abord?nd teme de o rar? ?ndr?zneal? ideatic?, problematica esen?ial? a individului ?n abisalitatea sa, a Fiin?ei, arta complicat?, prezent?nd ?nc? nu pu?ine mistere ?i paradoxuri psihologice ale tipologiei romane?ti moderne, de la cu adev?rat revolu?ionara ? la recherche du temps perdu la Idiotul ?i Crim? ?i pedeaps?.?n publistica ei curent?, sus?inut?, Aura Christi sprijin?, polemic adeseori, cultul valorilor clasice ?i moderne europene ?i refuz? improviza?iile ?i impostura literar? care, ?n actualitatea post-comunist?, tresare ?n c?mpul literar rom?nesc ?n varii forme, de la contestarea, de plano, a marilor modele moderne lirice ale continentului ?i cultivarea unui mizerabilism ?i a brutalit??ii expresiei ce se cufund? ?i abund? nu rareori ?n tonuri suburbane, sclipind triumf?tor ?n accente arogante ce vor s? instaleze un fel de triumf al tinere?ii ?protestatar-revolu?ionare“ culturale ?i preiau, f?r? sim? critic, ?ntr-o afi?at? incultur? poetic?, cu o anume voluptate, simboluri ?i expresii france, voit pornografice, din recuzita avangardist? ?i futurist? a literaturii ?nceputului de secol XX. (Nicolae Breban)O mistic? de halou dostoievskian domin? obsedant destinele eroilor din romanul Aurei Christi, Cercul s?lbatic. (…) E, ?n felul s?u, un roman al cuplurilor ce se fac ?i se desfac, se men?in c?t ?i cum se men?in ?n virtutea unor automatisme ?n care iubirea este c?utat?, mimat?, tr?dat?, ea r?m?n?nd mereu o iluzie sau o speran?? virtual?, ?ntre via?? ?i moarte. Se vorbe?te mult despre moarte ?n acest roman. Existen?a ?ns??i e parcurs? sub semnul acesteia. (Constantin Cuble?an)Poate aici este imensul merit al Cercului… M-a supus unui exerci?iu deloc facil de a formula motive pentru care merit? s? tr?ie?ti. ?i nu ?n fa?a unui om care ur??te via?a, n?uc, sau e dezgustat de ceea ce i se pare a fi via?a. Ci ?n fa?a acestei fete-femei, Diana, care caut? profund sensul, care iube?te florile, apa, arta. At?t de plin? de via?? e creatura aceasta (…), ?nc?t preaplinul acesta o consum? ?i o arunc? ?n moarte. Diana arat? c? nu e simplu s? tr?ie?ti la altitudinea aceea uria?? a foamei de via??, a puterii uria?e de a tr?i. Setea ei de via?? ?i frumuse?e ?i lini?te o expune, o face fragil?… Naufragiul ei e produs de apele grele ?i ur?te ale unei lumi neatente, nep?s?toare p?n? la agresiune fizic?… O lume de fiare, ?n care nimeni nu ofer? protec?ie puilor. O lume hulpav?, ?n care fluturii ?i puii de c?prioare sunt r?pu?i, ?nghi?i?i, ca ?i c?nd… Poate pentru asta s-au n?scut… Poate Dumnezeu ?i cheam? la el… Sau poate nu! Poate o imens? responsabilitate ar trebui luat? pe umerii mei ?i nu numai ai mei! Poate c? oamenii frumo?i, ca Diana, au o for?? neb?nuit? ?n fragilitatea lor. Poate c? nimic nu se poate face pentru adolescen?ii care aleg moartea… Poate nimic nu se poate face ?mpotriva mor?ii… (Irina Ciobotaru) http://aurachristi.ro/
Țvetaieva Marina
Autoarea trece ?n revist? principalele direc?ii din teoria critic? a ultimelor dou? decenii, a c?ror surs? empiric? este literatura publicat? la grani?a dintre secole. Din studiul paralel, al limbajelor teoretice ?i al lumilor fic?ionale, se poate observa omogenitatea epistemic? ?i retoric? a operelor literare apar?in?nd unei faze din istoria literaturii, for?a modelatoare a unui spirit al timpului care se manifest? dincolo de grani?e geo-politice. Totodat?, printr-o lectur? comparatist?, se poate demonstra capacitatea impresionant? a unei literaturi na?ionale de a reface, ?ntr-un timp foarte scurt, leg?turile cu marile centre de cultur? ?i de a ?negocia“ cu succes forme ?i idei literare ale unei epoci comparabile, prin ambi?iile enciclopediste ?i de sinteza, cu Rena?terea. Abordarea are caracter interdisciplinar, la grani?a dintre studiul filologic ?i modelele epistemologice furnizate, ?n epoca numit? a ?complexit??ii“, de ?tiin?a dominant?: fizica cuantic?.
Diabetul f?r? medicamente
Diabetul f?r? medicamente
Suzy Cohen
volumul al III-lea dintr-un interviu de un cristian Trilogia lui Ion Cucu este, deopotriv?, o construc?ie editorial? ?i o demonstra?ie personal?. Ion Cucu nu e, cum s-a crezut, doar un fotograf, iar opera lui cap?t? o cu totul alt? dimensiune dac? iese din tiparul unui album oarecare sau al unei expozi?ii, fie ea ?i permanent?. Interviul ?i portretele spun mai mult dec?t povestea unor fotografii – ?mpreun?, acestea dezv?luie talentul, for?a, patimile ?i d?ruirea fotografului celor zece pre?edin?i. Ai Uniunii Scriitorilor. Pentru c? prin aceast? institu?ie s-a legitimat ?i se reg?se?te, ca artist fotograf, scriitorul Ion Cucu. Trilogia s-a sf?r?it, de-acum urmeaz? Istoria. (un cristian)
?mbl?nzitorul de lei
?mbl?nzitorul de lei
Camilla Läckberg
Aceste Stampe din Germania se datoresc unui poet român de o ascu?it? sensibilitate. Este, de fapt, un jurnal personal, în parte – dar numai în parte – echivalent cu ceea ce în veacul al XIX-lea s-au dovedit a fi Confesiunile unui copil al secolului . Totul, îns?, se cere a fi privit mutatis mutandis, ?inând seama de spiritul diametral opus al veacului nostru. Dumitru Stancu este un sensibil, dar nu un sentimental în genul lui Musset . În rest, ni se înf??i?eaz? ca un intens f?uritor de atmosfer?, îndeosebi dramatic?. ?i aici iar??i trebuie s? accentu?m o anumit? distinc?ie fa?? de trecut. Ceea ce era atmosfer? liric?, în veacul al XIX-lea, cap?t? intensitatea tensionat? de atmosfer? dramatic? în veacul nostru cutreierat de cataclisme istorice f?r? precedent.
Highest Duty
Highest Duty
Sullenberger, Chesley B., III
In this inspirational autobiography, Captain "Sully" Sullenberger, the airline pilot whose emergency landing on the Hudson River earned the world's admiration, tells his life story and talks about the essential qualities that he believes have been so vital to his success. In January 2009, the world witnessed one of the most remarkable emergency landings in history when Captain Sullenberger brought a crippled US Airways flight onto the Hudson River, saving the lives of all of the passengers and crew aboard. The successful outcome was the result of effective teamwork, Sully's dedication to airline safety, his belief that a pilot's judgment must go hand-in-hand with and can never be replaced by technology, and forty years of careful practice and training. From his earliest memories of learning to fly as a teenager in a crop duster's single-engine plane in the skies above rural Texas to his years in the United States Air Force at the controls of a powerful F-4 Phantom, Sully describes the experiences that have helped make him a better leader, particularly the importance of taking responsibility for everyone in his care. And he talks about what he believes is at the heart of America's "can do" spirit: the very human drive to prepare for the unexpected and to meet it with optimism and courage. His wife, Lorrie, has been a pillar of support through all the highs and lows that life has offered, from the challenges of commercial flying to the birth of their two daughters, from financial struggles to the event of January 15, 2009. Though the world may remember Sully as the hero of Flight 1549, the legacy he desires even more is that of a loving husband and father. Highest Duty is the intimate story of a man who has grown up to embrace what we think of as quintessential American values leadership, responsibility, commitment to hard work, and service to others. And it is a narrative that reminds us that cultivating seemingly ordinary virtues can prepare us to perform extraordinary acts.
Lucky Child
Lucky Child
Ung, Loung
After enduring years of hunger, deprivation, and devastating loss at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, ten-year-old Loung Ung became the "lucky child," the sibling chosen to accompany her eldest brother to America while her one surviving sister and two brothers remained behind. In this poignant and elegiac memoir, Loung recalls her assimilation into an unfamiliar new culture while struggling to overcome dogged memories of violence and the deep scars of war. In alternating chapters, she gives voice to Chou, the beloved older sister whose life in war-torn Cambodia so easily could have been hers. Highlighting the harsh realities of chance and circumstance in times of war as well as in times of peace, Lucky Child is ultimately a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and to the salvaging strength of family bonds.
The Pope's Last Crusade
The Pope's Last Crusade
Eisner, Peter
A conspiracy within the Vatican to stop an outspoken Pope In 1938, Pope Pius XI was the world most prominent critic of Hitler and his rhetoric of ethnic purity. To make his voice heard, Pius called upon a relatively unknown American Jesuit whose writing about racism in America had caught the Pope attention. Pius enlisted John LaFarge to write a papal encyclical the Vatican strongest decree publicly condemning Hitler, Mussolini, and their murderous Nazi campaign against the Jews. At the same time conservative members of the Vatican innermost circle were working in secret to suppress the document. Chief among them was Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, whose appeasement of the Germans underlay a deep-running web of conspiracy. Pacelli, who would become Pope Pius XII, was joined by Wlodimir Ledóchowski, leader of the Jesuit order, to keep the finished encyclical from reaching the increasingly ill Pope. Peter Eisner, award-winning reporter and author of the critically acclaimed The Freedom Line , combines shocking new evidence (released only recently from Vatican archives) and eyewitness testimony to create a compelling journey into the heart of the Vatican and a little-known story of an American partnership with the head of the Catholic Church. A truly essential work, it brings staggering new light to one of the most critical junctures in modern history.
I Am Maru
I Am Maru
Meet Maru! This round, adorable Scottish Fold cat may be an internet sensation, but he knows how to keep his celebrity status from going to his fluffy head . . . mostly. Maru and his owner, mugumogu, give readers a peek into the low-key life of the world most famous cat. See all his favorite hiding places trash cans, cupboards, cereal boxes . . . if it cozy, he there meet his treasured toys, and learn what it means to wield just the right amount of cat-titude.
Az új élet v?lgye
Az új élet v?lgye
Helen Bryan
Az új élet v?lgye
Full Blown: Me and My Bipolar Family
Full Blown: Me and My Bipolar Family
David Lovelace
David Lovelace, along his brother and both his parents, is bipolar. This is his extraordinary and vivid memoir of life within his memorable, maddening, loving and unique family. Full Blown is Lovelace's poignant, humorous, and vivid account of growing up and coming to terms with the highs and lows of manic depression. David's father was a Princeton-trained theology professor deemed too eccentric for the ministry and his mother battled depression all her life. Manic episodes were part of family life - they called them the 'whim-whams'. David was a teenager when his first serious depression hit, and at college when he first became manic. He ran to escape it – to Mexico, South America and then New York, to drugs and alcohol – before he realised the futility of running. A father himself, a son and a brother, David's matter-of-fact approach to growing up surrounded by the unique creativity often sparked by manic depression is compelling. In the vein of Stuart, A Life Backwards and Augusten Burroughs’ Running with Scissors , David’s poetic ability to detail the unique highs and harrowing lows makes a remarkable and gripping read.
K.V. Dominic Essential Readings
K.V. Dominic Essential Readings
K.V. Dominic
K. V. Dominic Essential Readings gathers for the first time the three most important works of poetry from this shining new light of contemporary Indian verse in English: Winged Reason, Write Son, Write and Multicultural Symphony. A fourth collection of 22 previously unpublished poems round out a complete look at the first 12 years of Dominic's prolific and profound verse. Each poem includes unique Study Guide questions suitable for South Asian studies curricula. Written in free verse, each of his poems makes the reader contemplate on intellectual, philosophical, spiritual, political, and social issues of the present world. Themes range from multiculturalism, environmental issues, social mafia, caste-ism, exploitation of women and children, poverty, and corruption to purely introspective matters. From the observation of neighborhood life to international events, and everyday forgotten tragedies of India, nothing escapes the grasp of Dominic's keen sense of the fragility of life and morality in the modern world. Praise for the verse of K. V. Dominic "K. V. Dominic is one of the most vibrant Indian English poets whose intense passion for the burning social and national ailments makes him a disciple of Ezekielean School of poetry. His poetic passion for the natural beauty keeps him besides the Romanticists." -- Dr. A. K. Choudhary, English poet, critic and editor, Professor of English, Assam, India "K. V. Dominic's poems are important additions to the growing global movement to bring about positive change and equality for all individuals. The injustices he confronts in his poems are the arrows and thorns that pierce his heart every day and the gushing blood that runs through his pen to paper." -- Rob Harle, poet and critic, Nimbin, Australia "K. V. Dominic is a poet of the suffering masses and oppressed sections of the society. He tries to dissect corruption at all levels, political or religious, social or academic and presents it in its true colours with all the ugliness and monstrous greed." --Prof. T. V. Reddy, reputed English poet, writer and critic, Emeritus Professor of English from Andhra Pradesh, India Learn more at www.profKVDominic.com From the World Voices Series at Modern History Press LITERARY COLLECTIONS / Asian / Indic
Philosophical Musings for Meaningful Life:An Analysis of K.V. Dominic's Poems
Philosophical Musings for Meaningful Life:An Analysis of K.V. Dominic's Poems
S. Kumaran
Inside one of Contemporary India's most Influential Poets The twenty-four papers in Philosophical Musings for a Meaningful Life study the poetry collections Winged Reason (2010), Write Son, Write (2011), and Multicultural Symphony (2014), of Dr. K.V. Dominic and reveal his humanistic values and concept of universal brotherhood, his social criticism devoid of absurdity and obscurity, his profound concern for the marginalized sections of society, and his reverence for Nature. All the papers focus on the poet's anguish at the evils and the inhuman attitude prevalent in the society and necessitate harmony of existence. In the context of Indian English poetry, the papers find Dominic to be unique in his use of simple and plain language to address the vast canvass of human life and the neglected segment of human society. Further, the papers bring out how the universal appeal of Dominic lies in his ability to view the world as a sanctuary and acknowledge him as the promising voice of the present century for his belief in the interrelatedness of all lives that ascertains positive change in the individuals. Dr. S. Kumaran, Editor, is working as an Assistant Professor in the Postgraduate & Research Department of English, Thiruvalluvar Government Arts College, Rasipuram. He is Associate Editor of two refereed international biannual journals, Writers Editors Critics (WEC) and International Journal on Multicultural Literature (IJML); and a Member of the Editorial Boards of various journals from India and abroad. "This critical study on the poetry of Dr. K.V. Dominic deserves to be read closely for evaluation and to be on the shelf of every notable library. Philosophical Musings for a Meaningful Life will inspire scholars from the West to find rubies and diamonds in the Indian poetry of today." --Dr. Stephen Gill, Poet Laureate of Ansted University "K.V. Dominic's social consciousness is his chief forte. Not for a moment does he divert attention from the simple and innocent activities of ordinary human beings. From his lyrics originate feelings of eternal sympathy, peace, and fraternal unity." --P.C.K. Prem, critic from Himachal Pradesh, India From the World Voices Series Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com
The Pursuit of Happyness
The Pursuit of Happyness
Gardner, Chris
The astounding yet true rags-to-riches saga of a homeless father who raised and cared for his son on the mean streets of San Francisco and went on to become a crown prince of Wall Street 'At the age of twenty, Milwaukee native Chris Gardner, just out of the Navy, arrived in San Francisco to pursue a promising career in medicine. Considered a prodigy in scientific research, he surprised everyone and himself by setting his sights on the competitive world of high finance. Yet no sooner had he landed an entry-level position at a prestigious firm than Gardner found himself caught in a web of incredibly challenging circumstances that left him as part of the city's working homeless and with a toddler son. Motivated by the promise he made to himself as a fatherless child to never abandon his own children, the two spent almost a year moving among shelters, "HO-tels," soup lines, and even sleeping in the public restroom of a subway station.Never giving in to despair, Gardner made an astonishing transformation from being part of the city's invisible poor to being a powerful player in its financial district. More than a memoir of Gardner's financial success, this is the story of a man who breaks his own family's cycle of men abandoning their children. Mythic, triumphant, and unstintingly honest, The Pursuit of Happyness conjures heroes like Horatio Alger and Antwone Fisher, and appeals to the very essence of the American Dream.
Survival of the Sickest
Survival of the Sickest
Moalem, Sharon
Read it. You're already living it. Was diabetes evolution's response to the last Ice AgeDid a deadly genetic disease help our ancestors survive the bubonic plagues of EuropeWill a visit to the tanning salon help lower your cholesterolWhy do we ageWhy are some people immune to HIVCan your genes be turned on -- or offJoining the ranks of modern myth busters, Dr. Sharon Moalem turns our current understanding of illness on its head and challenges us to fundamentally change the way we think about our bodies, our health, and our relationship to just about every other living thing on earth, from plants and animals to insects and bacteria. Through a fresh and engaging examination of our evolutionary history, Dr. Moalem reveals how many of the conditions that are diseases today actually gave our ancestors a leg up in the survival sweepstakes. When the option is a long life with a disease or a short one without it, evolution opts for disease almost every time. Everything from the climate our ancestors lived in to the crops they planted and ate to their beverage of choice can be seen in our genetic inheritance. But Survival of the Sickest doesn't stop there. It goes on to demonstrate just how little modern medicine really understands about human health, and offers a new way of thinking that can help all of us live longer, healthier lives. Survival of the Sickest is filled with fascinating insights and cutting-edge research, presented in a way that is both accessible and utterly absorbing. This is a book about the interconnectedness of all life on earth -- and, especially, what that means for us.