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本书作为我社“*经典英语文库”第13辑中的一种《共产党宣言》(又译《共产主义宣言》),是马克思和恩格斯为共产主义者同盟起草的纲领,全文贯穿马克思主义的历史观,马克思主义诞生的重要标志。由马克思执笔写成 。1848年2月21日在伦敦*次以单行本问世。2月24日,《共产党宣言》正式出版。宣言*次全面系统阐述科学社会主义理论,指出共产主义运动将成为不可抗拒的历史潮流。2015年11月,被评为*影响力的20本学术书之一。2020年,《共产党宣言》发表172周年,回望《共产党宣言》诞生以来的172年,人类社会见证种种思潮的激荡,经历无尽的风云变幻,始终不变的是对和平幸福美好的追求。
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VIII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VIII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XI) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XI) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951. The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer, and was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(X) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(X) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IX) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IX) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951.
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (II)幽灵人力车(英文版)
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (II)幽灵人力车(英文版)
Rudyard Kipling
The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales, also known as The Phantom 'Rickshaw & other Eerie Tales, is a collection of short stories first published in 1888,by Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 - 18 January 1936) who was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(II) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(II) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
42 stories of this collection was authorized and supervised by William Faulkner who was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer, he came up with the themed section headings. It won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1951.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(I) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(I) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(V) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(V) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. This collection contains 42 stories, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer, and was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (I)幽灵人力车(英文版)
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (I)幽灵人力车(英文版)
Rudyard Kipling
The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales, is a collection of short stories by Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 - 18 January 1936) who was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.
Selected Short Stories(II) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Selected Short Stories(II) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Rabindranath Tagore
In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, and he remains one of the most important voices of Bengali culture to this day. Tagore is first and foremost India's supreme Romantic poet, and in these stories he can be seen reaching beyond mere documentary realism towards his own profoundly original vision. These short stories, written mostly in the 1890s, vividly portray Bengali life and culture.
Selected Short Stories(III) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Selected Short Stories(III) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Rabindranath Tagore
Tagore is often seen as a serious writer, dealing with significant issues concerning religion, politics and culture in his work, he also had a lighter side to his personality, which enabled him to laugh at certain inherent human weaknesses, such as excessive piety, sentimentality, affectedness, arrogance and sexual jealousy, in a comic spirit, rather than being derogatory or sarcastic about them.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IV) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IV) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VI) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VI) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer, and was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished.
Selected Short Stories(VI) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Selected Short Stories(VI) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Rabindranath Tagore
In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, and he remains one of the most important voices of Bengali culture to this day. Tagore is first and foremost India's supreme Romantic poet, and in these stories he can be seen reaching beyond mere documentary realism towards his own profoundly original vision.
Selected Short Stories(IV) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Selected Short Stories(IV) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Rabindranath Tagore
The stories in this selection brilliantly recreate vivid images of Bengali life and landscapes in their depiction of peasantry and gentry, casteism, corrupt officialdom and dehumanizing poverty. Yet Tagore is first and foremost India's supreme Romantic poet, and in these stories he can be seen reaching beyond mere documentary realism towards his own profoundly original vision.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(III) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(III) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.