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The Wealth of Nations国富论 (V)英文版
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.The Wealth of Nations Published in 1778, was the firstbook on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides arecipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since,based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act intheir best interests. It provided the foundation for new economists, politicians, mathematicians, biologists, and thinkers of all fields to build upon.
The Wealth of Nations国富论(IV)英文版
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.The Wealth of Nations Published in 1781, was the firstbook on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides arecipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since,based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act intheir best interests. It provided the foundation for new economists, politicians, mathematicians, biologists, and thinkers of all fields to build upon.
The Wealth of Nations国富论(I)英文版
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.The Wealth of Nations Published in 1778, was the firstbook on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides arecipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since,based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act intheir best interests. It provided the foundation for new economists, politicians, mathematicians, biologists, and thinkers of all fields to build upon.
The Wealth of Nations国富论(III)英文版
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.The Wealth of Nations Published in 1780, was the firstbook on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides arecipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since,based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act intheir best interests. It provided the foundation for new economists, politicians, mathematicians, biologists, and thinkers of all fields to build upon.
The Wealth of Nations国富论(II)英文版
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.The Wealth of Nations Published in 1779, was the firstbook on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides arecipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since,based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act intheir best interests. It provided the foundation for new economists, politicians, mathematicians, biologists, and thinkers of all fields to build upon.
War and Peace(战争与和平)(IV)英文版
War and Peace is considered one of the world’s greatest works of fiction. It is regarded, along with Anna Karenina, as Tolstoy’s finest literary achievement. It is a vast epic centred on Napoleon's war with Russia. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable.While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters. Out of this complex narrative emerges a profound examination of the individual’s place in the historical process, one that makes it clear why Thomas Mann praised Tolstoy for his Homeric powers and placed War and Peace in the same category as the Iliad: “To read him . . . is to find one’ s way home . . . to everything within us that is fundamental and sane.” Epic in scale, War and Peace delineates in graphic detail events leading up to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.
War and Peace(战争与和平)(I)英文版
Often called the greatest novel ever written, War and Peace is at once an epic of the Napoleonic Wars, a philosophical study, and a celebration of the Russian spirit. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable.While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters. Out of this complex narrative emerges a profound examination of the individual’s place in the historical process, one that makes it clear why Thomas Mann praised Tolstoy for his Homeric powers and placed War and Peace in the same category as the Iliad: “To read him . . . is to find one’ s way home . . . to everything within us that is fundamental and sane.”
Anne of Green Gables绿山墙的安妮(II)英文版
《绿山墙的安妮》讲述了小孤女安妮被绿山墙农舍的老兄妹马修和玛丽拉收养并长大成人的故事,是一部暖心甜蜜的少女成长记。 马修和玛丽拉兄妹打算领养一个能帮着干活儿的男孩儿,结果却阴差阳错领来了满头红发、满脸雀斑、心惊胆战的安妮。喋喋不休的“小话唠”在被马修领回来的路上,就征服了这个内向木讷、怕跟女人打交道的未婚老男人,而玛丽拉则是在想送走安妮的路上被她打动的。就这样,年幼就失去双亲、先后在两个寄养家庭充当劳役、又在孤儿院待了四个多月的,非常向往有个能接纳自己的温馨的家的小孤女,在绿山墙农舍住下了…… 现在,让我们登上加拿大的爱德华王子岛,来到岛上的阿冯利村,路过“闪光的小湖”,步上“情人的小径”,经过“柳池”“紫罗兰溪谷”和“白桦小道”,来到窗前长满“白雪皇后”的绿山墙农舍,去认识这个叫安妮的红发小姑娘吧!
The Mysterious Island神秘岛(II)(英文版)
With little more than courage and ingenuity, five Union prisoners escaped the siege of Richmond-by hot-air balloon. They have no idea if they’ll ever see civilization again-especially when they’re swept off by a raging storm to the shores of an uncharted island.
Resurrection 复活(I)英文版
《复活》是列夫·托尔斯泰的末一部长篇小说,以“复活”为主旨,描写了涅赫留多夫和玛斯洛娃的精神和道德复活的过程。 女主人公玛斯洛娃,原是一个农奴的私生女。十六岁时,天真、善良的她真诚地爱上涅赫留多夫,却被这个贵族少爷抛弃了。怀着孕的玛斯洛娃被赶出家门,几经辗转,沦为妓女。但不幸并没有就此停下脚步,她被指控谋财害命而受到审判。 作为陪审员的涅赫留多夫在法庭认出了玛斯洛娃,良心受到了了深深的谴责,于是千方百计解救玛斯洛娃,请求同他结婚。解救失败,为了赎罪,他决定陪玛斯洛娃一起流放西伯利亚。玛斯洛娃终于被感动了,但为了不影响他的名誉和地位,没有和他结婚,而同一个政治犯西蒙斯结为伉俪。