

每满80减40 经典英文枕边书:每天读点英文小故事
每满80减40 彩图实境英语:职场生活
(英) 劳拉·费尔普斯,寂天语言工作室
空有一堆单词,与外国人沟通时什么都说不出来怎么办?自己说的中式英语,外国人听不懂怎么办?马上要出国,日常表达都不会怎么办?没关系,《彩图实境英语口语》一书可以助您解决上述难题。 《彩图实境英语口语》一书从图解单词入手,让您对单词之间的细微差别一目了然;接着,通过对话练习和生活实用句,让您知晓特定场合下可以使用的多种地道表达。
每满80减40 超实用英语口语:交通出行篇
本书讲解交通出行时的场景,此情景分为三步来讲解:Step 1——*备词汇记起来,给出该情景下的高频词汇,帮助读者筑牢词汇基础;Step 2——实用句子记起来,给出当前情景常用的实用句子,帮助读者积累常用句子,任何情景都有话可说;Step 3——情景对话练起来,基于Step 2的实用句子编写了真实对话,内容有趣、语言地道,教你学以致用,同时熏陶语感!针对“情景对话”部分,本书还补充了“生词小注”模块和“文化小站”模块,帮助读者减轻难词负担,积累地道表达,理解文化知识。
每满80减40 一本书读懂消失的文明
  《一本书读懂消失的文明(英汉对照)》主要内容包括世界上已经消失的14大古代文明,它们是古希腊文明、古罗马文明、古埃及文明、古巴比伦文明、古印度文明、奥尔梅克文明、印加文明、玛雅文明、阿兹特克文明、吴哥文明、波斯波利斯文明、蒲甘文明、楼兰古国文明。曾经的它们抑或奇特璀璨,抑或神奇飘渺,抑或深蕴着乡土文化,抑或笼罩着城市风采,这些早已逝去的文明却留下了醉人的印记,带领着我们走进古老神秘的文明探索之旅。 ?
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第1卷:富兰克林自传(英文原版)
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第41卷:英文诗集(卷II):从科林斯到费兹杰拉德(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 休闲娱乐:思维短路——英文笑话集
劲爆的英文幽默集萃,它提供贴心的服务,能随时带给你快乐,它是好的药,能治愈忧郁;它是多情的伴侣,能让你感受不到寂寞。 能讲笑话的人,都是智慧之人;会听笑话的人,都是快乐的人。时不时地幽默一下,人生增加了许多谐趣。本书为渴望拥有阳光心情者选取当下流行的搞笑幽默短篇,涉及名人对话、人生感悟、青春、 爱情、职场江湖和创意思维等等方面,坚持有趣,有启发,经典原则,让人笑不完乐不够。 本书双语幽默还能让你在旅行、小憩、度假时掌握更多劲爆笑料,是朋友间好的料理,是职场上润滑的良剂。
每满80减40 休闲娱乐:浪漫满怀——英文笑话集
劲爆的英文幽默集萃,它提供贴心的服务,能随时带给你快乐,它是好的药,能治愈忧郁;它是多情的伴侣,能让你感受不到寂寞。 能讲笑话的人,都是智慧之人;会听笑话的人,都是快乐的人。时不时地幽默一下,人生增加了许多谐趣。本书为渴望拥有阳光心情者选取当下流行的搞笑幽默短篇,涉及名人对话、人生感悟、青春、 爱情、职场江湖和创意思维等等方面,坚持有趣,有启发,经典原则,让人笑不完乐不够。 本书双语幽默还能让你在旅行、小憩、度假时掌握更多劲爆笑料,是朋友间好的料理,是职场上润滑的良剂。
每满80减40 波利安娜:POLLYANNA(英文版)
   Pollyanna is a best-selling novel by Eleanor H. Porter that is now considered a classic of children’s literature. It tells a fascinating story of 11-year-old orphan girl who faces every challenge of life by playing the “Glad Game” that she has learnt from her father. The story begins when Pollyanna, after the death of her parents, is sent by the charitable organisation, Ladies Aid, to live with her mother’s real sister and her only relative, Aunt Polly.    Aunt Polly is a wealthy and stern lady who lives all by herself with just a nanny, Nancy and a gardener, Tom. Initially, she is not very happy with the news that Pollyanna would be staying with her. But then she thinks that it is her “duty” to help her dead sister’s child, and she is determined to always do her “duty”. She has never met Pollyanna and is therefore not in the least bit prepared for this child who is unlike any child before or since. Pollyanna, on the other hand, is glad to stay with Aunt Polly as she is the only person she has as her family …    Pollyanna is an inspiring and delightful classic story for people of all ages. It teaches a reader to look at life in a positive way, and never give up. Pollyanna has been adapted for film several times. The best known is Disney’s 1960 version starring child actress Hayley Mills, who won a special Oscar for the role.
每满80减40 彩图实境英语:社交生活
(英) 劳拉·费尔普斯,寂天语言工作室
空有一堆单词,与外国人沟通时什么都说不出来怎么办?自己说的中式英语,外国人听不懂怎么办?马上要出国,日常表达都不会怎么办?没关系,《彩图实境英语口语》一书可以助您解决上述难题。 《彩图实境英语口语》一书从图解单词入手,让您对单词之间的细微差别一目了然;接着,通过对话练习和生活实用句,让您知晓特定场合下可以使用的多种地道表达。
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第46卷:伊利莎白时期戏剧(卷I)(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第47卷:伊利莎白时期戏剧(卷II)(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第48卷:帕斯卡文集(英文原版)
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第5卷:爱默生文集(英文原版)
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第2卷:柏拉图对话录:辩解篇、菲多篇、克利多篇(英文原版)
(希腊)柏拉图,(希腊) 爱比克泰德,(罗马) 马库思·奥勒留
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第34卷:法国和英国著名哲学家(英文原版)
★笛卡尔《方法论》   笛卡尔重要的作品,欧陆理性主义哲学的奠基之作。 ★伏尔泰《英国书信集》   伏尔泰在向法国读者介绍培根、洛克和牛顿的思想的同时,表述了自己的哲学思想,是伏尔泰重要的哲学作品。 ★卢梭《论人类的不平等》与《一个萨瓦省牧师的信仰告白》   ☆《论人类的不平等》   论述了人类不平等的起源,对心灵进行了真切、坦率的拷问和解剖。   ☆《一个萨瓦省牧师的信仰告白》   选自卢梭的名著《爱弥儿》,卢梭的全部宗教思想和哲学观尽在于此。 ★托马斯霍布斯《利维坦》的部分《论人类》   体系完备、内容翔实、论证严密,对西方自由主义思想产生了广泛和深远的影响,被誉为可与亚里士多德的《政治学》相媲美。
每满80减40 休闲娱乐:极品醉爱——英文笑话集
劲爆的英文幽默集萃,它提供贴心的服务,能随时带给你快乐,它是好的药,能治愈忧郁;它是多情的伴侣,能让你感受不到寂寞。 能讲笑话的人,都是智慧之人;会听笑话的人,都是快乐的人。时不时地幽默一下,人生增加了许多谐趣。本书为渴望拥有阳光心情者选取当下流行的搞笑幽默短篇,涉及名人对话、人生感悟、青春、 爱情、职场江湖和创意思维等等方面,坚持有趣,有启发,经典原则,让人笑不完乐不够。 本书双语幽默还能让你在旅行、小憩、度假时掌握更多劲爆笑料,是朋友间好的料理,是职场上润滑的良剂。
每满80减40 休闲娱乐:神级回复——英文笑话集
劲爆的英文幽默集萃,它提供贴心的服务,能随时带给你快乐,它是好的药,能治愈忧郁;它是多情的伴侣,能让你感受不到寂寞。 能讲笑话的人,都是智慧之人;会听笑话的人,都是快乐的人。时不时地幽默一下,人生增加了许多谐趣。本书为渴望拥有阳光心情者选取当下流行的搞笑幽默短篇,涉及名人对话、人生感悟、青春、 爱情、职场江湖和创意思维等等方面,坚持有趣,有启发,经典原则,让人笑不完乐不够。 本书双语幽默还能让你在旅行、小憩、度假时掌握更多劲爆笑料,是朋友间好的料理,是职场上润滑的良剂。
每满80减40 休闲娱乐:总统比逗——英文笑话集
劲爆的英文幽默集萃,它提供贴心的服务,能随时带给你快乐,它是好的药,能治愈忧郁;它是多情的伴侣,能让你感受不到寂寞。 能讲笑话的人,都是智慧之人;会听笑话的人,都是快乐的人。时不时地幽默一下,人生增加了许多谐趣。本书为渴望拥有阳光心情者选取当下流行的搞笑幽默短篇,涉及名人对话、人生感悟、青春、 爱情、职场江湖和创意思维等等方面,坚持有趣,有启发,经典原则,让人笑不完乐不够。 本书双语幽默还能让你在旅行、小憩、度假时掌握更多劲爆笑料,是朋友间好的料理,是职场上润滑的良剂。
每满80减40 水孩子:THE WATER-BABIES(英文原版)
《水孩子》为英国十九世纪著名作家查尔斯·金斯利的一部儿童文学经典名著,亦为其儿童文学创作的代表作。《水孩子》书中从头到尾充满着春风般轻快的情调。作者始终感觉在为自己的孩子写书,语调轻松而幽默,读来亲切。另外,由于金斯利平时爱好自然,同时也是个博物学家,所以《水孩子》中关于自然界的描写都极其真实而生动。可以说,《水孩子》这是一本根据19世纪中叶的科学成就写成的童话。《水孩子》中有不少讽喻和劝诫的成分,但那些劝诫寓于故事中,幽默风趣,寄托了作者对所有孩子的希望。 《水孩子》为英文原版,同时提供配套朗读免费下载,扫描图书封底二维码即可直接进入收听页面。让读者在阅读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英文阅读水平。 The Water-Babies is a novel published in 1863 by English author and reverend Charles Kingsley. This novel is his most famous work and it is a children’s fable, a moral story and a response to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. The book is also a satire of Victorian England and the issues of child labour and poverty at that time. The Water-Babies is the story of Tom the chimney sweep who falls underwater and becomes a water baby. Tom has many adventures and meets other water babies while he undergoes a moral evolution and, eventually, travels to the end of the world. The Water-Babies is a classic of British children’s literature, and it influenced legal reform to limit child labour in England throughout the 1860s and 1870s. It has been said that the book influenced Lewis Carroll’s writing of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, which was published two years after The Water-Babies . The book’s popularity has endured and it has been adapted into a musical, a play, a radio series on BBC and an animated film. The novel remains a classic tale of moral redemption that teaches children across the world the golden rule: to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
每满80减40 百年哈佛经典第4卷:约翰·米尔顿英文诗全集(英文原版)