The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
《一本书读懂消失的文明(英汉对照)》主要内容包括世界上已经消失的14大古代文明,它们是古希腊文明、古罗马文明、古埃及文明、古巴比伦文明、古印度文明、奥尔梅克文明、印加文明、玛雅文明、阿兹特克文明、吴哥文明、波斯波利斯文明、蒲甘文明、楼兰古国文明。曾经的它们抑或奇特璀璨,抑或神奇飘渺,抑或深蕴着乡土文化,抑或笼罩着城市风采,这些早已逝去的文明却留下了醉人的印记,带领着我们走进古老神秘的文明探索之旅。 ?
空有一堆单词,与外国人沟通时什么都说不出来怎么办?自己说的中式英语,外国人听不懂怎么办?马上要出国,日常表达都不会怎么办?没关系,《彩图实境英语口语》一书可以助您解决上述难题。 《彩图实境英语口语》一书从图解单词入手,让您对单词之间的细微差别一目了然;接着,通过对话练习和生活实用句,让您知晓特定场合下可以使用的多种地道表达。
空有一堆单词,与外国人沟通时什么都说不出来怎么办?自己说的中式英语,外国人听不懂怎么办?马上要出国,日常表达都不会怎么办?没关系,《彩图实境英语口语》一书可以助您解决上述难题。 《彩图实境英语口语》一书从图解单词入手,让您对单词之间的细微差别一目了然;接着,通过对话练习和生活实用句,让您知晓特定场合下可以使用的多种地道表达。
《埃及记》希腊史学史上部堪称为历史的著作,为西方历史编纂学“开辟了一个新时代”。 《德国记》现存的有关古代日耳曼人的社会组织、经济生活、风俗习惯以及宗教信仰的早的、也是详细和完备的记载文献。 《法兰西斯·德瑞克爵士的复起》记录了德瑞克爵士在1572年组织的一次探险航行,这次航海使德瑞克成为英国的英雄,受到了女王的表彰。 《法兰西斯·德瑞克爵士的著名环球旅行》记录了德瑞克爵士的第三次探险航行,这次航行是继麦哲伦之后的第二次环球航行。 《德瑞克的伟大舰队》记录了1585年德瑞克爵士在西印度群岛的探海航行。 《汉弗莱·吉尔伯特爵士的纽芬兰之行》记录了汉弗莱·吉尔伯特爵士在1583年的远航,这次远航使纽芬兰成为了英国的殖民地。《发现圭亚那》记录了罗利在南美洲的探险。
本书讲解生病就医及公共服务所需英语口语,此情景分为三步来讲解:Step 1——*备词汇记起来,给出该情景下的高频词汇,帮助读者筑牢词汇基础;Step 2——实用句子记起来,给出当前情景常用的实用句子,帮助读者积累常用句子,任何情景都有话可说;Step 3——情景对话练起来,基于Step 2的实用句子编写了真实对话,内容有趣、语言地道,教你学以致用,同时熏陶语感!针对“情景对话”部分,本书还补充了“生词小注”模块和“文化小站”模块,帮助读者减轻难词负担,积累地道表达,理解文化知识。
本书讲解休闲娱乐所需英语口语,此情景分为三步来讲解:Step 1——*备词汇记起来,给出该情景下的高频词汇,帮助读者筑牢词汇基础;Step 2——实用句子记起来,给出当前情景常用的实用句子,帮助读者积累常用句子,任何情景都有话可说;Step 3——情景对话练起来,基于Step 2的实用句子编写了真实对话,内容有趣、语言地道,教你学以致用,同时熏陶语感!针对“情景对话”部分,本书还补充了“生词小注”模块和“文化小站”模块,帮助读者减轻难词负担,积累地道表达,理解文化知识。
★笛卡尔《方法论》 笛卡尔重要的作品,欧陆理性主义哲学的奠基之作。 ★伏尔泰《英国书信集》 伏尔泰在向法国读者介绍培根、洛克和牛顿的思想的同时,表述了自己的哲学思想,是伏尔泰重要的哲学作品。 ★卢梭《论人类的不平等》与《一个萨瓦省牧师的信仰告白》 ☆《论人类的不平等》 论述了人类不平等的起源,对心灵进行了真切、坦率的拷问和解剖。 ☆《一个萨瓦省牧师的信仰告白》 选自卢梭的名著《爱弥儿》,卢梭的全部宗教思想和哲学观尽在于此。 ★托马斯霍布斯《利维坦》的部分《论人类》 体系完备、内容翔实、论证严密,对西方自由主义思想产生了广泛和深远的影响,被誉为可与亚里士多德的《政治学》相媲美。
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
The Success of Cervantes's masterpiece,Don Quixote,was great and immediate,and its reputation soon spread beyond Spain,The Present volume contains the whole of the first part of the novel,which is complete in istelf,The importance of this great of novel is not merely,or mainly,that it put an end to the extravagant and outworn form of fiction,Loose in structure and uneven in workmanship,it remains unsurpassed as a masterpiece of droll humor,a picutue of Spanish life,as well as a gallery of immortal portraits.It is true of the life of the country of all great art,the successful combination of the partiular and the universal,It is true of the country and age of its production,and general human nature everywhere and always.compared with other the fiction of the Middle Ages,it is a triumphant satire,and compared with modern novels,it is the first and the most widely enjoned,As pertinent today as when it was first written,Don Quizote ranks among the great works of all time.
本书讲解学习工作所需英语口语,此情景分为三步来讲解:Step 1——*备词汇记起来,给出该情景下的高频词汇,帮助读者筑牢词汇基础;Step 2——实用句子记起来,给出当前情景常用的实用句子,帮助读者积累常用句子,任何情景都有话可说;Step 3——情景对话练起来,基于Step 2的实用句子编写了真实对话,内容有趣、语言地道,教你学以致用,同时熏陶语感!针对“情景对话”部分,本书还补充了“生词小注”模块和“文化小站”模块,帮助读者减轻难词负担,积累地道表达,理解文化知识。
《快乐王子》是英国作家奥斯卡·王尔德创作的童话集,王尔德采用童话的体裁形式,以童话为“面具”,对现实社会的丑恶与冷酷行揭露和抨。这是其童话*主要的特,也是其童话的重要价值。 《快乐王子》语言清新优美,诗意浓郁,是世界童话中的上乘之作。王尔德早期创作的《快乐王子故事集》和《石榴之家》已载英国儿童文学史册。《快乐王子》涵盖了两本童话集的所有内容:《快乐王子》,《夜莺与玫瑰》,《自私的巨人》,《忠实的朋友》,《了不起的火箭》等9篇经典童话。 The Happy Prince and Other Tales is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde first published in May 1888. It contains nine stories: “Happy Prince”, “ Nightingale and the Rose”, “Selfish Giant”, “ Devoted Friend”, and “Remarkable Rocket”, e In a town where a lot of poor people suffer and where there are a lot of miseries, a swallow who was left behind after his flock flew off to Egypt for the winter, meets the statue of the late “Happy Prince,” who in reality has never experienced true sorrow, for he lived in a palace where sorrow was not allowed to enter. Viewing various scenes of people suffering in poverty from his tall monument, the Happy Prince asks the swallow to take the ruby from his hilt, the sapphires from his eyes, and the golden leaf covering his body to give to the poor. As the winter comes and the Happy Prince is stripped of all of his beauty, his lead heart breaks when the swallow dies as a result of his selfless deeds and severe cold. The statue is then brought down from the pillar and melted in a furnace leaving behind the broken heart and the dead swallow, and they are thrown in a dust heap. These are taken up to heaven by an angel that has deemed them the two most precious things in the city...