

Desire Paths: Real Walks to Nonreal Places
Desire Paths: Real Walks to Nonreal Places
Roy Bayfield
Unpromisingly – for a walking book –? Desire Paths ?begins on a hospital gurney as the author prepares for open heart surgery. Thereafter, it dances back and forth in place and time between an array of obscurely connected walks that Roy has undertaken over the years.? Among the book’s many characters and diversions are Wetherspoons, Capt. Picard, the Navy Cut sailor, the buried ‘Spirit of Brighton’, Wendy Craig, Harrods, Buddhism’s Six Realms of Desire, ‘Things to Do...’ tourist brochures, Argleton redux, the abyss, strip-lynchets, punk residues, Milton Keynes, multiple identities and an inkling of what the future may hold for thoughtful walkers. Each chapter starts with a quote from Phil Smith's?Mythogeography, specifically from the ‘Legend’ given in that book – ‘legend’ as in a set of definitions of symbols used on maps to define landscape features. Roy uses these symbols to organise the book.? The main body of each chapter is an account of a walking journey he has done. These are not chronological: structuring the book around the mythogeography Legend has (dis)organised the walks into a sequence that wanders in and out of time.? Towards the end of each chapter, Roy reflects on a Landscape Feature that corresponds to the Legend – exploring the workability (or playability) of mythogeographical concepts and illustrating how they have manifested in his own walking.? Finally, the? Jump Over the Back Fence ?notes ?in each chapter suggest further actual walks which readers could make.?
Ghidul complet al plantelor medicinale ?i al bolilor pe care le vindec?
Ghidul complet al plantelor medicinale ?i al bolilor pe care le vindec?
David Hoffmann
Editura Corint Junior aduce in aceasta toamna un alt titlu de succes al scriitoarei Gwyneth Rees – Surori in luna de miere. Dusmanie la catarama. Prietenie la cutite, o fictiune pentru copii si adolescenti, peste 8 ani. Din familia lui Poppy au facut parte intotdeauna si un fratior vitreg sau o surioara vitrega. Dar cand mama ei anunta ca un nou copil adoptat urma sa li se alature, Poppy nu se astepta sa fie chiar Sadie Show. Sadie e tare ca piatra, rece ca gheata, mai dura ca o tigroaica – si este fata nou venita in clasa lui Poppy. Niciodata nu fusesera vazute impreuna in public. Acum trebuie sa imparta aceeasi baie. Cum de mama se lasa pacalita de linguselile lui Sadie, cand Poppy stie prea bine cum este ea in realitate? O carte care va tine cu sufletul la gura si in care aventurile celor doua surori iau tot felul de intorsaturi.?
1000 Drawings of Genius
1000 Drawings of Genius
Charles, Victoria;Carl, Klaus
Long thought of as the neglected stepchild of painting, the art of drawing has recently begun to enjoy a place in the sun. With major museums around the world, from the Met to the Uffizi, mounting exhibitions focused on the art of draughtsmanship, drawing is receiving more critical and academic attention than ever before. This captivating text gives readers a sweeping analysis of the history of drawing, from Renaissance greats like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, to Modernist masters like M.C. Escher, Pablo Picasso, and everyone in between.
1000 Paintings of Genius
1000 Paintings of Genius
Charles, Victoria;Manca, Joseph;McShane, Megan
从早期文艺复兴到巴洛克,再到浪漫主义、立体主义、超现实主义和流行绘画,这些标准的方艺术跨越了八个世纪,探索了众多的主题。在这里,有神圣的和诽谤的,有抽象的和丰富的,也有开天辟地的和因循守旧的。这些绘画作品抓住了时代的脉搏,吹响了新时代的号角。有的艺术作品一经问世便获得认可,还有一些则被拒之门外。 无论艺术的概念如何改变,无论艺术究竟在多大程度上照射现实,也无论艺术能如何改变现实,所有的这些作品都经历了时间的考验,并以独特的方式宣示着其伟大之处。总而言之,这些伟大的作品照亮了我们的先人变换的聚焦点和视线,也让我们停下来思考我们时代的哪些作品能够终成为标准。
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh
van Gogh, Vincent;Charles, Victoria
1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art
1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art
Charles, Victoria
From ancient Sumerian pottery to Tiffany stained glass, decorative art has been a fundamental part of the human experience for generations. While fine art is confined to galleries and museums, decorative art is the art of the every day, combining beauty with functionality in objects ranging from the prosaic to the fantastical. In this work, Albert Jacquemart celebrates the beauty and artistic potential behind even the most quotidian object. Readers will walk away from this text with a newfound appreciation for the subtle artistry of the manufactured world.
de Goncourt, Edmond
Art in Europe
Art in Europe
Charles, Victoria
The European continent gathers together, without a doubt, the most famous works of art, evidence of the history of Western art. The cultural capitals and their emblematic museums contain paintings, sculptures, or rather works of art, devised by the great artists, representative of European culture. From Madrid to London, passing through Prague, the major works of the old continent are presented here. Thanks to detailed information about the museums and their collections, you, too, can explore and discover Europe’s fascinating cultural heritage.
F?nt?na ?n?l??rii. Volumul al doilea din seria N?scu?i ?n cea??
F?nt?na ?n?l??rii. Volumul al doilea din seria N?scu?i ?n cea??
Brandon Sanderson
Al doilea volum din seria N?scu?i din cea?? Imposibilul a fost atins. Lordul Legiuitor – care se pretindea nemuritor ?i conducea lumea cu brutalitate de o mie de ani – a pierit. Elend Venture, noul conduc?tor al lui Luthandel, ?ncearc? s?-?i men?in? puterea, ?n timp ce aristocra?ii ?i negu??torii murmur? nemul?umi?i ?i dou? armate inamice apar la por?ile ora?ului. C?nd asediul lui Luthandel se ?n?spre?te, o legend? str?veche pare s? ofere o sclipire de speran??. Dar chiar dac? F?nt?na ?n?l??rii ar exista cu adev?rat, nimeni nu ?tie unde s-o caute ?i nici ce puteri confer?. Din fericire, Elend se poate bizui pe ajutorul iubitei sale, Allomanta Vin, asasina neoficial? a Cur?ii. ?Ac?iunea exploziv? pe care ?i-o doresc to?i iubitorii de aventuri.“
Responsibility and Public Services
Responsibility and Public Services
Richard Davis
In this important book, Richard Davis looks at the issue of ‘responsibility’ in public services – on both the government’s part and that of the users. While government wrestles with how to cut the cost of services, Davis shows that government can provide responsible, sustainable and effective services significantly more cheaply by focusing on what is of ‘value’ to individuals and communities. What is of ‘value’ can only be determined by fully understanding the context in which problems arise and then providing tailored support to get people’s lives back on track and as quickly as possible. The emphasis needs to change, Davis shows, from supplying services (chosen in advance by government regardless of actual need) to helping people to look after themselves and take responsibility for their own lives. It’s a simple logic. The current system defines problems according to predetermined services and categories. But there are many people who never fit into the categories the system has allocated and constantly fall between the cracks and remain in trouble ?- so the wider system continues to have to give them emergency help because the principle services are ineffective. This racks up further costs. Responsibility and Public Services ?shows that it is cheaper to offer people tailored services that meet their needs than to continue providing 'off-the-shelf' services that don't meet their needs. The thinking is that if a little time is taken to understand people in context and to find out what matters to them, the solutions are far easier and cheaper. And, because you build in resilience and help people take their own measures, it stays cheaper.
Hotul de oglinzi
Hotul de oglinzi
Martin Seay
Primul roman distins cu Michael L. Printz AwardFinalist la National Book AwardALA Best BookNew York Times NotablePublishers Weekly Best BookMonstrul" – aa l numete procurorul pe Steve Harmon, un adolescent n vrst de 16 ani, acuzat c a fost complice la un jaf ntr-o drogherie, soldat cu omor deosebit de grav.Dar oare a fost Steve cu adevrat cel care le-a dat cale liber fptailor sau pur i simplu s-a aflat n locul nepotrivit la momentul nepotrivitn timp ce ateapt n sala de judecat, Steve, care viseaz s ajung regizor, imagineaz evenimentele sub forma unui scenariu de film, presrat cu nsemnri de jurnal. Astfel, cititorul devine att jurat, ct i martor n procesul care va decide soarta adolescentului.Romanul inovator al luiWalter Dean Myersarat cum o singur decizie ne poate schimba viaa pentru totdeauna."Myersdescrie cum drumul de la inocen la vinovie se face cu pai mici, aproape invizibili, fiecare implicnd o experien n care o decizie moral n-a fost luat." -Kirkus Reviews"Suspansul i tensiunea rmn foarte intense pn la final, cnd aflm dac juriul l va gsi pe Steve vinovat sau nu de crima pentru care este acuzat." -School Library Journal"Myersdescrie magistral multiplele faete ale personajului, iar cititorii vor simi att compasiune, ct i antipatie fa de Steve. Dar n cele din urm, acesta i va regsi umanitatea i un sim al moralei pe care l pierduse." -NewYorkPublicLibrary
Roman rusesc
Roman rusesc
Shalev Meir
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."So begins Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's witty comedy of manners--one of the most popular novels of all time--that features splendidly civilized sparring between the proud Mr. Darcy and the prejudiced Elizabeth Bennet as they play out their spirited courtship in a series of eighteenth-century drawing-room intrigues.
Dumitru ?epeneag. Originalul onirograf
Dumitru ?epeneag. Originalul onirograf
Buciu Marian Victor
O iubire ne?mp?rt??it?, o suferin?? ascuns? ?i o vindecare prin lectura ?i explorare interioar?. Jam Gallahue simte primii fiori de iubire pentru Reeve Maxfield, un englez venit s? studieze pentru un semestru ?n America. Din p?cate, rela?ia lor este curmat? brusc, iar Jam nu-?i mai poate reveni ?i ajunge la o ?coal? cu internat pentru adolescen?i ?fragili emo?ional ?i foarte inteligen?i“. Aici, profesoara de literatur? ?i ?ndeamn? s? citeasc? romanul Clopotul de sticl? de Sylvia Plath ?i le d?ruie?te c?te un jurnal, ?n care s? ??i noteze g?ndurile. Inexplicabil, fiecare deschidere a jurnalului ?nseamn? intrarea ?ntr-o lume suprarealist?, ?n care traumele care i-au marcat ?nc? nu s-au petrecut ?i totul este bine. Belzhar este numele pe care-l dau acestei lumi.“Belzhar este un roman original, care te marcheaz?.“ – Publishers WeeklyO explorare a min?ii umane care te ?ine cu sufletul la gur? – personajele adolescente ale lui Meg Wolitzer sunt pline de via??, cu emo?ii reale ?i pove?ti interesante. – Kirkus review
桥连接两个世界,是两个分离而不同的地点之间的张力。桥梁自由自在,不属于两边任何地区,矗立与风景之上,蔑视着自然百态。桥的存在蕴含着人类的意志,要在人与人之间,地与地之间建立起必要的联系。 桥是进步和创新的象征,无名地展示着新技艺的优势与持久性,也越来越轻,越来越流动,不断地藐视国家*的科技。作为真正的美学创造,今天的桥梁已经不仅仅是精湛的工程的体现,同样也是惊人的艺术作品。这本书中那些宏伟的照片将带领读者重新发现这些当代的雕塑。
Cultivating Flows: How Ideas Become Thriving Organizations
Cultivating Flows: How Ideas Become Thriving Organizations
Jean Russell, Herman Wagter
The Internet has transformed the way we live and work – by unleashing the power of shared ideas, the power of instant communication, the power of cooperation while being separated by time and distance. If the old ideaof an organisation as a static machine, run hierarchically and designed for predictability, ever worked - it doesn't work now. Now that the brakes are off, we see torrents flow: vast flows of data, information, and knowledge; flows of influence and innovation; flows of ideas and people… once you notice them, it’s increasingly clear that “forms and flows” of ideas and information overwhelm the “structures and processes” we were once comfortable with. The force of shared ideas and information is clear: they shape how we organize ourselves. The challenge is to guide this force, to cultivate valuable flows, to nurture shared ideas into thriving organizations, to develop concepts and language to methodically approach this challenge. Countless business start-ups, hybrid organizations and even conventional companies are frantically learning how to work with flows – there is no guidebook. Which is why Jean Russell and Herman Wagter, both long active in this field, set out to interview business pioneers and founders, researchers, practitioners, investors and others with experience of how flows work and how to shape them. In Cultivating Flows (not‘Managing Flows’!) they pull together that experience, and their own, to explain how flows work and how best to work with them. They take us through key stages of development like Reframing, Navigating, Operationalizing and Iterating. They introduce us to key concepts like Emergent, Networked, Event-Driven (ENE) efforts; Social Technology, Social Protocols, and Social Organisms; Process Hierarchies; and Coherence They offer us a dozen, detailed Use-Cases of social flows in action. And behind it all they’re building a unique resource of interviews, articles, case studies and experience in awebsitethat supports this book. For anyone seeking to start, join, reimagine, reshape, update, or “run” an organization or a movement in this exciting new world, Cultivating Flows is a kind of gardener’s manual, an indispensable resource and an inspiration.
Saga Favoritelor
Saga Favoritelor
Jean des Cars
Un roman din seria Inspectorul Gamache?“O viziune luminoas? asupra ?ncrederii ?i prieteniei, care ?i va ?nc?nta pe cititori.” - Kirkus ReviewCr?ciunul se apropie ?n Québec, este vremea ninsorilor de poveste, a luminilor feerice ?i a reuniunilor ?n jurul ?emineului. Nu ?i pentru inspectorul-?ef Armand Gamache. Mul?i dintre colegii de la Omucideri au plecat, vechiul lui prieten ?i locotenent Jean-Guy Beauvoir nu i-a mai vorbit de luni ?ntregi ?i for?e ostile se aliaz? ?mpotriva sa. C?nd prime?te de la Myrna Landers un mesaj despre dispari?ia unei vechi prietene care n-a mai ajuns ?n Three Pines pentru Cr?ciun, vede ocazia perfect? de a pleca din ora?. Intrigat de refuzul Myrnei de a dezv?lui numele prietenei sale, va descoperi c? femeia disp?rut? a fost c?ndva faimoas? ?n toat? lumea ?i acum aproape c? n-o mai remarc? nimeni, ?n afar? de geniul nebun al poeziei, Ruth Zardo.?Gamache este din ce ?n ce mai atras de lumea din Three Pines. Nu doar c? investigheaz? dispari?ia prietenei Myrnei, dar caut? ?i un loc sigur pentru sine ?i colegii care-i mai sunt ?nc? loiali.?Ce pre? va pl?ti Gamache pentru pacea mult dorit??“Extraordinar?.?Penny?a scris un magnific roman mystery care va impresiona nu doar mintea, ci ?i inima ?i sufletul cititorului.” - The Washington Post“O poveste despre crim? (contra naturii ?i regulilor sociale), corup?ie (personal? ?i politic?) ?i asasinat (real ?i metafizic). Speran?? ?i team?, bine ?i r?u, prietenie ?i tr?dare, iubire ?i ur?, inocen?? ?i corup?ie:?Penny?exploreaz? antagonismele care se g?sesc ?n fiecare dintre noi, dar ?i nevoia acestor conflicte, care ne creeaz? rezilien?a. Romanul despre moarte ?i degradare devine o carte despre via??: orice lucru stricat are o fisur?, pe acolo vine lumina.” - Huffington Post“Personajele complexe… intriga subtil construit?… magistral?… se demonteaz? cu delicate?e ?i inteligen??. ?nc? o dat?,?Penny?pune ?n echilibru, ?n mod impresionant, curajul personal ?i credin?a cu alegeri sf??ietoare ?i monstruozitatea diabolic?.” - Publishers Weekly Locul de unde vine lumina?a fost cartea anului 2013 ?n Washington Post, The Globe & Mail, Publishers Weekly, Goodreads ?i bestseller Barnes and Noble ?i amazon.com, fiind nominalizat? la premiul Gold Dagger pentru cel mai bun roman crime din Marea Britanie.?De aceea?i autoare, la Editura Trei a ap?rut?Lungul drum spre cas?. Un roman din seria Inspectorul Gamache?“O viziune luminoas? asupra ?ncrederii ?i prieteniei, care ?i va ?nc?nta pe cititori.” - Kirkus ReviewCr?ciunul se apropie ?n Québec, este vremea ninsorilor de poveste, a luminilor feerice ?i a reuniunilor ?n jurul ?emineului. Nu ?i pentru inspectorul-?ef Armand Gamache. Mul?i dintre colegii de la Omucideri au plecat, vechiul lui prieten ?i locotenent Jean-Guy Beauvoir nu i-a mai vorbit de luni ?ntregi ?i for?e ostile se aliaz? ?mpotriva sa. C?nd prime?te de la Myrna Landers un mesaj despre dispari?ia unei vechi prietene care n-a mai ajuns ?n Three Pines pentru Cr?ciun, vede ocazia perfect? de a pleca din ora?. Intrigat de refuzul Myrnei de a dezv?lui numele prietenei sale, va descoperi c? femeia disp?rut? a fost c?ndva faimoas? ?n toat? lumea ?i acum aproape c? n-o mai remarc? nimeni, ?n afar? de geniul nebun al poeziei, Ruth Zardo.?Gamache este din ce ?n ce mai atras de lumea din Three Pines. Nu doar c? investigheaz? dispari?ia prietenei Myrnei, dar caut? ?i un loc sigur pentru sine ?i colegii care-i mai sunt ?nc? loiali.?Ce pre? va pl?ti Gamache pentru pacea mult dorit??“Extraordinar?.?Penny?a scris un magnific roman mystery care va impresiona nu doar mintea, ci ?i inima ?i sufletul cititorului.” - The Washington Post“O poveste despre crim? (contra naturii ?i regulilor sociale), corup?ie (personal? ?i politic?) ?i asasinat (real ?i metafizic). Speran?? ?i team?, bine ?i r?u, prietenie ?i tr?dare, iubire ?i ur?, inocen?? ?i corup?ie:?Penny?exploreaz? antagonismele care se g?sesc ?n fiecare dintre noi, dar ?i nevoia acestor conflicte, care ne creeaz? rezilien?a. Romanul despre moarte ?i degradare devine o carte despre via??: orice lucru stricat are o fisur?, pe acolo vine lumina.” - Huffington Post“Personajele complexe… intriga subtil construit?… magistral?… se demonteaz? cu delicate?e ?i inteligen??. ?nc? o dat?,?Penny?pune ?n echilibru, ?n mod impresionant, curajul personal ?i credin?a cu alegeri sf??ietoare ?i monstruozitatea diabolic?.” - Publishers Weekly Locul de unde vine lumina?a fost cartea anului 2013 ?n Washington Post, The Globe & Mail, Publishers Weekly, Goodreads ?i bestseller Barnes and Noble ?i amazon.com, fiind nominalizat? la premiul Gold Dagger pentru cel mai bun roman crime din Marea Britanie.?De aceea?i autoare, la Editura Trei a ap?rut?Lungul drum spre cas?.
Copil?rie ?i societate
Copil?rie ?i societate
Erik H. Erikson
Szeretetlenségemb?l eredend?en születtek ezek a versek, k?ltemények, sz?sszenetek. Fiammal és nevel? Mamámmal való kapcsolatom, gyerekkoromban elvesztett szüleim okozta hiány, illetve Isten keresése ihlette k?lteményeim életérzésekr?l, maradandó és magával ragadó pillanatokról szólnak. Emlékeimet, érzéseimet lírikus formában szeretném átadni a világnak, és egy csepp szépséget vinni az emberek mindennapjaiba e versekkel. ,,Az Isten és ember k?zt járhatatlan úton vonszolom magam, megyek, és várom, hogy felzúgnak hátam m?g?tt az útépít? buldózerek!" ,,Kiszámított, modern világunk egetostromló t?zfalán szárnyaszegetten ül a lélek, didereg és sírdogál."
The Unbreakable Trilogy
The Unbreakable Trilogy
Primula Bond
Bound by passion, she was powerless to resist. The Silver Chain is the first in the sexy, passionate and addictive Unbreakable Trilogy by Primula Bond. One dark evening in London, photographer Serena Folkes is indulging her impulsive side with a night-time shoot. But someone is watching her – mysterious entrepreneur Gustav Levi. Serena doesn’t know it yet, but this handsome stranger will change her life forever… Serena is fascinated by Gustav, the enigmatic owner of the Levi Gallery, and she soon feels an irresistible pull of attraction. The interest is mutual, and Gustav promises to launch Serena’s photographic career at his gallery, but only if Serena agrees to become his exclusive companion. To mark their agreement, Gustav gives Serena a bracelet to wear at all times. Attached to it is a silver chain of which he is the keeper. With the chain Gustav controls Serena physically and symbolically – a sign that she is under his power. As their passionate relationship intensifies, Gustav’s hold on the silver chain grows stronger. But will Gustav’s dark past tear them apart? A seductive and beautifully written novel perfect for fans of erotic romance.
The Complete Short Stories:The 1950s
The Complete Short Stories:The 1950s
Brian Aldiss
In a major publishing project, all of Brian Aldiss’ 300+ short stories are being collected together for the first time. Volume one takes us from his very first story – A Book in Time, published in The Bookseller in 1954 and never seen again until now – right up to his establishment as a major new voice in science fiction by the end of that decade. As he enters his 89th year this is a long-overdue retrospective of the career of one of the most acclaimed science fiction writers of all time, and a true literary legend.