

Met Gelijke Munt: thriller
Met Gelijke Munt: thriller
Colleen Cross
Fraudeonderzoeker Katerina Carter heeft het moeilijk met de alzheimerdiagnose van haar oom als ze plotseling de grootste zaak uit haar carrière in de schoot geworpen krijgt. Maar alles heeft een prijs… Als miljardair Zachary Barron Kat inhuurt om onderzoek te doen naar mogelijke verduistering binnen zijn hedgefonds, ontdekt ze een verband met het geheimzinnige en machtige World Institute: een mondiaal bedrijf dat er alles aan doet om regeringen en zelfs de wereldwijde financi?le markt in zijn macht wil krijgen. En hoe dieper ze graaft naar hun onfrisse handelspraktijken, hoe meer ze beseft dat ze op het punt staat te verdwijnen in een ravijn vol duister bedrog, gewetenloze corruptie en keihard geweld. Met de levens van haar familie en vrienden op het spel en haar carrière in de waagschaal moet Kat de moeilijkste beslissing van haar leven nemen zodat ze de mensen van wie ze het meeste houdt kan beschermen. Want het sinistere World Institute gaat over lijken om ervoor te zorgen dat hun geheimen nooit aan het licht zullen komen. Kat speelt een dodelijk spel: ze moet een vijand die nooit verliest, geen getuigen in leven laat en Kat zelf met de dood bedreigt met gelijke munt terugbetalen… Van dezelfde auteur Kleur van Geld serie In het rood Blauwe maandag ? Katerina Carter juridische thrillerserie Nooduitgang Met gelijke munt bestsellerauteur, esther verhoef, patrica cornwell, tess gerritsen, saskia noort, michael connelly, brynza, spannende psychologische, spannende thrillervan,?nederlandse boeken, suzanne vermeer, tess gerritsen, siska mulder, actie & avontuur, mystery & detective, vrouwelijke speurneuzen, gezellige mysterie, bestselling, nederlands, dutch, detective, thrillers, series, traditioneel brits, mysteries en detectives, politie, korte verhalen, realistische fictie, crime, true crime, goodreads, pageturner, misdaadmysterie, detectiveroman, literaire thriller, nederlands ebooken, booken, witteboordencriminaliteit, financi?le fraude, bestsellers, speurdersroman, sterke vrouwelijke heldin, vrouwelijke detective, wijnfraude, verzekeringsfraude, gezellige whodunit, fictie crime gezellig, technische recherche, forensisch accountant, romantische suspense, suspense, tuinieren & thriller, privé-detective, klokkenluider, onderzoeksjournalistiek,? juridische thriller, fraude, witwaspraktijken, true crime, bestseller, moordmysterie, Marion Pauw, Saskia Noort, Simone van der Vlugt, Carina van Leeuwen, Carla de Jong, Esther Verhoef, Mary Higgins Clarke, James Patterson, Michael Connelly, John Grisham, Sue Grafton, Nora Roberts, Lee Child, Scott Turow, Elizabeth George, Liza Marklund, Jo Nesbo, Nederlandse ebooks, thrillers politiek, juridisch, spionage, psychologisch, detective, literaire, Tess Gerritsen, Kathy Reichs,?bestbeoordeeld, literaire thrillers, David Baldacci, Harlan Coben, Greg Iles, Henning Mankell, Patricia Cornwell, marthe maeren, steffen jacobsen, randy singer, robert fabbri, Holland, Nederlands, Netherlands,misdaadfictie, spanning, realistische fictie, fictie en literature, actie en spanning, psychologisch thrillers, politie procedureel, internationaal, juridisch, keihard, vrouwelijke detectives, Spionge, technisch, traditioneel Brits, thriller, language nl dutch, thrillerschrivjer, spanning, literaire thriller,?thriller boeken nederlands, james patterson, bookshots
Rags to Witches: A Westwick Witches Cozy Mystery
Rags to Witches: A Westwick Witches Cozy Mystery
Colleen Cross
Win, lose, or draw…A Westwick Witches Cozy MysteryCendrine West can’t catch a break. She’s close to landing a new job, and things are getting cozy with sexy sheriff Tyler Gates. All that changes when she is kidnapped by renegade witch Aunt Pearl, who is hell bent on avenging a friend’s untimely death. It's Vegas or bust…for all the wrong reasons.Rocco Racatelli is a hunky Las Vegas kingpin—and the next mob target. Lady Luck has dealt him a losing hand and he wants revenge. When Aunt Pearl is a little too eager to help, project Vegas Vendetta quickly escalates into an all-out mob turf war. As the witches are thrust into Sin City’s seamy underworld, bodies pile up and secrets are exposed.It’s not just the Las Vegas heat that’s scorching...Rocco is intent on winning Cen’s heart. But she only wants the man she left behind in Westwick Corners. All she has to do is solve a murder, out-magic her ornery aunt, and take down the Las Vegas mafia. What could possibly go wrong?When organized crime meets unorganized magic, anything can happen! As the body count climbs, it’s clear that Cen needs more than a miracle in the desert to set things right.If you love funny cozy mysteries infused with a dose of humor and the supernatural, you’ll love this paranormal witch cozy! For fans of Leighann Dobbs, Angie Fox, Deanna Chase and Lynn Cahoon.Sign up for Colleen's new release notifications at http://www.colleencross.com"...A bewitching, supernatural treat. If you love witch cozy mysteries you'll love Cendrine West and her wacky witch family!"keywords: witch cozy mysteries, cosy mystery, paranormal cozy
Witch and Famous: A Westwick Witches Cozy Mystery
Witch and Famous: A Westwick Witches Cozy Mystery
Colleen Cross
Lights, camera, assassin… A Hollywood movie shoot comes to town and journalist Cendrine West is eager for a scoop. Her witchy family also wants in on the action, but shenanigans with the stars soon turn to Tinseltown tragedy. Bodies are piling up faster than a coven’s worth of curses, and everything points back to Cen’s starstruck family. They will stop at nothing in their quest for supernatural stardom, even if that means meddling in a murder investigation. The witches have created one spell of a mess and given the killer a chance to get away with murder. Cen resorts to her own blend of supernatural justice to keep her family in check, but can she unmask the killer before he strikes again? Welcome to the wild, wild Wests! Witch & Famous is for fans of a paranormal mystery, cozy mystery, and wickedly funny witches.This book can be read as a standalone mystery, but if you want to know more about the Westwick Witches and their family history, you can start with book 1: Witch You Well.
Nooduitgang: juridische thriller
Nooduitgang: juridische thriller
Colleen Cross
Diamanten, Doodsgevaar en Verdwijningen Een thriller met forensisch accountant Katerina Carter in de hoofdrol Fraudeonderzoeker Katerina Carter weet gewoon niet wanneer ze met een zaak moet stoppen en daardoor komt ze terecht in een aantal lastige en gevaarlijke situaties. Nu ze geen werk meer heeft en haar geld opraakt, heeft Kat dringend meer cli?nten nodig, of ze moet met hangende pootjes terug naar haar oude, saaie negen-tot-vijf-baantje bij haar vorige werkgever. En dat is wel het laatste wat Kat wil. Dus als Susan Sullivan, de hoogste baas van Liberty Diamond Mines, Kat inhuurt om de verdwenen financieel directeur van het bedrijf terug te vinden – en de gigantische som gestolen geld die hij met zich meegenomen heeft – neemt Kat de opdracht net iets te graag aan. Rood staan is natuurlijk een belangrijke stimulans om moeilijke klussen aan te nemen, maar haar enthousiasme verandert al snel in doodsangst als twee werknemers van Liberty op brute wijze worden vermoord.? Kat beseft dat dit onderzoek wel eens gevaarlijker zou kunnen zijn dan ze had verwacht. Alsof alles nog niet ingewikkeld genoeg is, ontdekt ze een sinister verband tussen bloeddiamanten en georganiseerde misdaad. Nu moet ze alleen nog bewijzen vinden... en zorgen dat ze niet wordt vermoord voordat ze de echte criminelen ontmaskert. Met behulp van haar vrienden en een excentrieke oom moet Kat voorzichtig te werk gaan; anders wordt haar eerste zaak misschien ook gelijk haar laatste... ‘Nooduitgang’ is een actierijke thriller die zich afspeelt in de wereld van de georganiseerde misdaad met allerlei financi?le en juridische verwikkelingen, die doet denken aan de boeken van? Michael Connelly en John Grisham. Wat Amerikaanse lezers van het boek vonden:‘Een internationaal verhaal over diamanten, doodsgevaar en verdwijningen, Nooduitgang boeide me vanaf de eerste bladzijde ...’?‘Nooduitgang, de eerste in de reeks actierijke juridische thrillers met Katerina Carter in de hoofdrol, is een spannende psychologische thriller die je gewoon niet kunt neerleggen!’?‘.Adembenemende spanning en verwikkelingen!’
Key Person Approach
Key Person Approach
Lindon, Jennie
How to set up and ensure that a key person approach works in practice. Covering common issues; from working with parents, to supporting transitions, and providing for the emotional wellbeing of young children. This book offers practical advice on: the importance of attachment for children's emotional well being, implications for early years practitioners and the need for a key person system in group settings, details of the role of key person for children and families, dealing with uncertainty about how the key person system should work and how managers can support practitioners in their key person role.
Amalthean Quests Two
Amalthean Quests Two
Dion, Jeri
It is the twenty-fifth century and the Amalthean Quests team is back. Tayce Traun is in command of a new updated cruiser, Amalthea Two, with her former onboard computer transformed into Tayce's personal robotic escort - a Romid known as Twedor. The team travels through time and space to rid the universes of evil and lawlessness. Ranged against the Amalthean Quests team, powerful forces have pledged to destroy Questa and Enlopedia, as they did Tayce's home planet, Traun. The entire Empire of Honitonia is in danger of obliteration. The Witch Queen Aemiliyana has escaped from her prison in the Empire of Lost Traun and her one thought is that Tayce must die.
Supporting Children's Social Development
Supporting Children's Social Development
Lindon, Jennie
This book offers practical examples and informed advice about: how even very young children form close relationships with each other, the ways that observant adults can nuture possible friendships, understanding social play and skills from the children's perspective, young children who may have special difficulty over making friends and leading best practice for promoting friendships and realistic social skills in early childhood.
Child-Initiated Learning
Child-Initiated Learning
Lindon, Jennie
How to plan for an individualised learning journey with every child in your care. Covering how to plan and support each child through sustained shared thinking, this book will give you the skills you need to follow each child's interests and plan for engaging learning experiences. The book offers practical advice on: what is meant by child-initiated learning and self-chosen experiences, how observant practitioners are able to support children's learning, the importance of first-hand experiences for children and an interesting learning environment, flexible planning and documentation, in response to children's interests and skills and dealing with uncertainty and confusion about adult-led activities and group time.
Amalthean Quests One
Amalthean Quests One
Dion, Jeri
Space could be a lonely and hostile place especially if you were 21 yearons old and a lone female. Tayce Traun was that female. A young privileged daughter of a commodore cast out in the dead of night when her home world is destroyed by a powerful evil countess and her warrior army. For the first three yearons Tayce fights to keep her exploration cruiser, Amalthea One, from falling into the wrong hands with help from the on board guidance and operation's computer, who is her only friend and companion. Tayce vowed that she would avenge the death of her parents and the destruction of her home planet. She has an idea to create a crime fighting team and call it the Amalthean Quests Team. The new journey starts and slowly one by one new members join the team.
Happiness Handbook
Happiness Handbook
Littles, Lorenzo S.
This Handbook demonstrates how to use your power of choice to create the happiness you want. A simple technique for defining your happiness; Visualization as a means of supporting your happiness; Effective methods for accomplishing any task from the very simple to the extremely complex; How to recognize and appreciate your happiness. It's easy to read with illustrations that comically demonstrate important points. The message is simple and clear: Happiness is available to all of us, it is our birth right. We need only claim it. Begin today to transform your life and create the happiness and peace of mind that is yours for the making.
Chamberlain Legacy
Chamberlain Legacy
Nettlefold, Charles
The Chamberlains were the most powerful political dynasty in England between 1876 and 1940 when one or, more usually, two members of the family sat in the Commons, holding between them nearly all the great Offices of State. In recent times, they have sunk into relative obscurity but recent political developments have made their lives seem particularly relevant. Theresa May's listing of Joe Chamberlain in her apostolic succession of great conservatives has brought him back to the forefront of political debate; whilst Brexit has made his policy of Tariff Reform relevant once again to British economic policy. The concerns over President Putin's foreign policy, coupled with the weak state of Britain's defence forces, have mirrored the conditions that led to the humiliation of Neville Chamberlain, whilst the UK's current political turmoil reflects those of the 1920s, which led to Austen Chamberlain being mocked as a perpetual loser. In this book, the author has sought to re-examine the reputations of these three men by concentrating as much on their personal lives and the motives that drove them as on the mighty political events that dominated their times. His conclusions may surprise the reader and may help those who are trying to forge policies to deal with the current political and economic environments.
Parents as Partners
Parents as Partners
Lindon, Jennie
It is a widely acknowledged fact that if parents are involved in their child's early learning there is a positive impact on development and later school achievement. This title looks at how to build a positive relationship with the parents of children in your care, whether you work in a group or home setting. This book offers practical advice on: how to set up and maintain a respectful relationship with parents, what the EYFS expects of practitioners, how to encourage parental involvement, how to include fathers as well as mothers and working with hard-to-reach parents.
Senki f?ldje
Senki f?ldje
David Baldacci
Senki f?ldje
A Majomisten elveszett városa
A Majomisten elveszett városa
Douglas Preston
A Majomisten elveszett városa
A lelkek ítél?széke
A lelkek ítél?széke
Donato Carrisi
A lelkek ítél?széke
A ?D.O.D.O. felemelkedése és bukása
A ?D.O.D.O. felemelkedése és bukása
Neal Stephenson, Nicole Galland
A ?D.O.D.O. felemelkedése és bukása
Nem vagyunk magunk
Nem vagyunk magunk
Matthew Thomas
Nem vagyunk magunk
Feljelentés: Egy ügyn?k mindennapjai
Feljelentés: Egy ügyn?k mindennapjai
Horváth Sándor
Feljelentés: Egy ügyn?k mindennapjai
Music Theory for Teenagers
Music Theory for Teenagers
Michael Lunika, Larysa Lunika
Music Theory for Teenagers, delivers music theory without confusive movement. By the way you'll get system knowledge of music. This book contains no junk which useally confuse many people forever. Read this book and you’ll gain the perception how to play any musical instrument quite professionally in a short period.
Hattyúk dala
Hattyúk dala
Vámos Miklós
Hattyúk dala
We Set the Dark on Fire
We Set the Dark on Fire
Mejia, Tehlor Kay
“We Set the Dark on Fire burns bright. It will light the way for a new generation of rebels and lovers.” —NPR“Mejia pens a compelling, gripping story that mirrors real world issues of immigration and equality.” —BuzzfeedFive starred reviews!!In this daring and romantic fantasy debut perfect for fans of The Handmaid’s Tale and Latinx authors Zoraida Córdova and Anna-Marie McLemore, society wife-in-training Dani has a great awakening after being recruited by rebel spies and falling for her biggest rival. At the Medio School for Girls, distinguished young women are trained for one of two roles in their polarized society. Depending on her specialization, a graduate will one day run a husband’s household or raise his children. Both paths promise a life of comfort and luxury, far from the frequent political uprisings of the lower class.Daniela Vargas is the school’s top student, but her pedigree is a lie. She must keep the truth hidden or be sent back to the fringes of society.And school couldn’t prepare her for the difficult choices she must make after graduation, especially when she is asked to spy for a resistance group desperately fighting to bring equality to Medio.Will Dani cling to the privilege her parents fought to win for her, or will she give up everything she’s strived for in pursuit of a free Medio—and a chance at a forbidden love?