

The Prophets of Smoked Meat
The Prophets of Smoked Meat
Vaughn, Daniel
The comprehensive, must-have guide to Texas barbecue, including pitmasters' recipes, tales of the road—from country meat markets to roadside stands—and a panoramic look at the Lone Star State, where smoked meat is sacredBrisket. Spareribs. Beef sausage. Pulled pork. From the science of heat to the alchemy of rubs, from the hill country to the badlands, The Prophets of Smoked Meat takes readers on a pilgrimage to discover the heart and soul of Texas barbecue.Join Daniel "BBQ Snob" Vaughn—host of the popular blog Full Custom Gospel BBQ and acknowledged barbecue expert—and photographer Nicholas McWhirter as they trek across more than 10,000 miles to sample the wood-smoking traditions of the Lone Star State's four distinct barbecue styles:East Texas style, essentially the hickory-smoked, sauce-coated barbecue with which most Americans are familiar. Central Texas "meat market" style, in which spice-rubbed meat is cooked over indirect heat from pecan or oak wood, a method that originated in the butcher shops of German and Czech immigrants. Hill Country "cowboy style," which involves direct heat cooking over mesquite coals and uses goat and mutton as well as beef and pork. South Texas barbacoa, in which whole beef heads are traditionally cooked in pits dug into the earth.Including recipes from longtime pitmasters and new barbecue stars, The Prophets of Smoked Meat encompasses the entire panorama of Texas barbecue. Illustrated throughout with lush, full-color photographs of the food, the people, and the stunning landscapes of the Lone Star State, The Prophets of Smoked Meat is the new gospel of Texas barbecue, essential for neophytes and seasoned experts alike.
《平乐正骨诊疗规范》分5部分,近200个病证,约40余万字。该书针对当前中医医院临床医生思维转向、临床重西轻中现象和治疗的不规范行为,在以往单病种管理的基础上,对常见骨伤病种治疗情况行整理、分析、总结,融医院60余年来所保持和研究创新的中医药治疗骨伤疾病的特色疗法,丰富骨伤临床疗法,总结骨伤辨证分型论治,结合现代医学技术,优化诊疗方案。 《平乐正骨诊疗规范》重体现中医药特色优势,临床实用性强,易于操作,便于考核、改。每个病种除对定义、诊断依据、证候分类、治疗、疗效评定标准等行一般叙述外,重纳中医特色方法及其在骨伤科的应用,包括针灸、推拿、理疗、牵引、手法整复、经皮内外固定等,其中一系列的经皮内外固定技术是我们多年来研究的治疗骨伤独具特色的有效方法,损伤小,操作简单,疗效好,费用低廉,病人易于受。并且将每一种中医特色疗法对应于证候分类中骨伤的分型,既便于操作使用,又易于考核落实。对于骨伤病人的早、中、晚三期使用中药纳院内制剂名称及用药期限。对于骨伤患者的康复冶疗,建立了系统规范的按摩、揉药、功能锻炼等治疗方案,并对应于系列康复器材的应用。 本书重在实用,旨在统一骨伤常见病证的诊疗规范,指导中医骨伤科医师的临床诊疗,规范临床医师诊疗行为,给管理者提供可操作的管理依据,以保障医疗质量,提高疗效。
Matt Richtel Thriller Collection
Matt Richtel Thriller Collection
Richtel, Matt
Get three exhilarating and cutting-edge thrillers by Matt Richtel in one e-book, including: Devil's Plaything, Floodgate, and The Cloud.Devil's Plaything—a phenomenal "neuro-tech" thriller about a dark and insidious plot to reengineer the human brain. Devil's Plaything is smart, fast, and terrifyingly plausible—a page-turner of the first order.Floodgate—On the eve of the presidential election, a conspiracy threatens to alter the outcome of the vote—and the future of American politics. At the heart of the plot is a powerful computer program, aimed at rooting out hypocrisy among politicians to expose their truths . . . and ours.The Cloud—When the next generation of technology seeps into the brains of the next generation of people, former medical student turned journalist Nat Idle must investigate and stop the invasion. A deftly told tale, the scariest part of The Cloud is how close to reality it could be.
All You Need Is Love: 3-Book Teen Fiction Collection
All You Need Is Love: 3-Book Teen Fiction Collection
Perfect for John Green fans, this three-book collection contains three breathtaking, heartbreaking, can't-miss novels:The Beginning of Everything: Varsity tennis captain Ezra Faulkner was supposed to be homecoming king, but that was before—before his girlfriend cheated on him, before a car accident shattered his leg, and before he fell in love with unpredictable new girl Cassidy Thorpe. Robyn Schneider's witty and heart-wrenching teen novel will appeal to fans of books by John Green and Ned Vizzini, novels such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and classics like The Great Gatsby and The Catcher in the Rye.How to Love: Reena Montero has loved Sawyer LeGrande for as long as she can remember. But he's never noticed that Reena even exists . . . until one day, impossibly, he does. Then three years pass, and there's a new love in Reena's life: her daughter. Reena's gotten used to life without Sawyer, but just as suddenly as he disappeared, he turns up again. After everything that's happened, can Reena really let herself love Sawyer LeGrande againFor fans of Sarah Dessen and John Green, How to Love is a breathtaking debut about a couple who falls in love . . . twice.Maybe One Day: In the tradition of The Fault in Our Stars, critically acclaimed author Melissa Kantor masterfully captures the joy of friendship, the agony of loss, and the unique experience of being a teenager in this poignant new novel about a girl grappling with her best friend's life-threatening illness.
Maisie Dobbs Bundle #4: Elegy for Eddie and Leaving Everything Most Loved
Maisie Dobbs Bundle #4: Elegy for Eddie and Leaving Everything Most Loved
Winspear, Jacqueline
This eBook bundle includes books 9 & 10 in Jacqueline Winspear's New York Times bestselling Maisie Dobbs series: Elegy for Eddie and Leaving Everything Most Loved.
科技改变中国丛书:大数据 移动通信 人工智能 互联网 高铁 能源 6本套装(中宣部2019年主题出版重点出版物)
科技改变中国丛书:大数据 移动通信 人工智能 互联网 高铁 能源 6本套装(中宣部2019年主题出版重点出版物)
丛书总主编 倪光南
《善数者成:大数据改变中国》 本书以大数据为主线,探索数据价值,系统梳理大数据发展的历史渊源、发展概况、应用场景、远景规划,从政治、社会、经济、生态等多个维度,透视大数据在各行各业给中国带来的改变。本书旨在通过真实的故事和有温度的文字,普及知识,启迪思考,唤起大众对大数据的兴趣与喜爱,书写科技和社会进步的篇章。 《智联天下:移动通信改变中国》 本书以5G起笔,从大众关心的事件逐渐展开,从豪华1G、全民2G、坎坷3G,到惊艳4G、智能5G,环环相扣,展现了我国移动通信行业30余年波澜壮阔的发展,以及市场带动技术、技术驱动产业、创新促进发展的历程。 移动通信改变中国,归根结底是创新改变中国,是坚持改变中国,是合作改变中国,是开放改变中国。中国在移动通信领域取得的巨大成就,源于对技术趋势的准确把握,源于“政产学研用”的高效联动,源于敢于担当的不懈创新,更源于中国通信行业百年传承的艰苦奋斗精神。 《智周万物:人工智能改变中国》 本书立足中国人工智能全景,先从人工智能的发展脉络讲起,介绍人工智能在国内外的发展历程、学科和产业概况;再介绍人工智能给生产生活带来的便利和改变,然后纵览智能云、超级计算等中国人工智能基础平台的发展布局和方向,分析人工智能对各行各业的赋能和影响,接着讲述一些学术界和产业界一线人员的奋斗故事;*后通过对学术界、产业界部分专家的访谈,探讨中国人工智能在技术、产业等方面的发展前景。 《绚丽变革:互联网改变中国》 本书回顾了我国互联网行业从萌芽、发展到繁荣的历程,从生活、公共服务、公益、金融、制造等多个领域入手,梳理了互联网给社会带来的全新改变,特别是普惠大众、赋能生产和生活的生动实践,以丰富的案例展示了我国互联网行业创新的发展、实践的勇气、开放的精神和全球化的视野。 《巨龙飞腾:高铁改变中国》 勾画高铁的前世今生,抒发高铁对祖国的贡献,描写高铁建设者的动人故事,讴歌中国高铁建设的时代画卷。 《神州脉动:能源革命改变中国》 本书立足于我国能源行业发展的现状和使命,从过去、现在和未来3 个时间维度进行了深入思考,全景扫描石油、天然气、煤炭、电力以及可再生能源等领域,深度分析我国能源革命的趋势、瓶颈及未来前景。
415男生宿舍可谓是全宇宙富有怪谈气质的大学宿舍,10个宅腐萌基臭男人齐聚一堂,经历了71个脑洞大开的爆笑奇幻事件。 深宅老蜗陷入二重身危机、抠门究极体八达遇到诅咒、裸体爱好者大卫要与外星人竞美……救命,我的室友又损又坑怎么办? 未来人类来袭,企图篡改命运;幽灵上身要完成未实现的愿望;孤岛有毒上演疯狂大逃杀……脑洞炸裂的校园奇幻冒险。在415宿舍里,没有什么不可能! 《漫客小说绘》超人气连载,带你感受独一无二的热血青春!
本系列书是“棚车少年”中英双语版经典系列儿童文学小说。 让孩子通过阅读有趣的英文故事,养成良好的英语学习习惯,培养英语阅读兴趣,帮助孩子在阅读中感受勇气、智慧和善良。棚车少年们的冒险之旅越来越奇妙了! 本辑共10册,主要讲到少年们去到一年一度的冬季狂欢节,老朋友皮科洛夫妇的比萨店,充满秘密的橡树农场,德拉蒙德家族的古城堡。少年们破解了池子变紫,传说中的“飞云号”航船,以及神秘村的秘密。他们还与举止古怪的邻居,表演赛上的破坏者斗智斗勇…… 书中的几个主角无论遇到什么,他们总能运用智慧、勇气和善良一一化解。他们勇往直前,一路收获无数的惊喜与美好。
本书是我国著名教育家、语言学家、翻译家和通俗读物作家林汉达先生写给大众的通俗历史普及读物,是收录了《东周列国故事新编》《前后汉故事新编》《三国故事新编》所有内容的全集,用440个故事讲述从西周到晋初1000多年的历史,特别订正了人名、地名及行政区划等知识性错误,将生僻字注音,并增加了163个古籍拓展,且内文采用优质专色印刷,文前附《汉宫春晓图》《商喜关羽擒将图》《三顾茅庐图》等传世名画,适合阅读与收藏。 书中包含很多成语、熟语、歇后语的出处典故,如过河拆桥、唇亡齿寒、老马识途、退避三舍等,方便辅助语文学习,积累文史知识。 ?????选中小学阅读指导目录。
《中信国学大典:历史地理(下册)(套装共6册)》包括了《资治通鉴》《盐铁论》《贞观政要》《山海经》《水经注》《人物志》六册经典著作。为读者展示国人对于历史政治方面的经验总结与地理风物的探索与记录。 《资治通鉴》是由北宋著名史学家、政治家司马光和他的助手刘攽、刘恕、范祖禹、司马康等人历时十九年编纂的一部规模空前的编年体通史巨著,记载了从战国到五代共1326年的史实。在这部书里,编者总结出许多经验教训,供统治者借鉴。全书共294卷,分为十六纪,另有《考异》、《目录》各三十卷。其内容多以政治、军事和民族关系为主,兼及经济、文化、和历史人物评价,目的是通过对事关国家盛衰、民族兴亡的统治阶级政策的描述警示后人。 《盐铁论》是我们了解汉代学术思想的重要作品,书中的民间学者(贤良与文学),一如司马迁般,也是在老百姓的生计上考量,大肆批判国家的干预行为,痛斥政策导致民不聊生,背离人民,言语中或多或少地倾向自由主义,他们追忆文帝的无为而治,认为政府应减少管制以及干预行为,反对官营工商业,提倡国际应减少不必要的管制,强调不应与民争利,以此议讽当朝的干预主义。 《贞观政要》一书辑录了唐太宗李世民与其大臣们,如魏征、房玄龄、杜如晦等数十人的对答、议论与奏疏,以及治国安邦的理论观点和政治举措,是一部政论性历史文献,也是研究中国古代政治典范以及相关思想的重要典籍。本次出版,参考多个版本,取长补短,拣选若干章节,重新注释和整理译文。而在精句赏析部分,译注者力图透过现代化的解读对书中的某些章节加以剖析,希望读者用现代眼光审视《贞观政要》的意义。 《山海经》内容多涉神怪,近百年来作为中国神话为西方及国人所关注。现代不少学者致力于考证《山海经》的科技史料,甚至认为《山海经》是古代的“百科全书”。有关《山海经》的版本非常多,但大都难逃以今论古、以西论古的常识牢笼,造成了一些错误。《中信国学大典:山海经》的导读与译注,遵循以古论古的原则,以年代相若的中西神话相比较,在方法上更审慎而独到,尽量还原了《山海经》这一经典的实质。 《水经注》是中国古代全面、系统的综合性地理著作。所记述大小河流多至一千二百五十二条,加上历史人物的活动、郡县的置废沿革、战场的描述、道路关隘、风景奇观、民间传说、碑刻题铭、诗歌民谣等。使原本枯燥的水名、地名,加入了丰富的人文历史内涵。文笔绚烂,语言清丽,具有较高的文学价值;所引用的大量文献中很多在后世散失了,同时有很高的史料价值。本次选注选译《水经注》的部分章节,注译时考虑到《水经注》的特殊体裁,及郦道元在为《水经》加注时,很多史事、地名、人名、官名、器物,都点到即止,没有进一步解释,所以注译尽量增补史事,交代典章制度,务求使读者增加认知史事及人物的细节,提高阅读《水经注》的兴趣。 《人物志》虽成于一千八百年前,但为我们提供的,正是有关用人、观人的大学问,其剖析之深与范围之广,恐怕在古今中外都属罕见,发人深省处与警句策语,几乎篇篇有之,甚或段段有之。更难能可贵者,是此书论证之严谨、周详与其环环相扣所显示的系统性,在中国学术史中,殆无出其右。
《维摩诘的花雨满天(上)》 《维摩诘的花雨满天(下)》 《(瑜伽师地论?声闻地)讲录》 《楞严大义今释》 《圆觉经略说》 《金刚经说什么》 《药师经的济世观》 《大圆满禅定休息简说》
The Riftwar Saga Series Books 2 and 3
The Riftwar Saga Series Books 2 and 3
Raymond E. Feist
The Riftwar Saga continues… This ebook contains Silverthorn and A Darkness at Sethanon, books two and three of the Rift War Saga by Raymond E. Feist. For nearly a year peace reigned in the enchanted kingdom of Rillanon. But new challenges awaited Arutha, the Prince of Krondor, when Jimmy the Hand – the youngest thief in the Guild of Mockers – came upon a sinister Nighthawk poised to assassinate him. What evil power raises the dead and makes corpses do battle with the living at the behest of the Guild of Death? And what high magic can defeat it? Meanwhile, a life-or-death quest must be undertaken to find an antidote to a poison that fells a beautiful princess on her wedding day… And so the Rift War Saga continues…
Bird Migration (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 113)
Bird Migration (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 113)
Ian Newton
The phenomenon of bird migration has fascinated people from time immemorial. The arrivals and departures of different species marked the seasons, heralding spring and autumn, and providing a reliable calendar long before anything better became available. Migration is shown by many kinds of animals, including butterflies and other insects, mammals, marine turtles and fish, but in none is it as extensively developed as in birds. The collective travel routes of birds span almost the entire globe, with some extreme return journeys covering more than 30,000 km. As a result of migration, bird distributions are continually changing – in regular seasonal patterns, and on local, regional or global scales. Migration has repeatedly prompted familiar questions, such as where birds go or come from, why do they do it, how do they know when and where to travel, and how do they find their way? In this book, Ian Newton sets out to answer these – and other – questions. The book is divided into four main sections: the first is introductory, describing the different types of bird movements, methods of study, and the main migration patterns seen around the British Isles; the second part is concerned mainly with the process of migration – with timing, energy needs, weather effects and navigation; the third with evolution and change in migratory behaviour; and the fourth with the geographical and ecological aspects of bird movements.
Wildfowl (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 110)
Wildfowl (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 110)
David Cabot
New Naturalist Wildfowl provides a much-anticipated overview of the fascinating birds that have become icons of our diminishing wilderness areas. Wildfowl – swans, geese and ducks – have been the subject of poetry, fables, folklore and music, and a source of inspiration to writers, artists, historians and naturalists alike. Historically, they have featured prominently in our diet – more recently they have become the most widely domesticated group of birds. Wildfowl have been scientifically studied more intensively than any other group of birds and were one of the first groups to highlight more general issues of conservation. Their status as the most popular group of birds is underlined by the success of the original Wildfowl Trust (now the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust). David Cabot has been obsessed with wildfowl for nearly sixty years. In this seminal new work, he discusses the 56 species of wildfowl that have been recorded either in a natural state, or that have been introduced and now maintain self-sustaining populations in Britain and Ireland. He focuses on their social behaviour, feeding ecology and population dynamics, and in particular their seasonal migration patterns. He also explores the evolution and history of wildfowl and our long relationship with them, through popular mythology and legends, which continue to fascinate us with a sense of mystery and awe.
Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific (Collins Field Guide)
Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific (Collins Field Guide)
Ber van Perlo
The essential guide to identifying every species of bird you may see in this area, for both tourists and wildlife enthusiasts. Featuring over 750 species, Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific is the only field guide to illustrate and describe every species of bird you may see in the area, from Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea to Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. ? Text gives information on key identification features, habitat, and songs and calls ? All plumages for each species are illustrated, including those of males, females and juveniles The stunning 95 colour plates appear opposite their relevant text for quick and easy reference. Distribution maps are included, showing where each species can be found and how common it is, to further aid identification. This comprehensive and highly portable guide is a must for all birdwatchers visiting the region.
Drawn From Paradise:The Discovery, Art and Natural History of the Birds of Parad
Drawn From Paradise:The Discovery, Art and Natural History of the Birds of Parad
Sir David Attenborough,Errol Fuller
Drawn from Paradise is David Attenborough’s journey through the cultural history of the birds of paradise, one of the most exquisite and extravagant, colourful and intriguing families of birds. From the moment they were introduced to the European mind in the early sixteenth century, their unique beauty was recognised and commemorated in the first name that they were given – birds so beautiful must be birds from paradise. In this unique exploration of a truly awe-inspiring family of birds which to this day is still shrouded in mystery, David Attenborough and Errol Fuller trace the natural history of these enigmatic birds through their depiction in western works of art throughout the centuries, featuring beautiful illustrations by such luminary artists as Jacques Barraband, William Hart, John Gould, Rubens and Breughel, to name but a few. Experienced ornithologists and general nature and art enthusiasts alike will delight in this journey of discovery of the world’s most beautiful and mysterious birds.
After Freud Left
After Freud Left
John Burnham
From August 29 to September 21, 1909, Sigmund Freud visited the United States, where he gave five lectures at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. This volume brings together a stunning gallery of leading historians of psychoanalysis and of American culture to consider the broad history of psychoanalysis in America and to reflect on what has happened to Freud's legacy in the United States in the century since his visit.There has been a flood of recent scholarship on Freud's life and on the European and world history of psychoanalysis, but historians have produced relatively little on the proliferation of psychoanalytic thinking in the United States, where Freud's work had monumental intellectual and social impact. The essays in After Freud Left provide readers with insights and perspectives to help them understand the uniqueness of Americans' psychoanalytic thinking, as well as the forms in which the legacy of Freud remains active in the United States in the twenty-first century. After Freud Left will be essential reading for anyone interested in twentieth-century American history, general intellectual and cultural history, and psychology and psychiatry.?
Music between Us
Music between Us
Higgins, Kathleen Marie
From our first social bonding as infants to the funeral rites that mark our passing, music plays an important role in our lives, bringing us closer to one another. In?The Music between Us, philosopher Kathleen Marie Higgins investigates this role, examining the features of human perception that enable music's uncanny ability to provoke, despite its myriad forms across continents and throughout centuries, the sense of a shared human experience.Drawing on disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, musicology, linguistics, and anthropology, Higgins's richly researched study showcases the ways music is used in rituals, education, work, healing, and as a source of security and-perhaps most importantly-joy. By participating so integrally in such meaningful facets of society, Higgins argues, music situates itself as one of the most fundamental bridges between people, a truly cross-cultural form of communication that can create solidarity across political divides. Moving beyond the well-worn takes on music's universality,?The Music between Us?provides a new understanding of what it means to be musical and, in turn, human.?