

近年来,随着互联网的发展,我国一步加强对网络安全的治理,国家陆续出台相关法律法规和安全保护条例,明确以保障关键信息基础设施为目标,构建整体、主动、精准、动态防御的网络安全体系。 本套书以九维彩虹模型为核心要素,分别从网络安全运营(白队)、网络安全体系架构(黄队)、蓝队"技战术”(蓝队)、红队"武器库”(红队)、网络安全应急取证技术(青队)、网络安全人才培养(橙队)、紫队视角下的攻防演练(紫队)、时变之应与安全发(绿队)、威胁情报驱动企业网络防御(暗队)九个方面,全面讲解企业安全体系建设,解密彩虹团队非凡实战能力。
本书从国家科技图书文献中心(简称NSTL)面向香山科学会议前沿主题提供情报服务中,遴选深部地下储能、核酸生物结构化学与生物医学及健康、数字眼科与全身疾病认知方法及关键技术、营养素摄入与慢性病防控、中国西南山地生物多样性与生态安全,以及重要电子特气及湿电子化学品6个国际科学前沿重要领域和方向,深入、系统地开展了国际战略规划、项目资助、基础研究、技术研发、重要企业,以及社会影响评价等针对性的情报分析和可视化展示,从国际科技发展和客观数据视角,为我国科学前沿重点领域和方向的科技创新发展与科技管理决策提供重要的参考依据。 本书中所阐述的国际科学前沿重点领域和方向,选题新颖,具有前瞻性。本书采取了学科情报服务人员与领域研究专家密切合作的模式,数据资料翔实、分析*透彻,适合政府部门科技管理人员、决策咨询研究人员和相关科技领域研究人员使用。
       口腔正畸医生的教学培训中,矫治弓丝的弯制训练是重要且不可缺少的内容。 作为正畸医生,矫正牙齿是以“力”作为治疗手段,正畸弓丝上的曲是储存力和释放力的有效单元,掌握和熟悉各种曲的弯制与应用是一项职业基本功,犹如内科医生对药物掌 握与使用。        时隔7年,武广增医生应出版社及广大读者要求,在原著《实用正畸弓丝弯制技术图谱》第1版的基础上,把*的正畸特色弓丝弯制技术与正畸理念整理出来编辑册,编写了《实用正畸弓丝弯制技术图谱(第2版)》,增加了1/3的新内容,并参考了国内外学者的相关资料。        本书文字简练、图文并茂、实用性强,不失为一本值得向广大从事口腔正畸的医生、医学生推荐的临床参考书。
中国科学院 等
《中国科研信息化蓝皮书2022》由中国科学院联合教*部、科学技术部、中国科学技术协会、中国社会科学院、中国工程院、国家自然科学基金委员会和中国农业科学院共同编纂而成,旨在*归纳和总结我国科研信息化的建设情况、应用成果及发展态势,科学地指导和推动我国科研信息化的未来发展,为我国未来科技创新提供全局性、前瞻性和战略性的参考。 本书得到了参与单位相关领导的高度重视和大力支持,邀请了国内科研信息化领域的权威专家围绕我国科研信息化的态势战略、应用实践及基础设施建设等内容编撰了29篇文章,从不同角度展示了近两年来我国科研信息化的新态势、新进展和新成果。 全书内容丰富、案例翔实,可供政府部门、科研机构、高等院校和相关企业从事信息化或科研工作的领导、管理人员和一线科研人员等阅读和参考。
本书从国家科技图书文献中心(简称NSTL)面向香山科学会议前沿主题提供情报服务中,遴选深部地下储能、核酸生物结构化学与生物医学及健康、数字眼科与全身疾病认知方法及关键技术、营养素摄与慢性病防控、中国西南山地生物多样性与生态安全,以及重要电子特气与湿电子化学品6个国际科学前沿重要领域和方向,深、系统地展了国际战略规划、项目资助、基础研究、技术研发、重要企业,以及社会影响评价等针对性的情报分析和可视化展示,从国际科技发展和客观数据视角,为我国科学前沿重领域和方向的科技创新发展与科技管理决策提供重要的参考依据。 本书中所阐述的国际科学前沿重领域和方向,选题新颖,具有前瞻性。本书采取了学科情报服务人员与领域研究专家密切合作的模式,数据资料翔实、分析全面透彻,适合政府部门科技管理人员、决策咨询研究人员和相关科技领域研究人员使用。
钟发平 等
小川直树,斯蒂芬・克利福德,心屋仁之助,斯蒂芬・E· 科恩等
《2018中国肿瘤登记年报》选2015年我国肿瘤登记数据并加以分析,以反映 2015 年我国肿瘤登记覆盖地区癌症的发病与死亡水平。本年报内容共分七章,*章为概述;第二章是统计方法;第三章是数据质量评价;第四、五章为全国合计以及主要癌症的发病与死亡分析结果,第六章附录
读《新手死神》就像看一场生命的狂欢,一日看尽一生的喜怒哀乐!席卷全球来到你面前,请接过《新手死神》递给你的人生真谛!英女王也爱这套书,亲自给作者戴上爵士勋章(两次!)横扫国际幻想文学类大奖,“世界奇幻奖终身成就奖”“美图图书馆协会终身成就奖” “轨迹奖”“普罗米修斯奖”“星云奖”等尽收囊中!幽默奇幻开山之作,英国人手一本的出版奇迹!作者特里?普拉切特两次获得大英帝国爵士称号!被称为“英国书店的救世主”!
Vrtoglave godine: Europa, 1900.–1914.
Vrtoglave godine: Europa, 1900.–1914.
Philipp Blom
Biografia sugereaz?, ?n chip aproape inevitabil, prin relatarea cronologic? a faptelor vie?ii acelui individ, ?ncep?nd de la na?tere ?i continu?nd cu experien?ele tr?ite pe parcursul anilor, c? evenimentele respective au avut o importan?? mai larg?, mai cuprinz?toare dec?t cele ale unui om oarecare, c? au contribuit, ?ntr-un fel sau altul, la scrierea istoriei acelor vremuri. ?n cazul lui Napoleon Bonaparte, merit? s? ne aplec?m ?i asupra mitologiei, ad?ug?nd-o impresiei generale, create de-a lungul deceniilor de nenum?ra?i istorici ?i biografi, conform c?reia ceea ce a contat ?n principal a fost omul ?nsu?i, viziunile ?i ambi?iile sale, ?i nu vremurile ?n care a tr?it ori circumstan?ele ?nt?lnite ?n cale. Pu?ine personaje istorice s-au bucurat de at?ta notorietate ?i de at?tea scrieri dedicate ?i pu?ine au fost descrise ?ntr-o manier? at?t de subiectiv?, prezent?nd ?ntrega istorie a epocii de parc? ar fi fost o reflectare a voin?ei ?i a dorin?ei de putere ?i de glorie a unui singur om. Din acest motiv poate c? ar fi mai ?n?elept ca, ?nainte de orice, s? ne oprim un pic ?i s? ?ncepem aceast? carte cu un soi de avertisment.
Prakseologija hrvatske knji?evnosti: Knjiga III.
Prakseologija hrvatske knji?evnosti: Knjiga III.
Branimir Donat
n condiiile n care cmpul teoriilor cosmopolite contemporane se afl ntr-o permanent expansiune, lucrarea urmrete maniera n care aceast paradigm a cosmopolitismului, care nu este lipsit de anumite tensiuni i controverse, poate fi aplicat i n analiza tiinelor politice, n general, i a teoriei politice, n special. Nivelurile de analiz se refer la principiile fundamentale, noile concepte i ipotezele formulate i soluiile propuse n cadrul cosmopolitismului.
Prakseologija hrvatske knji?evnosti: Knjiga II.
Prakseologija hrvatske knji?evnosti: Knjiga II.
Branimir Donat
Volumul cuprinde mai multe texte publicate ?n cotidianul Ziua ?i pe blogul autoarei, ?n perioada 2009-2014, ce surprind cu o deosebit? obiectivitate ?i luciditate, precum ?i cu un ascu?it spirit critic realit??ile cenu?ii ale vie?ii politice rom?ne?ti contemporane.
从上学到工作,写作都是必经的一环。如何顺畅写出文章,如何写出描写生动的文章,是每个人都会遇到的问题。 阅读不难,真正读懂一本书,却很难。当你能读懂每一本书在讲什么,为什么这么讲,写作也就如庖丁解牛般容易了。 《开明文库:大师的写作方法和阅读诀窍》(套装共10册)集合了多位语文大师的写作技巧和阅读诀窍,从提升阅读技巧,养成阅读习惯开始,用通俗易懂不枯燥的语言,手把手教我们如何从阅读入手,提升我们的文学素养,培养我们的写作能力和鉴赏水平。了解了写作的素材,写作的主题,知道怎样写作,怎样修改,如何评判文章的好坏,写作自然下笔如有神,再也不用为写作烦恼。 本套书共10本,包括:《七十二堂写作课》《好读书而求甚解:叶圣陶谈阅读》《落花水面皆文章:叶圣陶谈写作》《如何阅读一本书》《文心:别开生面的语文课》《文章例话》《文章修养》《文章作法》《作文基本功:如何写得生动有趣》《作文杂谈》。
The Impeccable Host
The Impeccable Host
Mark Perl
The Impeccable Host is the world's first, definitive, training resource on how to Host corporate events of all types and sizes, more profitably than you ever have before. With well in excess of ?1.3 billion being spent on corporate hospitality during the year of the Olympics in the UK, a significant amount of that will be spent by businesses using the opportunity to extend corporate hospitality to their clients. However, studies have shown that most companies have no idea how to measure the effectiveness of that spend, or more importantly, how to influence it. This book guides you through tactical, interpersonal processes which any savvy Executive can manage, to improve yield from events in three key areas: 1. Customer acquisition ?2. Revenue generation ?3. Customer retention ?Throughout an extensive career as an operational manager in hotels, corporate hospitality, conferencing and events, Mark Perl has developed a deep understanding of the value of 'connection' and the tactical skills of 'networking'. In today's highly competitive marketplace, acquiring superior relationship development skills differentiates the extraordinary business professional from the ordinary. Mark demystifies the tactical processes involved in become a confident and effective relationship builder and business developer. He helps professionals to explode their self-confidence, develop profitable relationships with ease, and to win new business in a way that brings in more money, consistently, with less personal stress.
Sortun, Ana
On a trip to Turkey as a young woman, chef Ana Sortun fell in love with the food and learned the traditions of Turkish cooking from local women. Inspired beyond measure, Sortun opened her own restaurant in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the award-winning Oleana, where she creates her own interpretations of dishes incorporating the incredible array of delicious spices and herbs used in eastern regions of the Mediterranean.In this gorgeously photographed book, Sortun shows readers how to use this philosophy of spice to create wonderful dishes in their own homes. She reveals how the artful use of spices and herbs rather than fat and cream is key to the full, rich flavors of Mediterranean cuisine -- and the way it leaves you feeling satisfied afterward. The book is organized by spice, detailing the ways certain spices complement one another and how they flavor other foods and creating in home cooks a kind of sense-memory that allows for a more intuitive use of spice in their own dishes. The more than one hundred tantalizing spice categories and recipes include:Beef Shish Kabobs with Sumac Onions and Parsley Butter Chickpea and Potato Terrine Stuffed with Pine Nuts, Spinach, Onion, and Tahini Crispy Lemon Chicken with Za’atar Golden Gazpacho with Condiments Fried Haloumi Cheese with Pear and Spiced DatesAbsolutely alive with spices and herbs, Ana Sortun’s recipes will intrigue and inspire readers everywhere.
Rice, Noodle, Fish
Rice, Noodle, Fish
Goulding, Matt
An innovative new take on the travel guide, Rice, Noodle, Fish decodes Japan's extraordinary food culture through a mix of in-depth narrative and insider advice, along with 195 color photographs. In this five-thousand-mile journey through the noodle shops, tempura temples, and teahouses of Japan, Matt Goulding, co-creator of the enormously popular Eat This, Not That! book series, navigates the intersection of food, history, and culture, creating one of the most ambitious and complete books ever compiled from the Western perspective about the Japanese culinary landscape. Written in the same evocative voice that drives the award-winning magazine Roads & Kingdoms, Rice, Noodle, Fish explores Japan's most intriguing culinary disciplines in seven key regions, from the kaiseki tradition of Kyoto and the sushi masters of Tokyo to the street food of Osaka and the ramen culture of Fukuoka. You won't find hotel recommendations or bus schedules; you will find a brilliant narrative that interweaves immersive food journalism with intimate portraits of the cities and the people who shape Japan's food world. This is not your typical travel guide. Rice, Noodle, Fish is a rare blend of inspiration and information, perfect for the intrepid journeyman and armchair traveler alike. Combining literary storytelling, indispensable insider information, and world-class design and photography, the result is the first-ever guidebook for the new age of culinary tourism.