

婴幼儿超级认知力:0-4岁完全认知百科,适合中国低幼宝宝的认知百科书。收录17大类、数百种认知内容,从国际通用认知到中国特有事物应有尽有。按颜色分册,有助于宝宝在同种色系中区分不同事物。画面细致逼真,还原细节,适合认知学习。一页一图,重集中,拼音注音 词条简介 互动游戏 中英双语,认知立体有趣,解说详尽,符合宝宝发展特。

微量物证检验是法庭科学的重要组成部分。塑料、纤维、橡胶、涂料、印泥、毒品、火炸药等是微量物证检验的重要内容。这些看似平常的物质在成为物证材料(共混/共聚后的物品)后,其红外光谱比均聚物和纯净物的红外光谱复杂得多,谱图解释也复杂、困难得多。本书是作者在30多年物证检验经验的基础上,对分析过的约几万张红外光谱图经分析、整理、归纳编写而成。书中内容由三部分构成:一、红外光谱基础知识;二、常见塑料、纤维、橡胶、涂料、印油等均聚物;三、塑料、纤维、橡胶、涂料、印泥等常用染料、颜料、填料、增塑剂;四、上述两类物质的共聚物、共混物;分别介绍了这些作为微量物证物质的组成、性能和红外光谱,并对红外光谱的特征谱峰和谱图解析行了详细论述。 书的内容可供从事法庭科学红外光谱检验的同行参考,也可供相关专业从业人员参考,尤其适合熟悉红外光谱仪使用,但不熟悉法庭科学中微量物证红外光谱检验的从业人员参考。

本书依据作者研究团队及国内外橡胶纳米复合材料的*研究展,从基础到应用详细地介绍了各种纳米颗粒/ 橡胶复合材料的制备、结构及性能,阐述了纳米颗粒对橡胶材料模量、强度、耐磨性、耐疲劳性、动态生热性能、抗湿滑性能等物理性能的影响,以及对阻隔、阻燃、阻尼、电热声传导等功能的影响,并介绍了一些重要的工业化案例和工业化新展。 本书适合于高校和科研院所从事纳米材料和纳米复合材料研究与发的学生以及专家学者参考使用,也适合橡胶工业领域从事材料与产品发的研究人员阅读。


本书总结了当代中医治疗肿瘤的研究展,是用于指导中医肿瘤临床的专业著作。 总论部分从中医、西医两个方面,阐述了肿瘤的发病原因。概括了肿瘤的中西医结合治疗原则;详细阐述了中医的肿瘤治疗方法及人体扶正调理治疗方法。概括介绍了肿瘤的预防、康复理论与方法,肿瘤患者的生活、饮食调养等问题。 各论部分对28种常见肿瘤疾病,从中医、西医角度,论述流行病学、病因及发病机制、临床诊断、治疗及预后随访、预防与调护六大方面。中医治疗部分从病证特、治则治法、辨证论治、验方、常用中成药、并发症处理、中医名家经验述评等方面,多角度阐述肿瘤中医治疗,其中也包含了主编团队的临床验方与验案。 本书内容全面实用,可为中医肿瘤医师提供全方位的中西医临床指导,也可供广大中医爱好者参考借鉴。


【古风+大女主+汉朝+权谋+虐恋+日久生情】 汉宫波谲云诡,关外步步惊心,游侠之女浴火重生,出塞为后! 郭弄玉一介民女,为爱入宫,只为强求一段姻缘。 后宫争斗不休、朝堂阴谋层出不穷,她被卷入腥风血雨,身陷囹圄,小心翼翼谋求生存,却只换来心上人的背叛…… 是他,带她走出低谷,相携西域,情许终身。 他所教授的权术终使她走到万人之上,可屡屡被背叛、伤害的爱情,是否还能回到*初的模样……

《柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧》 柏拉图代表哲学智慧,鸭嘴兽代表风趣幽默,两者同根同源,天生一对!这是一堂人人都希望学校里开设的哲学入门课。本书用一个个笑到喷饭的哲学段子,向我们解释了历史上的伟大哲学家、哲学流派和思想传统——从不可知论聊到禅学,再从解释学、逻辑学讨论到永恒。本书将向你展示:如何通过笑话阐释哲学概念,以及有多少笑话本身就蕴含着精辟的哲理。*后,作者们想要表达:不仅是哲学,生活中的一切都是这么简单、轻松、有意义! 《三个逻辑学家去酒吧》 三个逻辑学家走进酒吧,酒保问“每个人都来杯啤酒吗?”*、第二个逻辑学家都说:“我不知道。”第三个逻辑学家说:“好的!”这时酒保应该端上几杯?逻辑学家的世界就是如此“令人头秃”。 翻开本书,经典谜题、逻辑谜题、数学谜题、几何题、脑洞题,100个谜题向你扑面而来。你需要创造力、想象力、横向思维、立体空间感、非凡的脑洞,还有对世界的观察与思考。 《上帝笑了99次》 一只美洲羊驼会坠入爱河吗?机器人能变成人吗?怎样才能不赢得公主青睐?人类一思考,上帝就发笑。在99个奇妙、怪诞、滑稽的问题背后,其实是99个烧脑的哲学、道德、法律领域的经典悖论,也是99道极富挑战性的大思考测试。本书内容覆盖了大多数常见哲学话题,包括形而上学、逻辑学、伦理学、语言哲学、政治哲学、自我认知、人际关系、美学、存在主义等,还配有20多幅漫画插图。在锻炼思维之外,本书也能帮我们建立个性化的哲学知识体系。

《中国古代伤科图书集成系列》是一部伤科专业丛书,亦是一部伤科发展的史书。本丛书在1998年人民卫生出版社《伤科集成》和 2003年中医古籍出版社《伤科集成续集》的基础上,再次收集整理编撰而成(增加伤科专著30余种)。李经纬认为本书“囊括了全国各主要图书馆馆藏……既补遗了骨伤科专著,又是骨伤科的工具书。”马继兴更叹:“专著大多数系手抄本,孤本又较多,部分集自民间,部分集自海外……几乎收落了目前国内所能收集到的伤科专著……” 本丛书共10个分册,包括《经典伤科》《儒家伤科》《道家伤科》《佛家伤科》《兵家伤科》《民族伤科》《汇通伤科》《流派伤科》《导引伤科》《杂家伤科》。本丛书每册40万-50万字,可供从事中医,尤其是骨伤科及医史文献人员参考。

The Baseball Great Collection
Tim Green's thrilling Baseball Great books are perfect for middle-grade readers, and this collection contains three bestselling novels in the series.Baseball Great: Josh feels like he's starting to make it big! Jaden, the school reporter, says he's going to take the baseball team to number one. Then his dad pulls him off the field and signs him up with Coach Rocky Valentine's youth championship team, the Titans. Now Josh is gulping down Rocky's "Super Stax" milkshakes to build muscle and trying to fit in with his new teammates. All Josh really wants to do is play ball, but as he gets in deeper with the Titans, Josh and his new friend Jaden find themselves in a dangerous struggle with a desperate man who doesn't want them to expose the nasty secrets they uncover.Rivals: New York Times bestselling author Tim Green delivers a hard-hitting look at what some teams will do to win in this gripping companion to Baseball Great. Josh is thrilled when all his hard training pays off in a big way and his team, the Titans, makes it to a national tournament in Cooperstown, home of the National Baseball Hall of Fame. But after a dirty play and a brutal injury threaten to sideline Josh, he spies suspicious activity at the tournament. He tries to tell his good friend Jaden about what he's seen, but she's too busy spending time with the L.A. Comets' star player to want to get involved. Jaden says she's doing research for the newspaper . . . but is she?Best of the Best: Josh is still flying high from his team's tournament win when his parents start talking about a divorce. Now his dad is challenging him to play the best of the best at the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. But does he just want to get Josh out of the way. With the help of Benji and Jaden, Josh races to get the facts that can keep his family together—but it's ever harder to concentrate on the game and make the winning plays that will lead his team to victory.

Pretty Little Liars 3-Book Collection
This collection contains the first three novels in Sara Shepard's #1 New York Times bestselling Pretty Little Liars series, making it a perfect introduction to the books that inspired the hit ABC Family original TV showIn Rosewood, majestic estates sprawl for acres, and Tiffany toggle bracelets dangle from every girl's wrist. But not all that glitters is gold, and the town harbors secrets darker than anyone could imagine—like the truth about what really happened the night Alison DiLaurentis went missing. . . .. Pretty Little Liars: Welcome to Rosewood and the pretty little liars who call it home. High school juniors Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily thought their darkest secrets vanished when their best friend, Alison, went missing three years ago. But now someone named "A" is sending them notes and threatening to reveal their ugliest secrets—things only Alison knew. Pretty Little Liars #2: Flawless: Four pretty little liars have been very bad girls. But their most horrible secret yet is so scandalous that the truth would ruin them forever.Pretty Little Liars #3: Perfect: Four perfect-looking girls aren't nearly as perfect as they seem: Aria can't resist her forbidden ex. Hanna is on the verge of losing her BFF. Emily is freaking out over a simple kiss. And Spencer can't keep her hands off anything that belongs to her sister.

Tim Green's Baseball Collection
New York Times bestselling author and former NFL defensive end Tim Green delivers baseball tales with sports action and emotional heart that will keep kids on the edge of their seats. This collection contains three bestselling novels in the series.Pinch Hit: Trevor and Sam look alike. But their lives couldn't be more different. Trevor is a movie star, living the Hollywood life in a huge mansion with his own limo, pool, and bowling alley. There's nothing he doesn't have except the one thing he wants most: to play baseball for real. Sam is a regular kid who seems to have what it takes to make it to baseball's Major Leagues. He's determined to get the scouts at the big USC tournament to recognize his talent. When Sam signs up at Casting Central to make some extra money, he and Trevor come together on a movie set and see the chance to trade places—to pinch hit for each other and make everyone's dreams come true.Force Out: Joey and Zach have always been best friends. They're also two of the best baseball players in their league, and shoo-ins for the all-star team at the end of the season. Their dream is to play together on the Center State select team, and they will do anything to help each other get there. Then the boys learn there's only one open spot on the select team. Suddenly Joey and Zach go from being best friends to biggest rivals, and Joey has to decide his next move. He can play the biggest game of his life, or he can use a secret they share to force Zach out. How far should Joey go to win?New Kid: Tommy's the new kid in town—who now goes by the name Brock—and he's having a hard time fitting in. Thanks to a prank gone wrong, he may be able to settle in on the baseball team. But can he prove himself before he becomes a new kid . . . again?

Ramona 3-Book Collection
Kids everywhere feel connected to Ramona's unique way of looking at the world as she tries to adjust to new teachers, feels jealous about Susan's curls, and is secretly pleased by Yard Ape's teasing. The scrapes she gets herself into—like wearing pajamas to school or accidentally making egg yolk shampoo—are funny and heartwarming, and sometimes embarrassing. No matter what, Ramona's lively, curious spirit shines through. This collection includes three favorites: Beezus and Ramona, Ramona the Pest, Ramona the Brave.






