

江波科幻小说作品集(套装共8册 科幻世界出品)
江波科幻小说作品集(套装共8册 科幻世界出品)
Haunted Experience: Being, Loss, Memory
Haunted Experience: Being, Loss, Memory
Julian Wolfreys
Julian Wolfreys starts with loss. All memory is the memory of loss… All that we are, all we experience, all we remember, all that we forget but which leaves nevertheless a trace on us, in us, a trace that countersigns and writes us as who we are (in effect the constellated matrix of Being’s becoming): this is a process of loss. This just is loss. Loss is who we are. Loss is authentically the necessary and inescapable inessential essence of Being. Loss names the ghosts, the revenants of Being, Being’s others. Neither there nor not there, loss persists as the always already becoming of the thinking of Being. There is more than one loss. There is no one loss. Loss never arrives for a first time. All loss is the return of what is lost to Being’s being in the world. From that starting point, the author explores the nature of being and dwelling… of memory and the nature of the traces of the past… of apparition and appearance and perception… of touch and being touched… of the material and the (a)material. In a book that draws in multiple threads from 19th- and 20th-century European literature, he references extensively Heidegger, Derrida, Lacan, Cixous, Celan, Husserl, Woolf, Joyce, Hegel, Badiou, Rilke, Merleau-Ponty, Winterson, Stockhausen and True Detective in an impressive and eclectic tour of the being-becoming-loss.
套装特惠下单19.99元 中医养生一看就懂丛书(全12册)
李幼蒸 著
《论语》作为几千年来人类精神文明史上一部重要的现世人本主义方向的民族伦理信仰经典,因其内具的经验主义和理性主义精神,在全球化的今日显示出了一种与现代科学精神和人道主义充分一致的思想倾向。作者基于60余年来有关中西人文学术及理论研究的总结与体验,在历代学者相关研究的基础上,根据现代历史解释学和欧陆符号学等方法论,对《论语》的仁学思想的原始意义和现代意义做了全新的阐释,并特别指出《论语》仁学思想应成为中国与世界人文科学现代化发展的重要伦理认识论前提之一。 本书首先对相关研究的背景和原则提出了长篇的理论分析导论,而在其后的正文部分则以通俗易懂的方式逐章逐段地对《论语》大部分重要文句的原始义理及其当代意涵做了详细疏解。本书不仅揭示了《论语》具有的永恒民族性的伦理学价值,而且阐发了《论语》对未来世界精神文明发展方向极具启示性的价值观导向意义。
First Words and Pets/Baby's First Words and Pets
First Words and Pets/Baby's First Words and Pets
Janet A. Wilson
First Words and Pets/Baby's First Words and Pets
Creating Light
Creating Light
Beth Hurley Luers
Creating Light
The Complete Eagle Cove: (the sweet version)
The Complete Eagle Cove: (the sweet version)
M. L. Buchman
The Complete Eagle Cove: (the sweet version)
(西)塞万提斯,(英) 理雅各,(法)巴尔扎克 等
(加)曹渡 主编
Beholder Box Set: Books 1-5
Beholder Box Set: Books 1-5
Christina Bauer
Medieval mages … Slow-burn love … And heart-pounding action! All five books of the best-selling series are now in one ebook collection! CURSED?(Book 1)Elea doesn’t want to be a witch, but she’s been struck by a curse. The only way our heroine can survive is if she embraces her hated Necromancer powers. Elea works hard. Still, success seems just about impossible until a handsome warlock named Rowan offers to help. CONCEALED?(Book 2)?Elea is now a Grand Mistress Necromancer. Good thing, too. She’ll need all her new powers in order to save her friends from the evil Viscount Gaspard. And her heart? That might belong to Rowan, unless he breaks it forever. CHERISHED?(Book 3)Elea is done being a witch. Forget casting spells. Forget saving the realm. Especially, forget how Rowan shattered her trust. Now, Elea wants to go back to life on the farm. Trouble is, someone’s trying to kill her. The only man she doesn’t want to ever see again? That’s the only one who can help her. It’s time to see Rowan.? CROWNED (Book 4)Elea’s true identity will be revealed… as well as?who is the best man to share her future.? CRADLED (Book 5)At last, Elea and Rowan are settling in to their new lives. Trouble is, Rowan is spending a lot of time cleaning up messes from his childhood. And considering the nightmare that was his mother, those are some ugly messes indeed. In fact, the experience is enough to make Rowan vow that he never wants children of his own. Oops. "Beholder will take you on an adventure of a lifetime!"?-?The Avid Reader
Scriitorul de filozofie
Scriitorul de filozofie
Papuc Ion
Nu sunt dintre cei care cred c artistul, scriitorul sunt scutii de responsabiliti. Dimpotriv, responsabilitatea lor este mai mare dect a celorlali oameni pentru c ei se afl n capul coloanei i trebuie s arate drumul de urmat. Sunt adnc recunosctor Academiei Suedeze pentru c mi-a recunoscut eforturile n aceast direcie i vreau s ridic acum paharul pentru succesul activitii sale n promovarea a ceea ce este reprezentativ i nobil n literatur.“ – Bjrnstjerne Bjrnson, Discursul de la Stockholm, 1903Autor al primelor drame istorice moderne n Norvegia, al unor saga care i-au influenat, printre alii, pe Selma Lagerlf sau Knut Hamsun, Bjrnson rmne, alturi de Henrik Ibsen, Alexander Kielland i Jonas Lie, unul dintre cei patru autori majori (De Fire Store) ai Norvegiei de la sfritul secolului al XIX-lea.“ – Andreea RsuceanuCnd se rostete numele lui Bjrnson, parc s-ar desfura stindardul Norvegiei. Cu calitile i lipsurile lui, cu geniul i cu slbiciunile sale, el e tot att de complet norvegian pe ct de complet francez este Voltaire. n personalitatea sa, Bjrnson rezum ntregul popor. Nici un alt contemporan nu reprezint att de desvrit dragostea acestui popor fa de patrie i de libertate, contiina de sine, sinceritatea i energia sa tnr.“ – Georg Brandes
First-Time Parent and Gem Babies’ Names Bundle
First-Time Parent and Gem Babies’ Names Bundle
Lucy Atkins,Julia Cresswell
A two-ebook edition of two best-selling and invaluable books for new parents: First Time Parent and Gem Babies’ Names. First Time Parent: Forget unrealistic childcare manuals – this is the book you really need to help you cope brilliantly with those first chaotic days and months ahead. As a health journalist and mother-of-three, Lucy Atkins is familiar with both the medical aspects of baby development, and the reality of life as an exhausted first-time mum or dad. Anticipating the questions and concerns of all new mothers –Why does my baby cry so much? Am I a bad parent because…? – the book provides practical advice and reassurance. It addresses the needs of the baby and, very importantly, those of the parent during the first year of their baby’s life. The First-Time Parent is on your side, and reassures that you can cope brilliantly with your new baby and your new life. Gem Babies’ Names: A brand-new edition of this best-selling guide to over 1,500 babies’ names. Gem Babies’ Names lists names alphabetically, giving a pronunciation guide, background to the origins of the name and any pet names or related names.Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Afro-Caribbean and European names, as well as Christian names, are all included. The ideal pocket guide to choosing a name for your baby.
The Best Laid Plans
The Best Laid Plans
Sheldon, Sidney
Sidney Sheldon returns with a tale of two equally determined people headed on a collision course. One the governor of a small southern state, Oliver Russell is a man with a strategy to win the White House. The other is the beautiful and ambitious Leslie Stewart, a woman intent on seeing him lose everything. Soon they will both discover that even the best laid plans can go dangerously astray--with deadly consequences.
20世纪初,日本出现现代展厅与书法展览,摹仿以王铎为代表的“明清调”(即巨轴行草书)的作品以强烈的视觉性大获成功。这刺激了日本书家开始对王铎进行研究,其年谱方面的成果,首推须羽源-1975年在《书品》杂志发表的《王铎年谱(稿)》,1992年村上三岛主编《王铎①书法》五大册,也收入福本雅一所撰《王铎年谱》。这两部年谱以部分王铎书法作品以及藏于日本的《拟山园选集》诗集(清顺治十年刊,五十四卷残本)为核心资料。20世纪80年代之后,中国大陆的书法展览也蓬勃兴起,王铎及其他明末清初书家如张瑞图、倪元璐、黄道周、傅山等也受到普遍的青睐。1993年,有关单位在王铎家乡孟津举办了一次王铎研究国际学术研讨会,同年,由高文龙、刘正成主编的《中国书法全集,王铎卷》由荣宝斋出版社出版。   王铎年谱长编(国家社科基金后期资助项目 套装上中下册)附录了简要的《王铎年表》,成为大陆学者王铎年谱(表)编着的开端。随后的一些相关出版物中也都附录王铎的简要年表,但这些成果未能全面超出日本学者。
Your New Prime
Your New Prime
Cooper, Craig
Do you want a kick-ass lifeWe thought so.Getting older may be inevitable, but that's no reason to resign yourself to the "natural" aging process. In his savvy and down-to-earth manual, serial entrepreneur and men's health expert Craig Cooper teaches men forty and up—or, as he calls them, "New Primers"—how to unleash their potential to be healthier, stronger, happier, more energetic, and more sexually satisfied.A man's ultimate, no-nonsense guide to peak performance in all aspects of life, Your New Prime addresses the pressing questions every man has as he ages:"How can I naturally boost my testosterone?""Is there anything I can do to prevent disease?""What will it take to lose these extra pounds?""How should I face a midlife crisis?"Based on the latest scientific research and Cooper's personal experience warding off diabetes, preventing cancer, and naturally increasing his own testosterone, this invaluable handbook holds the answers to all these questions and more, covering a wide range of essential topics such as sexual health, mental health, nutrition, and physical fitness.Your New Prime is organized into easy-to-navigate sections, giving you the tools you need to lose weight, gain more energy, revamp your sex life, and kick-start better eating habits. A detailed thirty-day program for each section, along with quizzes, audits, and tables, helps you determine and address your specific needs, allowing you to focus on the most pressing questions and leave the rest for later.Practical, honest, and vitally informative, Your New Prime details a lifelong strategy for maximum health—and will help any man perform at his best, no matter what his age.
Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Barrie, J. M.
Let your imagination take flight as you journey with Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, and the Darling children to the magical island of Neverland in this beautiful new unabridged gift edition of J.M. Barrie's classic story. All-new original illustrations and ten exclusive interactive elements from the award-winning design studio MinaLima create an enchanted adventure for readers of all ages—all you need is to think lovely thoughts and use a little bit of fairy dust.
World Gone By
World Gone By
Lehane, Dennis
Late spring, 1943. The world is at war but the American mob is in its heyday. Former crime boss Joe Coughlin now works as a consigliere to the infamous Bartolo Crime Family, effortlessly handling its interests in Tampa, Boston, and Cuba. In the decade since he lost his wife in a cascade of bullets, Joe has made a home for himself and his son, and once again forged everything out of nothing: money, power, a relationship with a beautiful woman, and a privileged place in Tampa's shadowy underworld.But a rumor surfaces that someone wants Joe dead. And he has only days to figure out who, or he will die. And then there's the ghost—a young boy who appears on the fringes of Joe's vision and seems to be trying to tell him something. Racing against time and fate, Joe hurtles through a violent yet intoxicating world on the brink of total collapse or epic triumph, a world on the cusp of reinvention and rebirth—where the old codes, the old sins, and the old dreams may soon be swept away once and for all.
Desperate Sons
Desperate Sons
Standiford, Les
A groundbreaking narrative a historical political thriller that explores the role of the Sons of Liberty in the American Revolution.More than two hundred years ago, a group of British colonists in America decided that the conditions under which they were governed had become intolerable. Angry and frustrated that King George III and the British Parliament had ignored their lawful complaints and petitions, they decided to take action.Knowing that their deeds often directed at individuals and property were illegal, and punishable by imprisonment and even death, these agitators plotted and conducted their missions in secret to protect their identities as well as the identities of those who supported them. Calling themselves the Sons of Liberty, they gathered together in a radical society committed to imposing forcible change. Those determined men including second cousins Samuel and John Adams, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, and John Hancock saw themselves as patriots. Yet to the Crown, and to many of the Sons' fellow colonists, the revolutionaries were terrorists who deserved death for their treason.In this gripping narrative, Les Standiford reveals how this group of intelligent, committed men, motivated by economics and political belief, began a careful campaign of interlocking events that would channel feelings of vague injustice into an armed rebellion of common cause, which would defeat an empire and give birth to a radical political experiment a new nation known as the United States.
Hyun, Jane
The workplace around the world is changing growing increasingly multicultural, female, and younger. Experts often tell CEOs and managers what not to do, and corporate diversity programs can often appear to be like defensive measures against lawsuits and harassment charges. While technology has connected all of us as a global workforce, it has not equipped us with the capability to interact genuinely with people. In order to be successful in this new global business environment, we need to rethink the way we lead others.Flex offers a new approach a proactive strategy for managers to understand and leverage difference effectively in this new global economy.Flex shows managers how to understand the power gap the social distance between you and those in the workplace of different cultures, ages, and gender; stretch your management style and bridge the gap with more effective communication and feedback tools; and multiply the effect by teaching these skills to others and closing the power gap with clients, customers, and partners to create innovative solutions. Creating flex in a company's management style will affect all aspects of developing existing leaders, attracting future talent, and building relationships with customers in this competitive marketplace. Flex shows you how.
徐文兵,梁冬 著
  ◆《黄帝内经.四气调神》一本教我们如何根据一年四季的气候变化来调整自己的饮食之道、做人之道、做事之道,以便身体更好、更快地汲取各种环境中的正能量,由此活得强大、自足的生命科学经典读物。与其说它是一部伟大国学经典的精彩解析,不如说它是关乎幸福的人间示,实际上它更是一本人生好活法使用说明书。总之,每一个读过它的人都会大呼过瘾,心怀温暖。   ◆《黄帝内经.上古天真》是一本教你用“天真”疗法获得健康和幸福的智慧书籍,其实养生和快乐真的很简单,依据自己的本性和自然属性而活,到了什么阶段就做什么事,以自己的内心快乐为真正标准,你就能摆脱当下“因为生活、工作压力大,拼命工作,不敢生病;为了薪金,不惜牺牲睡眠;为了职位,不惜压抑自我……”的困境生活,始珍惜生命的快活。   ◆《黄帝内经.天年》是一本告诉我们如何活得好,又活得长的智慧之书,是一本教我们人生每十年活法的实用之书,是带领我们走向生命境界“天年”之旅的幸福之书。读之,方明白60岁才是人生的始。读了她,或许你就能平安喜乐到天年。   ◆《黄帝内经.异法方宜》是一本教我们快找到自己人生风水宝地的养生风水学经典,也是当今讲得好的黄帝内经,其精彩内容之前一直藏在深闺人未识,如今,由医道相通的中医大家徐文兵和凤凰卫视名嘴梁冬以出神化、逐字逐句解读并结合当下人生活的方式来重新发现,告诉你不管是生活在出生地还是背井离乡,都能根据当地“地利”的优势和能量来养心养身,汲取向上的生机,把生活变得蒸蒸日上。