
Eduardo Lalo is one of the most vital and unique voices of Latin American literature, but his work is relatively little known in the English-speaking world. That changes now: this masterful translation of his most celebrated novel, Simone-which won the 2013 Romulo Gallegos International Novel Prize-will introduce an English-language audience to this extraordinary literary talent.A tale of alienation, love, suspense, imagination, and literature set on the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Simone tells the story of a self-educated Chinese immigrant student courting (and stalking) a disillusioned, unnamed writer who is struggling to make a name for himself in a place that is not exactly a hotbed of literary fame. By turns solipsistic and political, romantic and dark, Simone begins with the writer's frustrated, satiric observations on his native city and the banal life of the university where he teaches-forces utterly at odds with the sensuality of his writing. But, as mysterious messages and literary clues begin to appear-scrawled on sidewalks and walls, inside volumes set out in bookstores, left on his answering machine and under his windshield wiper-Simone progresses into a cat-and-mouse game between the writer and his mystery stalker. When the eponymous Simone's identity is at last revealed, the writer finds in the life of this Chinese immigrant a plight not unlike his own. Traumatized and lonely, the pair moves towards bittersweet collaborations in passion, grief, and art.



中国史研究历程 . 元代卷


“美国国家地理全球史”·古希腊兴衰史,全景式呈现古希腊文明2500年发展史,并于细处打捞古希腊辉煌而神秘的文明碎片,解读古希腊文明兴衰的启示。 《希腊的起源》——很长一段时间,古希腊文明就像雅典娜全副武装从宙斯的头颅中横空出世那样,充满诗意般的壮丽与神秘。但随着克里特文明和迈锡尼文明遗迹的面世,这古老的西方文化之源才真正变得有迹可循。本书还原了从青铜时代到古风时期的古希腊文明的历史线索。 《古典希腊》 —— 古典美学的准则,逻辑和理性思维,共同生活以及解决冲突的社会伦理,法律面前人人平等的理念,民主和参与式政治的思想基础,个人主义、人文主义、科学的方法和原则,这些奠定西方乃至世界文化、政治等领域基础的理念,都在古典希腊时期得以形成。即使在新科技如火如荼的今天,从本质上讲,欧洲人仍然是希腊人。 《雅典的陷落》——本书用丰富可靠的史料,立体生动地再现了古典时代后期希腊霸权的争夺与更替,尤其是伯罗奔尼撒战争及其带来的混乱与崩裂。雅典的落败直接导致城邦制以及古希腊文明从鼎盛而走向衰落。 《亚历山大帝国》——本书通过亚历山大帝国时期及希腊化王国时期的发展、变迁和权力更迭,细致、丰富而清晰地呈现了当时横跨欧亚非的世界性帝国的历史兴衰,以及丰富、动荡又极具戏剧张力的时代如何被那些以悲剧告终的伟大人物所左右。同时,亚历山大远征不仅建立了世界性的广大帝国,还将希腊文化传播到了所征服的地区,深刻改变了古代世界和古典时期希腊的风貌,更使得希腊文化经历了一个新的黄金阶段。 美国国家地理全球史 美国国家地理全球史系列,是美国国家地理学会出品的,规模宏大的一组历史丛书项目,是其100多年历史文化内容的培育与积累,共有30种图书。本套丛书内容由考古学家、历史学家、语言学家、地理学家、制图家、摄影师、插画家和编辑组成的多学科团队精心创制。立足于历史与文明的思索,以时间轴展开对世界各地文明及人类历史发展变量的解读和记录。本系列书目如下—— 《早期的法老》《埃及帝国》《古埃及的终结》《美索不达米亚文明》《中东的王国和帝国》《希腊的起源》《古典希腊》《雅典的陷落》《亚历山大帝国》《罗马:从王政到共和》《罗马:征服地中海》 《罗马共和国的终结》《罗马帝国的崛起》《罗马帝国:黄金时代》《罗马帝国:罗马的陷落》《拜占庭的辉煌》《中世纪欧洲》《伊斯兰的扩张》《基督教王国和十字军东征》《通往东方的新路线》《中世纪的终结》《征服美洲》《文艺复兴》《土耳其、俄罗斯帝国与明代中国》《君权》 《大航海时代》《启蒙运动》《法国大革命与拿破仑》《19世纪的世界》《世界大战》

没人能猜中真相 东野圭吾精选作品集(套装共8册)
该套装包括:《信》《雪国之劫》《魔力的胎动》《梦幻花》《拉普拉斯的魔女》《沉睡的人鱼之家》《白金数据》《危险的维纳斯》 《信》主要内容:一对相依为命的兄弟,因为一桩命案,走上了完全不同的人生……《雪国之劫》主要内容:东野圭吾娱乐悬疑新体验,没人能在读完前停下来!“我要代表地球,惩罚你们这些破坏自然环境的元凶。”一封胡话连篇的恐吓信,竟真的将整个滑雪场卷入了炸弹危机。没人知道犯人真正的目的是什么。 《魔力的胎动》主要内容:《魔力的胎动》是东野圭吾《拉普拉斯的魔女》系列zui新作品,中文简体初次出版。银貂山的谷底发现一具成年男子的尸体,死亡时间是三天前。死者衣服口袋里有驾照,但是联系不到家人。警方终确认,男子是天才钢琴家朝比奈的爱人尾村。平时不爱登山的尾村为何会死在银貂山?为了找出真相,那由多和圆华來到意外发生的地方…… 《梦幻花》主要内容: 错综交织的悬案,揭开百年的谜团年轻夫妇的身体被武士刀贯穿,仅有年幼的女儿生还;一见钟情的初恋女孩,却在几天后人间蒸发…… 《拉普拉斯的魔女》主要内容:东野圭吾:“我想摧毁自己以前写的小说,于是,这部作品就此诞生。”两处温泉地,相继发生硫化氢中毒事件,虽然在教授清江调查后被判定为“不可能人为”,而以意外结案。然而种种疑点和现场出现的神秘少女,令前警察武尾、地球化学教授清江和负责调查事件的中冈始终无法释怀…… 《沉睡的人鱼之家》主要内容:如果推理小说一定要有死亡,这本书所触及的或许就是残忍令人绝望的一种情境。一起事件,一个人的一生因此改变。仿佛跌入蛛网般绝望的挣扎,可这黑暗的尽头在哪里?世界还会有光亮吗?薰子放弃所有,坚持守护的这一切真的像想象的那样吗? 《白金数据》主要内容:《嫌疑人X的献身》之后,推理天王东野圭吾的烧脑巨献。拥有值得反复思考的深度,远远超越“推理小说”范畴。从一个灵魂到另一个灵魂,是自我救赎,也是对人性的深层读写。 《危险的维纳斯》主要内容:一个陌生女人的电话,一起失踪事件,动物医生手岛伯朗卷入一场正在进行的犯罪事件。没有任何线索,甚至连同伴也不能完全信任。那个隐藏在家人中的凶手到底是谁?


General Sherman's Christmas
From the author of the bestselling Silent Night comes a close look at the embattled holiday season of 1864, when Major General W. T. Sherman gave President Lincoln the city of Savannah and paved the way for the end of the Civil War. General Sherman's Christmas opens on Thanksgiving Day 1864. Sherman was relentlessly pushing his troops nearly three hundred miles across Georgia in his "March to the Sea," to reach Savannah just days before Christmas. His methodical encroachment of the city from all sides eventually convinced Confederate general W. J. Hardee, who had refused a demand for surrender of his troops, to slip away in darkness across an improvised causeway and escape to South Carolina. In freezing rain and through terrifying fog, equipment-burdened soldiers crossed a hastily built pontoon bridge spanning the mile-wide Savannah River. Three days before Christmas, the mayor, Richard Arnold, surrendered the city, now populated mostly by women, children, and the slaves who had not fled. General Sherman then telegraphed to Abraham Lincoln, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah with 150 heavy guns plenty of ammunition also about 25.000 bales of cotton."The fight for Savannah took place as its inhabitants were anxiously preparing for Christmas. Weintraub explores how Christmas was traditionally fated in the South and what remained of the holiday to celebrate during the waning last full year of the war. Illustrated with striking period prints, General Sherman's Christmas captures the voices of soldiers and civilians on both sides of the conflict, as they neared the end of a long war.


韦力芷兰斋书店寻访三部曲套装 (中华书局出品)

Slow Cooker Cooking
When someone says "slow cooker," do you think of pot roast or chiliNow you can think Slow Cooked Salmon, Caramelized Onion Soup, falling-off-the-bone Lamb You Can Eat with a Spoon, and Flourless Pear Anise Soufflé. If these dishes whet your appetite, it's time to take that slow cooker out of the closet, plug it in, and get ready for Slow Cooker Cooking.Lora Brody knows her appliances. She inspired a whole new generation of bread bakers with her best-selling bread machine books. Here she pushes the slow cooker to places no one ever expected it to go, inventing fruit bases for soufflés and ice creams, reducing milk and sugar to make Dulce de Leche, and infusing oils with herbs. In addition to creating innovative takes on one-pot meals such as classic New England Boiled Dinner, Venison Stew with Mushrooms, and Osso Buco with Gremolata, here you will find recipes for ingredients that are the basis for other dishes, such as Duxelles, Braised Chestnuts, and vegetable and chicken stocks. Vegetarians will enjoy recipes such as Rago?t of Leeks, Fennel, and Celery and Virtuous Lentil Soup, and dessert lovers will rejoice when they see recipes for Hazelnut Chocolate Fondue and Coconut Rice Pudding.Creative cooking in the slow cooker doesn't mean giving up any of the convenience associated with this popular appliance. You still add the ingredients to the pot and go about your day (or evening), letting the slow cooker do all the work.Thanks to the pot's sealed insert and consistently even heat, food cooks under ideal conditions to make it tender and bring out maximum flavor. Come home to a kitchen perfumed with an aroma that promises good things to eat and find a perfectly cooked dish to enjoy.

Teenage Fitness
Celebrated trainer and the Today show fitness expert Kathy Kaehler is one of Hollywood's most sought-after fitness trainers. What Kathy has done for Julia Roberts, Michelle Pfeiffer, Drew Barrymore, Cindy Crawford, Alfre Woodard, Samuel L. Jackson, Penelope Ann Miller, and Claire Forlani, among many others, she will do for you. Teenage Fitness is your ultimate fitness source. Her mission is to keep you fit for life. Reflecting on her own body image and eating problems as a teenager, Kathy will show you how to have a healthy respect for your body.She offers essential fitness techniques necessary to look and feel your absolute best. You will learn:To appreciate your own beauty To change your mind-setTo know and accept your body typeNineteen terrific eating tips to get you through your day What kind of eater you areThe 90/10 principle of pigging out Creative Fitness Suburban Fitness Urban FitnessFive-minute and twenty-minute workoutsWith Kathy's straightforward and practical fitness principles, you'll feel terrific about your body, your looks, and your life.

The Placebo Response
The brain can heal the body: that's the remarkable truth behind the body's placebo response. As one of the nation's foremost authorities on the mysterious connection between mind and body, Dr. Howard Brody introduces a radical new understanding of this phenomenon -- and how it can be used to foster good health. The body, says Brody, has an "inner pharmacy" that the brain taps into, according to what we anticipate, how we are conditioned by experience, and how we interpret events. Consider the following:In one study, people with allergies showed no response when exposed to the irritant, when they were first convinced it was something. Sham surgery has sometimes produced lasting results, indistinguishable from the results of real operations.Patients recover faster from surgery when they have window views of trees or grass, rather than brick walls.But the placebo response is more than an astonishing medical fact -- it can be put to practical use. The Placebo Response gives you access to a new kind of alternative medicine, one proven by science and found within your own body.

Dogs As I See Them
A beloved classic for dog lovers of all ages With a new foreword by Ann PatchettIn the 1930s, Lucy Dawson's friendly, sympathetic portraits of dogs were so popular with readers of American and British magazines that she agreed to gather them together in a book, Dogs As I See Them.The volume you now hold in your hands brings this highly collectible book back in print, replicating the original 1937 edition to a T, including all of Dawson's irresistible graphite and pastel drawings and handwritten notes printed on thick sketchbook paper. Along with Dawson's illustrations are her own amusing stories about the conduct of each of her subjects as they posed for her. Her charming reminiscences interpret the character and mood of each dog, and make us friends at once with each and every one in this gallery of endearing portraits. Dogs As I See Them is a remarkable collection dog lovers of all generations will take to their hearts.With 85 full-color and black-and-white illustrations

The Intelligent Investor, Rev. Ed
More than one million hardcovers sold Now available for the first time in paperback! The Classic Text Annotated to Update Graham's Timeless Wisdom for Today's Market Conditions The greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham's philosophy of "value investing" -- which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies -- has made The Intelligent Investor the stock market bible ever since its original publication in 1949. Over the years, market developments have proven the wisdom of Graham's strategies. While preserving the integrity of Graham's original text, this revised edition includes updated commentary by noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, whose perspective incorporates the realities of today's market, draws parallels between Graham's examples and today's financial headlines, and gives readers a more thorough understanding of how to apply Graham's principles. Vital and indispensable, this HarperBusiness Essentials edition of The Intelligent Investor is the most important book you will ever read on how to reach your financial goals.

The Blind Spy
Superspy Anna Resnikov is back in Alex Dryden's latest, masterful international thriller—The Blind SpyRussia has never accepted Ukraine's independence and now the Patrioti—Putin, his elder statesmen, and seasoned generals dedicated to rebuilding their fallen empire—are using the KGB's controversial elite and clandestine forces of Department S to destabilize the young democratic nation and bring it back under Russian control.But Cougar, the powerful private intelligence company that overshadows even the CIA in its reach, learns of Russia's plans and strikes at the heart of its plot with its own lethal weapon—the gorgeous ex–KGB colonel Anna Resnikov. More than a gifted spy and expert killer, Anna lost the love of her life and the father of her child at the hands of her former countrymen. Her defection to Cougar has made her the most wanted woman in Russia, but she'll risk any danger to herself for the chance to destroy the evil that rules her homeland. And on the ground in Ukraine, she meets a formidable foe, a mysterious KGB spy whose aims are suspiciously unclear but whose power is unmistakably deadly.New York Times bestselling author James Grippando raves, "Alex Dryden...can please everyone from fans of old le Carré to students of current affairs." The Blind Spy is another killer cocktail of page-turning suspense, high-octane action, and riveting intrigue that will hold you captive from beginning to end.

The Pleasure Is All Mine
With The Pleasure is All Mine, anyone can enjoy a Steak au Poivre with Frites, Three-Cheese Ravioli, Coconut Fish Curry with Homemade Naan Bread, or a Wild Blueberry Free-Form Tart without the expense and hassle of restaurants or fussy dinner guests. The 100 uncomplicated, exquisite recipes in this collection are simple to prepare and require no fancy equipment. With just a skillet, bowl, knife, and a few perfect ingredients, Pirret makes great solo dining effortless-and she offers inspired wine and cocktail pairings, too, to make dinner complete. Edgy and bursting with personality, The Pleasure is All Mine is also filled with a wealth of devilishly entertaining stories based on her experiences living in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, and London.

Emeril's Kicked-Up Sandwiches
More than 100 simple, flavorful recipe s for the world's best sandwiches and the bread s and condiments that make them shine!From classic favorites to unique culinary creations, Emeril's Kicked-Up Sandwiches serves up recipes for every skill level and palate. Whether it's a savory breakfast wrap, an easy on-the-go lunch, or a satisfying supper, here are delicious possibilities catering to any meal: All Wrapped Up—Chopped Salad Wrap with Pan-Roasted Chicken, Roquefort, and Bacon; Falafel with Cucumber, Onion, and Tomato SaladBreakfast and Brunch—Emeril's Smoked Salmon Bagel with Mascarpone Spread; Breakfast Burrito with Chorizo, Black Beans, and Avocado CremaKicked-Up Classics—The Reuben; Fried Soft-Shelled Crab Sandwiches with a Lemon Caper Mayo; Emeril's Monte CristoLunchbox: Sandwiches That Travel!—Egg Salad Supreme; Roast Beef Sandwich with French Onion Dip and Crispy Shallots; Curried Chicken Salad on Pumpernickel Pressed and Grilled—Grilled Peanut Butter, Banana, and Honey; The Cuban; Spicy Eggplant with Mozzarella and BasilSweet Sandwiches—Ginger Ice Cream Sandwiches with Ginger Molasses Cookies; Red Velvet Whoopee PiesEmeril's Kicked-Up Sandwiches goes beyond generic tuna salad and turkey on whole wheat, introducing a range of international flavors, as well as combinations of hearty breads and versatile, flavorful condiments for any occasion—and even leaves room for dessert. With recipes that save time without sacrificing flavor, Emeril's latest cookbook is sure to delight sandwich lovers everywhere.

Are You Serious?
A provocative critique of modern frivolity and a guide to being serious in an unserious age We used to live in a world run by serious people: politicians and religious leaders, writers and artists, journalists and academics, lawyers and business executives, who approached their work with maturity and mindfulness. Today it seems as if most of these figures have all but disappeared, leaving our country and our culture in the hands of amateurs, buffoons, and professional clowns. Yet, according to Lee Siegel, seriousness has been elusive in every age, and every age has its own particular obstacles to living seriously. In a unique combination of fiction, memoir, history, social criticism, satire, and spiritual reflection, Siegel illuminates our contemporary distractions of profit, popularity, and instant pleasure as we search for ways to be serious in culture, in politics, and in everyday life.Are You Seriousis a thoughtful and enlightening exploration of seriousness in all its incarnations, from the heights of intellectual endeavor to the depths of political conflict to how the word itself is used in ordinary situations, from romance to business. Siegel lays bare the forces in modern life that create the silliness all around us, and he describes how seriousness may be attained through the qualities of attention, purpose, and continuity, in satisfying lives forged in bonds of work and love.

HarperCollins e-books
In 1919, the Boston Red Sox traded Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees to finance a Broadway show. In 1968, NBC turned off the Jets-Raiders game with only seconds left to show the made-for-TV movie Heidi. In 1994, Tonya Harding decided the best way to win Olympic gold was by taking out Nancy Kerrigan's kneecap. In all of these situations, and many, many more, there is just one question fans can ask: What were they thinking?!In these pages, sportswriter and fellow fan Kyle Garlett recounts the top sports blunders that made you tear out your hair, beat your chest in agony, and yell at the TV until your neighbors called the cops. Whether it's boneheaded coaches, idiotic general managers, or temporarily insane players, every fan has seen his team go from the brink of victory to total defeat for no logical reason. Whether it's baseball, football, golf, hockey, or any other sport, you'll discover what really happened during these painful moments and why they ended up the unbelievable way they did.