

Emeril's Potluck
Emeril's Potluck
Lagasse, Emeril
America's favorite chef Emeril Lagasse is ready to party. Parties and celebrations mean food. Lots of food: tureens of soup, platters of chicken, bowls of salad, casseroles of baked pasta. From family reunions to holiday buffets, summer barbecues to tailgate parties, and weekend brunches to bridal showers, Emeril's Potluck offers crowd-pleasing dishes perfect for gatherings with friends and family.Emeril's Potluck brings together everything Emeril loves most about cooking and eating. The food is simple, flavorful, and perfect for sharing at any get-together. Each recipe serves a whopping 8 to 10 people, but don't assume you're making too much -- everyone will be heading back for seconds and thirds of these Emerilized starters, entrees, drinks, sides, and desserts.Start by toasting the occasion with a glass of Champagne Punch, a Watermelon Daiquiri, or an Orange Emeril. Then let the feast begin! Classic Blue Cheese Dip, Alain's Sweet and Spicy Asian Wings, or Sausage-Stuffed Mushrooms will get your party started right! Main courses range from Olive-Stuffed Leg of Lamb and Creole Mustard and Herb-Wrapped Beef Tenderloin to homey favorites such as Charlotte's Lasagna Bolognese, Penne à la Vodka Casserole, and Tuna Tetrazzini. Of course, it wouldn't be a party without dessert, so save room for Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie, Strawberry Shortcake, and Emeril's Tiramisu.The recipes are quick, easy, and portable. Enjoy these dishes at home or take them on the road. Emeril's Potluck -- so foolproof, so easy, so crowd pleasing that luck has nothing to do with it.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Morris, Roy, Jr.
In this compelling narrative, renowned historian Roy Morris, Jr., expertly offers a new angle on two of America's most towering politicians and the intense personal rivalry that transformed both them and the nation they sought to lead in the dark days leading up to the Civil War.For the better part of two decades, Stephen Douglas was the most famous and controversial politician in the United States, a veritable "steam engine in britches." Abraham Lincoln was merely Douglas's most persistent rival within their adopted home state of Illinois, known mainly for his droll sense of humor, bad jokes, and slightly nutty wife.But from the time they first set foot in the Prairie State in the early 1830s, Lincoln and Douglas were fated to be political competitors. The Long Pursuit tells the dramatic story of how these two radically different individuals rose to the top rung of American politics, and how their personal rivalry shaped and altered the future of the nation during its most convulsive era. Indeed, had it not been for Douglas, who served as Lincoln's personal goad, pace horse, and measuring stick, there would have been no Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858, no Lincoln presidency in 1860, and perhaps no Civil War six months later. For both men and for the nation itself the stakes were that high.Not merely a detailed political study, The Long Pursuit is also a compelling look at the personal side of politics on the rough-and-tumble western frontier. It shows us a more human Lincoln, a bare-knuckles politician who was not above trading on his wildly inaccurate image as a humble "rail-splitter," when he was, in fact, one of the nation's most successful railroad attorneys. And as the first extensive biographical study of Stephen Douglas in more than three decades, the book presents a long-overdue reassessment of one of the nineteenth century's more compelling and ultimately tragic figures, the one-time "Little Giant" of American politics.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Connor, James A.
In a major biography of Blaise Pascal, James Connor explores both the intellectual giant whose theory of probability paved the way for modernity and the devout religious mystic who dared apply probability to faith.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Charles, Daniel
FRITZ HABER -- a Nobel laureate in chemistry, a friend of Albert Einstein, a German Jew and World War I hero -- may be the most important scientist you have never heard of. The Haber-Bosch process, which he invented at the turn of the twentieth century, revolutionized agriculture by converting nitrogen to fertilizer in quantities massive enough to feed the world. The invention has become an essential pillar for life on earth; some two billion people on our planet could not survive without it. Yet this same process supplied the German military with explosives during World War I, and Haber orchestrated Germany's use of an entirely new weapon -- poison gas. Eventually, Haber's efforts led to Zyklon B, the gas later used to kill millions -- including Haber's own relatives -- in Nazi concentration camps.Haber is the patron saint of guns and butter, a scientist whose discoveries transformed the way we produce food and fight wars. His legacy is filled with contradictions, as was his personality. For some, he was a benefactor of humanity and devoted friend. For others, he was a war criminal, possessed by raw ambition. An intellectual gunslinger, enamored of technical progress and driven by patriotic devotion to Germany, he was instrumental in the scientific work that inadvertently supported the Nazi cause; a Jew and a German patriot, he was at once an enabler of the Nazi regime and its victim.Master Mind is a thought-provoking biography of this controversial scientist, a modern Faust who personifies the paradox of science, its ability to create and to destroy. It offers a complete chronicle of his tumultuous and ultimately tragic life, from his childhood and rise to prominence in the heady days of the German Empire to his disgrace and exile at the hands of the Nazis; from early decades as the hero who eliminated the threat of starvation to his lingering legacy as a villain whose work led to the demise of millions.
The Entrepreneurial Imperative
The Entrepreneurial Imperative
Schramm, Carl J., PhD
In 2004, Carl Schramm, president of the Kauffman Foundation, the world's leading foundation for entrepreneurship, published a groundbreaking essay with a radical premise: that Americans literally have no conception of the secret that truly underlies our economic success, and that for the United States to survive and continue to lead the world's economy, it is imperative we learn to understand and employ that secret.The secret that has led the American economy to become the world's strongestOur unparalleled skill as entrepreneurs. As Schramm compellingly shows in this sweeping manifesto, entrepreneurship alone not anything else can give America the necessary leverage to remain an economic superpower. Not technology, since everyone now has the same technology, or access to it. Not education we are years behind other nations in this area. Not basic manufacturing, long since moved overseas from the United States. And not capital markets, now truly global entities.Drawing on detailed research conducted by the Kauffman Foundation and on his decades of experience as an entrepreneur himself and as a leader and mentor to other entrepreneurs, Schramm persuasively demonstrates in detail what this entrepreneurial imperative means for the way we run universities and foundations, lead companies, make personal job decisions, and even conduct our foreign affairs. The Entrepreneurial Imperative will change not only the way our government, corporations, and nonprofits operate, but also our day-to-day lives as working Americans.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Breitling, Tom
If Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn had come of age at the end of the 20 century looking for an all-American adventure, they probably would've headed for Vegas. They'd have been hard-pressed to go on a wilder ride than the one taken by Tom Breitling and Tim Poster to the top of the famed Golden Nugget Hotel Casino.Call them the Odds Couple. Breitling is the kid who lives next door if you grow up in Burnsville, Minnesota. He never saw a hundred dollar bill or The Godfather until he went to college.Poster comes from a family of oddsmakers who reach for the Doritos on football Sundays and scream for the point spread. He was whistling Sinatra and booking games at his Las Vegas high school.Their unlikely friendship began in college over an $8 veal parmigiana sandwich that led to a partnership in a hotel reservation business. Starting with a desk, a chair, a pillow, and a telephone, Tim and Tom grew a company that they sold during the dot.com boom for $105 million. This allows Tim to pursue his childhood dream of owning a casino and bringing back the glory days of Vegas.When Tim ups the odds and raises the limits to give gamblers the best game in town, a craps player nicknamed "Mr. Royalty," who's on one of the hottest winning streaks in history, heads for The Nugget. When he begins to take Tom and Tim for millions, the partnership is put to the test. But Tim refuses to back off on the odds or the high limits, telling his partner, "It's a ballsy proposition here. It's gonna be a roller coaster ride. But we don't have a public company to answer to. It's just you and me."When Mr. Royalty rolls twenty-two consecutive passes and rakes in a mountain of chips, he takes Tim and Tom to the brink. They must figure out a way to hold up The House.Just as they do, the roller coaster ride really gets rolling and the ride becomes crazier than they'd ever imagined.
Break Through Your Set Point
Break Through Your Set Point
Blackburn, George, M.D.
How many times have you gone on a diet and lost a few pounds, only to hit, once again, that dreaded plateauMany people manage to lose the first 10, 15, or 20 pounds of the weight they want to shed. Then, no matter how hard they work, they can't seem to nudge the number on the scale farther down, and often they end up gaining back the weight they lost. Finally, there is a healthy, permanent weight-loss solution that will get you off the frustrating yo-yo that often accompanies most fad diets. Dr. George L. Blackburn is the associate director of the Division of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School and directs the Center for the Study of Nutrition Medicine, which investigates complex issues in nutrition and health. Based on three decades of his research and clinical practice, Break Through Your Set Point offers an exciting and effective program that will give you specific tools to help you get out of your rut and prevent those extra pounds from coming back. Your set point, or typical body weight, is determined by your genes and your environment. Many modern lifestyle habits—including getting too little sleep and eating on the run—have conspired to raise many people's set points to unhealthily high levels. According to Dr. Blackburn's theory, if you set a reasonable goal to lose about 10 percent of your initial body weight, then hold steady at your new weight without regaining any pounds for at least six months, you can reset your body's set point. And once you've reset your set point, you can repeat the cycle to lose even more weight.The body's innate tendency to protect itself against starvation explains why the body resists losing weight after a certain point. Dr. Blackburn explains the science behind the set-point theory and helps you devise a plan that works for you. With his unique, multi-faceted approach, Dr. Blackburn shows that hitting your set point is not a dead end but the first step in losing weight the right way. This book will help you overcome your weight-loss plateau once and for all.
套装特惠下单19.99元 绕不开的中国史:汉唐明清大历史(套装四册)
吕思勉 孟森
本书依《东坡集》南宋杭州刻本残卷为底本,以《东坡后集》补充篇目。参照元刻本《东坡乐府》以及《东坡乐府笺》《东坡长短句》等大家选本综合勘校,共收录苏轼创作的三百三十七阕词作、一百六十四首诗歌以及三十二篇文章。 全书作品编年排列,诗、词、文皆附有创作时间。读者既能沿着苏轼跌宕起伏的人生轨迹理解相关作品,也能通过作品集中反应的主题更深刻地把握苏轼传奇一生的各个转折。 书中附有复旦大学朱刚教授所作万言导读与苏轼年谱,详解一代文豪苏东坡的性格与命运,理想与选择,艺术追求与生活态度。 插图收录《宝月帖》《赤壁赋》《归去来兮辞卷》《归安丘园帖》《覆盆子帖》五种苏轼书法代表作,皆根据国家一级文物原作等比例复刻。
于天池 注 孙通海 于天池 等译
《聊斋志异》是我国著名文学家蒲松龄所著的文学巨著。全书分为12卷,收录短篇文言小说491篇。蒲松龄在继承魏晋志怪和唐宋传奇传统的基础上,以隽永之笔、博爱之情,取得了中国文言小说创作的*成就,本书也就成为一部家喻户晓、妇孺皆知的不朽作品。      本书的译文采用书局孙通海等人所译“文白对照”本《聊斋志异》的译文部分,又约请《聊斋志异》研究专家于天池先生做了注释、题解,并对译文行了修改。本书的注、译、题解中时见独到见解,对于读者阅读理解大有禆益。
[美]布莱恩·K·威廉姆斯(Brian K· Williams)[美]斯泰西·C·索耶(Stacey C· Sawyer)[美]卡尔·M·瓦尔斯特伦(Carl M· Wahlstrom) 著
爱情分为几种类型?男人和女人的角色发生了哪些变化?家庭在个体择偶的过程中发挥了怎样的作用?在当今复杂的现实生活里我们还能找到自己的灵魂伴侣吗?在不可预测的经济环境、全球化、智能化及无处不在的媒体的影响下,我们怎样才能找到合适的伴侣并且与其建立长期、稳定、优质的亲密关系呢? 本书是一部介绍婚姻、家庭与亲密关系的系统、全面的经典作品。本书作者以多年研究为基础,运用多种研究方法,深刻地剖析了婚姻、家庭、亲密关系的本质及其相互影响。本书旨在为读者提供更加全面地理解亲密关系的新视角,帮助读者建立起关于爱情、婚姻、家庭、子女养育、工作、压力等多个方面的正确认知,从而获得更加稳固和长久的亲密关系。 本书适合高校心理学、社会学专业的师生,社会工作、心理咨询领域的从业者,以及希望了解和改善亲密关系的读者阅读。
  本书以明嘉靖十四年袁褧嘉趣堂刊本为底本,校以龚斌先生《世说新语校释》(增订本)、余嘉锡先生《世说新语笺疏》、徐震堮先生《世说新语校笺》诸本。底本分卷上、卷中、卷下,每卷复分上下,本版依36门次序排列、不另分卷,各门条目按底本次序排列并加序号。书中人物众多,常以名号爵里相称,各种称谓总合逾千,为方便阅读,本书于人物名号称谓之上直标注人物姓名。 同济大学教授、《百家讲坛》主讲嘉宾刘强老师全本解注 白话全文翻译 特制《世说新语·阅读指南》 精美插图四色彩印 全书胶版纸印刷!
《中国人史纲》从盘古开天辟地的神话时代讲起,至20世纪初八国联军发动侵华战争为终,以100年(一个世纪)为纪年单位,是一部囊括上下五千年中国历史的巨著。 柏杨无意对帝王将相进行虚伪的歌颂,他舍弃所有无谓的谥号、尊号,把他们拉下神坛,直呼其名,视为普通的中国人去评判。同时,柏杨也把目光聚焦于被历史淹没的普通中国人,他同情劳苦大众、蔑视权贵军阀,以人性和人权作为的立足点。因此,《中国人史纲》是一部有态度、有人情味的中国通史。 我们能从《中国人史纲》中了解到五次影响了中国国运的重大转折: 三次黄金时代(春秋战国的百家争鸣,李世民时期的盛世大唐,入关的满洲人建立的大清王朝) 大分裂时代(大混战的五胡十九国与南北朝) 大黑暗时代(高度集权、闭关锁国、钳制思想的明朝) 正是这五次重大转折,奠定了中国的疆域、文化、价值观、经济结构、社会分层和国际地位。 而通过柏杨的笔触对中国历史进行回顾时,我们也能发现,历史在不断重演,几千年来中国也总是在吃同一种教训: 中国历史上每一个王朝政权,当它建立后的四五十年,或当它传位到第二、第三代时,就到了瓶颈时期。 在进入瓶颈的狭道时,除非统治阶层有高度的智慧和能力,他们无法避免遭受到足以使他们前功尽弃,也就是足以使他们国破家亡的瓶颈危机。历史显示,能够通过这个瓶颈,即可获得一个较长期的稳定;不能够通过或一直胶着在这个瓶颈之中,它必然瓦解。 在历史的循环往复中,中国走过了几千年,虽然历经沧桑,但仍然不屈不挠,正如柏杨所言: 中国像一个巨大的立方体,在排水倒海的浪潮中,它会倾倒。但在浪潮退去后,昂然地仍矗立在那里,以另一面正视世界,永不消失、永不沉没。阅读《中国人史纲》,了解中国的过去,再去开创属于我们的黄金时代。
  《画聊斋》是一部以《聊斋志异》为主题创作的绘本画册,由青年作家顾湘译写十大聊斋名篇,人气画师九千坊手绘五十幅国风画作,用灵动的文字与奇美的画风还原了中国人心中的奇幻鬼狐世界。 全书共收录了《翩翩》《黄英》《小翠》《晚霞》《王六郎》《促织》《竹青》《婴宁》《聂小倩》《崂山道士》十个代表名篇,深刻演绎了情爱与恩义的往来、人性与礼教的对抗、善恶与真假的变幻、俗世与异界的轮回等命题,构建出一个充满了中国古典审美的奇幻人间。 读者既能在这些有情有义的狐妖花仙、敢爱敢恨的鬼魂精怪身上,重新寻回我们生而为人的真诚、善良、与美好,也能在一幅幅手绘国风插画中,感受《聊斋志异》的奇崛想象和梦幻气韵。
《悲惨世界》是法国作家维克多·雨果于1862年发表的一部长篇小说。 《悲惨世界》明里是写惨,但实则是写人性的光辉。小说通过冉阿让等人的悲惨遭遇以及冉阿让被主教感化后一系列感人事迹,深刻揭示了社会的矛盾和丑恶,讴歌了人性的真善美,是世界文学史上现实主义与浪漫主义结合的典范,被誉为人类苦难的百科全书,具有震撼人心的艺术感染力。
" 关于版本:   以《毛诗正义》为底本,辅以其它版本全新精校。收录全305篇。   " 文字部分:   生僻字、多音字、假借字即时注音,通畅诵读。   复旦大学中文系教授骆玉明解注,每诗题解。   注释求简求全,综合历代名家见解而取其优。保留重要异说,提供不同视角的解读。   " 插图部分:   录日本江户时代细井徇《诗经名物图》全图二百余幅。   插图对应相关诗篇,并结合现代生物学对插图物种作简介说明。
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GB 50166-2019 火灾自动报警系统施工及验收标准
(明)施耐庵,( 明)罗贯中著;(清)金圣叹批
     北宋末宣和年间宋江起义之事,于史可征。各类作品中可见相关记载,如"宋江啸聚亡命,剽掠山东一路,州县大震,吏多避匿"。从南宋到明代,在话本、说书场、戏曲舞台,都可以听到梁山英雄的传说。不论是宋代话本中"花和尚""武行者"的个人传奇,还是完整故事初具雏形的《宋江三十六人赞》《大宋宣和遗事》,抑或元杂剧中为数不少的水浒戏,都为水浒故事演化为小说提供了基本条件。到元末明初,作者根据这些世代积累、集体创作的材料,取舍缀集,编纂加工,写成了《水浒传》这部英雄传奇小说。   本版采用以相对近作者原笔,时代较早的完整百回本容与堂本为底本,特别参照日本内阁文库藏本,同时结合金本(七十回)、郁郁堂本(百二十回)、钟伯敬本(百回)等作综合勘校,并参考几个较有代表性的当代校本。对于容与堂本中,情节设置存在问题、前后矛盾、语句错乱重复之处,参考金本、郁郁堂本等后期版本作出修正,并作了一定的字词规范,以便当代读者阅读。同时精选金圣叹批语,帮助读者了解《水浒》的叙事方法和人物塑造,更好地欣赏这一伟大名著。
融合投融资规则 促进“一带一路”可持续发展——“一带一路”经济发展报告(中英对照)
融合投融资规则 促进“一带一路”可持续发展——“一带一路”经济发展报告(中英对照)
本报告是国家开发银行和联合国开发计划署合作编写的,这份报告是继2017年版"一带一路"经济发展报告之后的成果。 本报告内容分八章,包括:"一带一路"沿线国家投融资概况、参与"一带一路"倡议的主要投融资机构、东南亚地区投融资分析、"一带一路"基础设施投融资分析、可持续发展的全球投融资规则、中国"一带一路"可持续发展投融资规则、建设协调融合的"一带一路"投融资规则、融合"一带一路"投融资规则的主要建议。本报告重点关注并指导建立"一带一路"沿线贷款和投资的统一规则。 报告中文、英文对照。