

本系是杨照结合“历史式读法”和“文学式读法”对中国传统文化经典(《诗经》、《论语》、《孟子》、《老子》、《墨子》、《庄子》、《战国策》、《左传》、《荀子》、《尚书》)的选读和导读。通过对这十部经典的部分章节的逐字逐句解读,还原经典于具体的历史情境和历史脉络,展现出先秦时代诸子百家面对现实变化提出的因应之道,勾勒学派代表人物有血有肉的个人形象和个性及其现实活动;同时,通过还原,让今天的读者领略到经典所展现的思想和时代精神独特魅力,既因为古今时代境况差异而激发个人的思考,又因为古今相同而感同身受,汲取古人先贤应对生活的伟大智慧。 这些产生于不同时空环境下的文献,记录的毕竟都是人的经验与感受,我们今天也就必然能够站在人的立场上,与其经验、感受彼此呼应或对照。也就是,我们能够从中读到相似的经验、感受,隔着时空会心点头;也能够从中读到相异的经验、感受,进而扩张了我们的人生体会。 ——杨照
本系是杨照结合“历史式读法”和“文学式读法”对中国传统文化经典(《诗经》、《论语》、《孟子》、《老子》、《墨子》、《庄子》、《战国策》、《左传》、《荀子》、《尚书》)的选读和导读。通过对这十部经典的部分章节的逐字逐句解读,还原经典于具体的历史情境和历史脉络,展现出先秦时代诸子百家面对现实变化提出的因应之道,勾勒学派代表人物有血有肉的个人形象和个性及其现实活动;同时,通过还原,让今天的读者领略到经典所展现的思想和时代精神独特魅力,既因为古今时代境况差异而激发个人的思考,又因为古今相同而感同身受,汲取古人先贤应对生活的伟大智慧。 这些产生于不同时空环境下的文献,记录的毕竟都是人的经验与感受,我们今天也就必然能够站在人的立场上,与其经验、感受彼此呼应或对照。也就是,我们能够从中读到相似的经验、感受,隔着时空会心点头;也能够从中读到相异的经验、感受,进而扩张了我们的人生体会。 ——杨照
【古风+复仇+清冷女主+忠犬男主】 在长安举目无亲的贱籍女子杨云鬟 在谋划一件大事:进入大明宫,找到仇人,报仇! 首先*步! 该怎么进入大明宫? 一手弹得不怎么样的琵琶,一颗聪明的大脑,一颗狠辣的心,一张还算好看的脸……足够! 华筵九秋,飞袂拂云,复仇孤女,夺权上位!
中国中共文献研究会 著;
中国中共文献研究会编的《刘少奇风采》是中华人民共和国开国元勋刘少奇同志的传记,本书通过若干个小故事,生动展示了刘少奇在革命战争年代的事迹,和在社会主义建设时期所作出的尝试,以及对中国社会主义建设探索所具有的先驱意义,表现了刘少奇同志的忠于国家忠于人民的精神。 中共中央文献研究会是中共中央文献编辑委员会的办事机构,是中央的工作部门,同时又是具有研究机构性质的工作部门。
霍金编评人类历史上五部重要科学经典: l         哥白尼的《天球运行论》 l         伽利略的《关于两门新科学的对话》 l         普勒的《世界的和谐》 l         牛顿的《自然哲学之数学原理》 爱因斯坦的《相对性原理》
女子做巡按,怎么做? 她本是找成为巡按的表哥申冤夫家的案子,却没想到,才找到成为巡按的表哥已被人杀害,因着样貌有几分相似,安芷在表哥正妻的哀求中,毅然伪装起了表哥。 代替表哥巡查江南,并且,查清表哥一事,以及为夫家申冤; 却没想到,竟这样一步一步,走入了权力的漩涡。
Newell Convers Wyeth
Newell Convers Wyeth
Wyeth, Newell Convers
"Newell Convers, called N. C. Wyeth (1882-1945) has been cherished by generations of book lovers thanks to his illustrations of all-time classics such as Treasure Island, Robin Hood, and Robinson Crusoe. As one of the greatest illustrators in American history, he fashioned the way we imagine Long John Silver or Little John up to this day. In contrast to his achievements in book illustration, his painting is often overlooked. His Realist style has been carried on by his son Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009) and his grandson Jamie Wyeth (1946-). "
《薛定谔的猫》:精选物理学史上绕不过去的50个实验,快速、清晰地解析每一个实验的背景、过程、结论和含义。如:阿基米德浮力实验、光速测定实验、法拉第电磁实验、杨氏双缝实验、寻找以太实验、薛定谔的猫实验等。回溯物理学的发展历程,50个实验按时间顺序排列,像50个里程碑,帮助读者搭建起基本的物理学史体系。同时涵盖面广泛,经典力学、电磁学、热力学、相对论、天体物理、量子物理均有涉及。让认为物理学艰深的的你对物理产生浓厚兴趣,让略知皮毛的你了解众多著名物理实验中的所以然。深奥难解的物理学,也可以变得简单、快速理解及充满乐趣。 《巴甫洛夫的狗:改变心理学的50个实验》:本书从科学史的角度,依照时间序介绍了过去一百多年来*具突破性、改写了心理学进程的50个重大心理学实验,回答了长久以来人类亟欲了解的许多问题,例如:收看暴力节目会不会让人变得暴力?偏见是不是与生俱来的人性?思想是否真的能控制我们的行为?这些实验本身和它们引发的讨论,已经渗透到人类社会生活的方方面面,至今影响着无数人。不论你感兴趣的是行为学、神经心理学、脑科学、认知还是意识,这本书都能让你找到许多有趣且深具启发性的解答。 《斐波那契的兔子》:本书从科学史的角度,依照时间顺序介绍了有史以来具有突破性的50个重大数学发现。这些发现不仅是数学这门学科的飞跃,也影响着人类生活和世界科技的发展:从远古人类在骨头上留下的计数刻痕,到只需按下按钮就能自行运算的机器,现代社会的几乎每一个进程和模式都以数学为核心。在这些问题的发现、探索和解决中,数学的纯粹和逻辑之美尽数体现。不论你感兴趣的是算术、几何、统计、逻辑学还是计算机科学,这本书都能让你找到许多有趣且深具启发性的解答。翻开这本书,你就能进入这个用头脑构建出的世界,感受数学家们的奇思妙想。
What Her Body Thought
What Her Body Thought
Griffin, Susan
In this boldly intimate and intelligent blend of personal memoir, social history, and cultural criticism, Susan Griffin profoundly illuminates our understanding of illness. She explores its physical, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects, revealing how it magnifies our yearning for connection and reconciliation.Griffin begins with a gripping account of her own harrowing experiences with Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), a potentially life-threatening illness that has been misconstrued and marginalized through the label "psychosomatic." Faced with terrifying bouts of fatigue, pain, and diminished thinking, the shame of illness, and the difficulty of being told you are "not really ill," she was driven to understand how early childhood loss made her susceptible to disease.Alongside her own story, Griffin weaves in her fascinating interpretation of the story of Marie du Plessis, popularized as the fictional Camille, an eighteenth-century courtesan whose young life was taken by tuberculosis. In the old story, Griffin finds contemporary themes of "money, bills, creditors, class, social standing, who is acceptable and who not, who is to be protected and who abandoned." In our current economy, she sees "how to be sick can impoverish, how poverty increases the misery of sickness, and how the implicit violence of this process wounds the soul as well as the body."Griffin insists that we must tell our stories to maintain our own integrity and authority, so that the sources of suffering become visible and validated. She writes passionately of a society where we are all cared for through "the rootedness of our connections. How the wound of being allowed to suffer points to a need to meet at the deepest level, to make an exchange at the nadir of life and death, the giving and taking which will weave a more spacious fabric of existence, communitas, community." Her views of the larger problems of illness and society are deeply illuminating.
The Dinosaur Club
The Dinosaur Club
Heffernan, William
Jack Fallon's life is being downsized. His wife of twenty-four years is dumping him, and the only company he's ever worked for is about to do the same....The head honchos at Waters Cable have implemented a "workforce imbalance correction," which includes canning Jack and his coworkers, all of whom are middle-aged executives in the 50/50 class -- at least fifty years old and making $50,000 or more. Refusing to become fossils, Fallon and his cohorts dub themselves "The Dinosaur Club," and prepare to strike like ferocious T-rexes. Using clandestine maneuvers, corporate intrigue, good old-fashioned office politics, and a secret weapon -- Samantha Moore, a beautiful young attorney -- The Dinosaur Club vows to reverse evolution and drive the company's greedy Young Turks into extinction.Award-winning author William Heffernan puts a scathing spin on corporate America in a novel that is both hilarious and compellingly on the money.
Your Brain Is a Muscle Too
Your Brain Is a Muscle Too
Hayes, Andre
Written by two former college athletes, Your Brain Is a Muscle Too is an essential guide to success in the classroom and on the play field for any student athlete.Taking readers through all the steps toward success for student athletes -- from obtaining athletic scholarships to finding the right sports agent -- Your Brain Is a Muscle Too should be mandatory reading for every student athlete. Insightful tips range from how to adapt to the intensity of the college environment to how to most effectively study for exams and how to avoid the pressures of drugs and alcohol. While this book is invaluable for all students, it is the first book that addresses the specific concerns of African -Americans in a college setting.Your Brain Is a Muscle Too offers guidance and heightens awareness in areas such as academics, interpersonal relations, money matters, time management, and the social transition from high school to college. It includes colorful anecdotes and candid advice, including contributions from Magic Johnson, Jimmy Jackson, and Kenny Smith.
Crocker, Pat
Preserve it!A comprehensive guide to canning and freezingHome canning and freezing are time-honored kitchen skills that are being rediscovered by a new generation of Americans—both for the pleasure of performing these simple activities and for their inherent economy. Now home cooks can take advantage of their local farmer's markets to buy fresh, inexpensive and seasonal produce to enjoy all year round. In Preserving, Pat Crocker offers practical, easy-to-follow information on home canning and freezing to get novices started and inspire experienced hands.Relish it!More than 200 recipes for pickles, chutneys, jams, sauces, curds, relishes and so much moreOrganized by season and focused on simple but effective concepts, this practical guide offers thorough information on preserving a diverse range of foods for the pantry, from asparagus and blueberries to peaches and winter squash. Here are techniques on canning, jamming and freezing everything from the most basic hot-packed fruit recipes to gorgeous, internationally flavored chutneys and relishes. Filled with safe and detailed instructions, step-by-step photography and more than two hundred recipes, Preserving is a kitchen essential that is sure to become a classic.
The Pressured Cook
The Pressured Cook
Sass, Lorna J.
The follow-up to Cooking Under Pressure, the classic and bestselling book on the topic, this is Lorna Sass's first new pressure-cooker cookbook in nine years. These seventy-five delicious recipes, perfect for the single person or the family on the go, can be prepared in the pressure cooker in one-third the normal time or less. Many of the recipes can be prepared in less than ten minutes, including Risotto with Butternut Squash and Sage -- ready in less than eight minutes -- and even a few desserts. These recipes are also low in fat, since cooking under pressure locks in the flavor and only minimal use of butter and oil is required.The time is right for a new pressure cooker cookbook -- pressure cookers are selling better than ever. And today's pressure cookers are safer than ever -- fears in the past about the safety of jiggle-top cookers are no more with these safe new cookers, this cookbook will be essential for anyone who has ever thought, "How can I get a delicious meal on the table, fast?"
S.C.O.R.E. for Life
S.C.O.R.E. for Life
Fannin, Jim
Have you ever choked during a performanceHave you ever been told how much talent you have, yet you're not reaching itAre you self-conscious or doubtful during performancesDoes your level of concentration fluctuate wildlyDo you feel overwhelmed at timesWe all dream of overcoming our challenges. We dream of the perfect job, achieving new wealth, of living the life we choose in harmony with the people we love. For many of us, the dream stops there. We wonder what leads some extraordinary people to confront and exceed their goals and compete at the highest level, while others run in place, distracted by fears and a sense of intimidation. We seek the insights that will liberate us from anxiety and self-doubt. In this book, Jim Fannin shares a collection of ideas and daily exercises that transform everyday performers into true champions. Using the secrets of Fannin's time-tested S.C.O.R.E. System (Self-Discipline, Concentration, Optimism, Relaxation, and Enjoyment), S.C.O.R.E. for Life shows you how to balance and apply these five principles in every arena of life. The result: more moments, days, and years performing and thinking in the state of flow we call the "Zone," and more of the results and success that matter. Every chapter includes reader-friendly tests and exercises, like the "90-Second Rule" (a lesson in discipline) and "The Palm Tree Versus the Oak Tree" (a lesson in adaptability). For more than thirty years, Jim Fannin has coached hundreds of top-performing athletes and business leaders, who testify to what the S.C.O.R.E. System can do. It is a tried and proven blueprint for realizing our extraordinary human potential and overcoming the fears and worries that hold us back. With commitment and consistent use of this success formula, you will blaze new paths to personal and professional achievement.
本书是一部介绍中药材二氧化硫的学术著作,旨在为中药材硫磺熏蒸和二氧化硫相关研究提供参考。本书从二氧化硫的应用和检测、硫磺熏蒸的背景和使用现状、硫磺熏蒸中药材质量和安全、中药材二氧化硫国际标准制定等方面行了较为系统和全面的探讨,并通过对天麻、牛膝、牡丹皮、山药和浙贝母等5种中药材硫磺熏蒸相关实例研究,为中药材二氧化硫的科学研究提供新思路和新方法。 本书是一部介绍中药材二氧化硫的学术著作,旨在为中药材硫磺熏蒸和二氧化硫相关研究提供参考。本书从二氧化硫的应用和检测、硫磺熏蒸的背景和使用现状、硫磺熏蒸中药材质量和安全、中药材二氧化硫国际标准制定等方面行了较为系统和全面的探讨,并通过对天麻、牛膝、牡丹皮、山药和浙贝母等5种中药材硫磺熏蒸相关实例研究,为中药材二氧化硫的科学研究提供新思路和新方法。
眼睛是人类感观中重要的器官,是一个可以感知光线的器官,读书认字、看图赏画、看人物、赏美景等都要用到眼睛。 摄影家,是一种用第三只眼睛看世界的人,他能够把日常生活中稍纵即逝的事物转化为不朽的视觉影像。