


《燃烧的大洋:1941—1942,从突袭珍珠港到中途岛战役》内容简介: 1941年12月7日清晨,习惯了军事演习的火奴鲁鲁居民,像往常一样从嘈杂的炮火声中醒来。他们并未意识到,一首赌上国家命运的宏伟交响曲已然奏响…… 不可一世的日本,对美国不宣而战。珍珠港的两列巨舰烈焰腾空,永不沉没的传说消失在高耸入云的黑烟中。日军随后势如破竹。铺天盖地的太阳旗成为浩瀚大洋上的死神使者,日本战士则被对手视同怪物,留下不可战胜的神话。然而日军的“胜利病”给了美军机会。日本舰队试图将美军主力诱入圈套,一举歼灭,全然不知动向已被美军掌握,终参战航母在中途岛全部葬身海底,战略主动权也拱手让人。 从珍珠港到中途岛,前所未有的激烈海战摇撼着参战国的根基。这六个月的战况,不仅决定了太平洋战争的走向,更是左右了整场二战的局势。此间历史的天平移动分毫,我们熟知的世界便会彻底不同。 《燃烧的大洋》书写的便是太平洋战争这扣人心弦的初阶段。我们从中既可以领略罗斯福与丘吉尔谈笑风生背后的运筹帷幄,山本五十六目空一切的豪赌,又可以体会九死一生的飞行员面对阵亡战友遗物时的怅惘,舰队司令刚刚发出命令就收到不利情报时的绝望。当我们伴随书中的人物一同浮沉,历史不再遥不可及。 《征服的怒潮:1942—1944,从瓜岛战役到菲律宾海战役》内容简介: 1942年6月初,求胜心切的日军在中途岛战役中损失惨重,速战速决的愿望彻底破灭,太平洋战争自此转入旷日持久的消耗战阶段。 盟军吹响反攻的号角后,风光怡人的太平洋诸岛,从所罗门群岛、吉尔伯特群岛到马绍尔群岛,都变成了血流成河的修罗场。盟军为夺取这些战略要地,发起了史上不曾有过的大规模两栖登陆战。一望无际的舰队如汹涌的怒涛,冲击日军的岛链防线。有些岛屿只有不到十个守兵,而更多的岛屿不仅是天然的堡垒,更有重兵把守,固若金汤。明知生还的机会渺茫,无数士兵仍然怀着复杂的心情,投入了惨烈的战斗……终,一路向北推进的盟军攻占马里亚纳群岛,从此东京时刻面临空袭威胁,日本多条海上要道也岌岌可危,任何战术成败都不会再撼动大局。 从瓜岛战役到菲律宾海战役,双方长达两年的岛屿争夺战中,揭示了真正左右全局胜负的深层因素。在《征服的怒潮》中,伊恩·托尔一针见血地指出,美国凭借强大稳定的资源供给、军工产量和后勤保障,在这一阶段逐渐取得压倒性优势,到战争末段已是稳操胜券。然而,日本国内和军中不断宣扬和美化“玉碎”,要求部队甚至平民在胜利无望的情况下战斗到底,至死方休。这样做的结果是,在日本统治者丧失斗志之前,还有150万日本军人和平民会丧命……

Culture of Ancient Egypt
The story of Egypt is the story of history itself-the endless rise and fall, the life and death and life again of the eternal human effort to endure, enjoy, and understand the mystery of our universe. Emerging from the ancient mists of time, Egypt met the challenge of the mystery in a glorious evolution of religious, intellectual, and political institutions and for two millenniums flourished with all the vigor that the human heart can invest in a social and cultural order. Then Egypt began to crumble into the desert sands and the waters of the Nile, and her remarkable achievements in civilization became her lingering epitaph. John A. Wilson has written a rich and interpretive biography of one of the greatest cultural periods in human experience. He answers-as best the modern Egyptologist can-the questions inevitably asked concerning the dissolution of Egypt's glory. Here is scholarship in its finest form, concerned with the humanity that has preceded us, and finding in man's past grandeur and failure much meaning for men of today.

Dead Ladies Project
When Jessa Crispin was thirty, she burned her settled Chicago life to the ground and took off for Berlin with a pair of suitcases and no plan beyond leaving. Half a decade later, she's still on the road, in search not so much of a home as of understanding, a way of being in the world that demands neither constant struggle nor complete surrender.The Dead Ladies Project is an account of that journey-but it's also much, much more. Fascinated by exile, Crispin travels an itinerary of key locations in its literary map, of places that have drawn writers who needed to break free from their origins and start afresh. As she reflects on William James struggling through despair in Berlin, Nora Barnacle dependant on and dependable for James Joyce in Trieste, Maud Gonne fomenting revolution and fostering myth in Dublin, or Igor Stravinsky starting over from nothing in Switzerland, Crispin interweaves biography, incisive literary analysis, and personal experience into a rich meditation on the complicated interactions of place, personality, and society that can make escape and reinvention such an attractive, even intoxicating proposition.?Personal and profane, funny and fervent, The Dead Ladies Project ranges from the nineteenth century to the present, from historical figures to brand-new hangovers, in search, ultimately, of an answer to a bedrock question: How does a person decide how to live their life?

Written from a vantage point both high and deliberately narrow, the early novels of the late British master Anthony Powell nevertheless deal in the universal themes that would become a substantial part of his oeuvre: pride, greed, and the strange drivers of human behavior. More explorations of relationships and vanity than plot-driven narratives, Powell's early works reveal the stirrings of the unequaled style, ear for dialogue, and eye for irony that would reach their caustic peak in his epic, A Dance to the Music of Time.Powell's sophomore novel, Venusberg, follows journalist Lushington as he leaves behind his unrequited love in England and travels by boat to an unnamed Baltic state. Awash in a marvelously odd assortment of counts and ladies navigating a multicultural, elegant, and politically precarious social scene, Lushington becomes infatuated with his very own, very foreign Venus. An action-packed literary precursor to Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel, Venusberg is replete with assassins and Nazis, loose countesses and misunderstandings, fatal accidents and social comedy. But beyond its humor, this early installment in Powell's literary canon will offer readers a welcome window onto the mind of a great artist learning his craft.

Steve Tomasula is a novelist like no other; his experiments in narrative and design have won him a loyal following. Exemplifying Tomasula's style, IN & OZ is a heady, avant-garde book, rooted in convincing characters even as it simultaneously subverts the genre of novel and moves it forward.IN & OZ is a novel of art, love, and auto mechanics. The story follows five different characters-an auto designer, photographer, musical composer, poet/sculptor, and mechanic-who live in two very different places: IN, a back-alley here and now; and OZ, which reflects the desire for somewhere better. The men and women who populate Tomasula's landscape desperately hope to fill a void in their lives through a variety of media: music, language, dirt, light, and automobiles. As the plot moves forward, the story of the residents of INand that of their counterparts in OZconverge. A fanciful allegory that tackles class relations, art, commerce, and language, IN & OZ is a tale of the human condition that is as visually compelling as it is moving.A novel not only for fiction lovers, but also for artists of all stripes, IN & OZ creates a fantasy that illumines our own world as it lucidly builds its own.

Granice i sudbine
Ruby are doar nou? ani c?nd un virus misterios ?ncepe s? decimeze adolescen?ii din Statele Unite. Ea va fi unul dintre pu?inii supravie?uitori care descoper? c? sunt ?nzestra?i cu capacit??i paranormale misterioase, ?ndeajuns de primedjdioase ?nc?t s? le asigure trimiterea la Thurmond, un lag?r guvernamental represiv. Acum ?n v?rst? de 16 ani, Ruby se teme deopotriv? de puterile pe care ?nc? n-a ?nv??at s? le controleze ?i de perspectiva de a fi descoperit?. C?nd o grupare de rezisten?? ?i ofer? ?ansa de a evada din lag?r, acesta se va dovedi primul pas ?ntr-o c?l?torie ?n decursul c?reia va descoperi prietenia ?i dragostea, dar care o poart? implacabil spre o alegere imposibil?. “C?nd decesele au ie?it ?ntr-un sf?r?it la lumin?, conducerea ?colii a interzis cu stricte?e profesorilor ?i personalului s? discute cu noi despre ceea ce se numea pe atunci Sindromul lui Everhart, dup? Michael Everhart, primul copil care se ?tia c? murise din aceast? cauz?. Cu?r?nd, cineva din alte cercuri a decis s?-i dea un nume ca la carte: Neurodegenerare idiopatic? adolescentin? acut? — NIAA, pe scurt. ?i atunci n-a mai fost doar boala lui Michael. A fost a noastr?, a tuturor.“ “Bracken a creat o Americ? distopic?, plasat? ?ntr-o viitor nu prea ?ndep?rtat, ?n care copiii sunt v?na?i ?i temu?i, iar pericolele ?i p?ndesc chiar ?i pe culoarele unui magazin Wal-Mart abandonat. Ruby este o eroin? puternic?, ce treze?te instinctiv empatia cititorilor, f?c?ndu-i s? a?tepte cu ner?bdare urm?torul roman din trilogie.“ - Publishers Weekly

Nearly every job application asks it: have you ever been convicted of a crimeFor the hundreds of thousands of young men leaving American prisons each year, their answer to that question may determine whether they can find work and begin rebuilding their lives.The product of an innovative field experiment, Marked gives us our first real glimpse into the tremendous difficulties facing ex-offenders in the job market. Devah Pager matched up pairs of young men, randomly assigned them criminal records, then sent them on hundreds of real job searches throughout the city of Milwaukee. Her applicants were attractive, articulate, and capable-yet ex-offenders received less than half the callbacks of the equally qualified applicants without criminal backgrounds. Young black men, meanwhile, paid a particularly high price: those with clean records fared no better in their job searches than white men just out of prison. Such shocking barriers to legitimate work, Pager contends, are an important reason that many ex-prisoners soon find themselves back in the realm of poverty, underground employment, and crime that led them to prison in the first place."e;Using scholarly research, field research in Milwaukee, and graphics, [Pager] shows that ex-offenders, white or black, stand a very poor chance of getting a legitimate job. . . . Both informative and convincing."e;-Library Journal?"e;Marked is that rare book: a penetrating text that rings with moral concern couched in vivid prose-and one of the most useful sociological studies in years."e;-Michael Eric Dyson

Forms of Attention
Sir Frank Kermode, the British scholar, instructor, and author, was an inspired critic.?Forms of Attention is based on a series of three lectures he gave on canon formation, or how we choose what art to value. The essay on Botticelli traces the artist's sudden popularity in the nineteenth century for reasons that have more to do with poetry than painting. In the second essay, Kermode reads Hamlet from a very modern angle, offering a useful (and playful) perspective for a contemporary audience. The final essay is a defense of literary criticism as a process and conversation that, while often conflating knowledge with opinion, keeps us reading great art and working with-and for-literature.?"e;Kermode's volume has the virtue of a lecturer's accessible style designed for a listening audience. It is also self-consciously spare of 'naked criticism.' There is, nonetheless, an abundance of learned commentary, steady substance, and unveiled critical excellence. Which is to say the volume is a useful and engaging reflection of its learned author."e;-London Review of Books

A Stranger in the Mirror
Toby Temple is a superstar, the world's funniest man. He gets any woman that he wants, but under the superstar image is a lonely man. Jill Castle is a sensuous starlet. She has a dark and mysterious past and has an ambition even greater than Toby's. Together they rule Hollywood.

HarperCollins e-books
Judd Stevens is a psychoanalyst faced with the most critical case of his life.If he does not penetrate the mind of a murderer he will find himself arrested for murder or murdered himself...Two people closely involved with Dr. Stevens have already been killed. Is one of the doctor's patients responsibleSomeone overwhelmed by his problemsA neurotic driven by compulsionA madmanBefore the murderer strikes again, Judd must strip away the mask of innocence the criminal wears, uncover the inner emotions, fears, and desires, to expose . . .

HarperCollins e-books
The Other Side of Midnight is Sidney Sheldon at his best. This page-turner is full of tortured romantic entanglements, reverses of fortune, thrilling suspense, and ultimate justice. In Paris, Washington, and a fabulous villa in Greece, an innocent American becomes a bewildered, horror-stricken pawn in a game of vengeance and betrayal. She is Catherine Douglas, a woman caught in a web of four lives intertwined by passion as her handsome husband pursues an incredibly beautiful film star . . . and as Constantin Demeris, a legendary Greek tycoon, tightens the strands that control them all.

HarperCollins e-books
Bloodline is one of the best of Sheldon's blockbuster thrillers. Roffe and Sons is a family firm, an international empire filled with desperate, cash-hungry family members. At its head was one of the wealthiest men in the world—a man who has just died in a mysterious accident and left his daughter, Elizabeth, in control of the company. Now as this intelligent, tough, and gorgeous woman dares to save—not sell—Roffe and Sons, she will have to outwit those who secretly want her power . . . and the unknown assassin who wants her life. Bloodline is a sweeping novel of high financial intrigue on three continents, love, murder, danger, and suspense.

Real Housewives Tell It Like It Is
Bravo's The Real Housewives franchise has taken the country by storm with over 13 million fans and record-breaking new seasons. The Real Housewives Tell It Like It Is captures the best, most outlandish quotes from the ladies of the O.C., New York, Atlanta, New Jersey, D.C., Beverly Hills, and Miami in one deluxe volume so fans can refer to their unique brand of wisdom again and again. Organized by topic and brimming with color photographs, The Real Housewives Tell It Like It Is is a must-have for fans everywhere!

如果交易系统与量化交易这个向来属于黑箱的行当能有一本可以用于自学与教学的教材,那可能就是佩里 J. 考夫曼的这本《交易系统与方法》了。 本书真正做到了从零始介绍交易系统,从*初的统计学、数理经济学的基础始,逐步介绍了各种技术分析方法的图形识别技术、各类交易与数学指标的应用,还介绍了事件与季节性周期驱动的系统模型,此后引了平仓合约数与利差套利等期货对冲方法模型,还把行为金融也纳了系统分析的框架中,*后还介绍了风险控制与投资组合配置的模型。 本书之所以有近千页的厚度,就是因为它不是单纯地介绍概念,还具体到了软件应用环节,公了自己的一些模型构建参数,并且还附上了编程代码。对于量化门新手来说,从本书中能了解整个量化领域的基础与概况。

本书对各国智能网联汽车预期功能安全的相关政策、法规、标准、专利等前沿动态行了调研与分析, 介绍了中国特色智能网联汽车预期功能安全场景库建设思路与建设现状, 探索了感知算法、决策算法、感知系统、定位系统、HMI 系统、控制系统的性能局限和功能不足触发条件、评价体系与测试方法等, 总结了针对具备典型的高、中、低速自动驾驶功能的高速巡航系统、城市巡航系统、自主代客泊车系统的功能定义与危害分析、量化评价、测试方法等内容。本书对于促我国在智能网联汽车预期功能安全方面的研究和智能网联汽车行业的发展、培养汽车安全相关的专业人才具有重要的意义。 本书可供汽车行业、交通行业等行业人士参考阅读, 也适合在校本科、研究生、博士生及相关学历的从业者使用。

传承 :一种关系及其隐秘动力


管理是什么? 企业是什么?企业的宗旨、使命? 谁是我们企业的消费者/客户? 如何思考企业的业务? 如何使工作富有成效? 利润率?预算?生产率? 如何创新? *管理层的结构、任务、特征? …… 来源于实践的经典管理知识,从宏观到微观,帮你掌握“管理”的底层逻辑。一座挖不尽的宝藏,让人久久回味,有幸得之,伴随终生。 跟着德鲁克系统学习现代管理学,每章设置思考题,提示你更好理解管理的关键本质问题

本书分为四部分。部分为总报告。总报告运用经济学理论与模型,概括地总结了本书的核心内容,对中国商用车行业的现状、竞争力、未来趋势行了分析和研判,同时对中国商用车行业的全球竞争力优势、不足、机遇与挑战也行了分析并给出了建议。第二部分为行业发展报告,重对当前商用车行业热领域,如自动驾驶、自动变速器、新能源商用车政策、新能源商用车产业、公路物流、道路客运、商用车整车及柴油发动机上市公司竞争力等行专题研究。第三部分为细分市场报告,主要对商用车行业的不同细分市场行竞争力分析和趋势研判,包括重型货车、大中型客车、轻微型货车、轻型客车、皮卡,以及商用车出口市场。第四部分为企业竞争力报告,重选取有代表性的商用车企业,对其竞争力优势行全面剖析,包括吉利、比亚迪、宇通、中国重汽、上汽红岩、法士特和特百佳。附录部分梳理了2021年1月—2022年6月中国商用车大事记。 本书适合商用车投资机构、研究机构、行业组织、政府部门等相关工作人员,以及商用车制造、经销、售后服务、零部件、运营(物流、快递、货运、客运、公交、旅游、租赁、金融)等企业工作人员阅读参考。

价格极为重要。在价格、销量和成本这三个利润驱动因素中,价格是利润的*驱动因素,但在实践中,其重要性往往得不到充分的理解,也没有行有效的专业化管理。造成这种状况的原因包括理论与实践的差距、价格的多维性、复杂的效应、心理现象以及实施障碍等。 全球著名价格专家赫尔曼·西蒙和德国*影响力的经济学家马丁·法斯纳赫特联合造本书,书中全面深地阐述了价格管理的各个方面,不仅系统地介绍了价格优化的各种方法,还详细地分析了价格管理的策略、决策和实施的全过程。 本书展现了价格管理当前的*学术发展水平,也展望了其未来的发展趋势,介绍了大量的价格管理创新,如统一费率、随你付、负价格、共享经济、大数据、创新的支付系统等。本书使用了大量的实际案例,确保了理论的严谨性与实践的相关性的完美结合。 由于确定和解决价格问题的方法通常因行业而异,因此,本书坚持行业导向,用大篇幅的单独章节专门探讨了消费品、工业产品、服务和零售领域中的价格管理问题,能够非常有效和极具针对性地解决不同行业的具体价格管理问题。本书还从世界各地选取了富有代表性的案例研究和实践示例,力求解决全球各地的企业所面临的各种价格管理挑战。 本书突破了价格理论和价格政策的传统局限,作者从价格管理的角度来展现定价策略和战术执行的整个过程和各个方面,并从价值和价格的规律来揭示成功有效的价格管理的基本哲学理念。本书涵盖了价格管理领域的各个方面,整合了定量和定性的研究方法,重介绍了价格管理方面*的创新理论和实践应用。 诚如阿迪达斯首席执行官罗思德所说:“这一非常重要的杰作搭建了科学和实践之间的宏伟桥梁。”