

对莫奈而言,艺术创作始终是一种痛苦的挣扎。较之同时代人,他更深沉地痴迷于表达情感,更强烈地渴望传达超越大自然的光线效果。用他自己的话来形容:“技巧来来去去……艺术始终如一——它是大自然的转译,需要与意志力同等的敏感性。我和太阳搏斗……(我)应该用金 子和宝石作画。”
Gothic Art
Gothic Art
Gothic art finds its roots in the powerful architecture of the cathedrals of northern France. It is a medieval art movement that evolved throughout Europe over more than 200 years. Leaving curved Roman forms behind, the architects started using flying buttresses and pointed arches to open up cathedrals to daylight. A period of great economic and social change, the Gothic era also saw the development of a new iconography celebrating the Holy Mary – in drastic contrast to the fearful themes of dark Roman times. Full of rich changes in all of the various art forms (architecture, sculpture, painting, etc.), Gothic art paved the way for the Italian Renaissance and International Gothic movement.
Psihoneuroimunologie uman?
Psihoneuroimunologie uman?
Kavita Vedhara, Michael R. Irwin
Te-ai g?ndit vreodat? c? ?i-ai putea reprograma creierul astfel ?nc?t s? devii un lider mai eficient? ?i aceasta, f?r? s?-?i ?ncarci programul ?i a?a aglomerat. Doar o mic? schimbare ?n stilul t?u de via??, ?n activit??ile pe care le faci oricum zilnic, poate aduce o transformare de propor?ii ?n via?a ta profesional? ?i personal?. Iar aceast? schimbare se nume?te mindfulness, con?tientizarea momentului prezent, aten?ia concentrat? clip? de clip? pe aici ?i acum. Matt teney ?i tim gard ??i vor ar?ta c? po?i, practic?nd mindfulness, s? devii mai inovativ, s? atragi ?i s? men?ii ?n echipa ta colegi dedica?i, s?-?i dezvol?i inteligen?a emo?ional? necesar? pentru a crea o cultur? a ?nving?torului, s? fii un lider care-i inspir? pe ceilal?i. Este o carte din care vei ?nv??a c? te po?i schimba remodel?ndu-?i creierul, f?c?nd acelea?i lucruri ca ?i p?n? acum, ?ns? ?ntr-un mod diferit, ce-?i va deschide noi perspective asupra vie?ii. Matt Tenney este antreprenor, autor, speaker ?i consultant ?n mediul de afaceri. Tim Gard, doctor ?n neuro?tiin?e, speaker ?i instructor de mindfulness.
German Pen Pals Made Easy KS3
German Pen Pals Made Easy KS3
Leleu, Sinead
German Pen Pals Made Easy provides an easy way for pupils to communicate in German with other German speakers. It contains fill-in-the-gap letters, so even pupils just beginning to learn German can have the satisfaction of being able to communicate effectively in German. The format is ideal for non-specialist teachers as it does not require fluency and little or no preparation is required. English translations of the letters are included, as are lists of vocabulary, key grammar points and extension ideas. For the student, German Pen Pals Made Easy is easy to follow, instills confidence and helps to foster positive attitudes towards foreign language learning.
What Doctors Don’t Tell You
What Doctors Don’t Tell You
Lynne McTaggart
Since 1989, award-winning journalist Lynne McTaggart has shaken the British medical establishment and earned the loyalty of many thousands of readers as editor of her monthly newsletter, ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You’. She has written a book of the same title and is now researching further into alternative and vibrational medicine. She lives in North London.
The Rise and Fall of Renaissance France (Text Only)
The Rise and Fall of Renaissance France (Text Only)
R. J. Knecht
If one stands by the west wall of the church at Penmarc’h, by the Atlantic coast in south-west Brittany, one sees how this building was intended to be on a grand scale. Founded in 1508, it was to be paid for by the shipbuilders and shipowners of the parish, a testimony to their wealth as well as to their faith. The heads of three of them are depicted on the wall. Penmarc’h was then one of the most important and flourishing ports of France, sending ships south to Portugal and north to Britain, trading in fish and wine. It was natural that carvings of ships, fish, seagulls and sailors should decorate the church walls. But the great tower which was to crown the west wall was never completed. No statues were erected. Penmarc’h’s prosperity rapidly disappeared as the discovery of Newfoundland brought activity to the Normandy coast and as larger ships, some as large as 300 tons, took over the trade. The flat-bottomed boats of Penmarc’h, which were beached on the sand and on the river-beds, could not compete. Penmarc’h fell into obscurity, its only fame being its legends. A sad song tells how at night its people used to set up decoy lights to lure ships on to the rocks. One night they wrecked a ship only to discover that it had on board their own children, who drowned before their eyes.
A Working Mother’s GPS: A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom
A Working Mother’s GPS: A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom
Atara Malach
If you’ve ever felt road-weary from trying to navigate new and difficult stages of parenting while also steering your career in the right direction, you know the stresses of the modern working mother. Atara Malach’s latest book is the roadmap you’ve been looking for to guide you on your parenting journey. Atara’s time-tested program for regaining control of your home and career are based on the logical approach of leading with authority, trust, and love. Using language you’re already familiar with, Atara’s methods are clearly stated, simple to implement and grounded in practicality and flexibility. The techniques are adaptable for your family’s unique needs and easily transferable to your workplace. In this book, you’ll learn how to: Set your boundaries in an unequivocal way that earns buy-in from your family and your colleagues. Practice and implement techniques for gaining cooperation from your partner, your kids, and your co-workers. Define your success in your own terms, by minimizing frustration, guilt, and resentment. Achieve the work/life balance you’ve been striving for since you first became a working mother.
Let Go: Conquer Your Fear Without Quitting
Let Go: Conquer Your Fear Without Quitting
Torben Rif
Do you feel caught in a negative, looping behavior pattern? Do you ever wonder why the same situation seems to play out in your life with a revolving cast of characters? If you have become a “people pleaser” or fancy yourself a self-styled rebel, perhaps these are the surface level manifestations of something stirring deep within you—a need to let go. Other symptoms of holding on to the past are a constant need for acknowledgment or a fear of showing vulnerability. The common thread that runs through these behaviors and patterns is that the symptoms likely arise from a specific negative experience, which has never been fully processed. Never been let go. You have allowed this experience to take control of your destiny, and it is keeping you from living free and being who you really are. THE TIME HAS COME TO LET GO!
Liptai Claudia, Pataki Ádám
DL/T 5339-2018  火力发电厂水工设计规范
DL/T 5339-2018 火力发电厂水工设计规范
在国家愈发重视网络安全的大背景下,加快密码基础设施建设称为各企业和政府部门的重要任务。设计的密码系统和密钥产生器是建设行业密码支撑体系关键的一环。由于混沌具有良好的伪随机特性,与密码学紧密相关。混沌系统和混沌密码学将迎来新一轮爆发。 网络安全是国家战略,近年来频发的网络安全事件也使人们意识到信息安全是各行业不可回避的问题。对此,国家通过立法,发布相关行业的指导意见等方式规定政府部门和企业需要建设相关的密码支撑体系。本书提供的130余中混沌系统可以为这些行业的密码系统提供参考,具有良好的市场前景。 本书介绍混沌电路工程中的技术问题,包括两个基本内容,*,介绍约130种混沌电路,包括经典电子、经典蔡氏、CNN、纯运算放大器、Jerk、交叉项非线性、忆阻、滞回非线性、非自治、自然界系统模拟、多涡漩、同步及控制、保密通信混沌电路,以及静态非线性函数电路单元;第二,混沌电路研究方法专题,包括几个实用动态非线性电路问题与混沌电路特殊研究方法的几个实用技巧;*后是附件与彩图。本书收集了国内外众多混沌电路资料,也收集了作者多年来的科学研究成果。 本书可以作为了解混沌现象门书籍。也可以作为混沌电路设计、基于混沌的同步、控制、保密通信方案等工程应用的参考书。书中涉及的混沌系统可以作为优质密钥产生方案用在对称密钥方面。在混沌电路设计和工程应用方面具有指导意义。
本书聚焦纯电动汽车的动力性、经济性,尤其是对续航和能耗问题的解决过程中使用的工具、方法、改善措施等行了深探讨。作者在参考30篇行业标准的基础上,紧紧围绕动力性经济性测评技术这一主题,从能耗分析工具、测试工况、道路阻力测量、电驱动系统与整车匹配、动力蓄电池测评等几个方面整理了其在合众新能源汽车有限公司工作期间撰写的45篇论文及研究报告,对每篇论文及报告的重与应用价值行提炼和总结。 本书主要面向在新能源汽车行业的整车厂、动力系统制造商、汽车设计公司中从事车辆动力性经济性相关工作的工程技术人员,以及高校汽车相关专业的研究人员和学生等。
本书从“电机本体—控制策略—系统级优化”三个维度,展了全面深的研究和探索,成功构建了一套适用于直线感应电机系统的理论分析体系。 针对直线感应电机“模型精度偏低、控制效果欠佳、系统优化困难”等相关技术瓶颈及难题,本书在直线感应电机的时间谐波等效电路、电机系统损耗模型、电机系统小损耗控制、多参数并行辨识策略、系统级多层次优化等方面展了大量研究,取得了系列原创性成果,相关工作具有十分重要的理论分析及工程实践意义。 本书可供电气工程、控制工程、机械工程等相关行业科研技术人员,以及高等院校电机、电气传动、电力电子等专业的教师和学生参考。
Will and Spirit
Will and Spirit
May, Gerald G.
"A rich book covering many areas of human experience. . . . For the person looking for an intelligent and clear presentation of the relationship between psychological and spiritual growth, this is the book to read.'--America
Doomsday Conspiracy
Doomsday Conspiracy
Sheldon, Sidney
Handpicked by the NSA to track down and identify the ten known witnesses to the recent crash of a weather balloon, Robert Bellamy searches for clues in Rome, Budapest, and Texas.
Today I Am a Ma'am
Today I Am a Ma'am
Harper, Valerie
Valerie Harper has a message for women of a certain age: "Work those laugh lines!" With the irreverence and wit that made her one of television's most beloved personalities, Harper (a.k.a. Rhoda Morgenstern) takes on those phony "fabulous at 50" books written by women whose skin is free of laugh lines and who wouldn't know a cellulite pocket if it bit them on the backside. With her trademark shoot-from-the-hip, call-'em-like-she-sees-'em style, she helps women celebrate, with humor and grace, what it means to be middle aged. Harper's essays explore the treacherous terrain women must travel -- from the tyrannies of fashion to the unmentionables of menopause. She tackles the most perplexing questions of the day: If you wear a size zero, do you existWould menopause be revered if it happened to menDo calories count if you eat standing upAre dressing rooms fitted with fun house mirrorsToday I Am a Ma'am is the perfect antidote to the youth obsession of our culture, offered by America's most reliable girlfriend. It is Humor Replacement Therapy for midlife women, a book you can pick up when ever you need a laugh or a reminder that midriff drift is not the end of the world.
Cornwell, Bernard
From the New York Times bestselling author comes the definitive, illustrated history of one of the greatest battles ever fought—a riveting nonfiction chronicle published to commemorate the two-hundreth anniversary of Napoleon's last stand.On June 18, 1815, the armies of France, Britain, and Prussia descended upon a quiet valley south of Brussels. In the previous three days, the French army had beaten the Prussians at Ligny and fought the British to a standstill at Quatre-Bras. The Allies were in retreat. The little village north of where they turned to fight the French army was called Waterloo. The blood-soaked battle to which the town gave its name would become a landmark in European history.In his first work of nonfiction, Bernard Cornwell combines his storytelling skills with a meticulously researched history to give a riveting chronicle of every dramatic moment—from Napoleon's daring escape from Elba to the smoke and gore of the three battlefields and their aftermath. Through quotes from the letters and diaries of Emperor Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington, and the ordinary officers and soldiers, Cornwell brings to life how it actually felt to fight those famous battles—as well as the moments of amazing bravery on both sides that left the outcome hanging in the balance until the bitter end.Published to coincide with the battle's bicentennial in 2015, Waterloo is a tense and gripping story of heroism and tragedy—and of the final battle that determined the fate of nineteenth-century Europe.
In the First Circle
In the First Circle
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I.
The thrilling cold war masterwork by the nobel prize winner, published in full for the first timeMoscow, Christmas Eve, 1949.The Soviet secret police intercept a call made to the American embassy by a Russian diplomat who promises to deliver secrets about the nascent Soviet Atomic Bomb program. On that same day, a brilliant mathematician is locked away inside a Moscow prison that houses the country's brightest minds. He and his fellow prisoners are charged with using their abilities to sleuth out the caller's identity, and they must choose whether to aid Joseph Stalin's repressive state—or refuse and accept transfer to the Siberian Gulag camps . . . and almost certain death.First written between 1955 and 1958, In the First Circle is Solzhenitsyn's fiction masterpiece. In order to pass through Soviet censors, many essential scenes—including nine full chapters—were cut or altered before it was published in a hastily translated English edition in 1968. Now with the help of the author's most trusted translator, Harry T. Willetts, here for the first time is the complete, definitive English edition of Solzhenitsyn's powerful and magnificent classic.