

A STUDY OF MONOGRAPHS ON THE WESTERN REGIONS IN THE OFFICIAL HISTORY BOOKS OF THE WESTERN & EASTERN HAN, WEI, JIN, SOUTHERN & NORTHERN DYNASTIES是同作者《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传研究》一书的英文版,是作者长期研究西域史和古代中外关系史,对塞种、贵霜、嚈哒以及两汉魏晋南北朝与西域关系史的论着。 作者就各篇西域传所见西域文化、宗教、习俗、制度,以及人种、语言、文字作了分门别类的研究,结集而成《两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传研究》。本书和《两汉南北朝正史西域传要注》为姊妹篇。两书不仅为两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传有关西域的记载提供了一个系统的注解,而且首次解读了两汉魏晋南北朝正史西域传的认知和阐述系统。这对于深理解两汉魏晋南北朝的政治、经济和文化等均有参考价值,其意义已经逸出了西域史研究的范畴。


东方版“权力的游戏”《战国纵横:鬼谷子的局》是一部长篇历史小说。讲述谋略家、兵法家、纵横家、阴阳家、道家共同的祖师爷——鬼谷子布局天下的辉煌传奇! 战国中期,在云梦山的幽谷中隐居一位被尊称为鬼谷子的老人。 在他身后的二千多年中,谋略家以他为宗,军事家认他为圣,纵横家奉他为祖,命相家拜他为祖师,仙道家尊他为真人。中国人将他视作智慧的化身,敬作无所不能的神龙。


本书从观念、组织、制度等方面全景式展现了19世纪英美两国的政党政治和民主运作过程。在工业革命与思想变革不断行、旧统治阶级与新兴势力持续博弈、利益集团互相勾结之下,政党组织、大会与代表制度、选举制度等民主政治的要素不断形成和发展。在这样一种政治演中,政党组织利用公民精神的疲软和人们对政党的狂热,操纵选民从而攫取权力,成为最大赢家。 作者在书里批判了渗透在英美民主制中的政治形式主义,认为政党政治下的民主,以对政党的虔诚取代个人良知,释放出普遍的依赖心理,束缚了公共精神,让懦弱裹挟了民主政府的生命。他提出,如果民主制有未来,那么应该将其建立在理性与自由之上,而不是在情绪与煽动之上。 由于例证扎实、论述详尽、分析透彻,本书成为民主与政党制度研究领域的奠基性巨著,并对后来马克斯·韦伯和罗伯特·米歇尔斯的研究产生了深远影响。

Just Below the Line
With America on the brink of the largest number of older adults and persons with disabilities in the country's history, the deceleration in housing production during the first decade of the twenty-first century, and a continued reliance on conventional housing policies and practices, a perfect storm has emerged in the housing industry. The lack of fit between the existing housing stock and the needs of the U.S. population is growing pronounced. Just as housing needed to be retooled at the end of WWII, the American housing industry is in dire need of change today. The South-with its high rates of poverty, older residents, residents with disabilities, extensive rural areas, and out-of-date housing policies and practices-serves as a "canary in the coal mine" for the impending, nationwide housing crisis. Just Below the Line discusses how reworking the policies and practices of the housing industry in the South can serve as a model for the rest of the nation in meeting the physical and social needs of persons with disabilities and aging boomers. Policy makers, designers, builders, realtors, advocates, and housing consumers will be able to use this book to promote the production of equitable housing nationwide.Published in collaboration with the Fay Jones School of Architecture.

锻炼 锻炼只是人类进化过程中近期才出现的现象。哈佛大学进化生物学家丹尼尔·利伯曼凭借自己多年在世界各地的研究与经验,向我们讲述为什么我们从未进化出锻炼的本能。 在这本打破神话的书中,利伯曼告诉我们,锻炼,并不是人类的本能。利伯曼从人类学和进化学的角度探讨了我们的身体,破解了关于锻炼的12个谬误,教我们可以正确地对待自己的身体并进行正确的身体活动,帮助那些对锻炼感到焦虑、困惑和纠结的人们把锻炼重新放到正确的位置上。 性的进化 关于人类性征的进化,没有人比贾雷德·戴蒙德更有资格做出解释。本书力图解释人类的性行为是如何演变为现在的模式的,包括女性的绝经期、人类社会中男性的角色、离群性交、为取乐而非传宗接代的性交,以及女性乳房早于发挥喂乳功用时的隆起等。通过一个个有趣的案例,戴蒙德帮助我们梳理了人类性征进化历程的多个方面,写出了一部迷人的、令人惊叹的经典之作。 智能的结构 加德纳初次在《智能的结构》中提出人类具有的八种智能,对多元智能理论进行多维且系统的介绍,向传统的心理学观点和流行的智商测试发起了有力的挑战。加德纳依据生物学、人类学等学科的研究成果,初次提出了“智能”的概念,并确认符合“智能”的八个判据,详细逐一地描述了七种智能:语言智能、音乐智能、逻辑-数学智能、空间智能、身体-动觉智能、人际智能、自我认知智能、博物学家智能,开创了“多元智能理论”,加德纳因此在世界一举成名! 人类的起源 理查德·利基以直立人骨架“图尔卡纳男孩”这一20世纪古人类学*重要的发现为起点,清晰明了地勾画了人类进化的四大阶段:700 万年前人科的起源;两足行走的猿类的“适应性辐射”;250 万年前人属的起源;现代人的起源。除此之外,《人类的起源》还将带领我们利用有限的证据,提出种种出人意料的假说,推断人类的艺术、语言和心智起源之谜。 进化的偶然 进化生物学家肖恩·卡罗尔从古生物学、地质学、进化生物学、基因科学等众多领域的全新发现入手,结合宏大至小行星撞击地球,微小至基因突变的众多妙趣横生的实证,向你展示“偶然”的强大造物之力。与此同时,卡罗尔剥茧抽丝地论证困扰达尔文的问题“突变和自然选择,到底哪一个才是真正的发明者”,并帮助你厘清突变、自然选择、适应之间的关系,以及它们在进化过程中所起的作用。 生命:进化生物学、遗传学、人类学和环境科学的黎明 生命是什么?这本书集合了世界*的生物学家、遗传学家和进化理论家来思考这个问题,众多“科学明星”同台辩论,在唇枪舌剑中开启生命科学的未来。 从生命的起源到进化之美、从破解DNA密码到构建超级*体、从生物技术带来的希望到致命病毒的未知威胁,本书回顾了人类在生命历程中走过的路,也展望了我们未来的方向。 人体的故事 这是一部从现代语境出发、回溯人类历史的人体进化简史,一本从进化、健康与疾病的相互关系着手、审视人体命运的权威著作。 作为哈佛大学进化生物学教授,作者丹尼尔·利伯曼在书中汇集了多年来针对人体进化展开的深入研究,详细讲述了人类如何一步步落入了当前失配性疾病频发的泥沼。而进化无疑是帮助我们寻找病因、预防并治疗失配性疾病的一剂良方,得以让我们重新思考人类的过去、现在和未来! 当下的启蒙 史蒂芬·平克对当前世界进行了全景式的评述,让读者了解人类状况的真相,人类面临怎样的挑战,以及该如何应对这些挑战。他呼吁我们避开惊悚的头条新闻和灰暗的末日预言,相反,用数据说话:通过75幅震撼的图表,平克论证人类的寿命、健康、食物、和平、知识、幸福等都呈向上趋势,这种趋势不仅限于西方,而是遍及全世界。这是启蒙运动的礼物——理性、科学和人文主义促进了人类的进步。 《当下的启蒙》凭借智识深度和优雅文笔证明:我们永远不会拥有一个完美的世界,而寻找一个完美的世界也是危险的举动。但是,如果继续运用知识来促进人类的繁荣,即将取得的进步则是无限的。 人类的价值 人类之所以能够适应各种不同的环境,并解决各种问题,主要依靠的不是个人智慧,而是“累积性的文化适应”, 以及更长时间维度下,不同文化之间的达尔文式的自然选择过程。这里的“文化”主要是指各种社会规范和道德价值。博伊德认为,不仅人类是自然世界的一部分,人类文化也是自然世界的一部分。文化使人类成了一种与众不同的生物。累积性文化进化是人类*大的,也是*独特的优势。 基因之河 基因从何而来?它又将走向何方?理查德·道金斯以其特有的智慧和对复杂事物条分缕析的能力让我们得以直面这些谜题。《纽约时报》将他的写作风格描述为“那种让读者感觉自己像个天才的写作”。 道金斯将生命的进化过程比作一条基因之河,在时间长河中,基因相互碰撞和重组,不断分叉,不断消亡。值得一提的是,道金斯还在书中分析了实现生物信息在宇宙范围内爆炸需要跨越的各个可能门槛,让我们得以对生命未来会走向何方有所想象。 生命:进化生物学、遗传学、人类学和环境科学的黎明 生命是什么?这本书集合了世界*的生物学家、遗传学家和进化理论家来思考这个问题,众多“科学明星”同台辩论,在唇枪舌剑中开启生命科学的未来。 从生命的起源到进化之美、从破解DNA密码到构建超级*体、从生物技术带来的希望到致命病毒的未知威胁,本书回顾了人类在生命历程中走过的路,也展望了我们未来的方向。 宇宙 “宇宙暴胀理论之父”阿兰·古斯、“弦理论之父”伦纳德·萨斯坎德、“永恒混沌暴胀理论之父”安德烈·林德、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者弗兰克·维尔切克、国际权威的额外维度物理学大师丽莎·兰道尔、加拿大圆周理论物理研究所创始人之一李·斯莫林、数学大师贝努瓦·曼德尔布罗特……每一个名字都如雷贯耳,他们对宇宙的过去与未来、对人类在我们这个宇宙中的位置等“终极问题”的头脑风暴,必然火花四溅! 白板 关于主流人性论的颠覆性反叛,破而后立,进而建立起新的意义和道德观念,重塑对人性的信心。 阐明人性的本源、内涵及局限,追溯人类诸多苦难的根源,拨开道德错觉的迷雾,直达现实的彼岸。 直面人性科学研究领域的诸多热点话题:政治、暴力、性别、儿童及艺术,发现诸多现实冲突背后的分岔路口及共享的普世价值观念。 蓝图 从沉船事件中幸存者的故事,到南极洲探险的科学家的故事;从人们努力创建一个脱离于现实社会的乌托邦的故事,到科幻小说的故事;从哈扎人和图尔卡纳人的故事,到人类与黑猩猩友谊的故事,作者尼古拉斯·克里斯塔基斯在这本包罗万象的著作中,向我们讲述了好社会的八个特征,以及对这些特征背后原因的追溯。 脑与意识 迪昂集结了意识与思维近20年来的前沿研究成果,用丰富、富有创新性的实验,将深奥难懂的脑科学知识,以大众看得懂的方式娓娓道来,发现了人类主观意识的客观标志,原来意识是“可见的”,掀起了脑科学的新篇章。 心智探奇:人类心智的起源与进化 权威解答“什么是智能”这一深刻问题,破解机器人难题。详细剖析心智的四大能力,权威解读“心智如何工作”。一扇窥视人类心智活动神奇与奥秘的窗户。一场探索心智本质的奇幻之旅。

当感受涌现时 意识使我们知晓到悲伤或快乐、苦难或幸福,感受到尴尬或骄傲,哀悼失去的爱或生命。意识的起源与本质,自古以来深深吸引着人们的好奇心与求知欲。揭开其神秘面纱,一方面对厘清我们人性的根本所在至关重要,另一方面又对人类全体的认知限度构成了巨大挑战。在千百年来探寻意识的漫长征程中,有无数理论和作品诞生,但仅有少数是开创性的、突破性的,成为里程碑式的存在,值得作为新研究的基础,《当感受涌现时》便是其中之一。 暗示力 暗示是人类典型、简单的条件反射。我们无时无刻不接收着外界和内心的暗示,不受控制甚至无法察觉。从这个角度来说,暗示力,是比说服、指示和命令等外显因素更强大的力量。洞悉了何为暗示力,就掌握了重塑人们思维、感觉和行动的法门。 本书围绕着我们的外在环境、群体间的社会环境和我们的内心世界三个方面来解释暗示力,介绍了能够影响甚至决定我们所思所为的诸多因素——颜色、场所、天气、他人、文化、姓名、标签、符号,不管多小的细节都能造成很大的影响。一出版便登上《纽约时报》畅销书榜,获《华尔街日报》《经济学人》等媒体交口赞誉。 锻炼 现在不算太遥远的过去,我们那些狩猎采集者、农耕者祖先,为了获得足够的食物,每天需要进行数小时的身体活动,偶尔也会为了娱乐或者社交而做游戏或者跳舞,但没人会为了健康而奔跑或者行走几千米。锻炼只是人类进化过程中近期才出现的现象。哈佛大学进化生物学家丹尼尔·利伯曼凭借自己多年在世界各地的研究与经验,向我们讲述为什么我们从未进化出锻炼的本能。 意识本能 “意识是什么”这个问题已经困扰了人类几千年,脑科学的普及与人工智能的兴起让意识再次成为热门话题,尽管大量突破性的研究不断改写着关于大脑的科学,但人们对意识的困惑始终存在。认知神经科学之父迈克尔·加扎尼加集结自己60余年来对心智与大脑科学领域的探索成果,带领我们挣脱这一困境,并为我们理解意识提供全新的视角。 涌现 上述现象揭示了这样一个规律,即复杂的事物是由小而简单的事物发展而来的,而这正是涌现现象的特征。涌现现象产生的根本原因在于,事物各组成部分之间相互作用产生的复杂性,远非个体行为的叠加可以相比,也就是我们常说的“整体大于部分之和”。 适者降临 《适者降临》向我们展示了一个不曾为人所知的进化世界。借助现代技术的力量,我们得以深入遗传密码的腹地,探索生命进化的遗传机制与前沿阵地! 关于达尔文进化论没能解释的进化谜题,在《适者降临》中都可以给你答案! 复杂经济学 作为“复杂经济学”的创始人,布莱恩·阿瑟在本书中汇集了多年对复杂经济学的研究。其核心思想可以归结为:经济不一定处于均衡状态,演绎推理将被归纳推理所取代。 这是一本见证“复杂经济学”成长的著作,你将看到“复杂性思维”在经济学领域是如何发展起来并形成一门崭新的学科。 详细讨论了“爱尔法鲁酒吧问题”和“圣塔菲人工股票市场”两个重要项目。 关于技术是什么以及技术是如何进化的,布莱恩·阿瑟提出了“组合进化”的概念,并进而讨论了路径依赖和技术锁定。 直觉泵和其他思考工具 享誉世界的哲学泰斗丹尼尔·丹尼特,融通计算机科学、心理学、神经科学、语言学、人工智能,倾囊相授他一生至今所搜集的各种好用的思考工具。这本书诞生于大学新生的课堂,力图做到“人人能懂”。 使用大量方便的、辅助性的思考工具,去拓展想象力、保持专注力,让我们妥当、优雅地思考真正的难题。利用各种思考工具,让你拨开各种思想的层层迷雾,你会发现,那么多明摆着的观点其实根本就不是那么 “明摆着”的 为什么需要生物学思维 人类的技术,从网站到交易系统,从城市基础设施到科学模型,甚至是为大型企业提供配套服务的供应链系统和物流系统,都已变得过于复杂且相互交错。为什么复杂的技术系统越来越难以理解了呢?我们应该如何看待这个复杂的世界呢? 生物学思维和物理学思维是理解世界的两种方式,而复杂的技术系统更接近生物学系统,因此用生物学思维理解技术系统是个不错的选择。 财富的起源 市场是一个不断演化并进行适应性调整的体系,正如达尔文进化论所说,适者生存,面对经济复杂性的指数级增长——物联网、数字经济、信息社会和智能未来,要想在残酷的商业竞争中获取成功,《财富的起源》为你审视经济、掌控财富提供了全新的视角与方法。 《财富的起源》回溯了经济学的发展脉络,用动态、主体、互动、涌现和进化5大视角审视当下经济,阐释商业设计、物理技术、社会技术促进财富增长的进化力量,提出应用复杂经济学的4大应用领域:战略、组织、金融与公共政策,助你利用这部物联网时代的《国富论》决胜商业社会! 模型思维 斯科特·佩奇是风靡全球的“模型思维课”主讲人,有超过100万各行各业的人反复学习并从中受益。新书《模型思维》讲解了24种模型,从线性回归到随机漫步,从博弈论到合作,涵盖学习、工作、生活等方方面面——这些有趣的模型可以把任何人变成天才。 人类的价值 是什么让人类如此独特?是否像很多人所认为的那样,因为拥有更高级的智力,人类才得以与其他物种区分开来? 人类进化与社会变革领域的知名教授罗伯特·博伊德对这一命题进行了重新梳理,并驳斥了这种存在于大众之中的普遍观点。 人类真的只是聪明的黑猩猩吗?为什么人类这个物种既合作又竞争?罗伯特·博伊德巧妙地结合了对不同社会的详细分析、清晰的实验研究以及对狩猎-采集生活的丰富描述,大胆带领我们踏上科学之旅,探索我们是谁,我们从哪里来。 复杂经济学 作为“复杂经济学”的创始人,布莱恩·阿瑟在本书中汇集了多年对复杂经济学的研究。其核心思想可以归结为:经济不一定处于均衡状态,演绎推理将被归纳推理所取代。 这是一本见证“复杂经济学”成长的著作,你将看到“复杂性思维”在经济学领域是如何发展起来并形成一门崭新的学科。 详细讨论了“爱尔法鲁酒吧问题”和“圣塔菲人工股票市场”两个重要项目。关于技术是什么以及技术是如何进化的,布莱恩·阿瑟提出了“组合进化”的概念,并进而讨论了路径依赖和技术锁定。

Learning Go Programming
An insightful guide to learning the Go programming languageAbout This Book·Insightful coverage of Go programming syntax, constructs, and idioms to help you understand Go code effectively·Push your Go skills, with topics such as, data types, channels, concurrency, object-oriented Go, testing, and network programming·Each chapter provides working code samples that are designed to help reader quickly understand respective topicWho This Book Is ForIf you have prior exposure to programming and are interested in learning the Go programming language, this book is designed for you. It will quickly run you through the basics of programming to let you exploit a number of features offered by Go programming language.What You Will Learn·Install and configure the Go development environment to quickly get started with your first program.·Use the basic elements of the language including source code structure, variables, constants, and control flow primitives to quickly get started with Go·Gain practical insight into the use of Go's type system including basic and composite types such as maps, slices, and structs.·Use interface types and techniques such as embedding to create idiomatic object-oriented programs in Go.·Develop effective functions that are encapsulated in well-organized package structures with support for error handling and panic recovery.·Implement goroutine, channels, and other concurrency primitives to write highly-concurrent and safe Go code·Write tested and benchmarked code using Go's built test tools·Access OS resources by calling C libraries and interact with program environment at runtimeIn DetailThe Go programming language has firmly established itself as a favorite for building complex and scalable system applications. Go offers a direct and practical approach to programming that let programmers write correct and predictable code using concurrency idioms and a full-featured standard library.This is a step-by-step, practical guide full of real world examples to help you get started with Go in no time at all. We start off by understanding the fundamentals of Go, followed by a detailed description of the Go data types, program structures and Maps. After this, you learn how to use Go concurrency idioms to avoid pitfalls and create programs that are exact in expected behavior. Next, you will be familiarized with the tools and libraries that are available in Go for writing and exercising tests, benchmarking, and code coverage.Finally, you will be able to utilize some of the most important features of GO such as, Network Programming and OS integration to build efficient applications. All the concepts are explained in a crisp and concise manner and by the end of this book; you would be able to create highly efficient programs that you can deploy over cloud.Style and approachThe book is written to serve as a reader-friendly step-by-step guide to learning the Go programming language. Each topic is sequentially introduced to build on previous materials covered. Every concept is introduced with easy-to-follow code examples that focus on maximizing the understanding of the topic at hand.

Mastering Akka
Master the art of creating scalable, concurrent, and reactive applications using AkkaAbout This Book·This book will help you cure anemic models with domain-driven design·We cover major Akka programming concepts such as concurrency, scalability, and reactivity·You will learn concepts like Event Sourcing and CQRS via Akka Persistence, Akka Streams, Akka Http as well as Akka ClusteringWho This Book Is ForIf you want to use the Lightbend platform to create highly performant reactive applications, then this book is for you. If you are a Scala developer looking for techniques to use all features of the new Akka release and want to incorporate these solutions in your current or new projects, then this book is for you. Expert Java developers who want to build scalable, concurrent, and reactive application will find this book helpful.What You Will Learn·Use Akka actors to enable parallel execution·Build out domain-driven design based components like entities and aggregates·Respond to command requests on that aggregate root that affect the internal state·Leverage Akka Persistence, protobuf and Cassandra to save the persistent state of you entities·Build out complex processing graphs with the Graph Builder DSL·Understand the dynamic push/pull nature of backpressure handling within Akka Streams·Route HTTP requests to an actor and return a response·Deploy actor instances across a set of nodes via ConductR for high availabilityIn DetailFor a programmer, writing multi-threaded applications is critical as it is important to break large tasks into smaller ones and run them simultaneously. Akka is a distributed computing toolkit that uses the abstraction of the Actor model, enabling developers to build correct, concurrent, and distributed applications using Java and Scala with ease. The book begins with a quick introduction that simplifies concurrent programming with actors. We then proceed to master all aspects of domain-driven design. We'll teach you how to scale out with Akka Remoting/Clustering. Finally, we introduce Conductr as a means to deploy to and manage microservices across a cluster.Style and approachThis comprehensive, fast-paced guide is packed with several real-world use cases that will help you understand concepts, issues, and resolutions while using Akka to create highly performant, scalable, and concurrency-proof reactive applications.

Mastering ASP.NET Core 2.0: MVC patterns, configuration, routing, deployment, an
Become an expert in the shiny new version of ASP.NET About This Book Grasp the advanced concepts of MVC Core and start making professional-grade applications Migrate from previous versions of ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core This book will take you on a journey through all the aspects of ASP.NET Core 2.0 Who This Book Is For If you are a developer who knows the basics of ASP.NET MVC and wants to build powerful applications, this book is for you. Basic C# experience and an understanding of HTML and CSS is assumed. What You Will Learn Get to know the new features of ASP.NET Core 2.0 Find out how to configure ASP.NET Core Configure routes to access ASP.NET Core resources Create controllers and action methods and see how to maintain the state Create views to display contents Implement and validate forms and retrieve information from them Write reusable modules for ASP.NET Core Deploy ASP.NET Core to other environments In Detail ASP.NET is an open source web framework that builds modern web apps and services. This book is your one-stop guide to the new features of ASP.NET Core 2.0, including web APIs and MVC. We begin with a brief overview of the basics, taking you through the MVC pattern, platforms, dependencies, and frameworks. We then move on to setting up and configuring the MVC environment before talking about routing and advanced routing options. Next, we'll look at model binding, controllers and actions, filters, user authentication, and testing. Moving on, you'll learn about all the aspects of syntax and processes when working with Razor. You'll be introduced to client-side development and will get to know about the security aspects of ASP.NET Core. We will also look at microservices with ASP.NET Core. Finally, you'll find out how to deploy ASP.NET Core to new environments such as Azure, AWS, and Docker. By the end of the book, you will be well versed with development in ASP.NET Core and will have a deep understanding of how to interact with the framework and work cross-platform. Style and approach Find out how to design modern, cross-platform, business oriented web applications that serve the client needs in the age of emerging .NET framework

ROS Robotics By Example - Second Edition
Learning how to build and program your own robots with the most popular open source robotics programming framework About This Book Get to know the fundamentals of ROS and apply its concepts to real examples Learn how to write robotics applications without getting bogged down in hardware problems Learn to implement best practices in ROS development Who This Book Is For This book is for robotic enthusiasts, researchers and professional robotics engineers who would like to build robot applications using ROS. It gives the robotics beginner and the ROS newbie an immensely practical introduction to robot building and robotics application coding. Basic knowledge of GNU/Linux and the ability to write simple applications is assumed, but no robotics knowledge, practical or theoretical, is needed. What You Will Learn Control a robot without requiring a PhD in robotics Simulate and control a robot arm Control a flying robot Send your robot on an independent mission Learning how to control your own robots with external devices Program applications running on your robot Extend ROS itself Extend ROS with the MATLAB Robotics System Toolbox In Detail ROS is a robust robotics framework that works regardless of hardware architecture or hardware origin. It standardizes most layers of robotics functionality from device drivers to process control and message passing to software package management. But apart from just plain functionality, ROS is a great platform to learn about robotics itself and to simulate, as well as actually build, your first robots. This does not mean that ROS is a platform for students and other beginners; on the contrary, ROS is used all over the robotics industry to implement flying, walking and diving robots, yet implementation is always straightforward, and never dependent on the hardware itself. ROS Robotics has been the standard introduction to ROS for potential professionals and hobbyists alike since the original edition came out; the second edition adds a gradual introduction to all the goodness available with the Kinetic Kame release. By providing you with step-by-step examples including manipulator arms and flying robots, the authors introduce you to the new features. The book is intensely practical, with space given to theory only when absolutely necessary. By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience on controlling robots with the best possible framework. Style and approach ROS Robotics By Example, Second Edition gives the robotics beginner as well as the ROS newbie an immensely practical introduction to robot building and robotics application coding. ROS translates as "robot operating system"; you will learn how to control a robot via devices and configuration files, but you will also learn how to write robot applications on the foundation of this operating system.

Predictive Analytics with TensorFlow
Accomplish the power of data in your business by building advanced predictive modelling applications with Tensorflow. About This Book A quick guide to gain hands-on experience with deep learning in different domains such as digit/image classification, and texts Build your own smart, predictive models with TensorFlow using easy-to-follow approach mentioned in the book Understand deep learning and predictive analytics along with its challenges and best practices Who This Book Is For This book is intended for anyone who wants to build predictive models with the power of TensorFlow from scratch. If you want to build your own extensive applications which work, and can predict smart decisions in the future then this book is what you need! What You Will Learn Get a solid and theoretical understanding of linear algebra, statistics, and probability for predictive modeling Develop predictive models using classification, regression, and clustering algorithms Develop predictive models for NLP Learn how to use reinforcement learning for predictive analytics Factorization Machines for advanced recommendation systems Get a hands-on understanding of deep learning architectures for advanced predictive analytics Learn how to use deep Neural Networks for predictive analytics See how to use recurrent Neural Networks for predictive analytics Convolutional Neural Networks for emotion recognition, image classification, and sentiment analysis In Detail Predictive analytics discovers hidden patterns from structured and unstructured data for automated decision-making in business intelligence. This book will help you build, tune, and deploy predictive models with TensorFlow in three main sections. The first section covers linear algebra, statistics, and probability theory for predictive modeling. The second section covers developing predictive models via supervised (classification and regression) and unsupervised (clustering) algorithms. It then explains how to develop predictive models for NLP and covers reinforcement learning algorithms. Lastly, this section covers developing a factorization machines-based recommendation system. The third section covers deep learning architectures for advanced predictive analytics, including deep neural networks and recurrent neural networks for high-dimensional and sequence data. Finally, convolutional neural networks are used for predictive modeling for emotion recognition, image classification, and sentiment analysis. Style and approach TensorFlow, a popular library for machine learning, embraces the innovation and community-engagement of open source, but has the support, guidance, and stability of a large corporation.

Planning the Home Front
Before Franklin Roosevelt declared December 7 to be a "e;date which will live in infamy"e;; before American soldiers landed on D-Day; before the B-17s, B-24s, and B-29s roared over Europe and Asia, there was Willow Run. Located twenty-five miles west of Detroit, the bomber plant at Willow Run and the community that grew up around it attracted tens of thousands of workers from across the United States during World War II. Together, they helped build the nation's "e;Arsenal of Democracy,"e; but Willow Run also became the site of repeated political conflicts over how to build suburbia while mobilizing for total war.In Planning the Home Front, Sarah Jo Peterson offers readers a portrait of the American people-industrialists and labor leaders, federal officials and municipal leaders, social reformers, industrial workers, and their families-that lays bare the foundations of community, the high costs of racism, and the tangled process of negotiation between New Deal visionaries and wartime planners. By tying the history of suburbanization to that of the home front, Peterson uncovers how the United States planned and built industrial regions in the pursuit of war, setting the stage for the suburban explosion that would change the American landscape when the war was won.

Archaeology of Sympathy
In the middle of the eighteenth century, something new made itself felt in European culture-a tone or style that came to be called the sentimental. The sentimental mode went on to shape not just literature, art, music, and cinema, but people's very structures of feeling, their ways of doing and being.?In what is sure to become a critical classic, An Archaeology of Sympathy challenges Sergei Eisenstein's influential account of Dickens and early American film by tracing the unexpected history and intricate strategies of the sentimental mode and showing how it has been reimagined over the past three centuries. James Chandler begins with a look at Frank Capra and the Capraesque in American public life, then digs back to the eighteenth century to examine the sentimental substratum underlying Dickens and early cinema alike. With this surprising move, he reveals how literary spectatorship in the eighteenth century anticipated classic Hollywood films such as Capra's It Happened One Night, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, and It's a Wonderful Life. Chandler then moves forward to romanticism and modernism-two cultural movements often seen as defined by their rejection of the sentimental-examining how authors like Mary Shelley, Joseph Conrad, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf actually engaged with sentimental forms and themes in ways that left a mark on their work.?Reaching from Laurence Sterne to the Coen brothers, An Archaeology of Sympathy casts new light on the long eighteenth century and the novelistic forebears of cinema and our modern world.

Tristan's Shadow
Das Rheingold, Die Walkre, and Siegfried. Parsifal. Tristan und Isolde. Both revered and reviled, Richard Wagner conceived some of the nineteenth century's most influential operas-and created some of the most indelible characters ever to grace the stage. But over the course of his polarizing career, Wagner also composed volumes of essays and pamphlets, some on topics seemingly quite distant from the opera house. His influential concept of Gesamtkunstwerk-the "e;total work of art"e;-famously and controversially offered a way to unify the different media of an opera into a coherent whole. Less well known, however, are Wagner's strange theories on sexuality-like his ideas about erotic acoustics and the metaphysics of sexual difference. Drawing on the discourses of psychoanalysis, evolutionary biology, and other emerging fields of study that informed Wagner's thinking, Adrian Daub traces the dual influence of Gesamtkunstwerk and eroticism from their classic expressions in Tristan und Isolde into the work of the generation of composers that followed, including Zemlinsky, d'Albert, Schreker, and Strauss. For decades after Wagner's death, Daub writes, these composers continued to grapple with his ideas and with his overwhelming legacy, trying in vain to write their way out from Tristan's shadow.

Future of Illusion
In recent years, the rise of fundamentalism and a related turn to religion in the humanities have led to a powerful resurgence of interest in the problem of political theology. In a critique of this contemporary fascination with the theological underpinnings of modern politics, Victoria Kahn proposes a return to secularism-whose origins she locates in the art, literature, and political theory of the early modern period-and argues in defense of literature and art as a force for secular liberal culture.Kahn draws on theorists such as Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, Walter Benjamin, and Hannah Arendt and their readings of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Machiavelli, and Spinoza to illustrate that the dialogue between these modern and early modern figures can help us rethink the contemporary problem of political theology. Twentieth-century critics, she shows, saw the early modern period as a break from the older form of political theology that entailed the theological legitimization of the state. Rather, the period signaled a new emphasis on a secular notion of human agency and a new preoccupation with the ways art and fiction intersected the terrain of religion.?

Open Mind
The Open Mind chronicles the development and promulgation of a scientific vision of the rational, creative, and autonomous self, demonstrating how this self became a defining feature of Cold War culture. Jamie Cohen-Cole illustrates how from 1945 to 1965 policy makers and social critics used the idea of an open-minded human nature to advance centrist politics. They reshaped intellectual culture and instigated nationwide educational reform that promoted more open, and indeed more human, minds. The new field of cognitive science was central to this project, as it used popular support for open-mindedness to overthrow the then-dominant behaviorist view that the mind either could not be studied scientifically or did not exist. Cognitive science also underwrote the political implications of the open mind by treating it as the essential feature of human nature. ?While the open mind unified America in the first two decades after World War II, between 1965 and 1975 battles over the open mind fractured American culture as the ties between political centrism and the scientific account of human nature began to unravel. During the late 1960s, feminists and the New Left repurposed Cold War era psychological tools to redefine open-mindedness as a characteristic of left-wing politics. As a result, once-liberal intellectuals became neoconservative, and in the early 1970s, struggles against open-mindedness gave energy and purpose to the right wing.

Frontier Seaport
Detroit's industrial health has long been crucial to the American economy. Today's troubles notwithstanding, Detroit has experienced multiple periods of prosperity, particularly in the second half of the eighteenth century, when the city was the center of the thriving fur trade. Its proximity to the West as well as its access to the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River positioned this new metropolis at the intersection of the fur-rich frontier and the Atlantic trade routes.In?Frontier Seaport, Catherine Cangany details this seldom-discussed chapter of Detroit's history. She argues that by the time of the American Revolution, Detroit functioned much like a coastal town as a result of the prosperous fur trade, serving as a critical link in a commercial chain that stretched all the way to Russia and China-thus opening Detroit's shores for eastern merchants and other transplants. This influx of newcomers brought its own transatlantic networks and fed residents' desires for popular culture and manufactured merchandise. Detroit began to be both a frontier town and seaport city-a mixed identity, Cangany argues, that hindered it from becoming a thoroughly "e;American"e; metropolis.

Building for the Arts
Over the past two decades, the arts in America have experienced an unprecedented building boom, with more than sixteen billion dollars directed to the building, expansion, and renovation of museums, theaters, symphony halls, opera houses, and centers for the visual and performing arts. Among the projects that emerged from the boom were many brilliant successes. Others, like the striking addition of the Quadracci Pavilion to the Milwaukee Art Museum, brought international renown but also tens of millions of dollars of off-budget debt while offering scarce additional benefit to the arts and embodying the cultural sector's worst fears that the arts themselves were being displaced by the big, status-driven architecture projects built to contain them.?With Building for the Arts, Peter Frumkin and Ana Kolendo explore how artistic vision, funding partnerships, and institutional culture work together-or fail to-throughout the process of major cultural construction projects. Drawing on detailed case studies and in-depth interviews at museums and other cultural institutions varying in size and funding arrangements, including the Art Institute of Chicago, Atlanta Opera, and AT&T Performing Arts Center in Dallas, Frumkin and Kolendo analyze the decision-making considerations and challenges and identify four factors whose alignment characterizes the most successful and sustainable of the projects discussed: institutional requirements, capacity of the institution to manage the project while maintaining ongoing operations, community interest and support, and sufficient sources of funding. How and whether these factors are strategically aligned in the design and execution of a building initiative, the authors argue, can lead an organization to either thrive or fail. The book closes with an analysis of specific tactics that can enhance the chances of a project's success.A practical guide grounded in the latest scholarship on nonprofit strategy and governance, Building for the Arts will be an invaluable resource for professional arts staff and management, trustees of arts organizations, development professionals, and donors, as well as those who study and seek to understand them.

Victorian Scientific Naturalism
Victorian Scientific Naturalism examines the secular creeds of the generation of intellectuals who, in the wake of The Origin of Species, wrested cultural authority from the old Anglican establishment while installing themselves as a new professional scientific elite. These scientific naturalists-led by biologists, physicists, and mathematicians such as William Kingdon Clifford, Joseph Dalton Hooker, Thomas Henry Huxley, and John Tyndall-sought to persuade both the state and the public that scientists, not theologians, should be granted cultural authority, since their expertise gave them special insight into society, politics, and even ethics.?In Victorian Scientific Naturalism, Gowan Dawson and Bernard Lightman bring together new essays by leading historians of science and literary critics that recall these scientific naturalists, in light of recent scholarship that has tended to sideline them, and that reevaluate their place in the broader landscape of nineteenth-century Britain. Ranging in topic from daring climbing expeditions in the Alps to the maintenance of aristocratic protocols of conduct at Kew Gardens, these essays offer a series of new perspectives on Victorian scientific naturalism-as well as its subsequent incarnations in the early twentieth century-that together provide an innovative understanding of the movement centering on the issues of community, identity, and continuity.