
雷达技术的发展使其具有高的二维分辨率,能对场景和目标成像,因而成像已成为雷达的一种新的功能,极大地提高了获取目标信息的能力。它在各类雷达的许多方面得到越来越广泛的应用。 本书共分9章,主要内容包括雷达高分辨的原理和实现的处理方法,一维距离像,合成孔径雷达,逆合成孔径雷达,干涉技术在合成孔径雷达和逆合成孔径中的应用等。本书在内容的安排上更着重于理论联系实际,在将基本原理和算法介绍清楚的基础上,主要讨论实际实现中的各类工程技术问题,力求帮助雷达工程技术人员尽快地掌握这一新技术,并能用以解决实际工程问题。

《海洋之神》为“血与锈”经典科幻系列的第 一部,故事背景设定在地球资源枯竭、人类文明陷入危机的未来世界中。小说的主人公内勒是一名年轻的“拆船工”,靠着微薄的收入艰难度日。一个偶然的机会,内勒发现了一艘搁浅的豪华游艇上藏着一个富有的年轻女子妮塔,内勒和妮塔逐渐建立了一个超越阶级的联盟,开始了一场危险的逃亡之旅。他们不仅要面对不同利益阶层残酷的挑战,还要在一个排斥他们的世界中艰难生存。在整本书中,巴奇加卢比用生动的语言和极 具张力的想象描绘了一个被气候变化摧毁的世界。《海洋之神》作为一部深刻、具有启示性的小说,向人们展示了一个未来世界的可能性,引导人们思考当代社会中存在的问题。这部小说不仅是一部科幻小说,更是一部反映社会现实的文学作品,值得每个人去品味和思考。 《淹没之城》为“血与锈”经典科幻系列的第二部,在洪水肆虐的城市,变异物种四处游荡,各方势力为争夺资源而互相厮杀……流浪在淹没之城的少女玛丽亚、男孩莫斯和被人追杀的半兽人图尔,不仅要面对政府军的追捕,还要面对来自内部的欺骗与背叛。在这个充满危险和挑战的世界,他们不断地寻找着自由和真相,试图在混乱和暴力中闯出自己的生存之路。 这本书生动地描绘了一个处于危机之中的世界,人们不得不为了生存而做出艰难的决定,善恶之间的界限变得越来越模糊。故事*终以不同势力为争夺权力和控制而展开的激烈而暴力的冲突为高潮。《淹没之城》探讨了忠诚、背叛以及环境灾难对人类社会的影响等主题,既是对气候变化和环境破坏后果的思考,也是对人类对这些灾难如何应对的一次探索和思考。 《图尔之战》为“血与锈”科幻系列小说的第三部,在一个后启示录的未来世界中,主人公图尔是人类创造出来的一种具有超人力量、敏捷反应能力的生物武器。他原本只是冰冷的科技产物,但在战争中逐渐获得了自我意识。他试图打破自己的编程限制,结交了真正的朋友玛丽亚,明白了团队和同胞情的意义;作为强化人的首领,他也使其他强化人意识到他们并不应天生为奴,而应反抗人类的压迫和驱使,成为和人类平等的生物体,但人类的贪婪和自私主宰着一切。图尔决定战胜自己的奴性,向制造、奴役并企图毁灭他的主人卡洛亚复仇。作者以极其犀利的视角,探讨了基因工程、使用生物武器和人类生命价值的伦理问题,深刻表达了在压迫和剥削的环境中争取自由和尊严的意义。

孟德斯鸠文集 第5卷 杂文选

大量电子设备的使用与复杂非均匀时变的地理环境,雷达工作环境日趋复杂,严重影响了微弱目标的探测性能。相比传统相控阵雷达,认知多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达可依据不同探测环境与任务需求,控制发射波形,按需分配空域能量,灵活设计发射波束,并在接收端进行回波分离处理,能够有效提升复杂电磁环境下杂波和干扰的抑制能力,已成为当前雷达领域研究的国际前沿与热点。 本书较为系统、深入地论述了MIMO雷达认知波形设计理论与方法,主要包括正交认知波形设计、MIMO雷达认知发射波束赋形、MIMO雷达认知发射-接收联合设计等。本书概念阐述清楚、内容较为丰富、系统性强。本书介绍了认知MIMO雷达的基本概念、MIMO雷达认知波形设计建模、优化理论和仿真实验等;重点研究了MIMO雷达下基于局部加权自与互相关积分/峰值旁瓣电平准则的正交波形设计、基于方向图积分/峰值旁瓣电平或者模板匹配误差准则的空时发射波束赋形以及基于信干噪比准则的空时发射-接收联合设计等技术。其中,大部分内容是作者近年来在该领域的*新成果。

The Power of Business en Espanol
In The Power of Business en Espaol, Cancela, one of the most well-respected business experts in the Spanish-speaking world, provides readers with a guide to the exciting yet often confusing Spanish-language market. From how to deal with the many Spanish accents and colloquialisms to learning where the Spanish-dominant consumer really lives and spends money, The Power of Business en Espaol is a book that will demystify Spanish-dominant consumers for non-Spanish speakers. Broken down into seven easy chapters that include specific examples of real companies that have been successful (or unsuccessful) in their marketing techniques for this demographic, this handbook gives you the tools to build your business and reach out to this rapidly expanding market. Giving readers simple keys to understanding the people, the culture, and the language that unites this growing segment of the population, The Power of Business en Espaol is a road map for anyone who wants to prepare their business for the language hurdles of the twenty-first century or simply wants to learn more about their new neighbors.

HarperCollins e-books
Have you ever wanted to write a thank-you note and suffered writer's blockConsidered penning a passionate letter to your beloved, but had no idea where to beginNeeded to send a sympathy message, but couldn't find the right wordsFear not. Professional letter writer Samara O'Shea is here to spark your creativity and answer all your letter-writing questions in this charming guide.For the Love of Letters is an anecdotal primer on letter writing, with tips on how to write all types of notes: love letters, break-up letters, apology letters, thank-you letters, erotic letters (oh yes!), and more. It's filled with moving, funny, and embarrassing stories about letters Samara has written and received, including an apology from a guy who addressed her by the wrong name, a good-riddance e-mail to a capricious boyfriend, and multiple apology letters after getting fired from an internship at O: The Oprah Magazine. With a fresh, contemporary approach, Samara weighs in on appropriate methods for every situation for example, when to handwrite, type, or e-mail (yes, e-mail) your letter. There is also a fascinating collection of engaging personal letters written by historical and literary icons such as Marie Antoinette, Beethoven, Edgar Allan Poe, Susan B. Anthony, and Emily Post.For the Love of Letters will show anyone who has ever shuddered at the idea of sitting down and putting pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard how to craft persuasive, interesting, and memorable letters.

HarperCollins e-books
In this long season of searing political attacks and angry partisan passions, Peggy Noonan's Wall Street Journal column has been must reading for thoughtful liberals and conservatives alike.Now she issues an urgent, heartfelt call for all Americans to see each other anew, realize what time it is, and come together to support the next President whoever he is. Because it is not the threats and challenges we face, but how we face them that defines us as a nation. The terrible events of 9/11 brought us together in a way not seen since World War II. But the stresses and divisions of the Bush years have driven us apart to a point that is unhealthy and destructive.Today, Noonan argues, the national mood is for a change in our politics and it is well past time for politicians to catch up. Americans are tired of the old partisan divisions and the campaign tricks that seek to widen and exploit them. We long for leaders who can summon us to greatness and unity, as they did in the long struggles against fascism and communism.In this timely little book, written in the pamphleteering tradition of Tom Paine's Common Sense, Noonan reminds us that we must face our common challenges together not by rising above partisanship, but by reaffirming what it means to be American.

William Morrow Paperbacks
Hunter, my majestic eighty-six-pound mutt, was the love of my life for thirteen years. I was addicted to looking at him every twitch of his ear was fascinating to me. I've taken thousands of photographs of him, dozens even in the same position. He was "my lucky dog."I adopted Hunter when he was two. He came with that name, his former owner a fan of Hunter S. Thompson. I noticed Hunter's photo in the window of a pet store in Vermont and brought him home.If I was the lucky break in his life, he was the transforming experience in mine. Before, I was a little wild. As a photographer, I traveled around the world, picking up and leaving on a dime. Life was exciting: photo shoots in Paris, Haiti, the Himalayas, the Andes, and even the Amazon.Hunter tamed me. I couldn't be away from him for more than five hours at a time. I had no children of my own; Hunter taught me about responsibility, love, and devotion in a way that was inaccessible to me with "people." Mellon

Common Sense Business
Do you own or plan to own a small businessDo you work for a small business and desire to better understand your bossDo you know someone who owns a business and wants to be stronger, more focused, and more successfulThis is the book for you.The truth is that many business books offer a lot of wonderful sounding theories, but they have little practical application in the real world of small business. Common Sense Business is full of life-and-death ideas. Follow Steve Gottry's advice and your business will live and thrive. Ignore it and your business could founder or die. Benefit from Gottry's experience as an entrepreneur who grew a hugely successful media agency, experienced a harrowing business failure, then rebounded with a new business and a fresh start on life.Common Sense Business tells you how to succeed throughout every phase of the small business life cycle -- from starting to operating, growing, and even closing down a business. No matter the state of the economy or the maturity of your business, you will find winning solutions to the questions and situations you face every day. Steve Gottry will help you understand yourself; your employees, customers, and vendors; and how people come together to form a successful business. You will learn how to maximize your business's assets and how to ward off those threats that could eat away at your resources and peace of mind, including debt, sloppiness, addiction, and fear. Warm, honest, funny, and factual, entrepreneur Steve Gottry tells the whole truth about successfully managing a business through good times and bad.

Have Board, Will Travel
Whether on water, pavement, or fluffy white powder, the history of surfing,skateboarding, and snowboarding is a landscape filled with rugged personalities, exotic locales, wild innovation, and most of all the united dream of becoming one with the oceans, streets, and mountains.Have Board, Will Travel shows the intricate connection between all three sports. Their histories act as the grand foundation, the images serve as divine inspiration, and each page is filled with enough side-stanced glory to summon even the laziest couch potato to pick up a board and ride.


本书由浅入深,从原理到实践,从攻到防,循序渐进地介绍了备受信息安全行业青睐的ATT&CK 框架,旨在帮助相关企业更好地将 ATT&CK 框架用于安全防御能力建设。全书分为5 部分,共 17 章,详细介绍了 ATT&CK 框架的整体架构,如何利用 ATT&CK 框架检测一些常见的攻击组织、恶意软件和高频攻击技术,以及 ATT&CK 在实践中的落地应用,*后介绍了MITRE ATT&CK 相关的生态项目,包括 MITRE Engage 以及 ATT&CK 测评。本书适合网络安全从业人员(包括 CISO、CSO、蓝队人员、红队人员等)、网络安全研究人员等阅读,也可供网络空间安全、信息安全等专业教学、科研、应用人员参考。


本套书共12册,分3大主题:大运动发展系列——《爬!》《跑!》《蹦!》《爬高高!》,促宝宝肢体动作发展;自然认知系列——《刮风了!》 《下雪啦!》《雨来了!》《天晴啦!》,引导宝宝亲近自然;社交启蒙系列——《我爱唱歌》《我会跳舞》 《我能演奏》 《我来扮演》,在集体活动中,引导宝宝勇敢迈出社交*步。知名阅读推广人袁晓峰老师翻译并书写导读,语言富有节奏感和韵律性,符合宝宝认知特。



Thorns in the Wind: The Facets of a Narcissist
A unusual lovestory, full of romance at the beginning. ?Martin reveals his true colors. Behind the mask hide the facets of a narcissist. He lay on the floor, propped up against a cabinet wall, with an ice pick wedged between his left shoulder and his neck. The voltage increases. Which secret is hidden…. Eine ungew?hnliche ?Liebesgeschichte, die romantisch und z?rtlich beginnt und zum Alptraum wird. Schon bald zeigt Martin sein wahres Gesicht. Er entpuppt sich als Narzisst. Evelyn bringt sich durch ihre Opferhaltung in eine gef?hrliche Lage. Sie verliert ihr Ged?chtnis und Martin wird tot aufgefunden, fast nackt, mit einem String gekleidet und einem Eispickel im Hals. Hat Evelyn Martin ermordet? Welches Geheimnis birgt sein Tod. Es handelt sich um eine gekonnte muttersprachliche ?bersetzung des Romans Dornen im Wind 9783948055004. Es eignet sich insbesondere zur Vertiefung der englischen Sprache für deutsche Studenten. Direkter Textvergleich ist mit dem deutschen ebook 978394805504-2 m?glich. Bei der Recherche kann unter Umst?nden die ISBN 9783948055066 zutreffend sein.

Taking the Quantum Leap
This book entertainingly traces the history of physics from the observations of the early Greeks through the discoveries of Galileo and Newton to the dazzling theories of such scientists as Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and Bohm. This humanized view of science opens up the mind-stretching visions of how quantum mechanics, God, human thought, and will are related, and provides profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality and our relationship to the cosmos.

Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe and Secure No Matter WhatUndaunted by the prospect of TEOTWAWKI (The End of the World as We Know It), Lisa Bedford tackles every what-if and worst-case scenario head-on, offering practical advice on how to prepare your family for whatever might come your way. From a few days without electricity to an unexpected job loss or total chaos after the destruction of a tornado, Survival Mom provides everything you need to become self-reliant and establish plans for your family, including: preparing the home for a natural disaster alternative sources of energy in a power's-out situation everything you need to know about food storage personal protection (do I really need to learn how to shoot a gun?) Deep inside every mom is a Survival Mom whose passion for her family drives her to make the best of the present and prepare for the future. So tap into your Mama Grizzly instincts and channel your worries into action. Whether you're a full-fledged "prepper" or just getting started, with real-life stories and customizable forms and checklists along with Lisa's "you can do it" attitude, Survival Mom replaces paranoia and panic with the peace of knowing YOU have the power to keep your loved ones safe and secure.

苍凉的温暖 (套装共4册)(试读本)