2200年的未来,地球冒险王总部成立了神秘的龙骑士学院。拥有着成为“龙骑士”梦想的少年们,将赌上人类所有的勇气与智慧,成为守护地球的力量! 他们是宇宙中的冒险王,当地球陷入危机之中时,他们将与强悍的战龙一起,为人类波澜壮阔的宇宙新征途而战! 彭绪洛著的这套《宇宙冒险王》系列的主人公,四位勇敢的地球少年巫子涵、伊赛亚、穆巴砂和白若曦通过层层考验,成长为圣甲龙骑士。他们在探索宇宙新能源的道路上遇到了种种危机,面对不同星球上的各类敌人,拥有出色战斗力的少年龙骑士们一次次化险为夷。他们还在战斗中培养了默契度,结识了许多新朋友,收获了来自不同星球的珍贵友谊。


本书主要围绕LNG液化工艺及储运工艺中所涉及的主要低温装备,研究发LNG工艺流程中主要过程控制装备的设计计算技术。主要包括LNG蝶阀、LNG球阀、LNG闸阀、LNG截止阀、LNG减压阀、LNG节流阀、LNG安全阀、LNG止回阀、LNG针阀、LNG呼吸阀、LNG温控阀、LNG疏气阀12个类别的低温阀门的设计工艺、原理、注意事项、设计计算过程等,主要应用于-162℃ LNG 领域,涉及12类低温过程控制阀门装备研发技术,内含低温制冷基础研究与产品设计计算过程。研发产品可应用于液化天然气、石油化工、煤化工、空气液化与分离、制冷与低温工程等领域,为LNG液化、LNG储运等关键环节中所涉及12类主要过程控制阀门设备的设计计算提供可参考样例,并推LNG系列液化装备及系统工艺技术的标准化及国产化程。本书不仅可供从事天然气、液化天然气(LNG)、化工机械、制冷与低温工程、石油化工、动力工程及工程热物理领域内的研究人员、设计人员、工程技术人员参考,还可供高等学校化工机械、能源化工、石油化工、低温与制冷工程、动力工程等专业的师生参考。

《寂寞大师》以“孤独”为线索,精选20世纪艺术史上极具代表性的15位大师级艺术家。 他们中,有一生致力于表现未经现代文明污染的大自然的日本国宝级画家东山魁夷;有一生未婚,将整个艺术生命奉献给瓶瓶罐罐的意大利画家莫兰迪;有在性与死亡中表现自我,饱受争议的鬼魅画家席勒……他们既是艺术大师,又是深谙孤独三昧的孤独达人。老吴在书中化身纸上导赏员,以一种娓娓道来的口吻,带我们走近15位艺术大师,并借助200幅世界经典名作的赏析,完成一场以“孤独”为名的世界艺术史巡礼。他对艺术家及其作品的讲述,不局限于正统艺术史知识的转述,更有大量亲临现场、观看作品的直观感受。与此同时,他也坚持将艺术通俗化和日常化,致力于通过分享艺术带来的趣味、思考和感动,让我们的生活因为艺术变得更加美好。


本书以IP网络发展过程中面临的挑战为切,详细介绍了SRv6技术的产生背景、设计思路与实现过程,以及SRv6在传统业务与新兴业务中的应用。本书以IP技术的发展历史篇,重阐述了MPLS和IPv6在网络发展过程中遇到的问题,帮助读者了解SRv6技术带来的变革以及承载的历史使命。本书还详细阐述了SRv6网络编程的原理,包括SRv6的报文头设计与报文转发过程、IGP/BGP/PCEP等针对SRv6的协议扩展、SRv6如何支持现有的TE/VPN/可靠性需求等;SRv6网络部署,包括现网到SRv6网络的演路线、SRv6网络的部署过程与运维技术、SRv6支持新兴的5G和云业务;SRv6组播BIERv6技术等。*后,本书对于SRv6的产业现状与未来发展行了总结与展望。 本书是华为公司SRv6专家团队集体研究的成果荟萃,代表SRv6的前沿技术发展方向。本书内容丰富、框架清晰、实用性强,适合网络规划工程师、网络技术支持工程师、网络管理员以及想了解前沿IP网络技术的读者阅读,也适合科研机构、高等院校通信网络相关专业的研究人员参考。

本书是国家社科基金项目“魏晋经学与诗学关系研究”(08BZW032)的*终成果的修订稿。 本书以历史—文化为视角,采用以经学为主体、以深受经学影响的玄释为辅翼的“一体两翼”式学术格局,以“问题”为点、以“概论”为线的研究方法,试图全面揭示经学与魏晋诗学的关系。内容分为三大部分:*,魏晋经学研究。以魏晋经学的历史发展及其内在逻辑为着眼点,详尽地钩沉、辨析淹没于史籍中的经学学者、著作以及散佚的经学文献,分析其学术渊源、理论形态、注经体例、经学意义,揭示魏晋经学由崛起到繁荣的历史进程及其发展动因,试图还原魏晋经学发展的历史真相,推倒泛滥于学界的皮锡瑞“中衰”论,在经学史上给魏晋经学一个准确而科学的定位。第二,魏晋诗学研究。以魏晋诗学的理论形态及其文化生成为着眼点,从经学诗学、玄学诗学和佛教诗学的三个层面上,试图对魏晋诗学的重要理论及其范畴作出合乎历史语境的阐释,揭示魏晋诗学历时与共时之间、生成与文化之间、范畴与范畴之间的逻辑关联。第三,经学与诗学关系研究。以魏晋经学的意识形态和文化形态的双重属性为逻辑基点,研究经学与诗学之间的学理联系。试图揭示作为国家意识形态的经学化儒学对士人价值取向、人生践履的影响,作为文化形态的经学化儒学对玄学、佛学的影响、渗透与吸纳的理论联系,深入考察魏晋时期儒玄释的理论形态、发展演变、渗透互动及其与诗学之间生生成艺的逻辑关系,*后总论经学与诗性思维、审美范式及话语方式的影响,试图构建一个具有民族特色的诗学话语体系。 本书创新点有四:*,“上编”通过翔实材料、细密考证、统计分析、纵横比较的方法,彻底推翻泛滥于学界百余年的皮锡瑞“中衰”论。第二,“中编”不仅传统诗学如陆机、陆云、郭象、葛洪等研究注重推陈出新,而且钩沉魏晋诗学文献,匡正了现有美学史或批评史关于佛教美学范畴如言外之意、象外之谈、韵外之致以及意境说等以流为源的谬误。第三,“下编”提出了一个核心命题:“一个民族的文化有独特的思维方式、理论范式和话语体系。华夏民族的思维方式、理论范式和话语体系,奠基于传统经学。因此,中国诗学研究,既必须立足于诗学自身的体系研究,又必须回归于‘经学诗学’的生成研究。”建构了一个“一体两翼”式完整的理论体系。第四,大量专题研究乃填补了学术空白,如“上编”的三国两晋经学著作钩沉考索、两晋北方经学研究,以及王基、孙毓《诗经》学研究;“中编”的王弼《周易注》、杜预《左传集解》、张湛《列子注》、支遁“理中之谈”、慧远“神趣”,以及僧肇“象外之谈”、姚嵩“言外之意”说的美学意义研究;“下编”魏晋经学的国家意识形态化、魏晋学术之变迁,以及经学与诗性思维、审美范式、话语方式的研究,都是学界迄今为止尚未涉及的理论命题。 尤其是本书“下编”所建构的理论体系,不仅具有学术创新意义,而且如果揆以更为宏观的历史脉络,对于建构具有民族特色的诗学话语体系必将有更为深远意义。

HarperCollins e-books
In this highly acclaimed translation, Stephen Mitchell conveys in English the simplicity, dignity and powerful earthiness of the original Hebrew. More than just interpreting it, he also separates stories that were combined by scribes centuries after they were written, explaining their sources and omitting all verses that are recognized as scribal additions. Like removing coat after coat of lacquer from a once-vibrant masterpiece, this allows readers to appreciate the clarity of the original tales.Genesis is an extraordinarily beautiful book that is accessible in a way that no other translation has ever been. It will shed new light on readers' understanding of this seminal work of sacred *ure.

A Hot Glue Gun Mess
From the offbeat blogger and designer Kate Albrecht a.k.a. Mr. Kate comes a not-so- average DIY lifestyle book.Her love of self-expression and her desire to live an anything-but-normal life outside of the box inspired Mr. Kate to create her own unique DIY life. Her projects involve style, home design, and beauty including DIY nail art and makeup techniques, up-cycled projects to revive tired items in your wardrobe, and stunning home-decor touches to beautify your living space. You don't have to be a seamstress, a metalsmith, or an expert at anything to enjoy these projects, all of which are doable in under two hours and require just a few easy-to-find supplies. Now you, too, can become a DIY diva!

The Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Red Hot Chili Peppers is the iconic band's audacious look back at their thirty-year odyssey in their own words and accompanied by more than 300 spectacular photos and ephemera. Intimate, breathtaking, and outrageous, this is the essence of the Red Hot Chili Peppers."I am struck with the moments of these photos, the feelings of the times they were taken, and where we were at on our beautiful and happy-sad journey. It's pretty fucking heavy, actually, like thinking how much we have changed over the years, and all the different dynamics of our lives that shaped us, and also realizing so clearly that nothing has changed at all we're all still just trying to get it on, make something great."It is all here, nothing can hide: all the honesty, the pretense, the courage and one-of-a-kind-ness, the unbridled joy, the melancholy, and the shields we put up to shelter our scared, vulnerable little selves." Flea

Stop Being Mean To Yourself
In this contemporized follow-up to Codependent No More (more than 3.8 million copies sold since 1986) beloved inspirational writer Melody Beattie narrates the story of her hard-won discovery that you really can love your neighbor and yourself. Renowned for her compassionate voice and deep connection to the difficulties and joys of life and love, Melody Beattie has touched many people through her long list of bestselling books. Her newest offering is in spirit a sequel to Codependent No More yet in style a departure: a finely crafted story of her own spiritual adventure through Northern Africa that "revitalized my faith in God, in the universe, and in myself." Stop Being Mean To Yourself introduces refreshing new ideas about healthy self-esteem for people trying to overcome -- or avoid -- the pitfalls of guilt and self-doubt. Readers who have had enough of jargon, enough of programs, enough of traditional self-help books will appreciate the appeal of this spiritual adventure story and the jewels of inspiration wrapped in its folds. This odyssey is modern, full of suspense, excitement and the light of personal discovery. In each chapter, Beattie narrates part of her travels and offers solid, universal lessons that will apply to every reader -- lessons about trusting our instincts, setting boundaries, loving ourselves and working with our power. It is a message about a way of living based not on pre*ions but on working from the heart.

Let the Trumpet Sound
Winner of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Book Award and the Christopher Award, this brilliant examination of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. portrays a very real man and his dream that shaped America's history.

Old Faithful
Old Faithful is a striking and heartrending collection of photographs and stories featuring dogs who are well worn, well loved, and well on in years. The Old Faithful Project started after photographer Pete Thorne snapped photographs for his grandmother's hundredth birthday party. Inspired, he began photographing elderly dogs. What he discovered were faces with more life, more joy, and more wisdom than he could have ever anticipated.After he posted a few photographs, stories and pictures came pouring in from around the globe people wanted to share tales of their own senior dogs. Thorne met with hundreds of senior dogs and their best friends and human companions. Old Faithful features seventy-five of these dogs and their stories.Each dog has a different background. Some were rescued from pet mills, like seventeen-year-old Chihuahua Sam, who has exceeded his life expectancy by five years and counting. Some needed a forever home after their owners could no longer care for them, like sixteen-year-old toy poodle Grimm, who's had a long list of health problems but remains as unique and lovable as ever. And some have been companions since puppyhood, like ten-year-old rottweiler Brut, who loves his human siblings as if he were their mother. But all of these dogs are beloved, in their own patchy, scruffy, jowly glory.

For over a decade, Motherpeace has been an inspiration and oracle for women all over the world. Motherpeace recovers the positive, nurturing peace-oriented values of prepatriarchal times, and brilliantly combines art, history, mythology, folklore, philosophy, and comparative religion with an informed spiritual and feminist perspective.Vicki Noble challenges us to celebrate our ancient peaceful heritage and to reclaim our right as a people to a life without war. The book is a vision of hope and transformation, made even more powerful by the vibrant pictorial images of the seventy-eight Motherpeace tarot cards.Motherpeace shows how traditional myths and symbols can provide ideas and images for understanding the meaning and power of the Goddess for women and men today.

Fortune's Children
Vanderbilt: the very name signifies wealth. The family patriarch, the Commodore, built up a fortune that made him the world's richest man by 1877. Yet, less than fifty years after the Commodore's death, one of his direct descendants died penniless, and no Vanderbilt was counted among the world's richest people. Fortune's Children tells the dramatic story of all the amazingly colorful spenders who dissipated such a vast inheritance.

Love me. Love me. I'm not what you expected, but oh, please love me.That was the most defining moment of my life. That was the beginning of my story.From the outside looking in, Kelle Hampton had the perfect life: a beautiful two-year-old daughter, a loving husband, a thriving photography career, and great friends. When she learned she was pregnant with her second child, she and her husband, Brett, were ecstatic. Her pregnancy went smoothly and the ultrasounds showed a beautiful, healthy, high-kicking baby girl. But when her new daughter was placed in her arms in the delivery room, Kelle knew instantly that something was wrong. Nella looked different than her two-year-old sister, Lainey, had at birth. As she watched friends and family celebrate with champagne toasts and endless photographs, a terrified Kelle was certain that Nella had Down syndrome a fear her pediatrician soon confirmed. Yet gradually Kelle's fear and pain were vanquished by joy, as she embraced the realization that she had been chosen to experience an extraordinary and special gift.With lyrical prose and gorgeous full-color photography, Bloom takes readers on a wondrous journey through Nella's first year of life a gripping, hilarious, and intensely poignant trip of transformation in which a mother learns that perfection comes in all different shapes. It is a story about embracing life and really living it, of being fearless and accepting difference, of going beyond constricting definitions of beauty, and of the awesome power of perspective. As Kelle writes, "There is us. Our Family. We will embrace this beauty and make something of it. We will hold our precious gift and know that we are lucky."

The Modern Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations
This is the book to grab when . . . you're pulling your hair out, screaming like a banshee, blubbering with frustration, or hyperventilating because you just don't know what to do!Jane Buckingham, author of The Modern Girl's Guide to Life, is back with a collection of helpful quick fixes for the deserving gal with the best intentions who gets caught in sticky situations. Here are warm, witty, and eminently wise solutions to those everyday problems that pop up as a result of impulsive actions or just plain bad luck helpful hints on what to do if you: Send an e-mail you instantly regret Botch your self-tan Discover your best friend's husband is cheating on her Break your corkscrew while opening your only bottle of wine Run into your ex and need to look hot, fast! Are expected to name your baby after a family member with an awful name And that's just a small sampling of the scenarios for which Jane Buckingham offers solutions in The Modern Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations. So if you find yourself in a pickle . . . just leave it to Jane!

Confessions of a Casting Director
A must-have for any aspiring actor or stage parent––the definitive guide to breaking into film, television, theater, and even YouTube from a top casting directorPacked with information that aspiring actors clamor for, this up-to-the-minute advice from a true expert is essential reading for anyone pursuing an acting career. Longtime casting director Jen Rudin demystifies the intimidating and constantly changing audition process, sharing insider tips on how to prepare for every type of audition, from musical theater, television (including reality TV), and film to voice-overs, animated movies, and even Web series. In this comprehensive guide, Rudin covers everything that today's actor needs to succeed on subjects like: finding an agent or manager, using technology to your advantage, understanding the world of child acting, living in New York versus L.A., turning a callback into an offer for the role, and many more.Every actor should walk into an audition room feeling confident and prepared, and this book is full of the dos and don'ts and surefire tricks to help turn rejection into that first big break. Complete with checklists, easy-to-follow game plans, and advice from successful actors, agents, and industry professionals, Confessions of a Casting Director is like having a private audition coach in your back pocket.

Sweetie Pie's Cookbook
Miss Robbie, star of the television show Welcome to Sweetie Pie's, shares dozens of her popular recipes.Miss Robbie is a great cook from a long line of great cooks. In her family, when it came to cooking, Miss Robbie was always by her mother's side as they prepared meals together for eight children. In this fashion, mouthwatering soul food recipes were passed down from generation to generation.The owner of the nationally acclaimed soul food restaurants Sweetie Pie's, Miss Robbie now shares her scrumptious recipes with you. In this appetizing spread, she presents classic soul food recipes such as Smothered Pork Chops, lip-licking Salmon Croquettes, crispy Fried Chicken, Mac and Cheese, and a huge surprise—Chitterlings (chitlins). She also offers creative variations on the tried-and-true, including Candied Carrot Soufflé, Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Garlic and Bacon, Oniony Roasted Corn, and Collard Greens. And, her desserts and breads are as flavorful as they sound—Sky-High Sweet Potato Pie and St. Louis Gooey Butter Cake.The celebrity chef welcomes you into her kitchen to experience more than 150 tasty foods as she shows what it means to put heart and "foot" into a dish.

The World Is Round
Published to commemorate its 75th anniversary, The World Is Round brings back into print the classic story created by Gertrude Stein and Clement Hurd.Written in her unique prose style, Gertrude Stein's The World Is Round chronicles the adventures of a young girl named Rose—a whimsical tale that delights in wordplay and sound while exploring the ideas of personal identity and individuality. This stunning volume replicates the original 1939 edition to a T, including all of Clement Hurd's original blue-and-white art printed on the rose-pink paper that Stein insisted upon. Also featured here are two essays that provide an inside view to the making of the book. The first, a foreword by Clement Hurd's son, author and illustrator Thacher Hurd, includes previously unpublished photographs and sheds light on a creative family life in Vermont, where his father and mother, author Edith Thacher Hurd, often collaborated on children's books. The second essay, an afterword by Edith Thacher Hurd, takes readers behind the scenes of the making of The World Is Round, including the numerous letters exchanged between Hurd and Stein as well as images of Stein with the real-life Rose and her white poodle, Love.

The Aztec Diet
Chia Power can make you skinny, strong, and healthy The Aztecs cultivated the world most nutritious foods, which provided them with the strength to build one of civilization greatest empires. The key to the astounding fitness and energy levels of the Aztec warriorsThe miracle superfood: chia. Already fueling endurance athletes and distance runners like those featured in the bestselling book Born to Run , chia is quickly gaining popularity as the biggest diet breakthrough in years. Now, in The Aztec Diet , New York Times bestselling author Dr. Bob Arnot incorporates the eating habits of this mighty civilization into our modern-day lives to unlock the answer to lasting weight-loss success. Follow The Aztec Diet three-phase plan to lose weight quickly and effortlessly, improve overall health and wellness, end hunger cravings, and eliminate the exhaustion that accompanies blood-sugar spikes and drops. Phase I jump-starts your weight loss, supercharging your metabolism with three chia smoothies per day. Phase II keeps you satisfied, replacing the midday smoothie with a delicious and nutritious lunch to help avoid the all-too-familiar dieter plateau. Phase III maintains your target weight for good with a guide to smart food choices and healthful recipes to keep your mind and body in top form. With simple, delicious recipes and countless ways to include the superfood benefits of chia in every meal, The Aztec Diet provides all the tools necessary to keep you motivated and on track as you begin the journey to a better, healthier you.