The Truth About Money 3rd Edition
Home Sweet Home:How to buy your first home, your next home and save on taxes when you sell.A-Z of Investments:From annuities to zero-coupon bonds, go from owing money to OWNING money. Get out of debt (and stay that way).Estate Planning Long-Term Care:Learn how to protect yourself and your family.

A Hell of Mercy
n this unflinching look at depression and the human struggle to find hope in its midst, acclaimed author Tim Farrington writes with heartrending honesty of his lifelong struggle with the condition he calls "a hell of mercy." With both wry humor and poignancy, he unravels the profound connection between depression and the spiritual path, the infamous dark night of the soul made popular by mystic John of the Cross. While depression can be a heartbreaking time of isolation and lethargy, it can also provide powerful spiritual insights and healing times of surrender. When doctors prescribe medication, patients are often left feeling as if part of their very selves has been numbed in order to become what some might call "normal." Farrington wrestles with profound questions, such as: When is depression a part of your identity, and when does it hold you back from realizing your potentialIn the tradition of Darkness Visible and An Unquiet Mind, A Hell of Mercy is both a much needed companion for those walking this difficult terrain as well as a guide for anyone who has watched a loved one grapple with this inner emotional darkness.

Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Return to the wizarding world and discover how director David Yates and producer David Heyman brought J.K. Rowling’s all new adventure, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to the big screen.Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them introduces filmmaking fans to Newt Scamander, Magizoologist, and the principal characters, locations, artefacts and beasts that he encounters in 1920s New York. Explore the filmmaking magic behind MACUSA, the secretive American counterpart of the Ministry of Magic; The Blind Pig where the wizarding underworld gathers; and the magical secrets of Newt’s case.Each section contains profiles of the key characters, with revealing insights from Eddie Redmayne, Colin Farrell, Katherine Waterston, Alison Sudol, Dan Fogler and many others, together with sections on set design, costumes, make-up, special effects, art department & props (especially wands!), which are illuminated by interviews with David Heyman, David Yates, Stuart Craig, Colleen Atwood and a magical army of other crew. Packed with exciting photos that reveal the filmmaking process in discerning detail, this is the definitive adult companion book to the film, and perfect introduction to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

What Every BODY is Saying
He says that's his best offer. Is itShe says she agrees. Does sheThe interview went great or did itHe said he'd never do it again. But he did. Read this book and send your nonverbal intelligence soaring. Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer and a recognized expert on nonverbal behavior, explains how to "speed-read" people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. You'll also learn how your body language can influence what your boss, family, friends, and strangers think of you. You will discover: The ancient survival instincts that drive body language Why the face is the least likely place to gauge a person's true feelings What thumbs, feet, and eyelids reveal about moods and motives The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust Simple nonverbals that instantly communicate authority Filled with examples from Navarro's professional experience, this definitive book offers a powerful new way to navigate your world.

How Shall I Tell the Dog?
In this hilarious and moving book, popular English humorist Miles Kington faces cancer and death with his sparkling trademark wit, musing on everything from board games and yodeling to the prospect of being outlived by his dog.When some people are told they have only a few months to live, they might travel around the world or write their memoirs or put their affairs in order. When it happened at the age of 66 to Miles Kington-one of England's best-loved humorists-he did what he did best, offering sharp, wry, laugh-out-loud observations and ideas about his situation. Following his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, Kington proposes crazier and crazier ideas for his next book (what he calls "cashing in on cancer") in a series of letters to his literary agent, Gill.And what sort of things capture Kington's attention in his waning monthsThe sudden grimness of those 1,000 Places to See Before You Die books, for example. (What about 100 Things to Do Before You Die, Without Leaving Home?, he suggests. Instead of bungee jumping and whitewater rafting, learn to whistle with two fingers in your mouth, yodel, or steam open envelopes.) The irony that his dog, Berry, will probably outlive him, or the semi-outrageous idea of creating a funeral video:The answer is quite simple.Make a video in advance of my farewell speech, to be shown on a monitor, from the pulpit, or on a screen behind the stage, or wherever the best place would be.I have already visualised the opening shot.It is of me, smiling ruefully, and saying to camera: "Hello. I'm sorry I couldn't be here in person with you today."Mischievous and utterly original, Miles Kington's words in the face of death are memorable and surprisingly uplifting.

如果你在长长的街上看到一个四处寻觅的男孩儿,他有着忧伤而漂亮的双目,请你一定帮我问问他是不是叫凉生。 如果他冷了,请你帮我给他加一件旧衣; 如果他饿了,请你帮我给他一块干粮。 *重要的是,请你告诉他,那个叫姜生的女孩儿,一直在等他回家。

全景式重现大革命的波谲云诡,沉浸式体验大转折的瞬息万变。 1789年7月14日,法王路易十六在日记里写下“今日无事”,而就在此时,巴黎的起义人民攻占了巴士底狱,拉开了法国大革命的序幕。旧制度被迅速打破,新秩序亟需确立,权力的真空使法国社会瞬间失序,沦为各方势力乱斗的舞台。 看似顺从的国王,实则暗中策划了叛逃,终命丧断头台; 革命政权内部乍现分歧,派系斗争一触即发; 欧洲各国如临大敌,对法战争进入倒计时; 舆论骤变,期待着自由和平等的民众,等来的却是谣言和恐惧…… 本书重现了法国大革命近30年波澜壮阔的历史进程:国家破产、对欧宣战、恐怖统治、热月政变、拿破仑执政……让读者置身18世纪的凡尔赛宫、议会现场、法国街头、战争前线,全景式感受大革命的波谲云诡,沉浸式体验大转折的瞬息万变。 翻开本书,跟随英国国家学术院院士威廉·多伊尔,置身18世纪的法国,感受法国大革命的惊心动魄。

这套书包括《一个人的次》《一个人的美食之旅2》《一个人的小繁华1》《一个人的小繁华2》《节日万岁!》《不再是一个人吃饭啦》《150cm life2》《150cm life3》《肚子饿万岁》9册。主要分为三个主题:享受独居生活,分享日常趣事,寻访特色美食。 开始,身高150cm的小女生扛着大大的梦想来到大城市,一个人生活,一个人旅行,一个人寻找美食,在平凡的日子里活出了自己的小繁华。15年过去,直子步入了婚姻的殿堂,走入了人生的下一个阶段。本套装精选了9册高木直子经典代表作,你可以体会她往日“一个人”生活的自由自在,更可以感受到她对新生活的无限期待。 高木直子独特的“含着眼泪笑出来”的画风感染了无数读者,让每个人都能从中看到既熟悉又被遗忘的自己! 小小的日子里也会发光,每个人生阶段都有不同的苦与甜,祝每个人在下个人生阶段也过得开心!


Bulletproof Your Job
There's no doubt about it, today's workplace is an uncertain and treacherous territory. Newspaper headlines are proclaiming near record-high levels of unemployment, and, in these tough times, companies are making swift judgments about human capital. The bottom line: No job is safe. But there are tried and true ways to fight off sudden unemployment successfully, and the number one weapon in your arsenal is workplace expert and television and radio personality Stephen Viscusi's career manifesto, Bulletproof Your Job. Based on four simple strategies for dodging the layoff bullet and a long list of ways to implement these strategies, Bulletproof Your Job may save you from your worst enemy at work which just so happens to be you.Quite simply, observe these imperative rules:Be visible. Be easy. Be useful. Be ready. With plenty of distinct action items, dozens of anecdotal illustrations and examples, and lists and tips for adapting bulletproof strategies to your own situation, Bulletproof Your Job will show you how to leverage the black-and-white stuff your title, salary, and tenure with the gray stuff your relationship with coworkers, visibility in the workplace, and ability to make your boss look good to ward off the pink stuff the dreaded layoff notice. While you're at it, you'll be creating a long-term strategy for job security and career advancement that ensures you'll never feel this vulnerable again.

Collecting Himself
James Thurber spent most of his career at the New Yorker magazine, drawing cartoons and writing essays and stories. Collecting Himself is a one-of-a-kind compilation of James Thurber's vintage writings, featuring previously unanthologized articles, essays, interviews, reviews, cartoons, parodies, as well as Thurber's reflections on his work in theater and at the New Yorker. An eclectic body of work that offers a glimpse into Thurber the man, the philosopher, and the critic.

本书讨论了海德格尔《存在与时间》中所呈示的一些关键性概念如存在、此在、时间、真理、艺术、语言以及存在之作为历史等。整体上展现了海德格尔以《存在与时间》为代表的哲学思考路径:从存在者出发追问存在本身,从“是于世中”出发反思传统认识论,从人生在世的基本情绪出发领悟人的生存本质,人“在情绪中现身,在筹划中领悟,在语言中交流,在存在中展存在本身”。 本书对于哲学研究者尤其是海德格尔研究者有重要的参考价值。


Retire Early? Make the SMART Choices
Are You Considering Early Retirement?Do You Know Someone Who Is Considering This Momentous DecisionWith Retire EarlyMake the SMART Choices, Steven Silbiger, CPA, offers a short guide to the big issues of retirement planning packed on every page with detailed, step-by-step advice. Choosing when to retire is one of the most important and overlooked decisions we will make about our lives. Silbiger, author of The Ten-Day MBA, has written the first guide that untangles the complicated issues surrounding early retirement, based on careful research about the money pitfalls retirees and near-retirees face. He delivers an understandable roadmap that demystifies the confusion about Social Security benefits, and clarifies the choices for anyone considering when and how to retire.Are you thinking about getting the early Social Security checkIt can be tempting, but for many this can be a foolhardy decision. For others, it makes perfect sense. Making the smart choice about when to retire can make a $100,000 difference for an individual and $200,000 for a couple. Silbiger guides readers through the key variables that affect the decision to elect early Social Security retirement benefits: What are your early benefits and penaltiesHow's your healthAre you marriedAre you planning on working while retiredWhat are your cash needs during retirementBy getting a grip on how to manage our investments, cash flow, and real estate, Silbiger shows how we can put thousands of dollars more into our pockets every year. He addresses vital questions about money and retirement that include: Tapping your nest egg for retirement how to make ends meetWhich retirement investments are for youAre you prepared to fend off scam artistsThrough it all, you'll meet everyday people who have faced the early retirement question and learned how to make the smart choices. Silbiger provides the tools, worksheets, and assessments to avoid costly mistakes, take charge of your financial future, and choose the path to a secure, happy retirement.

HarperCollins e-books
This up-to-minute book follows the story of Barbaro, the Triple Crown contender whose unlikely fight back from almost certain death from a shattered leg and ensuing complications captured the hearts of a nation who responded with a stunning display of love.In 132 years of derby races, only 11 horses have won the Triple Crown, the last in 1978. Barbaro was a favorite to be the twelfth until May 20, 2006, at the Preakness Stakes, when his jockey, Edgar Prado pulled him up a couple of hundred yards from the starting gate. Subsequent examination revealed that he had virtually exploded bones in his right rear leg so badly that under normal conditions he would have been euthanized right on the track. But his owners, Roy and Gretchen Jackson, chose another path, one filled with anxiety and tears but also courageous determination to save his life. This touching, soaring book filled with insights from Barbaro's trainers, breeders, caretakers, and owners follows Barbaro from foal to colt to champion to perfect patient. But In the end it is not just a story of a down-but-not-out champion, but of human beings at their very best.

HarperCollins e-books
Keeping a journal is easy. Keeping a life-altering, soul-enlightening journal, however, is not. At its best, journaling can be among the most transformative of experiences, but you can only get there by learning how to express yourself fully and openly. Enter Samara O'Shea. O'Shea charmed readers with her elegant and witty For the Love of Letters. Now, in Note to Self, she's back to guide us through the fun, effective, and revelatory process of journaling. Along the way, selections from O'Shea's own journals demonstrate what a journal should be: a tool to access inner strengths, uncover unknown passions, face uncertain realities, and get to the center of self. To help create an effective journal, O'Shea provides multiple suggestions and exercises, including: Write in a stream of consciousness: Forget everything you ever learned about writing and just write. Let it all out: the good, bad, mad, angry, boring, and ugly. Ask yourself questions: What do I want to change about myselfWhat would I never change about myselfCopy quotes: Other people's words can help you figure out where you are in life, or where you'd like to be. It takes time: Don't lose faith if you don't imme?diately feel better after writing in your journal. Think of each entry as part of a collection that will eventually reveal its meaning to you. O'Shea's own journal entries reveal alternately moving, edgy, and hilarious stories from throughout her life, as she hits the party scene in New York, poses naked as an aspiring model, stands by as her boyfriend discovers an infidelity by (you guessed it) reading her journal, and more. There are also fascinating journal entries of notorious diarists, such as John Wilkes Booth, Ana?s Nin, and Sylvia Plath.A tribute to the healing and reflective power of the written word, Note to Self demonstrates that sometimes being completely honest with yourself is the most dangerous and rewarding pursuit of all.

HarperCollins e-books
Danny Seo's brand Simply Green is a way of living that embraces certain rules Be Authentic, Be Resourceful, Be Simple, Be Unexpected, Be Truthful, and Be an Individual. In Simply Green: Giving Danny takes these goals and creates projects that are both thoughtful and sustainable while still being stylish and beautiful. The book has 50 quick and simple projects to create beautiful gift wrapping, tags, and handmade treasures from everyday materials. Projects include: Recycling oversized gift calendar pages turned into gift wrapping Old silk flowers reborn as stunning flowering bows Luxury store bags turned into personalized gift bags Jazzing up boring gift store cards Making organic soy treasure candles

Playing Through
There's a social aspect to golf that's unique to the sport. It's the only sport where you're building relationships at the same time that you're trying to play your best and win and maybe close a business deal. While the rules of golf are clearly defined, the etiquette of golf is less codified. Making the wrong move can cause annoyance, errors in play, or even injury all things your fellow golfers won't forget.Now bestselling etiquette authority and passionate golfer Peter Post explains what seasoned golfers and newcomers need to know to handle every situation with total confidence. Based on Emily Post Institute surveys on golfers' most annoying incidents on the course, Peter addresses: How to deal with the biggest frustration in golf slow play. What to do if you break the cardinal rule of never being late. When is a "gimme" acceptableThe difference between friendly play and tournament play. Dealing with sandbaggers and other cheats. Do's and don'ts when playing for "a little something." Peter Post's useful tips on the subtleties of the game such as how and when to offer advice, strategies for speeding up play, and "piniquette" will help longtime golfers be better companions on the course. New golfers unsure of the unwritten social rules of golf will find all the information they need to avoid embarrassment. Packed with true stories from golfers about best moments and worst behavioral blunders on the course ranging from the sandbagger who cheated himself out of an eagle to a wardrobe malfunction that gave new meaning to the term "You're out" this book is for anyone who appreciates the spirit of the game.

Chasing The Hunter's Dream
Under the guiding philosophy of "The Honorable Pursuit of Fish and Game," Jeff and Sherol Engel and James A. Swan present their expert advice on the most enjoyable and affordable places to hunt both big and small game throughout North America, Mexico, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Down Under. Organized by location, Chasing the Hunter's Dream covers the best hunting spots and possible game as well as outfitters, guides, and lodges. This book also serves up some tasty wild game recipes and shares inspiring stories of extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime "dream hunts." The authors provide information on preparing for each hunt and how to get a trophy home, and they share wonderful hunting camp remembrances. Chasing the Hunter's Dream is for the modern hunter and those others who may wish to join them in enjoying the passion and the pleasure of hunting. Informative and inspiring, this is the one book that all hunters must own.

In Age-less: The Definitive Guide to Botox, Collagen, Lasers, Peels, and Other Solutions for Flawless Skin, world-renowned celebrity dermatologist Dr. Fredric Brandt -- known as both the "Botox Baron" and the "King of Collagen" and acknowledged to be the largest user of both Botox and injectable collagen in the world -- shares the secrets that have made him one of the most sought-after names in skin care today. In this cutting-edge guide to the latest age-reduction techniques and strategies, Dr. Brandt helps readers demystify how to achieve the skin of their dreams and maximize their skin’s potential for youthfulness.Dr. Brandt’s solution to obtaining flawless skin lies in a multifaceted approach comprised of three key elements: the all-important damage prevention, an effective at-home skin care regimen using today’s most active and technologically advanced ingredients, and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures appropriate for your skin and your goals. In Age-less Dr. Brandt unveils how our seemingly mysterious skin works, explains what damages and prematurely ages the skin, and advises how such damage can be prevented -- and even repaired. Furthermore, he illuminates the very latest developments in at-home skin care and dermatological procedures like acid peels, filler injections, nonburning lasers, and Botox that together will allow individuals to control how they look regardless of their chronological age. Learn all about: Why the skin behaves the way it does The essential skin care products for flawless skin The unrivaled versatility of Botox, collagen, and other new filler materials The "Botox Face-lift"Through a series of before and after photographs, Age-less illustrates the benefits, ease, and transformative power of these innovative skin treatments so that men and women alike will quickly learn how to slow down the speeding train that it is the aging process and achieve the youthful look they desire. With Age-less, the most revolutionary and comprehensive guide to rejuvenating skin, Dr. Brandt guides readers to maximum results with the minimum of time investment -- and a beautiful face at any age!

Dream Dinners tm
"What's for dinner?"If the sound of those three words sends you reeling or, worse, straight to the nearest fast-food chain or take-out joint, then relax. Dream Dinners will change all that forever. With their new cookbook, Stephanie Allen and Tina Kuna, founders of Dream Dinners, bring the successful philosophy behind their hundreds of assemble-and-freeze-meal stores across America into home kitchens. Dream Dinners offers up one hundred recipes for flavorful meals made with easy-to-find ingredients.The premise is simple: Scoop or pour ingredients into baking pans or plastic bags, then store the uncooked dishes in the freezer. Later in the week or month, when dinnertime rolls around, just pop one of the frozen meals into the oven. Each recipe is provided two ways: One, prepare just one meal for the night, or two, prepare enough for three meals and freeze the other two. Dinner after sports practice, music lessons, and play rehearsals has never been easier!In addition to recipes for hearty, family-pleasing classics such as Baked Pesto Ravioli with Chicken, Beef and Zucchini Casserole, and Cider-Braised Pork Loin Chops, Stephanie and Tina give a wealth of time-saving shopping tips and cooking pointers. More than for convenience, eating dinner together provides benefits for the whole family. Study after study shows that mealtime matters. Families who dine together form stronger bonds, and kids get better grades and develop lifelong healthful eating habits. Dream Dinners makes it easy for families to gather around the dinner table and share the ups and downs of the day.With Dream Dinners, you will spend less time stressing in the kitchen and more time connecting with family and friends.