本书是以案例手解析中西医结合消化内科临床诊疗思维的实用教程。全书共分五章,第一章对消化系疾病常见症状与体征行鉴别诊断,第二章、第三章对常见的消化系疾病化验报告单和影像报告单行解读,第四章为消化系统疾病急危重症诊治,第五章结合临床案例,对消化系常见疾病的中西医结合诊疗思维行剖析。 贯穿基于案例的临床诊疗思维教学法,是本书的最大特色。如第三章化验报告解读,以具体的医案展示指标数据,通过“思维提示”,使读者能够快速把握诊断要,将基础知识与临床有机结合起来。而在第五章诊疗思维示例部分,则以40个典型病例,展现了40种消化系统常见疾病诊疗过程中的临床思维特、诊疗思路和路径,从基础到临床,从概念到思维,从临床难到用药细节,层层解析,深浅出,以期培养学生的临床辨证思维,提高临床应变能力。 本书适用于年轻医生和实习医生的临床思维门教育,亦可作为中医和中西医结合医师以及医学生步临床的参考用书。

误诊现象是伴随着临床诊疗活动的产生而产生的,可以说自从有了临床诊断就始有误诊现象的发生。由于误诊现象的产生,对病人、对家庭、对社会及对中医学术等均造成了不良影响,如何避免误诊现象的产生,提高辨证论治水平,是医务工作者努力追求的目标。欲达此目的,单从诊断学方面研究如何正确诊断疾病,是远远不够的,必须从另一方面研究如何防范不正确的诊断,这是误诊学研究的内容。 于是,我们在总结历代经验的基础上,结合自己研究成果,编写了《中医误诊学》专著,2003年9月由福建科学技术出版社出版,2006年我们在中国中医药出版社组织下,成立了编写委员会,决定编写一部全国高等中医药院校中医专业教育的专业课程《中医诊断学》课堂教学配套教材,逐步将误诊研究独立成科。《中医误诊学》从中医诊断学的另一个侧面或者反面,分析、研究在诊治工作过程中未获得正确、及时、全面诊断的各种内在和外在因素,充分体现了中医学的整体思维,作为中医专业专科生、五年制本科生、七年制本硕连读及非医攻博等不同层次课堂教学的试用教材。目的是希望藉此提高学生正确运用中医诊断学知识处理临床实际问题、防止误诊误治现象发生的能力。 团队经过近18年对健康状态、健康管理领域研究以及对中医临证思维的研究,先后出版了《中医诊断临床模拟训练》《中医状态学》《中医健康管理学》等健康状态分类、采集、辨识、预警、评价和管理的相关书籍。总结了很多把握健康状态的“五辨”(“辨症、辨证、辨机、辨病、辨人”)理论和研究方法,为中医误诊学关于整体避免不正确、不及时、不全面的诊断研究的补充和完善提供了丰富的素材。因此本次拟以中国中医药出版社出版的《中医误诊学》为蓝本,在内容和形式上依照教材的特对本书行了修订和补充,更加注重中医“五辨”的综合应用才能体现中医整体思维的优势,临床思维在中医误诊学中的应用与研究。



本书以作者诊治中医疑难病证的实际效验为基础,从个人对“和调”的感悟认识出发,研究相关经典文献,系统整理研究中国传统哲学的基本原理及文化的重要思想“和”;以中医和思想与和法为核心,提出并探讨以和调思想方法指导诊治中医疑难病证。全书分为三篇,上篇探讨和调思想的临床感悟暨文献研究,中篇系统论述中医和调思想与方法,下篇分析若干疑难病状的和调诊治。书中还整理编录和调方剂(和剂)173首(含自拟方)与药对143个。 本书具有较好的文献回顾、理论与实践价值,可作为中医临床、理论工作及研究者较好的工作参考,也是广大中医爱好者和中国传统哲学文化研习者了解中医、掌握中医的策杖。 本书是作者已出版的《庆生诊治中医疑难病验案集萃》暨《庆生诊治中医疑难病医理探真》的姊妹篇。

本书为柳吉忱先生《黄帝内经》、《伤寒论》、《温病学》、《神农本草经》的讲稿。 柳吉忱先生1955年调莱阳地区专员公署,负责胶东地区的中医培训工作。时值文登专区并于莱阳专区,故而学员来自胶东地区各县的基层中医人员。先后曾主办了七期中医修班。吉忱公自编讲义,亲自讲授《黄帝内经》、《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》、《温病学》、《神农本草经》、《中国医学史》,及西医之《生理解剖学》、《诊断学》。培养的目的是提高学员的中医经典理论水平,和西医学的基础知识。“授书不在徒多,但贵精熟”。深浅出,通俗易懂,是公授课的特,故教学成绩显著,从而全面提升了胶东地区中医的学术水平。其中一部分学员成为创办山东省中医学校的首批教师,一部分成为地、县级医院的骨干中医师。其后于1956年,吉忱公调莱阳专区人民医院筹建中医科并出任主任,同时仍兼任地区的中医修班培训工作。1960年山东中医学校迁莱阳,公又受聘讲授《温病学》。


The Good Life According to Hemingway
In the fourteen years that A. E. Hotchner traveled with Ernest Hemingway, he collected a lifetime's worth of Hemingway's experiences, anecdotes, and observations on the backs of matchbooks, napkins, and slips of paper. Speaking on everything from war to women to writing, Hemingway's words are at turns funny and poignant, revealing a rich portrait of the American literary giant and the world he took by storm.Complete with black-and-white photographs that cover nearly two decades of Hemingway's life, The Good Life According to Hemingway is an exuberant celebration of his remarkable genius and the chaotic adventure of his life.

HarperCollins e-books
The short works of Dostoevsky exist in the very large shadow of his astonishing longer novels, but they too are among literature's most revered works and offer keys to understanding the themes in his longer works. Contained in this volume are the short stories "White Nights," "A Disgraceful Affair," and "The Dream of the Ridiculous Man," three of Dostoevsky's most troubling, moving, and poignant works. Alongside A DISGRACEFUL AFFAIR, Harper Perennial will publish the short fiction of Stephen Crane, Herman Melville, Willa Cather, Leo Tolstoy, and Oscar Wilde to be packaged in a beautifully designed, boldly colorful boxset in the aim to attract contemporary fans of short fiction to these revered masters of the form. Also, in each of these selections will appear a story from one of the new collections being published in 2009. A story from Barb Johnson's forthcoming collection will be printed at the back of this volume.

What Was the Hipster?
Who was the turn-of-the-century hipsterWho is free enough of the hipster taint to write this history without contempt or nostalgiaWhy are we tempted to declare the neo-hipster moment over, when the hipster's "global brand" has just reached its apotheosisA panel of n+1 writers, including Mark Greif, Christian Lorentzen, and Jace Clayton (aka dj/rupture) invited the public to join an investigation into the rise and fall of the contemporary hipster.Their debate took place at the New School University in New York City, and was followed by articles, responses, and essays, all printed here for the first time."The hipster is that person, overlapping with declassing or disaffiliating groupings—the starving artist, the starving graduate student, the neo-bohemian, the vegan or bicyclist or skatepunk, the would-be blue-collar or post-racial individual—who in fact aligns himself both with rebel subculture and with the dominant class, and opens up a poisonous conduit between the two.""Isn't hipsterism, like, the best thing that's happened at the end of the Bush years?""The truth was that there was no culture worth speaking of, and the people called hipsters just happened to be young, and more often than not, funny looking."

Elements of Kill
A mysterious ritual murder at a remote Alaskan oil rig brings an Inupiat Eskimo police detective back to the land of his People to catch a killer, and save his own hide.Police Detective Ray Attla, an Inupiat Eskimo, is spending a few days with his grandfather on the reservation when he's called into the icy Alaskan wilderness to investigate a death at an isolated oil rig. The killing has all the marks of a ritual murder, and Ray must confront the traditions of his People to catch a killer -- before he too becomes a victim.

Trader's Wife
Pregnant Sara Klein is awakened by Federal agents who confiscate the contents of her husband Mark's office. Told that Mark has vanished with millions of dollars of his client's money while on a business trip for his brokerage firm, she is accused of being an accomplice to his crime. An ex-employee of the same firm as Mark, Sara turns to her associates for help, but they have been told not to have any contact with her. Stalked by a menacing Russian matron who wants Mark and her missing funds, Sara scrambles to find her husband, misappropriated capital and the truth--a quest that could destroy both her and her unborn child.

Wild Garlic, Gooseberries and Me: A chef’s stories and recipes from the land
Following the successes of Café Paradiso and the award-winning Paradiso Seasons, Denis Cotter is back with an evocative, witty collection of tales and a superb range of exciting and delicious vegetarian recipes. Wild Garlic, Gooseberries and Me cajoles, informs and questions our relationship to the land and the vegetables we eat. We go on a personal journey with Denis as he shares his passion for his favourite foods. Denis drags us into muddy fields and introduces us to the growers of the best produce imaginable. Through heart-felt and charming text, he informs and amuses. The excitement of a robust blackberry jam becomes a passionate argument for us to go out into the countryside, the dazzling sight of high-trailing borlotti beans ignites a discussion on the future of artisan growing. Whether creating a restaurant masterpiece or foraging in hedgerows and woods, Denis searches for a new connection between food, people and land … oh, and he also teaches you how to search for mushrooms, wild greens and sloes, how to cook asparagus and take on an artichoke with attitude. Divided into four themed chapters, 'It's a Green Thing', 'Wild Pickings', 'A Passionate Pursuit' and 'Growing in the Dark', each including information and anecdotes about the vegetables that feature as well as many delicious recipes. There are simple salads and soups as well as more challenging main meals and mouth-watering desserts. Recipes include: Fresh Pasta with Abyssinian Cabbage, Pine Nuts & Sheep's Dressing; Courgette Flower, Pea and Chive Risotto; Samphire Tempura with Coriander Yoghurt; Grilled Portobello Mushrooms with Potato Pancakes and Tarragon Cream; Cabbage Timbale of Celeriac and Chestnuts with Porcini and Oyster Mushroom Sauce Stunning images of the landscape, the food and the finished recipes complete this delightful read and unique recipe book.

The Hunters
‘An imaginative portrait of Theo Miller … and his infatuation with the seemingly glamorous figures of Sylvie de Croy and her lover … a rich reimagining of a colonial Eden in which multitudes of serpents lurked’ Sunday Times ‘Just the thing to read while sipping a cocktail or two’ iPaper ‘A gloriously dark tale, packed with heat and glamour’ LIZA KLAUSSMANN Sweeping, evocative and sumptuously told, The Hunters is a dramatic coming-of-age story, a complex portrayal of first love and family loyalty and a passionate reimagining of the Happy Valley set in all their glory and notoriety. Theo Miller is fourteen years old, bright and ambitious, when he steps off the train into the simmering heat and uproar of 1920s Nairobi. Neither he, nor his earnest younger sister Maud, is prepared for the turbulent mix of joy and pain their new life in Kenya will bring. Their father is Director of Kenyan Railways, a role it is assumed Theo will inherit. But when he meets enchanting American heiress Sylvie de Cro? and her charismatic, reckless companion, Freddie Hamilton, his aspirations turn in an instant. Sylvie and Freddie’s charm is magnetic and Theo is welcomed into the heart of their inner circle: rich, glamourous expatriates, infamous for their hedonistic lifestyles. Yet behind their intoxicating allure lies a more powerful cocktail of lust, betrayal, deceit and violence that he realises he cannot avoid. As dark clouds gather over Kenya’s future and his own, he must find a way back to his family – to Maud – before it is too late.

Mrs Whistler
‘A captivating tale …This novel is a delight’ THE TIMES ‘A terrific novel … It springs off the page’ DEBORAH MOGGACH 'Vividly engaging’ SUNDAY TIMES ‘Maud could tell the whole story, but she will not’ Chelsea 1876: Jimmy Whistler stands on the cusp of fame, ready to astound the London art world with his radical paintings. At his side is Maud Franklin, his muse, lover and occasional pupil, sharing his house, his dazzling social life and his grand hopes for the future. But Jimmy’s rebelliousness comes at a heavy price for them both as he battles a furious patron, challenges an influential and viciously hostile critic and struggles with a dire lack of cash. Before long a fight for survival is being waged through the galleries, the drawing rooms and even the courts – and Maud, Jimmy’s Madame and closest ally, is expected to do her part. The Madame has problems of her own, however. Maud has fallen pregnant, and must now face the reality of what life with Jimmy entails. As the situation starts to unravel, as loyalties are sorely tested and bankruptcy looms, she has to decide what she wants. Who she is. What she is prepared to endure. Stunning and suspenseful, this a story of one woman’s progress through a world of beauty and sacrifice, art and ambition; a story which asks what we will withstand for love, and what it means to reach for greatness.

The World’s Worst Children 2 (Read Aloud by David Walliams)
The brilliant follow-up to David Walliams’ bestseller The World’s Worst Children! Ten more stories about a brand new gang of hilariously horrible kids from everyone’s favourite children’s author, illustrated in glorious full colour by Tony Ross. If you thought you had read about the World’s Worst Children already, you’re in for a rather nasty shock. The beastly boys and gruesome girls in this book are even ruder, even more disgusting and WORSE than you could ever imagine! This gorgeous collection of ten stories from the master himself, David Walliams, will make you snort with laughter and thank your lucky stars that you don’t know anyone like Gruesome Griselda or Fussy Frankie in real life. It also features a special appearance from fan-favourite Raj! Gloriously illustrated in full colour throughout by artistic genius Tony Ross, The World’s Worst Children 2 is a side-splitting companion to David’s blockbuster hit, The World’s Worst Children, and the perfect gift for kids aged 9 and up.

Clean Eating Alice The Body Bible: Feel Fit and Fabulous from the Inside Out
Alice is a pint sized personal trainer with a passion for health and fitness. Having spent the majority of her formative years developing unhealthy habits through trying every diet there was, and gaining weight as a result, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Alice tracked her complete lifestyle change progress through her now hugely successful Instagram blog ‘Clean Eating Alice’. Now a fully qualified personal trainer, Alice wants to bring her message of balance and ditching the diet myths to the masses. The aim is to encourage everyone and anyone to readdress their eating habits and increase their activity levels to create a healthier, happier lifestyle that is ultimately sustainable. Find Alice posting regular updates of her day to day food and fitness videos on Instagram at clean_eating_alice, on twitter at alice_LDNM and on Facebook at /cleaneatingalice, where she creates a fuss and fad free approach to diet and exercise.

Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year
Neil Somerville has been writing the bestselling ‘Your Chinese Horoscope’ series since 1987 and, as his readers have discovered, these are no ordinary Horoscope books. Although they do contain predictions they also give much encouraging advice and this is what attracted Neil to Chinese horoscopes so many years ago. They are a great indicator of trends to come and, once aware of these, it is possible to adapt and benefit from this knowledge.

Clean Eating Alice Everyday Fitness: Train Smart, Eat Well and Get the Body You
Alice is a pint-sized personal trainer with a passion for health and fitness. Having spent the majority of her formative years developing unhealthy habits through trying every diet there was, and gaining weight as a result, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Alice tracked her complete lifestyle change progress through her now hugely successful Instagram blog ‘Clean Eating Alice’.

Unconquerable: The Invictus Spirit
Boris Starling is an award-winning novelist, screenwriter and journalist. His books have reached the Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller lists. He is the author of the popular HAYNES EXPLAINS series. His debut novel MESSIAH was made into a prime time BBC1 series which ran for five seasons, and he is currently writing the screenplay for an animated sci-fi reimagining of Charlie Chaplin’s THE KID. Boris writes regularly for several national newspapers and was the writer-in-residence at Max Gate, Thomas Hardy's house. Before becoming a full-time writer, he worked for an international consultancy specialising in political risk assessment, confidential investigations and kidnap negotiation. Boris lives in Dorset with his wife, children, dogs and a constantly fluctuating number of chickens and ducks.

She’s Not There
‘[An] amazing debut, packed with South London atmosphere…it has To Kill a Mockingbird written all over it… brilliant’ Daily Mail When Jonah and Raff wake up on Monday, their mother Lucy isn’t there. Although Jonah is only nine, he is the big brother, and knows enough about the world to keep her absence a secret. If anyone found out she’d left them alone, it could be disastrous for him and Raff; and she'll be back, he’s nearly sure. With growing unease, he puzzles over the clues she’s left behind. Who sent her the flowers? Why are all her shoes still in the house? Why is her phone buried in a plant pot? And who, in their diverse south London community, might know more about her than he does? For fans of My Name is Leon and The Trouble with Goats and Sheep, Tamsin Grey’s outstanding debut is tender, funny and unsettling.