套装包括: 1. 一禅漫画中国史(全两册) 2. 铲史官漫画:超有趣的病毒简史 3. 东大教授漫画日本史 4. 朕说历史漫画:原来历史这么有趣 5. 漫画大唐怪奇故事 6. 不白吃漫画了不起的食物简史 7. 1小时漫画心理学 8. 花小烙漫画:原来科普知识这么有趣 9. 赛雷三分钟漫画病毒,细菌与人类 10. 明朝那些事儿 : 漫画版(1-4套装)
黄易(清乾隆九年—嘉庆七年),字大易,号小松、秋盦,又号秋影庵主、散花滩人,浙江钱塘人,清代中期著名的书法家、篆刻家、金石学家,在书法、绘画、篆刻、碑拓、考古、金石文字等领域建树颇多,与钱大昕、王昶、翁方纲、孙星衍并称清代“金石五家”,与丁敬、蒋仁、奚冈等并称“西泠八家”。有《小蓬莱阁金石文字》(嘉庆、道光、光绪三种刻本)、《小蓬莱阁金石目》(稿本)、《秋盦词草》、《小蓬莱阁诗》、《秋盦剩稿》(清末丛书本)等传世。 金石学是清代学术的显学,同时也是清中期以后的学术根基之一,众多学者投身与此,名家辈出。而在当时,众多金石学者之间的交往是一件重要且复杂的学术文化活动,涉及面广、人员关系复杂、交往内容丰富,已经在事实上形成了所谓的“金石文化圈”。而在乾嘉时期,黄易正是这个文化圈的核心和代表人物。钱大昕在所作《小蓬莱阁金石文字序》中就说:“海内研精金石文字与予先后定交者盏廿余家,而嗜之笃而鉴之精则首推钱唐黄君秋庵”,而翁方纲在《黄秋庵传》中也说:“四方嗜古之士所得奇文石刻,无不就正于君,以是所蓄金石甲于一时”。可见黄易在当时金石学文化圈中的地位和影响力。 本书以国家图书馆藏清稿本《黄小松友朋书札》为底本。该书13册,稿本,毛装,收录了赵魏、武亿、余集等150余位友人致黄易的信札,共计310余通。信札内容以问学、访碑、治印等学术交流为主,间有日常问候之札,内容丰富,书法洒脱,笺纸亮丽,对于研究清代金石学、金石学家文化圈以及书法篆刻艺术等,均具有较高的学术价值。 为便于学者使用,本书在彩色影印底本的同时,还附有每一通尺牍的释文,加全式标点,并将制作尺牍所涉人名索引。 尺牍释文拟邀请北京大学文学院中国古典文献学专业在读博士生潘妍艳整理。 详细情况,请参见选题方案附件。
本套装包括《中国通史(国史经典插图版)》《人性的弱点(插图珍藏版)》、《1984(插图珍藏版)》、《动物农场》、《自卑与超越(精装)》、《名人传(慢读系列)》、《把信送给加西亚(精装插图版) (“慢读”系列)》、《梦的解析(经典畅销版)》、《乌合之众:群体时代的大众心理》、《月亮与六便士(一部写给千万文艺青年的梦想之书)》、《悲观声浪里的乐观》、《老人与海》、《朝花夕拾(珍藏版)》、《昆虫记(精美插图版)》、《菊与刀》、 《曾国藩家书(李鸿章校勘,随文夹注版)》、《假如给我三天光明》、《弗洛伊德,性学与爱情心理学》
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Neil Gaiman Young Readers' Collection
Neil Gaiman—winner of both a Newbery and Carnegie Medal—presents four of his best-loved acclaimed novels for young readers in this collection.Coraline: When Coraline steps through a door to find another house strangely similar to her own (only better), things seem marvelous. But there's another mother there, and another father, and they want her to stay and be their little girl. They want to change her and never let her go. Coraline will have to fight with all her wit and courage if she is to save herself and return to her ordinary life.The Graveyard Book: Bod is an unusual boy who inhabits an unusual place—he's the only living resident of a graveyard. Raised from infancy by the ghosts, werewolves, and other cemetery denizens, Bod has learned the antiquated customs of his guardians' time as well as their ghostly teachings. But can a boy raised by ghosts face the wonders and terrors of the worlds of both the living and the deadThe Graveyard Book won the Newbery Medal and the Carnegie Medal and is a Hugo Award Winner for Best Novel.Odd and the Frost Giants: In this inventive, short, yet perfectly formed novel inspired by traditional Norse mythology, Neil Gaiman takes readers on a wild and magical trip to the land of giants and gods and back.Fortunately, the Milk: Find out just how odd things get in this hilarious New York Times bestselling story of time travel and breakfast cereal, expertly told by Newbery Medalist and bestselling author Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Skottie Young.
![Kim Harrison Bundle #3](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/61/38/1900546138_ii_cover.jpg?version=27fe65c5-ef2d-4ec8-acf5-6d1006097a71555)
Kim Harrison Bundle #3
Get four novels in Kim Harrison's #1 New York Times bestselling Hollows series as one e-book! This bundle includes Pale Demon, A Perfect Blood, Ever After, and The Undead Pool. Discover this great series at a special price!Pale DemonCondemned and shunned for black magic,Rachel Morgan has three days to get to the annual witches’ conference and clear her name, or be trapped in the?demonic?ver-after . . . forever after.?But a witch, an elf, a living vampire, and a pixy in one car going across the countryTalk about a recipe for certain disaster, even without being the targets for assassination.?For after centuries of torment, a fearsome demon walks in the sunlight—freed at last to slay the innocent and devour their souls.But his ultimate goal is Rachel Morgan, and in the fight for survival that follows, even embracing her own demonic nature may not be enough to save her.A Perfect BloodRitually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and other.?Pulled in by the FIB to help investigate, former witch-turned-day-walking demon Rachel Morgan soon realizes a horrifying truth: others want to create their own demons, and to do so they need her blood.?She’s faced vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, and more—but this time Rachel’s toughest challenge might be humanity itself.Ever AfterThe ever-after, the demonic realm that parallels our own, is shrinking, and it's up to witch-turned-daywalking-demon Rachel Morgan to stop it before the fragile balance between Inderlanders and humans falls apart.?Of course, there's also the small fact that Rachel caused the ley line to rip in the first place. And the most powerful demon in the ever-after, the soul-eater Ku'Sox Sha-Ku'ru, has kidnapped her friend and her goddaughter as leverage in his quest for vengeance. If Rachel doesn't give herself up for execution, they will die.?Rachel must team up with elven tycoon Trent Kalamack— a partnership fraught with perils of the heart and soul— to rescue those she loves.The Undead PoolWitch and day-walking demon Rachel Morgan has managed to save the demonic ever-after from shrinking, but at a high cost. Now, strange magic is attacking Cincinnati and the Hollows, causing spells to backfire or go horribly wrong, and the truce between the Inderlander and human races is shattering. Rachel must stop this dark necromancy before an all-out supernatural war breaks out.?Rachel knows of only one weapon to ensure the peace: ancient elven wild magic, which carries its own perils. And no one knows better than Rachel that no good deed goes unpunished?…