

每满80减40 重塑你的亲密关系(套装共15册)
每满80减40 慢读经典系列(套装共18册)
本套装包括《中国通史(国史经典插图版)》《人性的弱点(插图珍藏版)》、《1984(插图珍藏版)》、《动物农场》、《自卑与超越(精装)》、《名人传(慢读系列)》、《把信送给加西亚(精装插图版) (“慢读”系列)》、《梦的解析(经典畅销版)》、《乌合之众:群体时代的大众心理》、《月亮与六便士(一部写给千万文艺青年的梦想之书)》、《悲观声浪里的乐观》、《老人与海》、《朝花夕拾(珍藏版)》、《昆虫记(精美插图版)》、《菊与刀》、 《曾国藩家书(李鸿章校勘,随文夹注版)》、《假如给我三天光明》、《弗洛伊德,性学与爱情心理学》
每满80减40 简·爱
Kim Harrison Bundle #3
Kim Harrison Bundle #3
Harrison, Kim
Get four novels in Kim Harrison's #1 New York Times bestselling Hollows series as one e-book! This bundle includes Pale Demon, A Perfect Blood, Ever After, and The Undead Pool. Discover this great series at a special price!Pale DemonCondemned and shunned for black magic,Rachel Morgan has three days to get to the annual witches’ conference and clear her name, or be trapped in the?demonic?ver-after . . . forever after.?But a witch, an elf, a living vampire, and a pixy in one car going across the countryTalk about a recipe for certain disaster, even without being the targets for assassination.?For after centuries of torment, a fearsome demon walks in the sunlight—freed at last to slay the innocent and devour their souls.But his ultimate goal is Rachel Morgan, and in the fight for survival that follows, even embracing her own demonic nature may not be enough to save her.A Perfect BloodRitually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and other.?Pulled in by the FIB to help investigate, former witch-turned-day-walking demon Rachel Morgan soon realizes a horrifying truth: others want to create their own demons, and to do so they need her blood.?She’s faced vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, and more—but this time Rachel’s toughest challenge might be humanity itself.Ever AfterThe ever-after, the demonic realm that parallels our own, is shrinking, and it's up to witch-turned-daywalking-demon Rachel Morgan to stop it before the fragile balance between Inderlanders and humans falls apart.?Of course, there's also the small fact that Rachel caused the ley line to rip in the first place. And the most powerful demon in the ever-after, the soul-eater Ku'Sox Sha-Ku'ru, has kidnapped her friend and her goddaughter as leverage in his quest for vengeance. If Rachel doesn't give herself up for execution, they will die.?Rachel must team up with elven tycoon Trent Kalamack— a partnership fraught with perils of the heart and soul— to rescue those she loves.The Undead PoolWitch and day-walking demon Rachel Morgan has managed to save the demonic ever-after from shrinking, but at a high cost. Now, strange magic is attacking Cincinnati and the Hollows, causing spells to backfire or go horribly wrong, and the truce between the Inderlander and human races is shattering. Rachel must stop this dark necromancy before an all-out supernatural war breaks out.?Rachel knows of only one weapon to ensure the peace: ancient elven wild magic, which carries its own perils. And no one knows better than Rachel that no good deed goes unpunished?…
Neil Gaiman Young Readers' Collection
Neil Gaiman Young Readers' Collection
Gaiman, Neil
Neil Gaiman—winner of both a Newbery and Carnegie Medal—presents four of his best-loved acclaimed novels for young readers in this collection.Coraline: When Coraline steps through a door to find another house strangely similar to her own (only better), things seem marvelous. But there's another mother there, and another father, and they want her to stay and be their little girl. They want to change her and never let her go. Coraline will have to fight with all her wit and courage if she is to save herself and return to her ordinary life.The Graveyard Book: Bod is an unusual boy who inhabits an unusual place—he's the only living resident of a graveyard. Raised from infancy by the ghosts, werewolves, and other cemetery denizens, Bod has learned the antiquated customs of his guardians' time as well as their ghostly teachings. But can a boy raised by ghosts face the wonders and terrors of the worlds of both the living and the deadThe Graveyard Book won the Newbery Medal and the Carnegie Medal and is a Hugo Award Winner for Best Novel.Odd and the Frost Giants: In this inventive, short, yet perfectly formed novel inspired by traditional Norse mythology, Neil Gaiman takes readers on a wild and magical trip to the land of giants and gods and back.Fortunately, the Milk: Find out just how odd things get in this hilarious New York Times bestselling story of time travel and breakfast cereal, expertly told by Newbery Medalist and bestselling author Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Skottie Young.
每满80减40 回望历史,红色经典(全9册)
每满80减40 “文津奖”获奖图书选集(共10册)
每满80减40 爆笑可爱的二次元美食家:我是不白吃漫画集(共7册)
不白吃全彩知识漫画 套装全7册:美食的十万个为什么+大中华美食1+2+世界美食+山海经1-3 7大地理分区,64道色香味俱全的中华美食;涵盖七大洲,58道色香味俱全的世界美食,畅读美食背后的名人轶事,历史文化、植物学、生物学、趣味八卦…… 万物皆可吃?超有趣、超生动,脑洞大开,《山海经》原来是一部上古怪兽食用指南。跟着不白吃,让孩子爱上阅读,轻松读懂山海经! 关于美食的趣味冷知识这里都有!看美食冷知识指南,满足你所有的好奇心
Alafair Burke's Ellie Hatcher Collection
Alafair Burke's Ellie Hatcher Collection
Burke, Alafair
From bestselling thriller author Alafair Burke come books 2-4 in her popular Ellie Hatcher series: 212, Angel's Tip, and Never Tell.
Once Out of Nature
Once Out of Nature
Nightingale, Andrea
Once Out of Nature offers an original interpretation of Augustine's theory of time and embodiment. Andrea Nightingale draws on philosophy, sociology, literary theory, and social history to analyze Augustine's conception of temporality, eternity, and the human and transhuman condition.?In Nightingale's view, the notion of embodiment illuminates a set of problems much larger than the body itself: it captures the human experience of being an embodied soul dwelling on earth. In Augustine's writings, humans live both in and out of nature-exiled from Eden and punished by mortality, they are "e;resident aliens"e; on earth. While the human body is subject to earthly time, the human mind is governed by what Nightingale calls psychic time. For the human psyche always stretches away from the present moment-where the physical body persists-into memories and expectations. As Nightingale explains, while the body is present in the here and now, the psyche cannot experience self-presence. Thus, for Augustine, the human being dwells in two distinct time zones, in earthly time and in psychic time. The human self, then, is a moving target.?Adam, Eve, and the resurrected saints, by contrast, live outside of time and nature: these transhumans dwell in an everlasting present.?Nightingale connects Augustine's views to contemporary debates about transhumans and suggests that Augustine's thought reflects our own ambivalent relationship with our bodies and the earth. Once Out of Nature offers a compelling invitation to ponder the boundaries of the human.
Proust among the Nations
Proust among the Nations
Rose, Jacqueline
Known for her far-reaching examinations of psychoanalysis, literature, and politics, Jacqueline Rose has in recent years turned her attention to the Israel-Palestine conflict, one of the most enduring and apparently intractable conflicts of our time. In Proust among the Nations, she takes the development of her thought on this crisis a stage further, revealing it as a distinctly Western problem.In a radical rereading of the Dreyfus affair through the lens of Marcel Proust in dialogue with Freud, Rose offers a fresh and nuanced account of the rise of Jewish nationalism and the subsequent creation of Israel. Following Proust's heirs, Beckett and Genet, and a host of Middle Eastern writers, artists, and filmmakers, Rose traces the shifting dynamic of memory and identity across the crucial and ongoing cultural links between Europe and Palestine.?A powerful and elegant analysis of the responsibility of writing, Proust among the Nations makes the case for literature as a unique resource for understanding political struggle and gives us new ways to think creatively about the violence in the Middle East.
Extreme Measures
Extreme Measures
McNab, Brian K.
Along with reproduction, balancing energy expenditure with the limits of resource acquisition is essential for both a species and a population to survive. But energy is a limited resource, as we know well, so birds and mammals-the most energy-intensive fauna on the planet-must reduce energy expenditures to maintain this balance, some taking small steps, and others extreme measures.Here Brian K. McNab draws on his over sixty years in the field to provide a comprehensive account of the energetics of birds and mammals, one fully integrated with their natural history. McNab begins with an overview of thermal rates-much of our own energy is spent maintaining our 98.6?F temperature-and explains how the basal rate of metabolism drives energy use, especially in extreme environments. He then explores those variables that interact with the basal rate of metabolism, like body size and scale and environments, highlighting their influence on behavior, distribution, and even reproductive output. Successive chapters take up energy and population dynamics and evolution. A critical central theme that runs through the book is how the energetic needs of birds and mammals come up against rapid environmental change and how this is hastening the pace of extinction.
Making of Romantic Love
Making of Romantic Love
Reddy, William M.
In the twelfth century, the Catholic Church attempted a thoroughgoing reform of marriage and sexual behavior aimed at eradicating sexual desire from Christian lives. Seeking a refuge from the very serious condemnations of the Church and relying on a courtly culture that was already preoccupied with honor and secrecy, European poets, romance writers, and lovers devised a vision of love as something quite different from desire. ?Romantic love was thus born as a movement of covert resistance.?In The Making of Romantic Love: Longing and Sexuality in Europe, South Asia, and Japan, William M. Reddy illuminates the birth of a cultural movement that managed to regulate selfish desire and render it innocent-or innocent enough. Reddy strikes out from this historical moment on an international exploration of love, contrasting the medieval development of romantic love in Europe with contemporaneous eastern traditions in Bengal and Orissa, and in Heian Japan from 900-1200 CE, where one finds no trace of an opposition between love and desire. In this comparative framework, Reddy tells an appealing tale about the rise and fall of various practices of longing, underscoring the uniqueness of the European concept of sexual desire.
A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of Her Sex
A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of Her Sex
Gabrielle Suchon
During the oppressive reign of Louis XIV, Gabrielle Suchon (1632-1703) was the most forceful female voice in France, advocating women's freedom and self-determination, access to knowledge, and assertion of authority. This volume collects Suchon's writing from two works-Treatise on Ethics and Politics (1693) and On the Celibate Life Freely Chosen; or, Life without Commitments (1700)-and demonstrates her to be an original philosophical and moral thinker and writer.Suchon argues that both women and men have inherently similar intellectual, corporeal, and spiritual capacities, which entitle them equally to essentially human prerogatives, and she displays her breadth of knowledge as she harnesses evidence from biblical, classical, patristic, and contemporary secular sources to bolster her claim. Forgotten over the centuries, these writings have been gaining increasing attention from feminist historians, students of philosophy, and scholars of seventeenth-century French literature and culture. This translation, from Domna C. Stanton and Rebecca M. Wilkin, marks the first time these works will appear in English.
Maternal Effects in Mammals
Maternal Effects in Mammals
Dario Maestripieri,Jill M. Mateo
Evolutionary maternal effects occur whenever a mother's phenotypic traits directly affect her offspring's phenotype, independent of the offspring's genotype. Some of the phenotypic traits that result in maternal effects have a genetic basis, whereas others are environmentally determined. For example, the size of a litter produced by a mammalian mother-a trait with a strong genetic basis-can affect the growth rate of her offspring, while a mother's dominance rank-an environmentally determined trait-can affect the dominance rank of her offspring. The first volume published on the subject in more than a decade, Maternal Effects in Mammals reflects advances in genomic, ecological, and behavioral research, as well new understandings of the evolutionary interplay between mothers and their offspring. Dario Maestripieri and Jill M. Mateo bring together a learned group of contributors to synthesize the vast literature on a range of species, highlight evolutionary processes that were previously overlooked, and propose new avenues of research. Maternal Effects in Mammals will serve as the most comprehensive compendium on and stimulus for interdisciplinary treatments of mammalian maternal effects.
Doctors and Demonstrators
Doctors and Demonstrators
Halfmann, Drew
Since Roe v. Wade, abortion has continued to be a divisive political issue in the United States. In contrast, it has remained primarily a medical issue in Britain and Canada despite the countries' shared heritage. Doctors and Demonstrators looks beyond simplistic cultural or religious explanations to find out why abortion politics and policies differ so dramatically in these otherwise similar countries.?Drew Halfmann argues that political institutions are the key. In the United States, federalism, judicial review, and a private health care system contributed to the public definition of abortion as an individual right rather than a medical necessity. Meanwhile, Halfmann explains, the porous structure of American political parties gave pro-choice and pro-life groups the opportunity to move the issue onto the political agenda. A groundbreaking study of the complex legal and political factors behind the evolution of abortion policy, Doctors and Demonstrators will be vital for anyone trying to understand this contentious issue.
The emergence of the Classical Style in Greek Sculpture
The emergence of the Classical Style in Greek Sculpture
Richard Neer
This book was written in Chicago and Rome during the years 2002-2005.Difficulties in obtaining photographs (some insurmountable) delayed publication; the bibliography is reasonably up to date through early 2006 but later additions have been unsystematic.
Eshel, Amir
When looking at how trauma is represented in literature and the arts, we tend to focus on the weight of the past. In this book, Amir Eshel suggests that this retrospective gaze has trapped us in a search for reason in the madness of the twentieth century's catastrophes at the expense of literature's prospective vision. Considering several key literary works, Eshel argues in Futurity that by grappling with watershed events of modernity, these works display a future-centric engagement with the past that opens up the present to new political, cultural, and ethical possibilities-what he calls futurity.?Bringing together postwar German, Israeli, and Anglo-American literature, Eshel traces a shared trajectory of futurity in world literature. He begins by examining German works of fiction and the debates they spurred over the future character of Germany's public sphere. Turning to literary works by Jewish-Israeli writers as they revisit Israel's political birth, he shows how these stories inspired a powerful reconsideration of Israel's identity. Eshel then discusses post-1989 literature-from Ian McEwan's Black Dogs to J. M. Coetzee's Diary of a Bad Year-revealing how these books turn to events like World War II and the Iraq War not simply to make sense of the past but to contemplate the political and intellectual horizon that emerged after 1989. Bringing to light how reflections on the past create tools for the future, Futurity reminds us of the numerous possibilities literature holds for grappling with the challenges of both today and tomorrow.
Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals
Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals
Dombrowski, Daniel A.
Despite their influence in our culture, sports inspire dramatically less philosophical consideration than such ostensibly weightier topics as religion, politics, or science. Arguing that athletic playfulness coexists with serious underpinnings, and that both demand more substantive attention, Daniel Dombrowski harnesses the insights of ancient Greek thinkers to illuminate contemporary athletics.Dombrowski contends that the ideas of Plato, Aristotle, and Plotinus shed important light on issues-such as the pursuit of excellence, the concept of play, and the power of accepting physical limitations while also improving one's body-that remain just as relevant in our sports-obsessed age as they were in ancient Greece. Bringing these concepts to bear on contemporary concerns, Dombrowski considers such questions as whether athletic competition can be a moral substitute for war, whether it necessarily constitutes war by other means, and whether it encourages fascist tendencies or ethical virtue. The first volume to philosophically explore twenty-first-century sport in the context of its ancient predecessor, Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals reveals that their relationship has great and previously untapped potential to inform our understanding of human nature.
Plague Writing in Early Modern England
Plague Writing in Early Modern England
Gilman, Ernest B.
During the seventeenth century, England was beset by three epidemics of the bubonic plague, each outbreak claiming between a quarter and a third of the population of London and other urban centers. Surveying a wide range of responses to these epidemics-sermons, medical tracts, pious exhortations, satirical pamphlets, and political commentary-Plague Writing in Early Modern England brings to life the many and complex ways Londoners made sense of such unspeakable devastation.Ernest B. Gilman argues that the plague writing of the period attempted unsuccessfully to rationalize the catastrophic and that its failure to account for the plague as an instrument of divine justice fundamentally threatened the core of Christian belief. Gilman also trains his critical eye on the works of Jonson, Donne, Pepys, and Defoe, which, he posits, can be more fully understood when put into the context of this century-long project to "e;write out"e; the plague. Ultimately, Plague Writing in Early Modern England is more than a compendium of artifacts of a bygone era; it holds up a distant mirror to reflect our own condition in the age of AIDS, super viruses, multidrug resistant tuberculosis, and the hovering threat of a global flu pandemic.
Enigma of the Aerofoil
Enigma of the Aerofoil
Bloor, David
Why do aircraft flyHow do their wings support themIn the early years of aviation, there was an intense dispute between British and German experts over the question of why and how an aircraft wing provides lift. The British, under the leadership of the great Cambridge mathematical physicist Lord Rayleigh, produced highly elaborate investigations of the nature of discontinuous flow, while the Germans, following Ludwig Prandtl in Gottingen, relied on the tradition called "e;technical mechanics"e; to explain the flow of air around a wing. Much of the basis of modern aerodynamics emerged from this remarkable episode, yet it has never been subject to a detailed historical and sociological analysis.?In The Enigma of the Aerofoil, David Bloor probes a neglected aspect of this important period in the history of aviation. Bloor draws upon papers by the participants-their restricted technical reports, meeting minutes, and personal correspondence, much of which has never before been published-and reveals the impact that the divergent mathematical traditions of Cambridge and Gttingen had on this great debate. Bloor also addresses why the British, even after discovering the failings of their own theory, remained resistant to the German circulation theory for more than a decade. The result is essential reading for anyone studying the history, philosophy, or sociology of science or technology-and for all those intrigued by flight.