God versus Particle Physics
The book presents the conclusions of a psychologist seeking to make sense of contemporary particle physics as described in a number of popular science texts and media articles, written by physicists, seeking to explain the workings of the sub-atomic world. The accounts, it is argued, are a) mutually exclusive and contradictory, and b) metaphysical or magical in essence.Themes of the book include: a discussion of the way we allow physicists to invent things that have no perceivable qualities, on the grounds that they 'must' be there because otherwise their preconceptions are wrong or their sums don't work; that, from a psychological perspective, contemporary theory in particle physics has the same properties as any other act of faith, and the same limitations as belief in God; and that physics has now reached a point at which increasingly physicists research their own psychological constructions rather than anything which is unambiguously 'there' or real.It encourages people to ask basic questions of the type we often use to question the existence of God; such as 'Where is he/it?', 'Show me?', 'Do it then', 'When did it happen?', 'How do you know it exists?', and so on, and suggests that people take a leaf out of Dawkins' text, The God Delusion, but apply it to high-end physics as much as to religious dogma: turning water into wine is a mere conjuring trick compared to producing an entire universe out of nothing.

Capitalism and Human Values
Capitalism is not enough. It has brought us prosperity and no other economic system can match its energy and innovation, but it has a dark side of exploitation and instability.Capitalism needs to be bounded by values. But which values? What indeed are values anyway and how do we locate and share values strong enough to balance the power of capitalism in society? Relativism has swept away old certainties and we struggle to agree what should lie at the centre of our lives.In this book we construct a foundation for values based on our common humanity and explore personal, social and political values from a fresh perspective.We show how with values placed on a strong foundation individual lives can reacquire meaning and purpose. Politics can be transformed from the half-corrupted subject of popular indifference it has become. Above all, capitalism can be a tool for good, a servant rather than a master.

Orwell's Faded Lion
Orwell's Faded Lion traces the history of Britain from the end of the Second World War, during the darkest days of which George Orwell wrote The Lion and the Unicorn, calling for a British revolution, to the present. The book confronts the actual direction taken by British society against the background of the high hopes of the generation that survived the war. The book also considers Britain alongside its European neighbours, drawing upon personal experiences of living and travelling widely in Europe, as well as experience of left-wing party politics and of the Northern Ireland situation in the 1980s.

In Their Right Minds
In 1976, Julian Jaynes proposed that the language of poetry and prophecy originated in the right, "e;god-side"e; of the brain. Current neuroscientific evidence confirms the role of the right hemisphere in poetry, a sensed presence, and paranormal claims as well as in mental imbalance. Left-hemispheric dominance for language is the norm. An atypically enhanced right hemisphere, whether attained through genetic predisposition, left-hemispheric damage, epilepsy, childhood or later traumas, can create hypersensitivities along with special skills. Dissociative "e;Others"e; may arise unbidden or be coaxed out through occult practices. Based on nearly twenty years of scientific and literary research, this book enters the atypical minds of poetic geniuses - Blake, Keats, Hugo, Rilke, Yeats, Merrill, Plath and Hughes - by way of the visible signs in their lives, beliefs, and shared practices.

The Women Jefferson Loved
Throughout his life, Thomas Jefferson constructed a seemingly impenetrable wall between his public legacy and his private life, a division maintained by his family and the several traditional biographies written about this founding father. Now Virginia Scharff breaks down the barrier between Jefferson's public and private histories to offer an intriguing new portrait of this complicated and influential figure, as seen through the lives of a remarkable group of women.Scharff brings together for the first time in one volume the stories of these diverse women, separated by race but related by blood, including Jefferson's mother, Jane Randolph; his wife, Martha; her half sister, Sally Hemings, his slave mistress; his daughters; and his granddaughters. "Their lives, their Revolutions, their vulnerabilities, shaped the choices Jefferson made, from the selection of words and ideas in his Declaration, to the endless building of his mountaintop mansion, to the vision of a great agrarian nation that powered his Louisiana Purchase," Scharff writes. Based on a wealth of sources, including family letters, and written with empathy and great insight, The Women Jefferson Loved is a welcome new look at this legendary American and one that offers a fresh twist on American history itself.

Every Man a Speculator
Americans have experienced a love-hate relationship with Wall Street for two hundred years. Long an object of suspicion, fear, and even revulsion, the Street eventually came to be seen as an alluring pathway to wealth and freedom. Steve Fraser tells the story of this remarkable transformation in a brilliant, masterfully written narrative filled with colorful tales of confidence men and aristocrats, Napoleonic financiers and reckless adventurers, master builders and roguish destroyers. Penetrating and engrossing, this is an extraordinary work of history that illuminates the values and the character of our nation.

Fragmente de via?? ?i de istorie tr?it?
Un mister de 5 000 de ani este, ?n sf?r?it, elucidat.Opt zile ?nainte de solsti?iul de var?, ?n str?vechiul sit Stonehenge, un b?rbat este ?njunghiat ?n cadrul unui ritual la care particip? un grup de oameni ?nve?m?nta?i ?n robe. C?teva ore mai t?rziu, unul dintre cei mai importan?i v?n?tori de comori din lume se sinucide ?n propria cas?, l?s?ndu-i fiului s?u, t?n?rul arheolog Gideon Chase, o scrisoare misterioas?… ?n ?ncercarea de descoperi ce se ascunde ?n spatele acestei sinucideri, Gideon intr? ?ntr-o lume dominat? de o ordine str?veche: ritualuri, procesiuni, sacrificii. ?ntr-un sanctuar labirintic din apropiere de Stonehenge au loc ritualurile de purificare ale unei societ??i secrete care ??i transmite ?nv???turile din genera?ie ?n genera?ie. Av?nd la c?rm? un lider nou, charismatic ?i nemilos, grupul s?v?r?e?te sacrificii umane rituale, ?n ?ncercarea terifiant? de a dezv?lui secretul pietrelor.Un thriller exploziv, care concureaz? chiar ?i cel mai bun roman al lui Dan Brown.?Christer combin? cu succes jurnale secrete, coduri ?i o serie de detalii istorice fascinante, despre unul dintre cele mai misterioase locuri din lume.“ – Publishers Weekly?Cu o eficacitate diabolic?, povestea descrie plauzibil legendele supranaturale care ?nv?luie acest sit de 5 000 de ani.“ – Le Parisien?Captivanta simbolistic? a lui Dan Brown se ?mbin? cu ac?iunea exploziv? a lui Indiana Jones ?i cu investiga?ia detectivistic? a Patriciei Cornwell.“ – Longridge NewsCel mai bine v?ndut thriller ?n Marea BritanieRoman publicat ?n 40 de ??ri

Practically Posh
Practically Posh is the budget babe's guide to the good life. Filled with thrifty tips and delivered with style and humor, this do-it-yourself handbook is designed for glam girls on the go who want to live large on their little paychecks.Packed with brilliantly simple advice, Robyn Moreno teaches that it's about more than just finding deals—it's about finding pleasure in your present life. It is about being resourceful—working with what you have, then working what you have. Practically Posh is your bible for living as a bon vivant on a budget.From how to score a seat at the trendiest restaurant and tips for being arty without being affected, to easy cheats for staying beautiful and advice on how to book your dream vacation now, the book includes anecdotes, sidebars, quotes, quizzes, and gorgeous photos to punctuate the information from Moreno and her team of experts.So for anyone who refuses to be slowed down by life's practicalities, let ingenuity and attitude be your currency and Practically Posh be your guide.

传统的标准解释将始于工业革命的英国现代经济增长归因于地理因素,以及市场、政治和社会的作用。在这部划时代的历史著作中,经济史学家乔尔·莫克尔将经济史、政治史、社会史,尤其是思想史相结合,全面考察了英国在1700年之后一个半世纪中的经济发展,有力地论证了启蒙运动带来的创造性及其对社会步和科技发展的信念,影响了英国思想家、发明家、企业家和工匠的经济行为,而引领英国迈工业革命和现代经济增长。从这个意义上说,如果我们认识不到启蒙时代英国思想巨变的重要性,也就无法理解工业革命。 本书超越了传统解释,强调了思想和信念在现代经济增长中的核心作用,为我们重新理解工业革命和西方世界的兴起提供了全新的视角。

国家医师资格考试实践技能考试指导. 中西医结合执业助理医师(2019)
为帮助考生有效地掌握执业所必须具备的基础理、基本知识和基本技能,具有综合应用能力,能够安全有效地从事医疗工作,国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心根据2016年版中医、中西医结合实践技能考试大纲,组织专家精心编写了《国家医师资格考试实践技能考试指导.中西医结合执业助理医师》。本书以大纲为中心行细化与扩展,内容完全涵盖大纲要求的知识,重突出。 《医师资格考试实践技能考试指导·中医执业医师》 《医师资格考试实践技能考试指导·中医执业助理医师》 《医师资格考试实践技能考试指导·中西医结合执业医师》 《医师资格考试实践技能考试指导·中西医结合执业助理医师》 《医师资格考试实践技能考试指导·中医执业医师和中医执业助理医师》

西方哲学史 第四卷 近代:理性主义和经验主义,英国哲学

本书收录了中国建筑学会室内设计分会2018 年举办的第二十一届中国室内设计大奖赛的各类获奖作品。内容包括工程类作品(酒店会所、餐饮、休闲娱乐、零售商业、办公、文化展览、大型公共建筑、教育医疗、住宅),方案类作品(概念创新、文化传承、生态环保),以及选奖作品(酒店会所、餐饮、休闲娱乐、零售商业、办公、文化展览、公共建筑、教育医疗、住宅、概念创新、文化传承、生态环保、新秀奖)。本书可供室内设计、建筑设计、环艺设计、景观设计等专业的设计师和院校师生借鉴参考。

This book summarizes the authors' decades of clinical experience and theoretical studies in essential principles, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of the AVN of the femoral head. The authors analyze from an interdisciplinary perspective such as orthopedic biomechanics, investigates the general Pattern in femoral head remodeling and proposes the hip joint repair guidelines and stress-electromechanical principles. Chinese medical therapies in this book have been proven effective by numerous clinical cases. The diagnosis and treatment methods are therefore listed as top 10 popularization project by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.This book can be used as a reference for orthopedic and traumatology doctors and medical.

《全国法律硕士专业学位研究生入学联考考试指南(第二十四版)》是由全国法律专业学位研究生教育指导委员会组编的针对全国法律硕士联考的考前辅导图书: 1.本书严格依据2024年法硕联考新大纲修订。根据《法律硕士专业学位联考考试大纲》的要求,该专业考试的参考书目限于各高等院校的教材和专家学者的有关著述,但由于历年联考的参考答案和评分标准是统一的,因此各高等院校的教材和专家学者的有关著述并不能满足统一评分标准的要求,为此,全国法律专业学位研究生教育指导委员会组织专家精心编写了《全国法律硕士专业学位研究生入学联考考试指南》,满足历年联考统一考试复习使用。 2.本书含五科内容,适用于非法学和法学方向。编写详略得当,难易结合,兼顾适用于基础比较薄弱以及有一定基础水平的考生。 3. 本书知识点覆盖*、重点突出,针对性很强。对考试大纲要点进行详细解读,并据此对命题趋势和方向进行合理分析,帮助考生合理安排复习时间,合理把握复习范围。

◆《你没有退路,才有出路》:本书是“迷茫患者”的生存指南,“懒癌患者”的自救手册,“社交障碍患者”的行动方法……只要你愿意改变,拿出破釜沉舟的勇气,不给自己留退路,你的人生有无限可能。 ◆《人设》:这是人人拥有人设的时代,也是人设集体崩塌的时代。我们每天在社交圈里扮演着别人,却对真实的自己越来越陌生。在这个假面横行的时代,我们都需要一场“崩塌”,摆脱桎梏般的“人设”,然后去和那个渐行渐远的自己,见上一面。 ◆《你的努力,要配得上你的野心》:这个时代,你要么不努力,要么拼尽全力。全书43篇辛辣醒脑的文章,独到的思考方式,暖心的成长故事,让你看清现实,转变成长思维,预约成功。 ◆《刺》:在家长的监控死角,社会的道德盲区,法律的灰色地带。谁来保护我们?每个人,都有可能是受害者。百万销量作者李尚龙,历时365天精心打磨,为校园暴力、职场暴力、网络暴力强势发声,以笔当枪,与这个世界决战。 ◆《你只是看起来很努力(全新修订版)》:全书50余篇作者亲历亲闻故事,以犀利的视角,独到另类的思考方式,为你揭开成长成功之路上的面纱,让你看清现实,认清自己。让每一个面对学业压力、青春迷茫、爱情困惑的年轻人,都能够无惧无畏,成就更好的自己。


《空谷幽兰》 空谷幽兰,常用来比喻品行高雅的人,在中国历史上,隐士这个独特的群体中就汇聚了许多这样的高洁之士,而今这些人是否还存在于中国广袤的国土之上?这是一直在困扰着比尔?波特的问题。因此,他于20世纪80年代末,亲自来到中国寻找隐士文化的传统与历史踪迹,并探访了散居于各地的隐修者…… 《黄河之旅》 作为中国传统文化的仰慕者和研究者,比尔?波特于1991年春进行了一次追寻中*亲河——黄河源头的旅行,探访了黄河沿岸的重要历史遗迹和自然景观。他凭借着对中国文化的执著与热情和对黄河之源的强烈好奇,战胜重重困难,坚持走完全程。再次为广大读者带来了这本充满文化底蕴的行走笔记。 《禅的行囊》 本书是美国著名汉学家比尔?波特继《空谷幽兰》后的又一力作。比尔?波特作者于2006年春进行了一次穿越中国中心地带的旅行,追溯了已经成为中国本土文化的重要支脉之一的禅宗,其各代祖师在不同历史时期的游历经历,并诉说了他多年来对禅的深深体悟。 《丝绸之路》 比尔·波特和朋友芬恩结伴从西安启程,经河西走廊至新疆,沿古代丝绸之路北线从喀什出镜到达巴基斯坦境内的伊斯兰堡的丝绸之路追溯之旅。让我们作者的脚步,重温丝路沿线风光壮美的沙漠、长河、戈壁、牵人思绪的佛龛、长城、石窟、古道、城堡和无数动人的历史传说,领略历经沧海桑田的千年丝路文明。 《彩云之南》 比尔·波特根据其在20多年前在我国西南云桂黔地区的亲身游历,以生动、幽默的语言为读者图文并茂地记录了自己“彩云之南”一路上的所见所闻,带我们领略西南边陲地区少数名族那些鲜为人知的故事。




本书涵盖深度学习的专业基础理论知识,包括深度学习概述、机器学习基础、神经网络基础、卷积神经网络、循环神经网络、正则化与深度学习优化,以及比较流行的应用场景实践。本书配套70个示例源码及PPT课件。 本书共11章外加3个附录,系统讲解深度学习的基础知识与领域应用实践。本书内容包括深度学习概述、机器学习基础、神经网络基础、卷积神经网络和循环神经网络、正则化与深度学习优化、计算机视觉应用、目标检测应用、文本分析应用、深度强化学习应用、TensorFlow模型应用、Transformer模型应用等。附录中还给出机器学习和深度学习中用到的数学基础知识,包括线性代数、概率论和信息论等。 本书适合Python深度学习初学者、深度学习算法发人员学习,也适合作为高等院校计算机技术、人工智能、大数据相关专业的教材或教学参考书。